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This article has two purposes: (a) to consider existing platforms and future possibilities in the United States for what the authors refer to as Integrative Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE), which integrates standards-based K–12 physical education with a public health agenda focusing on promoting increased physical activity and fitness, and (b) to consider the implications of IPHPE for the preparation of future physical education teachers and teacher educators/researchers. First, the historical context that has nurtured the development of ideologies that inform IPHPE is summarized. Second, examples of these ideologies in terms of their current and prospective contributions to IPHPE perspectives are discussed. Third, building from existing public health-aligned recommendations for pre-service physical education teacher education (PETE) programs, IPHPE-based professional preparation requirements for future physical education teachers are considered. Finally, the focus shifts to doctoral PETE (D-PETE) programming and professional preparation requirements for future physical education teacher educators/researchers from an IPHPE perspective. The overall intention of this article is to propose a way forward for physical education which bridges educational priorities of the profession to contemporary and relevant public health needs.  相似文献   


The increased pluralism in today’s United States society, including our public school student population, has called for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to train teachers who can respond to the educational needs of students from diverse backgrounds. However, concerns have been raised with educator preparation programs’ ability to prepare teachers to address diversity in our schools. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the movement toward teaching for social justice in PETE with focus on preparing teachers for cultural diversity; this includes special attention to cultural humility as a missing component in physical education teacher preparation. We discuss the current state of diversity in PETE, leading to a discussion of social justice as a theme in teaching and teacher education in physical education. Next, we detail the underpinnings of social justice pedagogies in physical education and the need for infusing cultural humility in PETE.  相似文献   

高等师范院校教育实践性课程改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实践性课程是高师院校课程体系的重要组成部分。在教师教育走向大学化,师范教育结构不断调整升级的情况下,传统的教育实践性课程模式存在的弊端和缺陷日益凸显出来。从教育实践性课程的内涵出发,通过文献和访谈收集资料,分析我国高师教育实践性课程现状:课程观念偏狭,课程内容、形式单一。课程设置不尽合理,课程资源严重缺乏,学生的主体性被抹杀。提出高师教育实践性课程体系改革的初步构想:构建新型教育实践性课程观,丰富实践性课程的内容与形式,适当延长实践性课程的时间,拓展实践性课程的空间,充实实践性课程资源,凸现学生在教育实践性课程的主体地位。  相似文献   

日本文部科学省自2019年4月1日起开始实施对中小学教师培训课程的变革。主要变革内容为提高教师信息活用技术和外语能力、强化教师的教育理解并关注特殊学生群体、增加对教师的综合学习时间课程的指导以及允许高校自主设置一定的培养课程,提高了教师队伍质量。而我国目前的教师资格考试制度存在种种弊端,例如教师准入门槛低、缺乏教学实践经验和理论知识的积累以及教师信息技术手段活用能力不足等问题。它山之石,可以攻玉,借鉴日本经验有益于我国发展教师队伍建设,提高我国教师专业素质。  相似文献   

新时期我国高校教师继续教育发展路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继续教育是高校教师队伍建设的重要环节,是提高教师素质的重要途径。新时期,我国高校教师的继续教育,应该逐步过渡到高校教师个体自我选择的市场化取向模式;为了提供丰富多彩的课程资源以及形式多样的培训形式,应该构建开放、多元的高校教师继续教育新体系;在理顺常规培训的基础上淡化晋级捆绑,为市场化取向的高校教师培训注入活力。  相似文献   

This paper is an account of an action research project funded by the Teacher Training Agency and co‐ordinated by the Institute of Education, University of London. It critically considers the features, methodology and main findings of an enquiry into the nature of art and design components of courses of primary initial teacher education in nine institutions of higher education in the U.K. The project provides evidence to support ways in which primary teachers can effectively transform their subject knowledge in art and design into subject‐specific pedagogical knowledge. The value — for the participants — of a collective case study approach to research, along with some wider implications for art and design courses in initial teacher education are also identified.  相似文献   

摘要:在实际的教学过程中,教师重构课程是普遍存在的客观现象。影响教师重构课程的社会学因素主要包括社会制度、教师社会角色、教师自身的知识水平、特点及兴趣、教学评价机制等。教师应从教育的本意出发,本着一种负责任的态度对课程进行重构,以达到与课程之间的关系和谐。  相似文献   

In recent months, certain major policy documents have highlighted the importance of facilitating the development of interpersonal communication competence in vocational teachers. These documents include the provocative Australian Education Council Review Committee Report (Finn Report) which lists interpersonal and personal development as one of six key competency areas. As new vocational teacher education courses like the Bachelor of Teaching are beginning to be developed on a national scale within Australia, it is appropriate to cater for the development of interpersonal communication competence in vocational teacher education curricula. Among the more vexatious questions which need to be addressed is the determination of whether vocational teachers can demonstrate interpersonal communication competence, particularly in relation to their professional roles. This paper examines current scientific literature on communication competence. Since competence implies more than skill alone, consideration is also given in this paper to ways of identifying vocational teachers’ understanding of interpersonal communication processes and their importance in relation to the facilitation of learning in the post‐secondary vocational education sector. Such issues as assessing interpersonal communication competence in teacher‐learner relationships by means of direct observation, video‐based structured reflection, and self‐analysis are identified for further study. Finally, implications are drawn for vocational teacher education curricula currently being developed within Australia.  相似文献   

