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在教育出版中,教材的重要性毋庸置疑.要想做好教育出版,必须懂教材,了解教材的思想性、时代性,科学性、人文性,适切性、灵活性等.提高教材编辑的综合素质是做好教材的前提和保障,教材编辑除了具有其他图书编辑应有的能力外,还要做一个有思想的学者型编辑,具有科学与人文精神,形成综合学科视野,能胜任教育培训工作,具备多个环节的沟通能力.在数字出版趋势下,教材编辑还要懂得利用新技术、新媒体.  相似文献   

王迪 《采.写.编》2023,(9):118-120
党的十八大以来,高等教材的出版日益受到重视。新编辑在进入出版行业后,对于教材尤其是专业面较窄的教材出版缺乏相应的意识和经验,不能促进其“双效”的提升。基于此,文章提出新编辑在出版专业高等教材中遇到的主客观问题,并提出进行出版政策、作者出版意图、同类书调研,同时提升主观能动性,加强营销环节规划设计等策略,帮助新编辑快速进入专业高等教材出版状态,提升高等教材出版能力,使高等教材社会效益和经济效益并举。  相似文献   

李明 《中国传媒科技》2023,(11):127-131
【目的】互联网和大数据技术的飞速发展,既对图书出版行业提出严峻挑战,也迫使新时代图书编辑不得不加速转型,除具备传统出版的基本素养外,还需要积极提升应对数字出版节奏的各项综合素质,提升工作能力,适应融合出版时代行业发展新需求,包括专业背景、政治理论素养、文化素养、语言表达能力、信息素养、创新意识和团队协作精神等。因此,图书编辑尤其是教材编辑要坚持“守正”与“创新”的大局观和工作准则,提升编辑个人核心竞争力,只有这样,才能不断促进中国图书出版行业蓬勃发展。【方法】以“守正”与“创新”两个层面为焦点,分别从政治理论素养、思政内容融入教材、强化教材质量、数字化出版路径、全新营销手段等方面剖析当前编辑工作中遇到的重点和难点问题,总结新时代编辑需要具备的核心素养,以应对各种挑战。【结果】通过结合编辑业务实际,探讨高校课程教材建设中的重点、难点和热点问题,推动新时代我国高等教育课程教材的建设、应用及研究,促进具有中国特色的课程和教材新体系的构建与完善,为中国教育出版及教学服务作出贡献。【结论】文章以北京师范大学出版社编辑业务和教材建设为例,旨在对高校教材编辑培养和教材建设的路径规划提出实践层面的梳理...  相似文献   

王宁 《编辑之友》2013,(6):40-42
教材出版是我国出版业的重要组成部分,在新时期国家课程改革背景下,教材出版对编辑的综合素质要求越来越高,认清教材编辑在教材出版中的角色定位,对于打造一支高素质的教材编辑队伍至关重要,本文就新时期教材编辑在教材出版中应发挥的作用提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

王建波 《中国出版》2022,(19):51-54
中小学教材建设事关国家的长远发展。进入新时代,国家把教材建设作为一项战略工程和基础工程,中小学教材出版进入质量提升的关键转型期。教材编辑队伍在教材建设中发挥着不可替代的作用,找准中小学教材编辑在教材建设中的角色定位,明确编辑必备的专业素养与发展路径,为编辑成长提供机制保障,助力教材编辑实现专业发展,从而推动教材出版高质量发展。  相似文献   

编辑在教材出版中的主导作用,主要表现为对教材出版全过程的策划和对教材出版各工作环节的组织与协调.本文就《普通高等学校二、三年制体育教育专业教材》(以下简称《高师体专教材》)的出版,从教材建设规律和市场竞争的角度,对编辑在高校教材出版中的策划作用进行分析,以探求置身于教材出版项目负责制下的编辑的主导作用.  相似文献   

程姗 《出版参考》2023,(5):66-69
融媒体背景下,传统教材出版形式已不能适应时代发展需求,英语教材面临出版模式转型与探究。出版单位需打破传统出版组织架构,整合教材资源,创设全新运行机制。教材编辑需结合英语学科特点,转变思维意识,提高融合能力。纸质教材代表的传统教材需与新媒体技术相结合,开发多形态教材产品系列,营造融媒体时代教材出版新生态。  相似文献   

