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与美国相比,我国新闻诽谤诉讼中媒体败诉率居高不下,其关键原因是:我国实行证明责任倒置,由媒体对报道真实性和过错负证明责任;美国由原告对此负证明责任。然而,深层次原因是:混淆证明责任与举证责任的区别,滥用证明责任倒置。  相似文献   

与美国相比,我国新闻诽谤诉讼中媒体与记者诉讼负担重、败诉率居高不下,其重要原因是:我国对过错、损害赔偿由法官推定,美国则由原告证明;我国由媒体或记者对报道真实性负证明责任,美国由原告对报道的失实负证明责任。然而,深层原因是我国法律和司法界的以下问题:理论上对民法名誉权和宪法性言论自由权同等保护,但前者有系统的实体法和程序法的保障,操作性强,后者则无救济程序。  相似文献   

浅谈新闻侵权的归责原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻侵权的归责原则是新闻侵权理论中的核心问题。我们在讨论一些新闻侵权案例时所产生的分歧,往往是由于对新闻侵权的归责原则认识不一致、不了解产生的。在这个问题上缺乏共识,就缺乏讨论问题的共同话语平台。所谓归责原则,实际上是归责的规则,它是确定行为人的侵权民事责任的根据和标准。如何确定新闻侵权民事责任的归责原则,目前有四种不同观点:一是主张过错责任原则,是指以新闻侵权行为人主观上的过错为构成民事责任的必要条件的归责原则。在此观点指导下的司法实践,表现为有过错有责任,无过错无责任。二是主张无过错原则。在此观点指…  相似文献   

新闻侵权诉讼中的证明责任分配制度直接决定诉讼各方的法律风险,因而十分重要.司法实践中对有关司法解释理解的不尽统一也对判决的公正性产生了一定影响.本文借鉴外国学者的相关理论,结合我国新闻侵权的现实情况和现行法律规范,认为"过错推定"原则应当成为我国新闻侵权诉讼证明责任的分配原则.  相似文献   

建议稿条文十二、[承担责任的方式] 问:新闻作品侵害名誉权的,如何承担侵权责任? 答:新闻作品侵害他人名誉权的,应当首先适用公开赔礼道歉、发表更正报道以恢复名誉的方式承担责任.新闻媒介和出版机构有重大过错或造成当事人经济损失的,应适当承担赔偿责任.  相似文献   

建议稿条文十二、[承担责任的方式] 问:新闻作品侵害名誉权的,如何承担侵权责任? 答:新闻作品侵害他人名誉权的,应当首先适用公开赔礼道歉、发表更正报道以恢复名誉的方式承担责任。新闻媒介和出版机构有重大过错或造成当事人经济损失的,应适当承担赔偿责任。  相似文献   

目前,央视女主持人文清状告《重庆商报》社名誉侵权案在北京市第一中级人民法院判决:重庆商报社公开道歉两次,并赔偿文清精神损失等10万余元。至此,这个沸沸扬扬的案件暂告一段落,但法院的判决结果再次向新闻界同仁提出这些挥之不去的问题:在新闻侵权诉讼中,“过错”的含义和意义是什么?究竟应该由谁对过错承担证明责任?  相似文献   

日前,央视女主持人文清状告重庆商报社名誉侵权案在北京市第一中级人民法院判决重庆商报社公开道歉两次,并赔偿文清精神损失等10万余元。至此,这个沸沸扬扬的案件暂告一段落,但法院的判决结果再次向新闻界同仁提出这些挥之不去的问题:在新闻侵权诉讼中,“过错”的含义和意义是什么?究竟应该由谁对过错承担证明责任?  相似文献   

一篇新闻报道到底怎样才能算得上侵权?新闻侵害名誉权责任认定如何划分?一般侵权行为是按照损害事实、行为人行为违法、行为人行为与损害后果之间有因果联系、行为人主观上有过错这四个构成要件来认定的.然而,由于新闻侵权所具有的传播范围广、侵害后果严重等特殊性,再加上各类新闻侵权的性质不尽相同,所以,新闻侵害名誉权的构成要件需考虑两条,即行为人有过错及行为人的行为与损害后果之间的因果联系.  相似文献   

新闻道德原则包括:新闻道德的职业原则和新闻道德的工作原则。新闻道德职业原则要求新闻从业人员不搞有偿新闻、不有意混淆新闻与广告、不制作黄色新闻、编辑部和经营部门职责分明等。新闻道德工作原则是指新闻报道的公正性,包括尊重个人的名誉权、隐私权、肖像权、审慎地评论尚未结案的事件和嫌疑人。因为它强调新闻工作者进行采访报道时必须心想公众权利,所以又称为新闻道德的公众原则。一西方各国对于调解新闻报道与新闻侵权的冲突有专门的法规作出规定,如《情报自由法》、《诽谤法》、《新闻报道特许权》等。美国法律明确规定报纸有…  相似文献   

