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This article describes an epochal review of research literature on practice-oriented digital health ecosystems that have emerged during the period between 1998 and 2018. Practice-orientation refers to efforts that have resulted in positive impact and transformations in the delivery of healthcare. The review is epochal in the sense that there have been 3 major stages of innovation and diffusion in digital health that are identified. The year 1998 was deemed a significant starting point for the literature search because it marked the introduction of the term e-health. The main objective of this review is to track the evolution of digital health and the conspicuous developments in the field - crucial steps to get a grasp of the key issues involving the delivery of healthcare. The article includes a general discussion of these various key issues and sensitizing concepts. The sense-making thus shed some light on the areas of enquiry, which are central to identifying the direction in which the practice of healthcare is headed. These areas of enquiry often referred to as ‘substantive areas’ in qualitative research terminology, were identified as ‘electronic medical records’, ‘health cloud’, ‘data analytics’, ‘Internet-enabled devices’, and other ‘emerging information technologies’. The article concludes with a synthesis of key inferences drawn from the epochal review. The digital disruption of healthcare has created necessary conditions for its offering as a global, interoperable service.  相似文献   

The global spread and use of internet and mobile contributed to the development of digital payments and baking. There is a lack of research which provides comprehensive synthesis and analysis of factors affecting the use and adoption of digital banking and payment methods in GCC countries. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review and perform weight and meta-analysis. By reviewing 46 studies, it was found that best predictors for digital payment and banking adoption in GCC countries are trust, perceived security and perceived usefulness. Based on the extensive literature review, the conceptual of factors affecting adoption digital banking and payment methods in Gulf countries model was proposed, which will set agenda for future research. Practitioners will be able to use the findings from this study to improve adoption and quality of digital banking and payment services  相似文献   


The developing countries, although not homogeneous, share a growing recognition of the importance of information technology for fostering the development process. Rapid advancements in computer and telecommunications technologies offer new opportunities for improved resource management and for the successful employment of these tools in rural areas. Although developing nations have responded enthusiastically to the advantages of modem information technology, they are equally cognizant of the negative impact that reliance on foreign technology and services may have. As a result, developing countries are taking a number of actions—at the national, regional, and international levels—to ensure their active participation in the emerging Information Age.  相似文献   

医院科研档案管理的现状及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院科研档案是开展医学研究的重要载体,其中所蕴藏的大量科研成果、科技专利、高新技术以及学科建设等创新性科研思想等科研信息能为临床科研提供重要的参考价值。而加强对科研档案的充分收集和规范化管理则能有效促进医院科研管理水平的提高。本文针对目前医院科研档案的现状以及存在的问题进行了深入细致的分析,并实践中总结经验提出了加强和改进医院科研档案管理的应对策略。  相似文献   

在高等教育改革发展进程加快的背景下,用人单位及学生本人都意识到了高等教育学籍学历的重要性。当前,高等教育学籍学历作为人们就业及展现自身竞争力的重要武器,是学生迈入社会开始职业发展道路的重要敲门砖。普通高等学校学籍学历的管理,成为高等教育改革发展的重要内容。因此,该文拟通过深入分析加强普通高等学校学籍学历管理的重要价值,并从核查在校生人数、做好新生自查工作、规范转学转专业管理工作及学生申诉处理委员会管理工作制度的建立健全等方面来提升学籍学历管理的质量和效率,进一步总结普通高等学校学籍学历管理工作有序开展的相关建议,对于推动高等教育改革发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Classification is central for effective and efficient records management. However, it has not been addressed accordingly since records management initiative has not received priority despite of its importance in the current information-based world. This study has attempted to propose a function-based classification for managing electronic records at public agencies in Malaysia. The study was initiated by conducting a case study at the Department of Syariah Judiciary Malaysia which serve as a snapshot study. It is a requirement to carry out the snapshot study as the information gathered is useful for proposing a functional model to be used by the public agencies in the country. A function-based classification model is then proposed since it could ease the process of classifying records for retrieval, appraisal and disposal. Function-based classification is depicted since it provides context for records rather than content other than support proactive management of records. The development of model is derived from Integration Definition for Function Modelling (IDEF0) technique and validated by experts academically and professionally. The proposed model is comprehensive, consistent, relevant-scope, customise, and flexible.  相似文献   

