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女性身体观是对女性身体的认知、情感态度和价值判断;女性体育是以身体为作用对象,以身体活动为手段,以身体改造并进而全面发展为目的的一种社会文化活动.作为一种社会文化活动,女性体育的发生、发展受思想观念的制约性影响.由于两者都作用于身体,所以女性体育受女性身体观的直接影响.研究认为女性身体观对女性体育起着导向、规范和动力的作用.女性体育在女性身体观规定的框架中发展的同时,也不断地与女性身体观发生冲突.  相似文献   

在不同的文化语境下,不同的历史时期,女性对自身身体形象的追求是不同的。本文探讨了体育消费文化语境的内涵;回顾了不同文化语境下、不同历史时期女性身体形象的审美规训。在此基础上提出:(1)在体育消费文化语境下,女性身体是构建自我认同的重要条件,体育消费活动是女性身体形象认同的重要路径;(2)在体育消费文化语境下,女性进行体育消费应该以"健康"作为根本目标,重新认识"健身房"和进一步解放自己的身体,走出体育消费的误区,对身体形象的价值观认识应该得到突破和重新进行定位。  相似文献   

在不同的文化语境下,不同的历史时期,女性对自身身体形象的追求是不同的.本文探讨了体育消费文化语境的内涵;回顾了不同文化语境下、不同历史时期女性身体形象的审美规训.在此基础上提出:(1)在体育消费文化语境下,女性身体是构建自我认同的重要条件,体育消费活动是女性身体形象认同的重要路径;(2)在体育消费文化语境下,女性进行体育消费应该以“健康”作为根本目标,重新认识“健身房”和进一步解放自己的身体,走出体育消费的误区,对身体形象的价值观认识应该得到突破和重新进行定位.  相似文献   

依据女性主义哲学思潮中3类颇具代表性的女性主义哲学观点,结合女性社会角色、身体观念、自我认同的转变历程,对女性体育发展的阶段特征及所蕴含的"政治运动-思想观念-文化载体"交互关系进行解析。研究认为19世纪末20世纪初,女性体育发展以自由主义的女性主义为思想武器,实现了女性体育权利意识的启蒙,但理论上存在认知局限性,实践上欠缺彻底性与集体性;20世纪六七十年代,女性体育借助激进的女权潮流,把女性体育作为破除性(性别)制度的权力场域,致力于消灭差异和生理超越,虽客观上取得长足进步,但理论上陷入本质主义,实践上存在体育伦理意义上的僭越与隐患;20世纪末,生态女性主义的反思给予异化发展的女性体育以警醒和可能出路,建议按照道法自然、尊重差异、合度开发的基本原则发展女性体育。因此,女性体育观的变化与女性主义哲学思潮和女性解放运动的实践具有一致的阶段特征和鲜明的时代性,是人类社会"政治运动-思想观念-文化载体"之间的交互作用关系的反映,是特定历史阶段政治/文化观念交互作用和权力/制度力量博弈的产物。  相似文献   

通过对美的概念、女性身体审美演变过程的阐述,廓清各个不同时期对女性身体审美的实质:男性,通过以男性为中心的主流文化,构建社会审美标准,控制女性的生活方式和思想意识,深刻剖析女性的身体在文化里被定义的病态文化,是以女性生命健康为代价的,呼唤女性自身觉醒和女性健身体育健康发展.  相似文献   

通过论述社会转型期女性体育生活方式的休闲特征,指出今后女性体育生活方式的发展方向与趋势:休闲体育将成为女性终身教育的主要内容;学校体育、单位体育、社区体育和家庭体育将"四体联合";休闲体育消费等级将不断提升;社会各阶层的女性休闲体育生活方式将出现差异.  相似文献   

我国妇女体育发展的四个标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从对身体认知权利的获取程度、受体育教育的程度、女性体育人物的数量和质量、女性在竞技体育中的参与度这四个维度分析近代中国妇女体育的发展.认为:身体解放是首要的解放,获取身体认知的权利、体育教育、参与竞技运动表现的是身体的解放.夺取身体认知的权利是对男性统治的抗争;妇女体育教育是整个教育体系的重要组成部分;参与竞技运动不仅表明了女性的身体权利,也表明了女性有参与社会事务的能力和权利.女性体育代表性人物的大量涌现,是妇女体育发展的结果,反之又促进了妇女体育的发展,展示了妇女体育的发展从自在到自为的进步.  相似文献   

