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为提高产业技术创新中知识资源配置效率,融合了效用、生态位、知识管理等理论设计,基于知识转移生态演化的产业技术创新协调模式,基于改进柯布—道格拉斯函数建立知识投入产出效用模型和基于Lotka-Volterra构建知识转移生态关系模型,结合定性与数值算例分析了联盟纳什均衡与帕累托均衡下的成员知识投入量,并揭示了存量知识、增量知识、联盟知识之间生态关系演化机理。研究表明:增量知识、知识转移能力系数、知识转移意愿系数等对成员知识转移演化均衡及投入产出效用的影响较大,通过以增量知识为核心动力,协调联盟中3类知识转移能力系数和意愿系数,构建相互依存的知识共生关系,有利于推进知识的有序增长,提高产业技术创新中的知识资源配置效率,促进成员及联盟效用的增加。  相似文献   

产业技术创新战略联盟是一个知识联盟,通过整合各种优势知识资源,提升产业竞争力。在分析产业技术创新战略联盟知识整合过程基础上,结合知识创新内容探讨联盟知识整合模式,即基于标准创新的知识整合模式与基于模块创新的知识整合模式,并引入定位理论深入分析联盟成员的知识整合。研究表明,产业技术创新战略联盟中各成员准确定位有助于明确其技术创新方向,优化配置各种知识资源,促进产业技术创新能力的提升。  相似文献   

The economic justification for government support for science and technology has been commonly based on the concept of market failure. The general theoretical argument is that governments should intervene in cases where the free market fails to achieve an efficient allocation of resources. In this paper, the inadequacies of the concepts of market failure as they apply to policy are outlined. Its use in the political process, given these restrictive shortcomings, is also considered. Examples are drawn from Australian experience in science and technology policy over the past few years to support the claim that the concept is neither a sufficient basis nor an adequate guide for government intervention. Rather it has been used to justify politically determined decisions. Special reference is made to the Australian Industrial Research and Development Incentives Scheme.  相似文献   

半导体产业技术密集程度高、创新链条长,因而研究我国半导体产业联盟的协同积极性问题需从更为广阔的产业生态链视角展开。以产业生态链理论为分析框架,从生产方、学研方和服务方角度构建半导体产业生态链三方演化博弈模型,探究影响产业生态链稳定发展的各项要素;同时,基于我国半导体上市企业2016-2021年我国半导体上市企业的面板数据对博弈模型进行仿真分析。研究发现:产业生态链的协同运作受各主体不同策略行为的共同作用,与协同收益相比,各方对成本的变化更敏感,且生产方与学研方积极合作意愿对配套服务企业策略选择的影响相对较大;成本和收益分配机制影响主体的参与意愿,且存在最优的收益分配系数使生产方与学研方采取协同策略的意愿最强;配套服务价值的增加虽然提高了产业协同收益,但难以促进各方积极合作;提高产业创新效益并约束主体行为是促进半导体产业生态链积极合作运行的关键。因此,需在以按劳分配为主体的同时,强化政府对于产业生态链的引导与支持,建立健全产业生态链利益分享机制。  相似文献   

我国消费者对转基因食品的态度是一个受到普遍关注的问题。虽然很多学者已经对此进行了研究,但各项研究的结论差异较大。本文根据对我国东部5省11个城市的实地调查数据,深入研究了我国城市消费者对转基因食品的认知程度、接受程度和购买意愿。研究表明,有三分之二的城市居民听说过转基因食品;消费者对转基因技术和食品的知识了解较少;消费者对转基因食品的接受程度和购买意愿较高,但对不同类型转基因食品的态度存在较大差异;消费者对转基因食品的了解程度、收入水平、所居住城市的规模等是影响消费者对转基因食品态度的重要因素。  相似文献   

古代中国是一个发明的国度。中国人首先栽培水稻和茶树等作物,发明了丝绸、瓷器和机械时钟等。中国技术在11世纪前后基本上满足了古代农业社会的需求。19世纪60年代,中国开始技术"换道"发展,即引进和模仿西方技术,兴办近代工业。20世纪30年代前建立了工程科学。20世纪50年代,构建了比较完整的科研体系、工业体系和教育体系。在改革开放时期,通过引进技术来实现产业升级,并努力创新产品。20世纪90年代,将创新视为技术和经济发展的关键。2012年11月,党的十八大决定实施创新驱动发展战略。面对各种挑战,中国应研判本国科技处于什么发展阶段,做好科技布局和改革,有效地增强创新能力。  相似文献   


The management of our households and the way we spend our leisure time has been greatly influenced by the introduction of various household technologies in the 1980s and 1990s. This paper compares the extent and rate of adoption of selected household products in Australian households. The diffusion of colour television sets, video cassette recorders, compact disc players, microwave ovens and personal computers into various types of households during the 1980s and 1990s was examined. This study found that different types of Australian households adopted new technology at different rates. The levels of ownership of various household technologies were highest for households with children. In general, one-adult households were slower to adopt new household technology when compared to other types of households. This paper speculates as to why one-person households are slower to purchase the latest in cooking and entertainment technology.  相似文献   