This article proposes a process to retrieve the URL of a document for which metadata records exist in a digital library catalog but a pointer to the full text of the document is not available. The process uses results from queries submitted to Web search engines for finding the URL of the corresponding full text or any related material. We present a comprehensive study of this process in different situations by investigating different query strategies applied to three general purpose search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN) and two specialized ones (Scholar and CiteSeer), considering five user scenarios. Specifically, we have conducted experiments with metadata records taken from the Brazilian Digital Library of Computing (BDBComp) and The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography (DBLP). We found that Scholar was the most effective search engine for this task in all considered scenarios and that simple strategies for combining and re-ranking results from Scholar and Google significantly improve the retrieval quality. Moreover, we study the influence of the number of query results on the effectiveness of finding missing information as well as the coverage of the proposed scenarios.  相似文献   

国外及港、澳、台地区数字图书馆建设概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范敏  刘丽梅 《情报科学》2001,19(12):1326-1328
本文主要介绍了美国、英国、加拿大、日本及其他国家和地区的数字图书馆建设发展状况,重点介绍了其数据库的研究,以此为我国数字图书馆的研究发展起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Digital libraries of scientific articles contain collections of digital objects that are usually described by bibliographic metadata records. These records can be acquired from different sources and be represented using several metadata standards. These metadata standards may be heterogeneous in both, content and structure. All of this implies that many records may be duplicated in the repository, thus affecting the quality of services, such as searching and browsing. In this article we present an approach that identifies duplicated bibliographic metadata records in an efficient and effective way. We propose similarity functions especially designed for the digital library domain and experimentally evaluate them. Our results show that the proposed functions improve the quality of metadata deduplication up to 188% compared to four different baselines. We also show that our approach achieves statistical equivalent results when compared to a state-of-the-art method for replica identification based on genetic programming, without the burden and cost of any training process.  相似文献   

A company’s digitalisation journey spans multiple dimensions and processes. However, studies of digital maturity have focused only on certain parts of the process. This study presents a method capable of fully capturing a company’s level of digital maturity. A DP2 indicator of digital maturity was constructed. This indicator is based on responses to a company survey of digitalisation in different business areas and processes. Companies with the highest degree of digitalisation are the oldest and largest (most employees). Differences between companies and sectors can be explained by the level of digitalisation in terms of digital management intensity, departmental agility and digital orientation.  相似文献   

科技期刊强化宣传推广的若干策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】针对科技期刊传统的宣传策略大多存在效率低、影响范围小等缺点,提出一套依托网络技术和数字技术的期刊精细化宣传策略和技巧。【方法】 以《自动化学报》和International Journal of Automation and Computing实践为例,从宣传内容和宣传方式两个方面阐述了精细化宣传的实施步骤和方法。【结果】实践证明,自借助网络和数字新技术实施精细化宣传工作以来,两刊实现了精确定位宣传目标和细化宣传工作流程的目的,促进了宣传效果最大化和期刊影响力的提升。【结论】有效地将先进的网络、数字技术及管理理念引入期刊宣传工作中,有利于期刊品牌快速推广。  相似文献   

基于P2P的数字图书馆资源分布式存储方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数字图书馆资源存储可扩展性及可靠性方面的问题,提出了一种基于P2P的数字图书馆资源分布式存储系统,阐述了该系统的体系结构,并重点给出了系统的P2P动态路由机制、自适应副本管理策略及实验分析结果.  相似文献   

