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经济社会和技术的全面进步正在推动全域教育迅速发展,教育表现强烈的开放性、自组织性和互动性特征。教育走向融合、共享、泛在的趋势和互联网、人工智能、大数据等新技术的广泛应用,为图书馆社会教育的创新发展提供了良好的社会基础与技术条件。教育发展的新特点推动图书馆社会教育的定位、目标、要素、管理等进行深刻调整。新时代,对图书馆的资源、空间、服务赋能,是图书馆社会教育发展的基本方式;实现图书馆内部资源、图书馆与外部机构、图书馆与学习者之间的泛在连接,是图书馆社会教育发展的中心任务;推动图书馆、学习者和社会教育实现多重超越,是图书馆社会教育发展的远景使命。  相似文献   

Librarianship is at a critical juncture. Technological changes have reshaped the information landscape, but libraries as social institutions have not been able to transform themselves to keep pace. This is the challenge of Library and Information Science Education. As we look to a future professional education for librarians, we need to acknowledge the need to reinvent our educational goals and methods so our graduates can lead in this new emerging environment. A relevant education for the information sectors will include a synthesis of global, technical, and critical perspectives to encourage librarians to understand the changes they need to enact to ensure relevance for the future.  相似文献   


Digital library services have become integral components of 21st century educational institutions. Librarians have been quick to adopt new technologies to serve their new remotely located patrons. This eagerness to adopt new technology, along with a willingness to adapt to new working environments and a continuing emphasis on the end users of our services have enabled success with regards to serving the distance education patron. This paper will review and discuss the evolution of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University's (ERAU) Extended Campus Library Services (ECLS), and how a conscious effort to focus on the end users of Embry-Riddle's ECLS has helped Embry-Rid-dle manage and respond to the explosive growth of its distance learning population over the last 30 years.  相似文献   

长期以来,图书馆学情报学的教育者们一直致力于探索国际的学术交流和教育合作,以此提高教学课程和专业实践的质量。但目前仍存在很多阻碍,限制了传统的国际化教育的规模和发展,尤其是在发展中国家。该文介绍一个使用现有远程教育技术,在中国与美国之间建立一个面向研究生的知识管理课程的案例。该示范项目由美国富布莱特基金资助,综合利用学习技术、基于互联网的WebCT系统、视频会议、个人间的交流和阅读等多种手段,创建了一个国际化的虚拟学习空间。该文描述了师生们如何实现三个课程目标:(1)采用国际化的学习方式进行教学和学习;(2)双向交流;(3)知识管理。通过研究和实践得出如下结论:使用主动学习教学方法可以促使学生更加投入到学习过程;应用多种技术实现国际化交流;最大化地利用异步交流和同步交流两种方式,鼓励个人和小组学习;关注于更宽泛的多学科内容,促使更多人参与到国际学习环境中。  相似文献   

博物馆越来越重视“教育”目标,关注藏品的“非物质遗产”。科技藏品所承载的知识、过程、方法、态度、价值观以及社会环境等多维信息,是其教育价值所在,是设置和实现其多维教育目标的依据,需要多维的传播和教育形式来实现。中国科技馆基于战国编钟仿制品,开展“解密编钟”系列主题教育活动,通过多维设计,带领观众探索编钟的乐理发声、青铜冶铸、纹饰内涵、历史文化、社会环境等多维信息,为科技藏品的传播提供了新思路。本教育活动采用基于设计的研究方法开发教案,经过实施与评估,证明了多维传播与教育设计框架和案例的有效性。  相似文献   

