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Within the Chinese national sport system, the government provides resources and funding to train athletes from a young age to become high-performance competitors. Though athletes are well supported to excel in their sport, during their years of intense physical training, athletes generally receive little to no formal education to prepare them for life outside of sport. The sacrifice of forgoing formal education to compete in elite level sport is not uncommon for athletes within centralized sporting systems and has been widely documented; however, there is little research that focuses on the impact of the team’s educational systems from the perspective of the athletes. To add to the growing body of research in this area, the authors utilized in-depth interviews to examine professional wushu athletes’ education experiences whilst training on their team. Thematic analysis of the findings revealed that athletes who committed themselves to sport training in the Chinese national system had to negotiate a number of factors related to time, motivation, social influences, and resources when it came to education and academia. Findings highlight the ways in which these athletes experience and come to terms with limited academic opportunities, preparation and support from their team and the training environment.  相似文献   

文章主要运用运动训练学、运动生理学、运动创伤学、运动心理学等多学科理论,结合网球运动的特点,对我国优秀男子网球运动员运动损伤的现状进行调查研究,着重分析运动损伤发生的原因、规律以及预后效果等,以为实现我国男子网球运动训练的科学化,提高我国男子网球运动员的运动水平,延长运动寿命,提供相应的科学指导。  相似文献   

Our knowledge of sports-related injuries in para-sport is limited and there are no data on how Paralympic athletes themselves perceive an injury. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries, risk factors and preventive possibilities. Eighteen Swedish Paralympic athletes with vision impairment, intellectual impairment, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele, dysplasia and neuromuscular disorder, representing 10 different para-sports, were interviewed. The qualitative phenomenographic method was used to interpret the data. The analysis revealed nine categories of perceptions of experiences. The athletes perceived that their impairments were involved in the cause and consequential chains associated with a sports-related injury. Other categories that denoted and described these injuries were: sport overuse, risk behaviour, functional limitations, psychological stressors, the normalised pain, health hazards, individual possibilities to prevent sports-related injuries and unequal prerequisites. This qualitative study revealed that Paralympic athletes’ perceptions of their experiences of sports-related injuries are complex and multifactorial, and in several ways differ from able-bodied athletes. This needs to be considered in the sports health and safety work within the Paralympic Movement as well as in the design of future injury surveillance systems and preventive programmes.  相似文献   

基于国内研究不同拳种对运动员心理的影响的文章甚少,而这一研究成果有助于为武术运动员的训练、教学和科学选材提供重要依据,因此本文着重对武术运动员在演练长拳、南拳、太极拳时,进行二维超声心动图分析:(一)不同拳种运动时对心脏的影响;(二)不同训练水平对心脏的影响;(三)不同训练年限对于心脏的影响;(四)武术运动员的心肥大。  相似文献   

文章以河南省太极拳专业队的运动员作为研究样本,通过研究竞技太极拳运动员运动损伤常见部位的分布,寻找其原因,并提出预防措施,对于保证竞技运动训练的系统性、有效性和延长运动员的运动寿命等提供一定的借鉴和建议。  相似文献   

Doping testing is a key component enforced by anti-doping authorities to detect and deter doping in sport. Policy is developed to protect athletes’ right to participate in doping-free sport; and testing is a key tool to secure this right. Accordingly, athletes’ responses to anti-doping efforts are important. This article explores how the International Standards for Testing, which face different interpretations and challenges when policy is implemented, are perceived by elite athletes. Particularly, this article aims to investigate how elite athletes perceive the functioning of the testing system (i.e., the efforts of stakeholders involved in testing) in their own sport both nationally and worldwide. Moreover, it seeks to identify whether specific factors such as previous experience of testing and perceived proximity of doping have an impact on athletes’ perceptions of the testing system. The study comprises a web-based questionnaire (N = 645; response rate 43%) and uses qualitative findings to elaborate on and explain quantitative results. Results showed that two-thirds of the athletes reported the national testing programme in their sport to be appropriate. A majority of the athletes who had an opinion on the subject regarded testing programmes in some countries as not extensive enough or believed that in certain countries doping control was downgraded to win medals. Past experience of testing seemed to have a positive influence on trust in the concrete measures; however, if athletes experienced flaws during the control procedures, this could increase distrust and cause worry. The proximity of doping in an athlete's sport influenced the athlete's perception of the testing system. Particularly, athletes who need the testing system to be effective and to function well across the world show greater distrust of or dissatisfaction with the current testing system. The athletes’ diverging views indicate that contemporary anti-doping policy is simultaneously met with support, (dis)trust and frustration. By integrating the views and experiences of Danish elite athletes, this study confirms that the current testing system is confronted with obstacles, and it contributes knowledge about some of the challenges WADA faces when policy is implemented. Implications of results and recommendations for anti-doping authorities are outlined in the paper.  相似文献   

文章通过查阅大量的文献资料并结合运动训练实践,对有关竞技武术套路心理训练方面的论述进行分析综合,总结出竞技武术套路运动员所需要的六种心理技能,以期能在以后运动训练实践中有效地指导运动员进行心理训练。  相似文献   

