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本族语及非本族语教师英语听、说教学对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于客观条件限制,非英语专业本科段学生的英语听、说课由英语为非本族语的教师承担。桂林电子工业学院的一些系开始尝试在其试点班增开由英语为本族语的外籍教师教授的听、说课。通过对试点班本族语和非本族语教师的教学进行跟踪对比,寻找出他们在教学模式和风格上的差异,分析讨论这些差异对教学效果产生的正负面影响,由此提出本族语和非本族语教师可以相互补充和借鉴的教学方式。  相似文献   

由于客观条件限制 ,非英语专业本科段学生的英语听、说课由英语为非本族语的教师承担。桂林电子工业学院的一些系开始尝试在其试点班增开由英语为本族语的外籍教师教授的听、说课。通过对试点班本族语和非本族语教师的教学进行跟踪对比 ,寻找出他们在教学模式和风格上的差异 ,分析讨论这些差异对教学效果产生的正负面影响 ,由此提出本族语和非本族语教师可以相互补充和借鉴的教学方式。  相似文献   

郑庆芳 《教书育人》2012,(12):150-151
改革开放以来大量的外籍教师走进了中国的英语教学课堂,他们为中国的外语教学做出了很大的贡献。英语本族语教师(以下简称本族语教师或外籍教师)曾经被认为是理想的英语教师,甚至有些学校把能否拥有外籍教师或拥有外籍教师的数量作为衡量英语教学水平高低的标准。比起非英语本族  相似文献   

对本族语教师和非本族语教师进行对比研究,尤其是对中教和外教的对比研究,可以寻找出中教与外教的教学特色的不同之处,为中教进行取长补短提高自身水平提供了参考。  相似文献   

我国英语师资现状与社会对大学生英语交际能力的要求及中小学英语课程标准改革的要求很不相称,英语教师专业发展成为必然趋势。本文认为本族语教师对我国英语教师在英语专业知识的提高和丰富,以及探索、更新、引进英语教学理念和教学方法,提高教学实践能力等方面可以发挥重要作用,并提出了发挥本族语教师作用的途径和模式。  相似文献   

石岩 《中学文科》2007,(7):12-12
“语言这东西,不是随便可以学好的”,学本族语如此,学英语更是如此。但是如果教学得法,便可事半功倍。要取得这样的好效果,兴趣是最好的老师。因为浓厚的兴趣是学生产生学习自觉性的内在动力。那么,英语教师在课堂教学中应如何激发学生的学习兴趣呢?以下是笔者对培养学生学习兴趣的几点体会。[第一段]  相似文献   

英语全球化下对本族语保护的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英语全球化的趋势日益明显,英语的涌入使我们的本族语--汉语受到了严重影响.如何调整现有英语教育制度、加强对国人的汉语素质培养、保护本族语,已成为当前的值得研究和注意的问题.  相似文献   

高等教育课程改革对大学英语教师提出了新的挑战,并要求大学英语老师重塑自身的角色.大学英语教师不再是授课者,而是集设计者、策划者、主持人、管理者、指导者,心理学家、研究者和终身学习者于一体的多元化角色.大学英语教师应与时俱进,及时调整自己的教育角色,以适应时代改革发展的需求.  相似文献   

崔晓卉 《文教资料》2014,(11):178-180
在教学实践中,学生可以正确使用英语语法,表达却不符合英语习惯。主要问题是学生不能把语法和词汇融为一体,自然且地道地表达自己的思想,这种自然与地道在英语中以搭配为典型代表。此外,对英语学习者而言,高频词尤其是高频动词的使用是个难点。本研究以高频动词make为例,采用基于语料库的中间语对比分析方法.通过对比本族语者语料库(BNC-BO)和中国英语专业学生语料库(CLEC-ST5),考察中国学生高频动词make+noun搭配的使用特点,探寻我国学生中介语发展的一些规律和特点。本研究力求解答以下两个问题:(1)和本族语者相比,中国英语学习者是超用还是少用高频词make?(2)本族语者与中国英语学习者的make搭配形式的共性和区别是什么?研究表明,中国学习者和本族语者既有共性又有差异。和本族语者相比,中国学习者过多使用了make搭配.但使用的搭配词要少于本族语者。从总体上看.本族语者的搭配词使用情况相对均衡,复杂多变,而中国学习者则缺乏变化,重复率高,超用某些搭配词,少用甚至不用另一些搭配词。  相似文献   

在工学结合的发展模式下,高职院校的英语老师会面临一些新问题、新挑战,因此需要广大的英语老师不断更新自身的发展理念,努力提高自身的英语专业化水平,以便更好的适应高职院校英语教学的发展需求。本文对工学结合模式下高职英语教师的发展要求以及此模式下所存在的一些问题进行了分析,并对工学结合模式下高职英语教师的职业发展与途径进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

