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苏敬勤  张琳琳 《科研管理》2015,36(10):44-50
通过归纳和扎根分析,本文验证了一个复杂技术子类别——复杂消费产品的存在,并对其概念、特征和情境表现进行了探究。结果发现,根据产品类别、生产类型和技术复杂性等三个维度可以识别出复杂消费产品;与复杂产品系统和大规模生产产品不同,复杂消费产品具有零部件界面复杂等产品特征、大批量生产等生产特征、技术含量高等技术特征、市场驱动等创新特征、国际化水平高等竞争与合作特征、交易数量多等市场特征。同时,在发展过程中,中国复杂消费产品表现出一些独特的特征情境,包括缺乏核心关键件技术等技术特征,缺乏科技进步驱动创新、柔性化创新等创新特征、受到中度规制的市场向一般市场机制演化、政府从中度调控向低度调控演化等市场特征。  相似文献   

民间流传着“生姜治百病”之说。因为姜中含有姜醇、姜烯、水芹烯、柠檬醛等油性的挥发油,还有姜辣素、树脂、淀粉和纤维等。所以,姜在炎热时节有兴奋提神、排汗降温等作用,可缓解疲劳乏力、厌食失眠、腹胀腹痛等症。  相似文献   

地面设计通过色彩、材料、质感、造型等种种因素,结合相应的场所、环境、文化等要素,与植物、山水、建筑等统一起来进行综合设计,给人们带来不同的环境景观感受。  相似文献   

为了逐步建立耕地质量等别年度更新评价评价机制,做到耕地质量动态更新,保持耕地质量等别成果的现势性,国土资源部在全国范围内开展了耕地质量等别更新评价(简称"评价")工作,即在上一年度耕地等别质量成果的基础上,针对每年耕地现状变化(占、毁、调、退、补)及耕地质量等别建设(整理、复垦及农业综合开发、农田水利建设等)引起的耕地质量等别变化开展年度耕地质量等别评价。全面掌握年度内耕地现状变化及耕地质量建设引起的耕地质量等别变化情况,服务于土地管理的日常工作,并为制定相关的耕地保护政策提供依据。  相似文献   

李梅浠 《金秋科苑》2008,(21):91-91
民间流传着“生姜治百病”之说。因为姜中含有姜醇、姜烯、水芹烯、柠檬醛等油性的挥发油,还有姜辣素、树脂、淀粉和纤维等。所以,姜在炎热时节有兴奋提神、排汗降温等作用,可缓解疲劳乏力、厌食失眠、腹胀腹痛等症。  相似文献   

地面设计通过色彩、材料、质感、造型等种种因素,结合相应的场所、环境、文化等要素,与植物、山水、建筑等统一起来进行综合设计,给人们带来不同的环境景观感受。  相似文献   

对国内微博客网站的实用性、分享方式、上传内容、娱乐性等进行分析,针对微博客网站的低活跃度,缺乏营利模式等问题,提出企业合作、运营商联营、SNS网站互通、特色服务等发展策略。  相似文献   

沈海军 《百科知识》2010,(14):31-32
自从莱特兄弟发明动力飞机以来,以燃油作为能源一直是航空器发展的主流。然而,随着能源短缺、油价上涨等问题的日益加剧,以及节能、环保等理念的不断深入,利用太阳能、氢能、电能等新能源为动力的飞机层出不穷。近些年来,用微波作为驱动力的新型飞机已经出现在加拿大、美国、日本等发达国家。  相似文献   

徐传宏 《知识窗》2008,(7):57-57
牙痛是口腔科最常见的症状之一,可由龋齿、牙周炎等多种牙源性疾病引起,也可能由三叉神经痛、上颌窦炎、颌骨肿瘤等非牙源性疾病引起。临床表现为锐痛、钝痛、冷热刺激痛等特征。中医认为本症由风热外邪、胃火上冲、风寒凝滞、虚火上炎等多种原因引起。  相似文献   

曲靖市已基本形成卷烟等六大支柱产业。煤、电、矿冶等传统产业比较大,转型升级压力大,问题也突出。曲靖市重点产业转型升级的重点,应该是现代装备制造业等。围绕总体发展目标,重点做好重大成果转化、构建产业技术创新战略联盟等工作,并采取加强对科技工作的领导、加大科技投入、深化科技改革等措施,实现重点产业转型升级。  相似文献   

Quantification of total and individual amino acids in biological fluids such as plasma, urine and cerebrospinal fluid has an important diagnostic implication in laboratory medicine. The present paper describes protocols for the assay of total amino acids by modified method based on dinitrophenyl and HPLC profile involving pre-column derivatization with o-pthalaldehyde (OPA) derivatization, respectively. The method, based on the alkylation of-SH groups prior to OPA derivatization of amino acids followed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, provide a comprehensive profile of more than twenty amino acids (including-SH group containing) in a single run lasting about 45 minutes. The present study, apart from establishing the normal profile of amino acids in plasma of Indian sub population, also presents HPLC profile for some of the rare amino acidopathies.  相似文献   

北部湾革囊星虫和方格星虫主要营养成分比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析比较革囊星虫和方格星虫主要营养成分。结果,革囊星虫鲜样中粗蛋白(15.5%)高于方格星虫(11.2%),灰分(0.98%)低于方格星虫(1.01%);革囊星虫和方格星虫中测出18种氨基酸,革囊星虫的氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸总量及鲜味氨基酸总量均高于方格星虫,必需氨基酸组成符合FAO/WHO对于膳食蛋白质营养评价理想模式;革囊星虫矿物元素含量均高于方格星虫,革囊星虫的锌铜、锌铁比值合理.研究表明,革囊星虫氨基酸种类组成合理,营养价值等同方格星虫。  相似文献   