教材营销环节作为出版企业在整个营销链条中与市场联系最紧密的一个环节,在教材出版业务中占据越来越重要的地位.让营销贯穿教材开发、出版和营销的整个流程,让策划编辑成为出版企业进行图书全程营销策略的主要参与者,从而构建以编辑为中心的教材图书全程营销策略已变得非常重要.文章对以编辑为主体实施教材图书全程营销从市场形势发展的需要,编辑进行全程营销的优势,如何实施以编辑为主体的全程营销等三个方面进行了论述.  相似文献   

随着出版业从纸质出版向数字出版的转型,出版环境正趋向数字化、网络化。教材出版也不例外,很多教材出版社都在尝试对教材资源进行数字出版的探索与实践。随着出版界对数字出版认识的不断清晰,业内普遍认同的一点是,纸质印刷教材和数字教材仅仅是出版介质的差异,出版内容本身并没有发生变化。这就意味着在数字出版环境下,编辑工作仍然是出版的核心工作。但是编辑也必须在新的出版形势下转变观念,积极探索,重新定位和适应自身角色,并在这一角色的探索过程中运用新的编辑方式、方法去推动出版业的转型发展。  相似文献   

编辑在教材出版中的主导作用,是编辑主体意识在出版活动中的具体体现,这种作用主要表现为对教材出版全过程的策划和对教材出版各工作程序的组织与协调。本文就《普通高等学校二、三年制体育教育专业教材》(以下简称《高师体专教材》)的出版,从  相似文献   

双语教材具有专业和语言两个特征,《中国图书馆分类法》(以下简称《中图法》)的主表揭示其专业特征,而复分法和组配法都可以作为揭示其语言特征的辅助手段。通过比较复分法和组配法得出,双语教材更适合利用复分表揭示其语言特征,具体做法为:在《中图法》(第5版)的"总论复分表"中增加新类目"-9语种",并且依据H大类下的各语种类目扩展下位类。  相似文献   

Efforts to represent knowledge effectively have been central to progress in various aspects of medical informatics. These efforts range from relatively simple "electronic textbooks" to fairly sophisticated knowledge-based systems, which function as well as, or even better than, human experts faced with similar problems. Knowledge bases have been developed in many fields, but the relatively limited domains and structured language of medicine, as well as the importance of information in the provision of good medical care, have made research in medical knowledge representation an area of intense activity. This paper reviews representative knowledge bases and knowledge-based systems in medicine: electronic textbooks such as PDQ and the Hepatitis Knowledge Base (HKB), rule-based systems such as MYCIN, causal models (e.g., CASNET), and hypothesis- or frame-based systems, exemplified by PIP and INTERNIST-1. The paper describes the relationships among divergent approaches and provides a sense of current and future trends. It examines problems in knowledge-based systems, particularly in knowledge representation and acquisition, and the responses to these challenges. The latter include the use of domain-independent software shells for constructing knowledge bases, the adaptation and use of previously existing knowledge bases, and multiple uses of the same knowledge base for different purposes.  相似文献   

Trainees in the library and information profession in Africa depend on textbooks that are written for an environment other than Africa because of the dearth of textbooks suited to the local environment. There are very few books that attempt to focus on Africa and none of these books can really be used as a basic text for teaching. This has greatly affected the training of library and information professionals in Africa as the trainees are exposed to the situations in Europe, America and Asia which are generally not relevant to the African environment. Several factors have been identified as responsible for the lack of African library and information science textbooks, including the relatively young age of the profession resulting in a low number of professionals in Africa that have the required expertise to write textbooks. The attitude of publishers to tertiary textbooks is another limiting factor, as they are not likely to make a profit given the small number of trainees in the continent. In short, publishers regard such a venture as non-profitable because of the limited market. Another problem is the lack of interest on the part of professional associations in the continent to promote the writing of textbooks. In order to ameliorate these problems, it is recommended that professionals in the continent should participate in team authorship, by drawing from a pool of expertise, with a view to writing relevant textbooks. Also, there is a need for professional associations and the relevant international agencies to promote the publishing of textbooks. Finally, there is a need for retired information professionals in the continent to form a consortium of marketing outfits for the purpose of marketing and distributing textbooks on the African library and information profession throughout Africa.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine students’ perceived benefits and values of textbooks, with a specific focus on emerging markets. A paper-based survey was used to collect data from 459 Vietnamese students in three business disciplines including accounting, international business and marketing. The findings reveal that Vietnamese business students view textbooks as having greater short-term benefits than long-term ones. They also believe that textbooks have relatively low economic value. Interestingly, marketing students perceive that textbooks provide primarily benefits of improving class performance, while accounting students tend to view textbooks to have benefits of clearer understanding of relevant concepts. Implications for key stakeholders in the higher education book publishing industry are discussed and future research directions presented.  相似文献   