新的英语课程标准从实验到全面推行,激发了成人师范院校对英语教育专业的改革,特别是“英语教学法”课程的改革。基于人文主义心理学要求,建构主义学习理论和反思教学模式的基础,“英语教学法”课程应更新成人师范院校教学双方的教学理念,建构英语教学理论知识的体系,突出英语师范教育的鲜明个性,提高学生教育实践能力,为基础教育课程改革培养合格的师资。  相似文献   

徐岩  张琳 《华章》2008,(21)
Acuve reading makes a reader interact with the text.It promotes learning,Acuve reading model actually presents six reading strategies that teachers should consider when teaching English to a class of non-native speakers.That guides both teachers and students in their working and learning.  相似文献   

董晨妍 《海外英语》2012,(12):61-62,66
The distinction of’native speakers’(NSs) and’non-native speakers’(NNSs),and their roles in English teaching has led to great discussion in the field of EFL and ESL recently.Despite the limitations of this distinction,it is meaningful in the field of language teaching when both groups of speakers’potential advantages and disadvantages in language teaching are equally recognized.The distinction of NSs and NNSs English teachers tells about the background information of the two groups,and therefore enables the teachers and professions to assess the pros and cons of them in real teaching practice,so as to initiate possible cooperation or to design reasonable syllabi for teacher training programs.  相似文献   

本对中国大多数英语教师在托福教学改革中说英语提出了质疑,分析了会影响母语不是英语的人用英语进行交际的一些的因素,同时建议开展一些具有创造性的课堂交际活动。  相似文献   

毛梅娜  黄斌 《海外英语》2014,(20):101-102
English varieties have grown up in different parts of the world. The traditional prototype paradigm of ELT,which assumed that a non-native learner learned English in order to communicate with a native speaker,no longer represents the primary context of the use of English today. Therefore,in ELT,besides learning standard English,sensitivity to English varieties should be cultivated so as to promote communicative competence.  相似文献   

The target of much language teaching and learning is to make students approximate to native speakers.The only rightful speak ers of a language are its native speakers.Contrary to these contemporary views,however,this paper argues that the obligation of the lan guage teacher is to help students to use L2 effectively not to simply imitate native speaker.A successful L2 user who comes from the group of L2 learners can be a model for students.Therefore,non-native teachers with a high degree of language proficiency and good teaching skills can be ideal and qualified language teachers.  相似文献   

This study examines imagined professional and linguistic communities available to preservice and in-service English as a second language and English as a foreign language teachers enrolled in one TESOL program. A discursive analysis of the students' positioning in their linguistic autobiographies suggests that the traditional discourse of linguistic competence positions students as members of one of two communities, native speakers or non-native speakers/L2 learners. The analysis also suggests that contemporary theories of bilingualism and second language acquisition, in particular Cook's (1992, 1999) notion of multicompetence, open up an alternative imagined community, that of multicompetent, bilingual, and multilingual speakers. This option allows some teachers to construe themselves and their future students as legitimate L2 users rather than as failed native speakers of the target language.  相似文献   

中国英语指的是被具有中国语言和文化背景的人普遍使用,带有汉语语言和文化特征,能达到语言使用目的,并被其他语言和文化背景的英语使用者接受的英语变体。中国英语的民族身份标志可以从社会语言学、二语习得以及跨文化角度进行论述,在英语教学中保留民族身份具有十分重要的意义。意识到中国英语的存在并把中国文化植入英语教学将是对现有文化教学的有力补充,有助于英语学习者克服“中国文化失语”,并提高跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

邢小杰 《海外英语》2014,(16):80+82
In non-native English speaking countries, the big problem to English learners is that it is difficult for them to understand what the English speaker is talking about because many English learners have trouble in listening. Though they are English learners, they still have difficulty in listening to the foreigners from English speaking countries and other nonnative English speakers. Therefore, listening teaching becomes the vital task of both English teachers and English learners. English educators are expected to search an efficient way to help English learners improve their listening. Modern teaching equipments, such as film and video and other teaching facilities play an indispensable role in English listening teaching.  相似文献   

Over the decades, efforts have been made to incorporate diverse perspectives on World Englishes into English Language Teaching (ELT) practice and teaching materials. To date, the majority of ELT learners and teachers have not yet been exposed to materials which use and explore non-standard forms of English. This paper examines the attitudes of Japanese learners and teachers of English towards the use of these forms in ELT coursebooks. This study, conducted through questionnaires, surveys, focus groups and interviews, indicates that junior and high school teachers in Japan are open to the possibility of exposing students to different varieties of English. There are also indications that teachers and students share practical concerns about this.  相似文献   

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