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1  Introduction   The automation of the Chinese libraries is developed on two bases.The first is library informationmanagement automation which is to implement the computerised management of acquisition,cataloguing,circulation,serials control etc.The second is information retrieval which is to provide information service toreaders by user- developed databases,on- line databases,or CD- ROM.In the nineties,along with theeconomic development,China has made great strides in the development o…  相似文献   

1General introduction   The special libraries in the Chinese mainland have experienced 3development periods. 1From thebeginning of5 0 s to the end of70 s,all the special libraries focused on the collection development,in thatperiod relatively backward and limited library service were provided. 2 After the end of 70 s,computertechnology was introduced to the field which caused a large amount of bibliographic and secondary publicationdatabases'construction.That is to say,on the basis of the p…  相似文献   

Controlled Digital Lending(CDL) is a new model by which libraries digitize materials in their collection and make them available for controlled lending. CDL was initially introduced 10 years ago and has been developed quickly after 2020. This paper sorts out the concept and development of CDL, and divides the process of CDL into embryonic stage(2011-2017), exploratory stage(2018-2019) and development stage (2020 to present). In the embryonic stage, although there were related research and attempts, the specific concept of CDL had not been formed and the practice was not enough. In the exploratory stage, the concept and core principles of CDL had been defined and received plenty of attention in the American library community. During the development stage, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought opportunities for CDL to globalize, and CDL is supported by the library circle around the world. This paper analyzes the feasibility of CDL according to the relevant laws and regulations in the United States, Europe and the international community. In the United States, CDL is mainly based on the principle of first sale doctrine and fair use; in Europe, CDL is mainly related to relevant directives and copyright restrictions and exceptions; among the international community, CDL basically complies with the relevant provisions of the three-step test. This paper summarizes the status quo and specific operation mode of CDL practice abroad, in the hope of providing suggestions for the specific practice of CDL in Chinese university libraries. The authors sort out the official website documents of well-known foreign library organizations and CDL tool development institutions, summarize foreign practical cases of CDL, and analyze related application cases in foreign university libraries and CDL tool. This paper discusses the legal possibility of implementing CDL in China. A further review of relevant domestic laws has found that, although the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China only stipulates 12 acts that can use works without permission and remuneration, the court can still determine that the mode of CDL constitutes fair use based on the general provisions of the fair use in dealing with cases related to CDL. Lastly, this paper points out that China’s libraries, especially university libraries, shall limit the books types, reasonably apply CDL tools, actively cooperate with publisher, and build the platform of digital lending resources sharing to promote the digital services transformation of physical library in CDL way. 38 refs. © 2023, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Since the electronic resources and Internet Web sites became popular, distance education courses offered via the Internet could play an important role in providing global digital resources and teaching the knowledge of international library and information standards for bibliographic databases with electronic and web resources.This paper uses the example of the author's new online course: ILS 608 Cataloging and Development of a Digital Union Catalog for Ancient Chinese Books to demonstrate the global resources sharing of the different information organization knowledge and standards practiced by library and information professionals in the East and West world from library and information communities.From this online course, students will be able to access digital resources downloaded or linked to the course units, and to learn the knowledge for cataloging ancient Chinese books from both East and West world. Most of these digital resources are provided online by academic and research institutions and nat  相似文献   

Recommender systems can be a powerful tool for digital libraries if they implement the systems right to information seekers. While patrons have shown an increased interest in recommender systems, digital libraries ought to offer personalized services and assist users both novice and experienced with more sophisticate information retrieval technologies. By guiding users to timely, accurate, and suitable resources within the library the recommender system could take the place of the reference librarian of the bricks and mortar library to enhance the digital libraries services.  相似文献   