电位滴定法测定柑橘类水果总有机酸的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了测定柑橘类水果总有机酸含量的方法,用电位滴定法测定了其5个品种中总有机酸。结果显示:测定总有机酸含量RSD在0.37%~2.34%(n=6)之间,平均回收率为98.98%,该法稳定性和精密度都较好。  相似文献   

马蓉  张立军  丁锐  敖永华  胡紫菱  刘姗 《科技通报》2012,28(3):49-56,99
总结了大肠杆菌氨基酸的原初主动转运蛋白、次级主动转运蛋白和易化扩散载体在其种类、功能、结构和转运机制方面的研究进展.详细介绍了氨基酸与势能离子相伴的同向共转运和反向共转运,并提出了大肠杆菌氨基酸转运研究中存在问题及展望.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the constituents of fatty acids from the seed oils of Pinaceae in China, including 30 species belonging to 8 genera.  Discovered are three characteristic fatty acids, i.e. Cis-5,9-octadecadienoic acid, Cis-5,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid and Cis-5, 11, 14-eicosatrienoic acid. Based on the data obtained, the distribution of the three characteristic fatty acids in Pinaceae of China is also discussed.  相似文献   

The levels of cytotoxic aldehydic products in different culinary oils, with or without thermal stress, (routine domestic or commercial frying) were determined by thiobarbituric acid method. The results showed that (i) thiobarbituric acid reactivity was much higher in edible oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids than those rich in saturated fatty acids or monounsaturated fatty acids, even without thermal stress, (ii) the lipid peroxide levels were in proportion to the duration of thermal stress, (iii) nature of the container used (steel, iron or teflon-coated) had no significant effect on the extent of lipid peroxidation under identical conditions of thermal stress and (iv) thermally stressed oils collected from hotels and roadside caterers contained higher levels of cytotoxic aldehydic products, when compared to oils thermally stressed under domestic frying conditions. These results suggest that dietary ingestion of thermally or autoxidatively stressed polyunsaturated fatty acid rich culinary oils is more harmful compared with those similarly treated oils rich in saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The effect of acute hypoxic hypoxia on the profile of plasma amino acids in rats was studied and compared to that resulting from acute liver injury induced by giving carbon tetrachloride. In hypoxic rats exposed to 45% air in N2 for 5 h, the concentrations of branched chain amino acids, including valine, leucine and isoleucine, and aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine and tyrosine were significantly increased as compared to those in normoxic rats. The ratio of branched-chain to aromatic amino acids (Fischer’s ratio) was significantly decreased. The levels of arginine and citrulline, which are related to the urea cycle, were also depressed. Furthermore, plasma proline level was reduced in hypoxic rats. The activities of plasma marker enzymes for tissue damage remained unchanged during hypoxia, indicating that tissue injury was not induced by exposure to hypoxic conditions. We suggest that the characteristic profile of plasma amino acids and the Fischer ratio are valuable tools for understanding the pathology of acute hypoxia in the absence of systemic tissue damage.  相似文献   

牟一平  刘俊涛 《科技通报》1996,12(6):321-323
本实验运用离子选择性微电极技术直接测定了鼠胆道梗阻前后肝、肾细胞内的胆汁酸活度。结果表明,胆道梗阻2周,肝、肾细胞内胆汁酸活度明显升高,其中肝细胞内达5.46mmol/L,肾细胞内达0.37mmol/L,已达到或接近体外膜损害浓度,提示胆汁酸可能是梗阻性黄疸引起肝、肾细胞超微结构损害的因素之一。  相似文献   

刺五加提取物对断奶仔猪氨基酸消化吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选用体重相近的21日龄断奶的三元杂交仔猪60头,按完全区组设计分为3个处理,处理1饲喂添加0.10%刺五加提取物日粮,处理2饲喂添加0.02%硫酸粘杆菌素日粮,处理3饲喂基础日粮. 分别于添加后第7、14和28 d每个处理随机取5头试猪,前腔静脉采血,测定血清游离氨基酸含量;采血后的试猪经麻醉处死,取回肠末端食糜测定其中的氨基酸含量. 结果表明,随着饲喂时间的延长,刺五加提取物显著提高仔猪血清中游离氨基酸的含量,降低回肠食糜中氨基酸的含量. 提示刺五加提取物可促进断奶仔猪对蛋白质的消化,增加小肠对氨基酸的吸收,有助于仔猪的生长.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of gall stones is essential for aetiopathogensis of gallstone disease. We have reported quantitative chemical analysis of total cholesterol bilirubin, calcium, iron and inorganic phosphate in 120 gallstones from haryana. To extend this chemical analysis of gall stones by studying more cases and by analyzing more chemical constituents. A quantitative chemical analysis of total cholesterol, total bilirubin, fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, bile acids, soluble proteins, sodium potassium, magnesium, copper, oxalate and chlorides of biliary calculi (52 cholesterol, 76 mixed and 72 pigment) retrieved from surgical operation of 200 patients from Haryana state was carried out. Total cholesterol as the major component and total bilirubin, phospholipids, triglycerides, bile acids, fatty acids (esterified), soluble protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, inorganic phosphate, oxalate and chloride as minor components were found in all types of calculi. The cholesterol stones had higher content of total cholesterol, phospholipids, fatty acids (esterified), inorganic phosphate and copper compared to mixed and pigment stones. The mixed stones had higher content of iron and triglycerides than to cholesterol and pigment stones. The pigment stones were richer in total bilirubin, bile acids, calcium, oxalate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and soluble protein compared to cholesterol and mixed stones. Although total cholesterol was a major component of cholesterol, mixed and pigment gall stone in Haryana, the content of most of the other lipids, cations and anions was different in different gall stones indicating their different mechanism of formation.  相似文献   

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