高峰 《体育与科学》2012,33(4):62-65
采用文献资料等方法对"十一五"以来我国女性体育研究领域的相关成果进行梳理,评述女性体育研究领域的进程与历史走向。结果发现:我国女性体育研究整体成果数量不多,研究过程中出现"女性体育"、"妇女体育"与"女子体育"概念相互混淆的局面,其中以"女性体育"研究文献居多;目前我国女性体育研究的典型成果主要围绕"女性体育参与的状况","女性体育与性别","女性体育媒介呈现","女性主义与女性体育","女性身体观与体育"等维度展开;女性主义、西方社会学理论与女性体育研究在我国还处于初级阶断;对女性身体观与体育、性别与体育领域的研究还有待于进一步深入。  相似文献   

熊欢 《体育学刊》2016,(4):68-73
随着我国社会的发展、妇女地位的提升,以及体育改革内在动力的需求,女性大众体育出现欣欣向荣的景象,同时也伴随着出现新的问题,突出表现在体育活动空间被挤压与碎片化、体育项目选择局限、女性体育组织缺失、女性大众体育文化边缘化以及在公共、商业与社会三大领域不平衡发展等现实问题。在结合社会性别理论、体育系统发展理论,以及社会变迁理论视角的基础上,对当前我国女性大众体育发展目标的选择进行思考。从女性全面发展观看,发展目标要体现女性身体实践与赋权的功能,同时满足女性社会交往和文化诉求,促进女性集体凝聚力和话语权的增长。从体育协同发展观来看,在确立女性大众体育"强生育人"发展观的同时,继续发扬女性大众体育生活化、普及化的特点与人文关怀精神,加强科学化、组织化和法制化的建设。从社会可持续发展来看,要保证女性大众体育在社会生活"三域"中的均衡发展,体现维护社会平等、健康、稳定、和谐、进步的核心价值。  相似文献   

徐奕宏 《体育学刊》2008,15(4):25-28
从历史上看,长期以来体育是男性主宰的领域,女性参与体育的历程是女性不断抗争与男性作出妥协的过程.女性的性别角色与性别意识受社会文化的影响,而社会文化也应对女性参与体育产生了强大影响作用,成为制约或推动女性参与体育的动因.通过对儿童游戏的分析发现,男女儿童游戏的差别已经奠定了男性和女性成年之后参与体育运动差异的基础,最后对女性参与体育的前景作出了预测.  相似文献   

论女子赛艇运动的训练问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于赛艇男、女运动员在解剖、生理和心理特点上存在着很大差异,必须结合女子的特点进行科学地训练。本对女子赛艇运动员的力量训练、专项训练、月经期训练、饮食习惯、思想工作等问题进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

对2003年第10届全国冬季运动会女子冰球锦标赛和2003年全国女子冰球锦标赛自然情况和比赛成绩(名次)、射门成功率、争球成功率、犯规次数等进行统计分析.并对2次赛会各队队员的调整幅度进行了统计,旨在为今后各队训练和参赛提供参考依据.  相似文献   

我国女子竞技体操实力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,对第39届世界体操锦标赛女子体操比赛进行探讨分析。结果表明:中国体操女队在第39届世锦赛取得多项历史性突破主要原因是对新规则准确把,举措得当。认为今后要注意大力培养有绝招的"特长"型选手,突出强项,扩大夺金面。  相似文献   

We compared the efficacy of three physical conditioning programmes provided over a 12 week period (24 h in total) on selected anthropometric and physical fitness parameters in female soccer players. Two of the groups received physical conditioning training in accordance with speed, agility and quickness (SAQ); one group used specialized resistance and speed development SAQ equipment (equipment group; n = 12), while the other group used traditional soccer coaching equipment (non-equipment group; n = 12). A third group received their regular fitness sessions (active control group; n = 12). All three interventions decreased (P < 0.001) the participants' body mass index (-3.7%) and fat percentage (-1.7%), and increased their flexibility (+14.7%) and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) (+18.4%). The participants in the equipment and non-equipment conditioning groups showed significantly (P < 0.005) greater benefits from their training programme than those in the active control group by performing significantly better on the sprint to fatigue (-11.6% for both the equipment and non-equipment groups versus -6.2% for the active control group), 25 m sprint (-4.4% vs -0.7%), left (-4.5% vs -1.0%) and right (-4.0% vs -1.4%) side agility, and vertical (+18.5% vs +4.8%) and horizontal (+7.7% vs +1.6%) power tests. Some of these differences in improvements in physical fitness between the equipment and non-equipment conditioning groups on the one hand and the active control group on the other hand were probably due to the specificity of the training programmes. It was concluded that SAQ training principles appear to be effective in the physical conditioning of female soccer players. Moreover, these principles can be implemented during whole team training sessions without the need for specialized SAQ equipment. Finally, more research is required to establish the relationship between physical fitness and soccer performance as well as the principles underlying the improvements seen through the implementation of SAQ training programmes.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(1):139-151
This teaching case illustrates the use of community development strategies to increase and enhance community sport participation of a targeted minority group. Royal Life Saving Society of Australia is presented here as an example of an organisation that embraced cultural change and developed a strategic approach to inclusive provision for individuals from marginalised population groups. The case is based on a community development framework that includes multiple facets: a shared concern about a social problem requiring action; encouraging the active participation of a marginalised group; forming public sector partnerships to pool resources and build political support; adopting collaborative principles of organising; collectively developing and implementing action plans; and re-conceptualising traditional ideas around accountability. The case facilitates the examination of the theoretical and practical considerations of adopting a community development approach in sport management.  相似文献   