青少年拳击运动员赛前训练对比赛质量有直接影响,科学有序的赛前训练不仅可以调节青少年运动员的心理状态,还可以让运动员快速进入比赛状态,有效防止出现伤病问题。本文从青少年拳击比赛赛前训练的实际需要出发,运用系统化的方法安排青少年运动员的赛前训练,保证运动员赛前训练的合理性、科学性和过程性,从而提高赛前训练质量。  相似文献   

伤病是运动员的第一号敌人,伤病不仅给运动员身体上带来疼痛,不能参加比赛,而且给他们心理上带来极大的压力,如果处理不好还会留下后遗症,病痛将伴随他的一生.所以,制定合适的康复运动处方对伤病运动员的伤病进行合理康复训练,显得尤为重要.文章就相关内容展开研究,以便为伤病运动员、教练员提供康复训练参考.  相似文献   

采用开放式访谈法对损伤运动员康复过程中的三个阶段进行了访谈研究.运动员将在损伤后的第一周,损伤后的15~20天及损伤后的30天接受访谈.这三次开放性的访谈是让运动员在没有任何前提约束的情况下自由地谈论他们的经历.被试是美国东南部大学的NCAA一级运动员(5名).对访谈结果的分析揭示了四个主题:视点情绪反应,损伤应对及人际关系和几个次级主题.结论:第一,运动损伤在很大程度上影响了运动员的生活;第二,运动损伤对于本研究中的每名运动员都是一次独特的经历;最后,通过多重现象访谈法给运动员提供了公开谈论他们损伤康复经验的机会.  相似文献   


Injuries are common among athletes, and are sometimes so severe that they affect an athlete's career in sport. As studies on sport career termination are few, we conducted a study to investigate the role of injuries as a reason for ending a sport career. The study group consisted of 574 male and female top-level cross-country skiers, swimmers, long-distance runners and soccer players who responded to a retrospective postal questionnaire in 2006. Twenty-seven athletes (4.9%, 27/548) reported ending their sport career because of injury. A follow-up interview was conducted by telephone in 2007 (n=20 volunteered to be interviewed) to confirm sport career termination and the reasons for this. Fifteen of the interviewed athletes terminated and five continued their sport on the same level as earlier. Female athletes (12/15) terminated their sport career more frequently than male athletes (3/15). Athletes who reported terminating their sport career because of injury were on average two and a half years older (24.1 years vs. 21.6 years, P=0.006) than athletes who continued the sport. All the swimmers (n=5) who were interviewed terminated their career because of a shoulder injury. All the soccer players who ended their career (n=4) were female and had a severe knee injury, such as anterior cruciate ligament injury. Most of the athletes who terminated their sport career (70.4%, 19/27) reported that the injury caused them mild or moderate permanent disability. We found that sports injuries play a significant role in terminating a career in sport, and in some sports events injuries may commonly be the main reason for sport career termination. Injury prevention and adequate treatment and rehabilitation of injuries are thus essential to avoid the long-term consequences of severe sport injuries.  相似文献   

文章对33名长拳运动员进行了运动损伤的调查分析。调查表明:长拳运动员具有发病率高、急性损伤多、四肢伤多、骨性伤多的特点。文章在调查的基础上,对损伤的性质、原因进行了分析,旨在探讨长拳运动员损伤发生的规律及防治对策。  相似文献   

The study examined developmental participation patterns of international top athletes. Pairs of 83 international medallists (including 38 Olympic/World Champions) and 83 non-medallists were matched by sport, age and gender. A questionnaire recorded their volume of organised (coach-led) practice/training in their respective main sport and in other sports through childhood, adolescence and adulthood, and also involvement in non-organised (peer-led) sport activity. Analyses revealed that the medallists started practice/training in their main sport at an older age than non-medallists and accumulated slightly, but significantly less main-sport practice/training through childhood/adolescence. But they participated in more practice/training in other sports, particularly before entering their main sport. The medallists also maintained engagement in other sports over more years and specialised later than the non-medallists. Other sports engaged in were mostly unrelated to an athlete’s main sport. The results were robust across different types of sports. The observations are reflected against tenets of the “deliberate practice” and “Developmental Model of Sport Participation” frameworks. Early diversified practice and learning experiences are discussed relative to the expansion of youngsters’ potential for future long-term learning. In elite athletes, interaction of sport-specific practice/training with early other-sports participation mostly facilitates long-term attainment of international senior medals.  相似文献   