该文通过问卷调查的方式,旨在进一步了解新时期医学院校大学生的入党动机及现状,并通过分析影响医学院校大学生入党意愿与动机的因素,探寻适合新时期医学生党员的有效培养机制,为医学院校党组织建设打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

白京羽  刘中全  王颖婕 《科研管理》2020,41(10):105-113
以企业为主体构建具有实体性质的创新联合体,有利于打破我国单一主体创新能力不足的困境,提高企业等主体创新效率,降低创新投资风险,为重构我国松散型中小企业自主创新体系、提升产业链基础水平提供新的思路和视角。本文基于博弈论构建重复博弈模型分析创新联合体的动力机制,得出预期合作效益与合作次数,对企业和其他创新主体是否愿意采取联合创新的行为有着显著影响,且创新联合体参与主体在合作研发中的对等投入有利于合作关系的稳定,为提高创新联合体组建水平和稳定参与主体间的合作关系提供了支撑。  相似文献   

本文通过对农民参加技术培训行为和采用新技术意愿数据的经济计量分析,论证了农民的技术采用过程是对技术的不断修正过程,重点考察了农民技术培训行为与技术采用意愿的关系。文章指出,农民参加技术培训的行为决定于农民掌握的信息、农民的个人特征和家庭特征等因素;技术培训是影响农民技术采用意愿的比较重要的因素。可以极大地激发农民采用新技术的愿望。  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of Israel's science and technology policy and traces the growth and development of technology intensive industry in that country. Such policy has generally been neutral with regard to industry, technological field or class of product; concentrates on industrial R &; D directly performed in industrial firms; and is an integral part of overall national industrial policy — being centred in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Drawing upon case studies and other statistical evidence, the paper argues that such policy has been partly responsible for Israel's success in building up an indigenous, export-oriented, high technology sector.  相似文献   

修正资源错配是推动经济高质量发展的根本途径,产业协同集聚是改善资源错配的重要驱动力。文章从外部性视角构建了中心-外围理论模型,并在此基础上采用2003—2020年中国地级市及以上城市面板数据,使用空间面板杜宾模型和PSM-DID模型,理论与实证分析了产业协同集聚对地区资源错配的影响及作用机制。研究发现:产业协同集聚借助数字技术功能对资源错配的修正效应产生倒“U”型“本地-邻地”空间作用。另外,随着数字技术的迭代升级,产业协同集聚通过数字技术外部性对资源错配的修正作用越来越强。本文还发现:区域一体化战略通过提高区域间数字技术扩散强度会进一步提升产业协同集聚对资源错配的修正效应。本文基于产业协同集聚在数字技术的调节作用以及在区域一体化的推动作用下能够修正资源错配这一重要结论,对推动经济高质量发展提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

世界格局变迁和工业革命发展是后发国家实现科技赶超,建成世界科技强国的重要历史机遇。德国因引领第二次工业革命而建成世界科技强国;美国抓住第二次工业革命和两次世界大战机遇,赶超欧洲建成世界科技强国并引领第三次工业革命;日本抓住第二三次工业革命交汇的机遇,成功加入世界科技强国之列。从经济崛起到科技赶超,从技术引进到原始创新,从教育改革到科学发展,从自发创新到体系建设,德美日三国经过赶超,均形成了内生技术能力,持续性建设人才队伍,推动科技创新和制度创新,并注重发挥国立科研机构的引领作用。据此,提出中国科技自立自强、科教融合、科技开放合作和国家战略科技力量体系建设等方面相关建议。  相似文献   

针对以农业生产为主体的农户,基于整合型科技接受理论模型实证分析其采纳农业新技术的影响因素.结果 显示:绩效期望、努力期望、社会影响等均会影响农户对农业新技术的采纳意愿,且通过采纳意愿中介效应影响农户的采纳行为,而良好的便利条件、强烈的采纳意愿会促进农户的采纳行为.最后,从农户个人、乡镇村等各级组织、合作社以及政府等方面提出促进社会影响的正向作用、注重经济收益兼顾环境效益、增强农业新技术的易用性、优化获取农业新技术的便利条件等对策建议,以有效提升农户采纳农业新技术的积极性,提高农户经济收益.  相似文献   

王芳杰 《科教文汇》2012,(6):26-26,55
信息技术是这几年发展起来的新技术,教育工作者应充分利用新技术的优势,为德育工作服务。应用信息技术能营造浓厚的德育氛围。应用信息技术教学为德育创造便利条件。运用信息技术能更好地创设德育情景。应用信息技术培养学生良好的人际关系。运用信息化手段,加强家校联系,共同促进学生的德育。德育工作引入"信息化"元素,是德育工作中遇到的新课题。信息技术是手段,通过这种手段给学生创造更健康、更快乐的学习环境,使学生思想更健康、行为更端正。  相似文献   