高校女大学生健商状况的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过文献资料和问卷调查等方法,对我国部分高校女大学生健商状况进行了调查和分析。结果显示:女大学生健商各方面得分大部分在及格范围,有少数学生得分处于不及格范围;健康知识方面存在专业间显著的差异性;总的健商指数、人生技能和健康知识三方面存在家庭所在地间极为显著的差异性;精神状态方面存在家庭所在地间显著的差异性。  相似文献   

We compared the efficacy of three physical conditioning programmes provided over a 12 week period (24?h in total) on selected anthropometric and physical fitness parameters in female soccer players. Two of the groups received physical conditioning training in accordance with speed, agility and quickness (SAQ); one group used specialized resistance and speed development SAQ equipment (equipment group; n?=?12), while the other group used traditional soccer coaching equipment (non-equipment group; n?=?12). A third group received their regular fitness sessions (active control group; n?=?12). All three interventions decreased (P?<0.001) the participants' body mass index (?3.7%) and fat percentage (?1.7%), and increased their flexibility (+14.7%) and maximal aerobic capacity ([Vdot]O2max) (+18.4%). The participants in the equipment and non-equipment conditioning groups showed significantly (P?<0.005) greater benefits from their training programme than those in the active control group by performing significantly better on the sprint to fatigue (?11.6% for both the equipment and non-equipment groups versus ?6.2% for the active control group), 25?m sprint (?4.4% vs ?0.7%), left (?4.5% vs ?1.0%) and right (?4.0% vs ?1.4%) side agility, and vertical (+18.5% vs +4.8%) and horizontal (+7.7% vs +1.6%) power tests. Some of these differences in improvements in physical fitness between the equipment and non-equipment conditioning groups on the one hand and the active control group on the other hand were probably due to the specificity of the training programmes. It was concluded that SAQ training principles appear to be effective in the physical conditioning of female soccer players. Moreover, these principles can be implemented during whole team training sessions without the need for specialized SAQ equipment. Finally, more research is required to establish the relationship between physical fitness and soccer performance as well as the principles underlying the improvements seen through the implementation of SAQ training programmes.  相似文献   

张静 《收藏》2012,(4):128-131
很多看了陈连富雕塑作品的人,往往会误以为作者有着一副年轻秀气的外表,实际上,陈连富是典型的东北大汉,脸上挂着一把粗犷的胡须,举手投足干脆利落,喜欢开怀大笑。平时到世界各地,他只要一落脚,就要先找咖啡馆品尝、学艺。调咖啡他有自己的绝活儿,但问起来,他却笑而不答。  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the specificity of a low frequency taekwondo training programme on physical fitness levels in adolescent females who receive limited physical education instruction (i.e. 2 days per week). Major components of physical fitness assessed were: skeletal muscle fitness (hand grip strength, bent arm hang, standing long jump, and isokinetic strength), flexibility (sit-and-reach test), speed and agility (10 × 5-m shuttle run), and cardiovascular fitness (VO(2max) and 20-m shuttle run). Changes in body composition were also assessed (dual X-ray absorptiometry, DXA). Participants were divided into two groups, a taekwondo training group (n = 21), which trained 50 min a day, 2 days per week for 12 weeks, and a control group (n = 10). Taekwondo training improved isokinetic strength, standing long jump, and sit-and-reach performance. Body fat mass and percent body fat were reduced. No changes in grip strength, bent arm hang time, speed and agility, or cardiorespiratory fitness were observed. Results indicate that low frequency taekwondo training in adolescent females produces beneficial changes in skeletal muscle fitness, flexibility, and body composition in a relatively short period of time. Consequently, this specific type of training can be useful to female adolescents in structured school environments where physical education classes are limited and there is little free time for physical activity.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,结合本人多年的训练实践,对广州体育学院女子铁饼核心力量的训练方法和手段进行研究。指出核心力量的训练方法和手段的选取要与专项成绩指标高度相关,针对参与做功的肌肉链,针对发展以核心部位为主的肌肉群的快速力量;结合磷酸原系统供能系统的特点合理地安排练习和间歇时间,合理安排力量训练手段的顺序;更加有效地把核心力量与技术节奏完美结合,发挥运动员的最大潜能。  相似文献   

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