通过对浙江省专业运动员的问卷调查建立数据库,运用因子分析与结构方程模型对专业运动员的始训原因、取得优异运动成绩的影响因素及其成长路径进行分析。结果发现:导致普通青少年参加竞技体育训练的主要有六大因子,依次为体育信息刺激因子、自我实现因子、身体技能因子、家庭影响因子、物质追求因子、机遇因子;自身驱动力、社会重要他者、国家政策与物质条件是影响运动员取得优异运动成绩的四大主要因子;运动成绩、身体机能、主观努力、教练水平、家庭阶层背景是青少年运动员成长为专业运动员的重要影响变量。  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been given to the effective development of elite athletes. In this inquiry, the authors used a historical case study to ascertain the ways elite athletes were developed in a different era of sport in the United States. Using the attraction, retention, and transition frameworks, the factors that fostered the development of athletes from the 1968 Summer Olympics were drawn out through oral history interviews. In total, interviews with 59 U.S. Olympians were conducted. The results reveal how the athletes experienced supportive recruitment and retention environments, were able to manage the difficulty of developing elite talent, and encountered both challenges and opportunities transitioning through and out of elite sport. This analysis demonstrates how sport development principles are diverse in their temporal relevance and reinforce the practical implications meant to serve the modern athlete. Further, at least some sport development principles could remain constant regardless of how context and elite athlete experiences evolve in the future.  相似文献   

The study investigates whether sport is an especially risky environment for sexual harassment to occur. It explores female students’ experiences of sexual harassment in organized sport and compares them with their experiences in formal education, by addressing the following research questions: (1) Are there any differences in female sport students’ experiences of sexual harassment in sport and education? (2) Are there any differences in female sport students’ experiences of sexual harassment from coaches and teachers? (3) Are there any differences in female sport students’ experiences from peer students and peer athletes? A total of 616 female students from three different European countries, Czech Republic, Greece and Norway, answered a questionnaire. The results revealed that the students had experienced more sexual harassment in an educational setting than in a sport setting. Further analysis showed that this was primarily due to sexual harassment from peers in school. In Greece and Norway, there was no difference between occurrences from teachers and coaches, yet in Czech Republic coaches appear to harass more than teachers. The difference between sexual harassment occurring from peers in sport and in education is discussed in relation to whether the sense of belonging/camaraderie that a sport club member may experience might function as a barrier for sexual harassment to occur—because it embarrasses or hurts a teammate. In addition, sport clubs and teams are governed by their respective sport rules and possibly by additional club/team rules, which may also establish extra inside-club/team boundaries for acceptable and nonacceptable/harassing behaviors. This article concludes that greater emphasis ought to be placed on education; not only toward shaping safer teacher/coach behaviors, but also toward the student/athlete behaviors.  相似文献   

模拟比赛情景训练对优秀散打运动员注意分配能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择20名优秀散打运动员为被试,以散打比赛情景片段和两种刺激信号为素材,对优秀散打运动员模拟比赛情景训练过程中注意分配值动态变化情况进行分析,探讨比赛情景模拟训练对优秀散打运动员训练的效果.结果表明,比赛情景模拟训练能有效提高优秀散打运动员的注意分配能力;优秀散打运动员注意分配技能提高的进程是符合运动技能形成的基本规律的;在散打专项情境中,教练员施以观众声音因素的干扰并不能影响高水平散打运动员的注意分配能力;运动员运动水平越高,注意分配能力也相应表现出较高水平,说明散打运动项目要求运动员具备较高水平的注意分配能力.  相似文献   

少年田径运动员成就目标对心理健康、运动成绩的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法及以访谈法等方法,分析讨论了成就目标、心理健康与运动成绩的关系。结果表明:掌握目标与躯体化因子的相关达到显著水平;成绩目标与人际关系敏感因子、焦虑因子、敌对因子的相关达到显著水平;掌握目标与运动成绩存在显著的正相关;高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的得分分别与低成就目标定向组存在非常显著差异,高成就目标定向组和高掌握目标定向组运动成绩的均分较高;心理健康总分,高掌握目标定向组与高成就目标定向组、高成绩目标定向组、低成就目标定向组均存在显著差异,高掌握目标定向组得分最低。因此认为,高掌握目标定向最有利于运动员的全面发展。建议在培养少年田径运动员的成就目标定向时,应帮助运动员树立能力增长观,在运动训练过程中多设置掌握定向氛.围。  相似文献   

少年田径运动员成就目标的发展特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张海  庞标琛 《体育学刊》2004,11(6):108-111
为探讨少年田径运动员成就目标的发展特点,对广西334名少年田径运动员的成就目标进行了分析。少年田径运动员的成就目标的性别主效应显著,女运动员的掌握目标高于男运动员,男运动员的成绩目标高于女运动员:训练年限主效应也达到了显著水平,随着训练年限的增加,掌握目标的发展呈下降趋势,成绩目标的发展呈上升趋势;成绩目标的运动等级主效应显著,三级运动员的成绩目标显著高于二级运动员;少年田径运动员的主导目标为掌握目标。结论:少年田径运动员的成就目标受后天环境影响较大。建议在培养少年田径运动员的成就目标定向时,应帮助运动员树立能力增长观,在运动训练过程中多设置掌握定向氛围。  相似文献   

道德判断是道德发展的主要标志,是道德认知的核心,研究运动员的道德观念及其认知特点,对于提高其道德发展,推动体育运动的健康发展具有重要影响。回顾了多数国内外对运动道德判断的研究,将其归纳为以下几方面进行评述:(1)人口学变量与运动道德判断的研究;(2)运动员与非运动员道德判断差异的研究;(3)体育领域道德判断测验的开发;(4)青少年运动员道德判断阶段的探究。  相似文献   

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