Learning how to evaluate reading texts should be an important part of preservice training. This study used a simulated textbook selection process to compare differences in the consistency of experimental and control groups in evaluating textbooks. The experimental groups, who were required to define their criteria operationally, were more consistent in their evaluations than the control group, who used traditional checklists. Jacqueline C. Comas is assistant professor of education at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches courses in language arts and children's literature. She is a former classroom teacher, has served as a reading consultant, a reading/language arts supervisor, and has worked with textbook adoption committees for the improvement of instructional materials since the late 1970s.  相似文献   

为了全面提升服务教育强国、文化强国的能力和水平,以高质量教材体系助力教育改革发展,文章对我国高等教育教材出版面临的形势和问题进行了分析,结合出版单位在新形态教材和教材体系建设方面所做的探索,提出新时期高等教育出版要加强教学研究,培养专业化教材建设队伍;强化整体规划和过程管理,完善教材出版服务工作;依托在线开放课程探索教材建设新机制,构建完备科学的教材体系。  相似文献   

Children’s literature is essentially different from textbooks used in classrooms. It was primarily developed in India after the establishment of Children’s Book Trust and National Book Trust in 1957. A truly multilingual phenomenon, Amar Chitra Katha was developed by India Book House and has sold over 80 million copies in some 30 years. The Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan programme started by the Government of India, has done exceptionally well in developing and encouraging the development of children’s literature in regional languages. English being the language of communication is understood in all parts of the country so more books have been published in this language. Reading habits of children have been developed through reading campaigns by Non Government Organisations (NGOs), Children Literary Festivals, Book Fairs, School Book Fairs and Book Clubs. International and Indian Characters have also increased the publishing of children’s books and reading habits of children.  相似文献   

Based on the tenets of the social context model of second language acquisition, the present article examined the combined effect of online and face-to-face contact in developing multilingual skills and identities among young Swedish-speaking Finns (N = 304). The hypotheses were tested for Finnish as a second language and English as a third language using parallel models. The results were largely identical for both languages. Specifically, online contact enhanced language confidence which, in turn, contributed to language identity. However, online contact had a more substantial effect on confidence as well as identity among those who had little face-to-face contact with speakers of the given language. Findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Higher education textbooks sales account for a significant portion of the overall book market. This study makes an important contribution to the extant literature by examining students’ purchase of original textbooks in a developing market, Vietnam. Notably, it seeks to investigate why students do not purchase original textbooks as well as the difference in purchase behavior between different groups of students. The findings reveal that some key obstacles to students’ purchase behavior include high prices, insufficient availability, low perceived value, and the emergence of pirated textbooks. Another notable finding is that senior students who are female tend to purchase more textbooks. In light of these findings, marketing strategies are suggested for publishers, bookstores and universities who aim to promote the sales and consumption of original textbooks.  相似文献   

石真珍 《出版科学》2011,19(6):64-66
相关分析指出,高校教材存量市场不断扩大,品种逐年增加,供给过剩与需求旺盛并存。在数字化时代激烈的市场竞争中,高校教材巡展这一成熟的营销手段暴露出一些弊端,本文结合笔者多年参与教材推广的经验,总结高校教材巡展面临的四大主要问题,并提出五点对策。  相似文献   

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