The environment and pattern of scientific research are developing towards digital, open and community-oriented , and influenced by the increasingly diversified data resources and the mature of various methods. All these make the researchers' demand becoming more complicated and deepened. The evolution of scientific research puts forward higher requirement for the data demand management of collegial researchers. We constructed an analytical framework of the influencing factors of data demand management for scientific researchers based on the grounded theory. The interaction of key elements involved in the framework was analyzed , aiming to reveal the influence mechanism of key factors on researchers, data demand management. This research is composed of four parts research problem generation data collection data processing and theory construction. Staged collection method was used in data collection mainly through personal indepth interview and focus group meeting and the data we collected was supplemented and verified by the data and comments in various scientific research platforms. Data standardization and reduction was carried out by the qualitative analysis software Nvivo 12.0 , and the original data was coded in three-level: Open coding , spindle coding and selective coding. The USCT framework we constructed contains 8 main categories: Personal ability characteristic , user perception , personalized service, knowledge service, task context , mobile information context , technology application and technology fit , involving 24 categories and 67 initial concepts. All categories and concepts were generalized into 4 layers: Key layer (user dimension), guarantee layer (service dimension), driven layer (context dimension) and foundation layer (technology dimension). In the subsequent analysis of interactive relationship and internal correlative mechanism between main categories and data demand management we found personal ability characteristic of user personalized service and task context to be the most direct impact factor on data demand management while user perception knowledge service mobile information context technology application and technology fit work in an indirect way. The USCT model framework has several positive effects: 1) it contributes to the construction and perfection of the conceptual system and framework of scientific research data demand management 2 it provides a reliable guiding analysis model for the construction of a science data service platform to promote scientific research and innovation. We innovatively constructed an analysis framework for the influencing factors of data demand management of university researchers. This framework organically integrates " user” (scientific researcher, subject librarian), “services", “context” and “technology” into one system. We attempt to guide and develop the researcher's scientific data needs under their knowledge environment through computer information technology and ultimately guarantee the provision of suitable service. Further demonstration and service practices are needed to verify and perfect the theory. Follow-up studies can take “user-context-service-technology” as the main line for empirical research and explore the external features and internal path mechanisms of data demand management in all domains. 6 figs. 3 tabs. 49 refs. © 2019, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Since the electronic resources and Internet Web sites became popular, distance education courses offered via the Internet could play an important role in providing global digital resources and teaching the knowledge of international library and information standards for bibliographic databases with electronic and web resources.This paper uses the example of the author‘s new online course: ILS 608 Cataloging and Development of a Digital Union Catalog for Ancient Chinese Books to demonstrate the global re...  相似文献   

Medical Information Resources Development in China   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper expatiates on the recent medical information resource development and utilization in China. A comparison is drawn between the medical information resource development and utilization in China and developed countries in five aspects: outlay of medical information resourees, constructing and sharing of medical information resources, medical information policy and related rules of law, revelation of library collections and quadratic exploiture, etc. Finally some suggestions are put forward for the medical information resource development in China.  相似文献   

Borrowing From e-commerce; Are Recommender Systems Good for Libraries? For past 10 years recommender systems have attempted to match customers to materials in the e-commerce world. Utilizing specifically designed recommender systems to meet the needs of patrons, collaborative filtering, and content-based recommender systems are the two basic types with several hybrids created from these two have been significantly enhancing digital library services. Security issues come into play in a special way with libraries, and plagiarism can also affect recommender quality. Open Source tools may be the answer for libraries and their customers, enabling a better utilization of all that a library has to offer.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current trends, challenges, and issues facing all libraries, and discusses the strategies that academic libraries, in particular, are taking to transform their services, manage their organizations, and preserve their digital assets. It demonstrates how a network of distributed services, resource sharing, co-investment, and access integration contributes to sustainable library development.  相似文献   

中文电子书发售是当前大陆图书馆界迫切需要解决的基础性难题,馆配商推出单种零售平台服务来应对。本研究以书目比较法进行实证分析,比较各平台图书的时段、上书时滞,对国内三类中文电子书平台进行具体细致的比较,以分析当前馆配形势,探讨解决之道。数据表明近年来零售的电子新书量已超过数据库包库采购。目前,馆配商平台在纸本书出版一年内基本无法采购到相应的电子书,出版社第二至四年内才可能会渐次发售电子本,而面向个人用户的零售平台则能提供一些短时滞的电子本。高校馆可以率先采取“单纸本”策略,以消除出版方惜售电子本的心理。馆配商可借鉴个人定位平台的运作方式,以提高热门电子书的供应时效。表5。参考文献35。  相似文献   