实验表明,长跑运动员学炼元极功法可以极大提高专项成绩,并对心脏功能各项指标均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(8):103773
The emergence of novel and powerful digital technologies, digital platforms and digital infrastructures has transformed innovation and entrepreneurship in significant ways. Beyond simply opening new opportunities for innovators and entrepreneurs, digital technologies have broader implications for value creation and value capture. Research aimed at understanding the digital transformation of the economy needs to incorporate multiple and cross-levels of analysis, embrace ideas and concepts from multiple fields/disciplines, and explicitly acknowledge the role of digital technologies in transforming organizations and social relationships. To help realize this research agenda, we identify three key themes related to digitization—openness, affordances, and generativity—and, outline broad research issues relating to each. We suggest that such themes that are innate to digital technologies could serve as a common conceptual platform that allows for connections between issues at different levels as well as the integration of ideas from different disciplines/areas. We then summarize the contributions of the 11 papers presented in this Special Issue relating them to one or more of these themes and outlining their implications for future research.  相似文献   

中国如何填平数字鸿沟   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
苏震 《情报科学》2002,20(7):766-768
文章提出了数字鸿沟的有关问题,介绍了什么是数字鸿沟以及它的现状,介绍了发达国家解决这一问题的方法,并探讨了如何在中国填平数字鸿沟。  相似文献   

数字化时代背景下数字化技术在人力资源管理领域的应用,必须明确界定数字化人力资源管理的概念并揭示其可能的结构及系统功能。在辨析人力资源管理与技术应用互动研究的历史进程的基础上,针对一般人力资源管理职能存在的五大方面不足,给出数字化人力资源管理系统定义,提炼数字化时代人力资源管理的基本特征,包括动态自助、虚拟场景、多元共创、前台思维与增值预测;基于知识创造模式理论,阐释数字化人力资源管理结构,包括六大功能模块;最后从搭建标准的核心数据平台、全面人才管理信息化、系统全面整合优化和知识创造云运行4个阶段,进一步梳理出数字化人力资源管理的构建步骤。  相似文献   

我国出版业面临数字化大变革,产业形态的升级换代己进入加速期。目前,推动传统出版企业向数字出版转型成为行业的核心任务之一。数字化改变了企业的经营战略和出版方式,改变了企业的内容、制作、传播、销售和增值服务等所有重要出版环节,催生了新型业态和新型的营销渠道,使出版企业的经营管理面临脱胎换骨的改造。本文从出版企业产业链各重要环节入手,着重探讨了数字化对出版企业经营管理的影响,提出了出版企业为顺应数字出版潮流在经营管理上应采取的对策措施,以对出版业数字出版的良性发展有所助益。  相似文献   

This study examines the factors that influence people's adoption and use of a digital library system and tests the applicability of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in the context of developing countries. Using data from a survey of 16 institutions in Africa, Asia, and Central/Latin America (N = 1082), a path analysis revealed that perceived ease of use of the library system had a significant impact on perceived usefulness, which ultimately led to behavioral intention to use. In addition, the study examined the similarities and differences in the significant predictors of the digital library acceptance across countries and continents. Further, the current study suggests that external variables that affect perceived ease of use and usefulness need to be considered as important factors in the process of designing, implementing, and operating digital library systems. Such consideration will help decrease the mismatch between system design and local users’ realities, and further facilitate the successful adoption of digital library systems in developing countries.  相似文献   

以数字经济领域上市公司为研究对象,利用截至2018年12月31日相关标准与绩效数据,构建企业技术标准化能力四维评价指标,实证分析技术标准化能力对绩效的影响关系.研究结果显示,技术标准资源投入能力对企业绩效具有显著正向影响;牵头制定国标能力对企业绩效具有显著负向影响;参与制定国标能力对企业绩效具有显著正向影响;行业标准制定能力对企业绩效具有显著正向影响.  相似文献   

从分析数字化协同管理对新型研发机构内、外部合作的影响入手,结合某新型研发机构数字化协同管理的实践,深入剖析了数字化协同管理对于新型研发机构合作创新的意义。研究表明:数字化协同管理可以强化科研人员之间、新型研发机构与其他科研机构之间的链接,从而提升机构内、外部的合作创新能力。数字化协同管理可以从分配公平、程序公平和互动公平三个维度重塑科研人员之间的合作关系,打破各环节之间时间和空间上的障碍,提升技术、知识、成果等资源在创新链中的传播速率,强化新型研发机构内、外部合作的能力。  相似文献   

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