John Dewey, one of the preeminent educational theorists of our time, wrote Experience and Education 60 years ago, toward the end of his career, as a review of his educational philosophy and the progressive schools it had spawned. Based on the principle that all genuine education comes about through experience, Dewey's ideas are still current and particularly relevant to the theory and practice of museum education. They are, nevertheless, not widely cited within the museum profession. This article comments on Experience and Education, a slim, readable volume, in the hope of giving it wider readership. Major ideas from each chapter of the book are summarized along with comments on their application to various museum issues. Dewey distinguishes two fundamentally opposed ideas: that education is development from within and that it is formation from without. Believing that experience is the basis for education, he basically takes the within position, although he also warns against either-or thinking. Dewey identifies two aspects of experience and two criteria for judging it which have implications for such things as setting exhibit goals, evaluating exhibits, developing exhibit content, and untangling education and entertainment. He goes on to look at problems of implementing experience-based learning such as maintaining social control, moving people from initial impulses to more purposeful inquiry, and developing organized subject matter from individual experiences. All of this applies to museums as well as schools.  相似文献   

On the basis of over 20-years’ experience teaching in a master’s level program of archival education in a North American university, the author reflects on the relationship between building knowledge of archives and the skills to carry out archival work. Using a report of the Society of American Archivists on the goals and priorities of the archival profession, he examines where and how skill building can become an integral part of archival education in the digital age. This article is little changed from the speech the author gave to open the Third Archival Educator’s Forum held in Boston, Massachusetts on August 2, 2004.  相似文献   

There is an expectation that college students graduate with competency in information literacy. Ideally, institutions of higher education integrate these competencies throughout their curricula in a progressive manner. High-impact educational practices contribute to student success. The purpose of this article is to examine recent literature about five of the high-impact educational practices (capstone experiences, learning communities, service learning and community-based learning, undergraduate research, and writing-intensive courses) to understand the extent to which they include the integration of information literacy competencies. The article includes recommendations for practice and research in the areas of assessment, pedagogy, and program planning.  相似文献   

This article uses the metaphor of building to frame discussion about how we prepare for the provision of learning in the years to come. The intention is to catalyze key conversations that will shape how, where, and why we learn. The principal focus is on areas such as blended learning, mobility, gaming, social networking, holographics, analytics, and the human touch. However, the larger theme involves challenging the reader to vision how we bring the best of traditional education forward, combine it with new technologies and techniques, to reach and teach students well.  相似文献   

本文通过分析,提出近年来科学教育的两个重要进展,一是对科学学习目标与过程的重新认识;二是STEM教育的异军突起。在进一步分析2013年美国颁布的《新一代科学教育标准》和我国刚刚颁布的《小学科学课程标准》中对目前科学教育变革应对的具体表现之后,对科技博物馆教育活动的设计提出三点启示:一是科技博物馆教育活动应该成为学生开展科学与工程实践的重要场所;二是科技博物馆教育活动设计需要考虑大概念和儿童学习的进程,开发适合不同年龄层次儿童需求的有结构的探索活动;三是结合STEM教育与创客教育,需要大力发展跨学科综合类学习活动。  相似文献   


Change in distance learning is occurring at a rapid pace. As new technologies appear, institutions of higher education incorporate them into course delivery options. Library services must also change to meet new user needs. This article examines the process used to change a distance learning service model. After describing the strategies used by the author, a literature review analyzes the works that are especially relevant. Finally, a checklist for initiating change is provided to help others work through a similar process.  相似文献   

As learning institutions, museums have long been buffeted by currents, coming mostly out of formal education, defining what counts as learning. The field has struggled to find its way in these waters. In this article I propose a strategy for gaining a firmer footing and indeed (shifting metaphors) for beginning to shape the very landscape, in educational and cultural policy, that currently constrains how our work is perceived and understood as contributing to learning within broader educational ecosystems. Research‐practice partnerships represent a new, more equitable and perhaps more ethical, strategy for producing evidence‐based knowledge and practice. Leveraging perspectives and expertise of both researchers and museum practitioners, RPPs can help the field begin to redefine what learning looks like and how museums both support and expand it. This paper discusses the need to participate in this new approach to research and provides some strategies for getting started.  相似文献   