①研究目的:民事推定对证明责任有何影响。②研究方法:理论和实证研究。③研究对象:“气泡爆裂”理论和摩根理论对推定对证明责任的争论;民事推定对(首次)提出证据责任、说服责任的不同影响。四、结论:英美法系“气泡爆裂”理论和摩根理论并存也是其法律文化和法律理性逻辑的必然产物。大陆法系从应然的角度讲,应采用摩根理论。民事推定对提出证据责任和说服责任进行了分配,而不是“转移”。  相似文献   

文杰 《出版科学》2011,19(5):21-24
基于《侵权责任法》的相关规定,探讨网络服务提供者的版权侵权责任。认为对网络服务提供者的版权侵权责任应适用过错责任原则;在认定网络服务提供者的过错时,应将"知道"解释为"明知",并应为网络服务提供者采取必要措施设置必要的门槛;对网络服务提供者的赔偿范围,可采取法定赔偿制度。  相似文献   

This study explored the meanings and connotations of public relations in news stories carried by major newspapers and network television. The findings suggest that the term public relations was primarily used to suggest image building, reputation management, and persuasion efforts. News story interpretations of public relations terms were likely to refer to publicity, image, campaigns of persuasion, and marketing efforts to promote an organization's claims. The results reveal that negative connotations of public relations prevail in journalists' stories discussing the practice of public relations. The results imply that public relations practitioners trying to pitch their clients' stories need to understand how journalists will likely perceive the stories' news value. Two-way communication should begin with media relations via an understanding of journalists' viewpoints.  相似文献   

Although much attention has been paid to how media use and interpersonal discussion motivate people to engage in political persuasion, and despite recent efforts to study the role of digital media technologies, less is known about the creation of news and public affairs content online. This study sheds light on how online content creation works alongside other communicative behaviors, such as news use and political discussion, to affect attempted political persuasion. Using two-wave panel survey data, we find that political discussion and citizen news creation mediate the relationships between online and traditional news use, on one hand, and attempted persuasion, on the other. Furthermore, strength of partisanship moderates the relationship between content creation and attempted persuasion. Findings are discussed in light of their implications for the political communication and public sphere processes.  相似文献   

One of the earliest theories of threat appeals, the drive model, predicts that the fear–persuasion relationship is characterized by an inverted U-curve. Evidence of such a curve has proven elusive, probably because, in reality, there are two curvilinear hypotheses, not one. Existing primary studies and meta-analyses have tested the between-persons version of the inverted U-curve and found it wanting. In contrast, this study reports on a within-persons version and finds clear support for it. A peaked curve predicted change in intention to use dental floss, whereas a flatter curve did not. Partitioning the sample on individual differences in the behavioral inhibition system produced curves that did not differ in their ability to predict persuasion. Because no contemporary theory of threat appeals can predict these curvilinear findings, researchers should reconsider the utility of drive theory.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether or not persons differ in their general propensity to counterargue and if such differences affect the efficacy of distraction as a persuasion‐enhancing mechanism. Results of the study support the hypothesis that persons having a high propensity to counterargue who are not distracted will be most resistant to persuasion, while distracted persons having a low propensity to counterargue will be least resistant to persuasion.  相似文献   

Narrative messages on average produce higher levels of involvement, intention, and behavior than other message formats. Narratives also generate feelings of sympathy and empathy, although few studies have directly compared the roles of each emotion in the persuasion process. This article presents the results of two studies that tested the effect of exposure to a narrative or nonnarrative ad on persuasive outcomes and the roles sympathy and empathy play in the persuasion process. Both studies found that the narrative ad produced higher levels of involvement, intention, and behavior and that empathy played a more important role in persuasion than sympathy.  相似文献   


This issue samples current social‐scientific persuasion research in this anthology, and reviews questions about persuasion in the courtroom in one of the special reports.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):197-236

This essay is a taxonomic study of the available means of graphic persuasion as manifested in the art of political cartooning. The authors argue that the neo‐classical canons of rhetoric, slightly modified, provide an adequate superstructure for the production and criticism of graphic discourse. It is further argued that the specific techniques which grow out of the application of the canons reveal significant differences between the means of persuasion available to the graphic artist and those available to the oral persuader. These differences of technique arise from the nature of the medium and force a reconceptualization of the canons of memory and delivery as applied to non‐oratorical forms in general and graphic persuasion in particular.  相似文献   

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