论文分析了RFID技术在高校图书馆的功能实现与应用现状,指出现有的应用无法充分发挥RFID技术的潜能。针对实际应用中所存在的一些技术与互通的难题进行了重点研究,并提出了相应的解决思路与方案。最后重点对RFID技术在高校图书馆的应用趋势进行展望与分析,提出了一些创新性构想。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书馆开展线上图书漂流服务可以打破传统服务局限,激活社会上的海量闲置图书资源,解决国内现有图书漂流活动或平台存在的诸多问题。[方法/过程] 对济南市图书馆主导搭建的"书来书往"线上图书漂流平台的产生背景、主体及母平台、功能、使用方法、规则、运行情况、资金支持情况、获奖情况、用户评价等进行详细介绍,分析该平台相对于国内现有图书漂流活动或平台的优势及目前平台存在的问题。[结果/结论] 图书馆开展线上图书漂流服务应在借鉴"书来书往"平台经验的基础上做好以下几点:实现多入口操作、重视图书可追溯性、提升社交服务、打造全国性品牌。  相似文献   

与传统选书方式相比,网络选书平台的应用使得高校图书馆的图书采选工作更加高效便利。本文论述了基于B/S模式的高校图书馆网络选书平台的设计与实现,对其系统框架、数据库结构及主要功能模块进行了详细分析和阐述。  相似文献   

从清代苏州万卷藏书家形成的社会背景、历史源流着手,指出抄书仍是历代藏书家增加藏书的重要手段之一;针对精抄精校泽被后世和楼名典雅用纸讲究等方面,阐述清代苏州万卷藏书家抄书活动与一些典型特点及其不朽功绩,并著录其流传及现存状态、藏地。  相似文献   

图书馆在新旧图书馆搬迁、馆内格局调整、图书编目、图书入库、图书借阅的过程中产生图书丢失、图书错库、图书漏编、图书信息不一致等问题。这些问题将给读者和图书馆管理者带来不便,对读者而言,增加图书检索和查找的错误率;对管理者而言,不能准确把握图书的实际资产和馆藏。图书清点系统就是针对这些问题设计开发的软件,通过这一软件的应用,将能有效地解决这些问题,提高读者检索、查找图书的准确率和图书馆服务的质量,建立图书资产账目。  相似文献   

通过对代际阅读推广的概念与社会价值的深入挖掘,探索当代图书馆开展代际阅读推广的基本路径,尝试提出建立完善代际阅读推广的法制安排、组织形态与激励机制,营建支持代际阅读推广活动的适宜场所或空间,开发支持代际阅读推广的开放智能传媒平台,创建支持学校、社区和家庭代际阅读推广的微服务社会网格,联结整合社会力量在更大范围实施常态化代际阅读推广,精心设计代际阅读推广特色服务项目,策划实施可持续发展的代际阅读推广常规活动,重点提升老年和青少年的核心信息素养等若干较为可行的实施策略。  相似文献   

技术的发展推动图书馆藏书管理模式变革。本文通过对人书分离模式的发展、内涵及其影响的分析,指出人书分离模式推广应用的现实困难。在此基础上,结合智慧图书馆建设,从人书分离模式运行架构设计、智能化设施建设、空间服务环境打造、智能化信息平台构建、智慧数据信息服务等方面,提出图书馆应用人书分离模式的对策建议。  相似文献   

书评应成为图书控制的一种有效形式。书评的生命在于随变而适,根据图书生产和图书传播的不同特点,用不同的书评品种和类型有针对性地实现对图书的控制。在图书生产领域提出了“版前书评”概念,讨论了其实施生产控制的具体步骤。在图书流通领域,提出了针对图书的纵向流通和横向流通的不同书评类型,并提出通过浓缩性书评以颠覆“选者”的先入之见,直接面向个体读者,真正实现书评的图书控制价值。  相似文献   

文章从结构、内容、资料三个方面对《中文工具书导论》(2006年修订本)进行了评介,用1994年的初版作了比较。该书在网络时代下仍然有它的实用性,作为工具书研究著作和教材,也是一部力作。  相似文献   

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