通俗图书馆是民国初期广泛设立的文化教育机构。当时,日本社会教育的影响及国内教育改革、财政状况的现实需要使得通俗图书馆成为国内一种社会教育事业。教育主管部门把通俗图书馆作为社会教育的重要设施进行制度设计,通俗图书馆不仅在教育行政制度上有保障,而且其自身的制度建设也不断完善。针对普通民众的借阅活动集中体现了通俗图书馆的“通俗”特色,这与社会教育的理念与要求正相符合。  相似文献   

在全球教育和我国社会全民终身教育发展大背景下,博物馆教育面临着从教育活动向全民终身教育体系转变的新挑战。博物馆应立足于馆藏资源与专家学术优势,以建设全民终身教育体系为目标,树立大教育观、整体责任观、科学教育观、数字教育观和全球教育观,遵循全民化、终身化、体系化、技术化、地域化和可评估化原则,与各级、各类社会教育资源相统合,构建博物馆全民终身教育体系,为立德树人、培育面向未来的世界公民发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

The New Social Studies curriculum development movement was short-lived, in part because project staff were not sensitive to the realities of the educational context within which their materials and methods would be used. Although textbook-based recitation persists in social studies classrooms, textbooks are not a ready mechanism for reform. Among the reasons are the institutional constraints on publishers and the difficulty in effecting curricular change without appropriate teacher preparation and modifications in the educational environment. James P. Shaver id professor of secondary education, associate dean for research, College of Education, and acting dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Utah State University, Logan. He has been president of the National Council for the Social Studies and has received NCSS’s Citation for Exemplary Research. His numerous books and articles include materials for students, research reports, and discussion of educational rationale-building, rationales for social studies education, and research philosophy.  相似文献   

This paper looks at at the impacts and implications of new technology for educational publishing in the context of major growth in e-Learning. Although it acknowledges the continuing influence of textbooks both on how emerging technologies will drive changes to courses and the pace at which courses evolve, the major focus is upon the impact of technological and organisational change upon the value chains for e-Learning and educational publishing. It reviews relevant developments in technology, e-Learning and educational publishing and the connections between them, using recent examples. Fundamental to the nexus between technology, e-Learning and publishing is the search for value and for new means of creating and leveraging value in a turbulent higher education marketplace. The subjective nature of value is recognised in the context of different stakeholders. The paper then links changing perceptions of value to a perceived shift within educational publishing, which entails moving from the more or less homogeneous delivery of packaged content towards the provision of truly customised learning services combining use of the latest technologies with access to high quality content. The kinds of value, old and new, provided by educational publishers are compared in a table. This shift in value is then explained in the context of value chains for e-Learning and for educational publishing. So far as educational publishing is concern there are signs of both disintermediation and reintermediation in the value chain. Amidst these changes, the position of educational publishing appears set to improve through its potential to provide a new range of integrated technology and content services.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]创客运动的创新思维、动手实践、各种新技术和工具对教育领域产生了重要影响,并在STEM等创新教育理念的基础上形成了独特的创客教育思想和行为。分析创客教育实践进展,进而总结其对图书馆信息素养教育的启示具有重要意义。[方法/过程]通过总结国内外政府、学校、科研院所、企业和非盈利机构等目前在创客教育方面的实践进展,分析创客教育的理念和模式。[结果/结论]图书馆信息素养教育可以将创客教育纳入教育内容,进而促进图书馆信息素养教育的有效改革和持续发展。  相似文献   

After settling in to his second term, Brazil’s president Lula da Silva has pledged to improve on his country’s woefully inadequate education system. This means addressing illiteracy, which is one of Brazil’s most serious development issues. While Brazil has the potential to be one of the world’s largest economies, it is hampered by high rates of functional illiteracy. Furthermore, those that can read are non-readers. Consequently the Brazilian government has pledged to resolve illiteracy and launched a nationwide reading program in 2005 with the optimistic goal of increasing the national reading rate by 50%. The article analyzes the political risk in Brazil in light of the da Silva administration’s stated objectives. It will also assess the impact of state literacy campaigns will have on the publishing industry and the potential for investment in the country. Finally, it will discuss the importance of foreign investors in Brazil’s development goals.  相似文献   

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