In the fall of 1945, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace handpicked Edward Condon, a respected theoretical physicist, to become director of the National Bureau of Standards. Already regarded by many academic and industrial scientists as a second-rate research institution, the Bureau had deteriorated further during the Great Depression. An ardent New Dealer who favored government action to prevent anticompetitive behavior in the marketplace, Wallace claimed that giant corporations leveraged their extensive patent holdings and research capabilities to manipulate markets and restrict competition at the expense of smaller firms without similar resources. Through a revitalized Bureau of Standards, Wallace intended to mitigate monopolistic behavior among large companies by transforming the Department of Commerce into an effective clearinghouse for scientific research that would stimulate technological innovation in small businesses. The Bureau's postwar expansion, however, foundered on congressional efforts to dismantle the legacies of the New Deal, Condon's lack of commitment to the technical requirements of the small business community, and the intense competition for resources within an institutionally pluralist federal research establishment dominated by the exigencies of the Cold War. Without sufficient financial support from congressional appropriations committees, Condon turned to the military to fund new research programs at the Bureau of Standards. These programs, however, owed their institutional growth to the demands of the national security state, not to the fading influence of Henry Wallace's New Deal liberalism.  相似文献   

This Special Topic section of Biomicrofluidics is on optofluidics or micro-optofluidic systems (MOFS), a burgeoning technology that aims to manipulate light and fluid at microscale and exploits their interaction to create highly versatile devices and integrated systems. This special issue puts together various contributed articles focusing on optofluidics or MOFS, which help inspire new research ideas and innovation in the microfluidics and nanofluidics community.  相似文献   

This paper reviews two recent research studies on Portuguese New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs). Attention is given to the role and contribution of NTBFs to innovation. The main argument is that, by and large, NTBFs are less concerned with the introduction of major innovations and more with creative adaptive improvements to products and services based upon new technologies first introduced elsewhere. The empirical research found that Portuguese NTBFs are a recent phenomenon associated with diffusion of Electronics and Information Technologies (EIT) during the late 1980s. They perform a wide variety of knowledge-intensive activities, which enhance local users' adoption processes and they are associated with different forms of technology transfer through external linkages. Overall, NTBFs undertake a frequently unobserved role as technology searchers and acquirers that, pushed by idiosyncratic local niche market opportunities, selectively choose among and enhance technologies developed elsewhere, introducing them into the local market.  相似文献   

The existing literature has given little consideration to social values of information technology in general or of wireless technology in particular. The purpose of this paper is thus to shed new light on this issue. Based on an interpretive case study, we examine two healthcare organisations and discover that social values are often manifested beyond, as well as within, organisations. A matrix of social values in relation to technology changes and their interactions with various stakeholders is further discussed. The matrix helps understand how various social values emerge from and revolve around organisations’ strategic management of information technology. The implications of the findings about social values are discussed and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

刘丽  褚力其  姜志德 《资源科学》2020,42(4):763-775
黄土高原农户对水土保持耕作技术的认知和对水土流失风险的感知是水土保持耕作技术采用意愿的关键影响因素,探究二者对技术采用意愿的作用有利于促进农户技术采用率的提高、控制水土流失、减少入黄泥沙量、改善生态环境。本文利用黄土高原1237户农户的调查数据,基于代际差异的视角,采用逐步回归法和分组回归法,分析了农户技术认知和风险感知对其水土保持耕作技术采用意愿的影响及代际差异。结果表明:①技术认知对水土保持耕作技术的采用意愿有显著的正向影响,技术认知对等高耕作、沟垄种植、少免耕、深松耕、秸秆还田、残茬覆盖和地膜覆盖技术采用意愿的作用强度均是新生代农户大于老一代农户。②风险感知对新生代和老一代农户等高耕作和沟垄种植技术采用意愿均有显著的正向影响,其影响强度存在代际差异;对新生代农户少免耕技术采用意愿有显著的正向影响,对老一代农户深松耕、秸秆还田、残茬覆盖和地膜覆盖技术采用意愿有显著的正向影响。③风险感知在技术认知和采用意愿之间发挥正向调节作用,在等高耕作、沟垄种植、残茬覆盖和地膜覆盖技术采用意愿中,风险感知对于老一代农户的调节作用强于新一代;在少免耕、深松耕和秸秆还田技术采用意愿中,风险感知对于新一代农户的调节作用强于老一代。户主年龄、受教育程度、家庭劳动力数量等控制变量对新生代和老一代农户水土保持耕作技术采用意愿的影响有显著差异。建议农业技术和政策推广视新老农户区别对待,提供有针对性的补贴,并通过鼓励土地流转为技术采用提供便利。  相似文献   

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