This literature review examines curricular space allocated to activity based/movement content courses in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) pre-service programs, specifically focusing on how dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are addressed within those programs. This review includes original empirical research conducted on PETE pre-service programs and graduates within the United States after 1990. The review defines “activity based/movement content knowledge course” as any course in which students learn the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to engage in or perform a particular sport, game, dance or other physical activity. Only one study within the review of nine total studies focuses solely on dance content within PETE pre-service programs. This review also analyzes the placement of dance content knowledge within the Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) Grade Level Outcomes for K–12 Physical Education (PE). Suggestions are made for future research and methodological considerations for dance content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in PETE pre-service programs.  相似文献   

There has been a limited interest in examining physical education teacher educators’ role and practices in embedding professional responsibility and commitment to continued professional learning for both teacher educators and pre-service teachers in a physical education teacher education (PETE) program (MacPhail, 2011) Directed by a landscape of community of practice (CoP) as professional development (Parker, Patton &; Tannehill, 2012), this article shares four case studies that demonstrate the extent to which PETE learning can be mapped onto the landscape. In essence, a CoP is sustained over time, involves shared member goals, involves frequent discourse, is active and social, and is characterized by problems being solved by the members. The ideas in this article in tandem with Wenger's (1998) CoP process can encourage teacher educators to consider whether opportunities undertaken in a PETE program, and with colleagues external to the PETE program, encourage an authentic CoP.  相似文献   


This article reports on part of a larger, ongoing two-year investigation supported by the Teacher Training Agency into the recruitment of new teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds via Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) courses in England. The authors focus here on interviews with admissions tutors, course directors and other senior staff at teacher training institutions. The interviews revealed differences between institutions in the measures taken to attract minority ethnic students. The research indicates a need for much clearer guidelines for admissions tutors on the issues surrounding the question of 'positive action' on the recruitment of new teachers from minority ethnic groups.  相似文献   


Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of Pacific primary school teachers’ and university lecturers’ reflections on their involvement in the in-service Bachelor of Education degree programme offered at the regional University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji. Two rich sets of data have emerged from this study. Firstly, there are a number of critical reflections by ourselves as teacher educators concerning levels of equitable student access and participation in our degree as it is reconceptualised for distance and flexible delivery to increase levels of teacher professionalism across the Pacific region. Secondly, there has emerged a set of statements from teachers themselves about: teaching and learning; professional development opportunities; and what it means to be a professional educator in the Pacific region. This later data suggests an alternative set of voices in what has largely been a “conversation between us about them” conducted by Ministries of Education, Curriculum Development Units, USP, other educational bodies and the media in the Pacific, but particularly Fiji, about teachers and teachers’ work. Critical reflection upon our own practice as teacher educators and the voices of experienced teachers are particularly pertinent not only as we seek to reshape a degree programme to suit the needs of the region’s primary school teachers but also as “rethinking” debates about the purposes of education in the Pacific region are on-going yet exclusive.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the factorial validity and reliability of the Achieving the NASPE Standards Inventory (ANSI) that assesses pre-service physical education teachers' perceptions of achieving the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) beginning teacher standards (2003). Four hundred fifty-two pre-service teachers from 15 Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs voluntarily and anonymously completed the inventory. The hypothesized measurement models were analyzed by means of a confirmatory factor analysis. The Goodness-of-fit statistics indicated that the modified 3-factor model with 38 items represented a best fitting model with the data. The scores generated by the total and the 3 subscales of the 38-item ANSI demonstrated a high level of internal consistency.  相似文献   

Teachers make a difference in student academic growth. Students from low-income, minority communities attend schools with less resources and less qualified teachers than students in wealthier communities. The Race to the Top (RTTT) policy by the U.S. Department of Education has attempted to address the achievement gap based on SES and the disparity in the quality of teachers between communities. The policy stipulates that teacher effectiveness be determined, in significant part, by student growth measures and supplemented with multiple observation-based assessments. The emphasis placed on student outcomes to indicate teacher effects has served to link teacher evaluations with teacher effectiveness. This review article examines the reported benefits and critical responses to the use of a prominent student growth measure, the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS), in terms of its implementation as an evaluation tool of teacher effectiveness in low-income, minority schools. Models of observational teacher evaluations, taking into consideration common attributes of effective teachers in low-income schools, are presented as supplemental measures to provide more in-depth information to interpret value-added analyses and to minimize possible misinterpretation of student growth data or the misclassification of teachers’ effectiveness for teachers in low-income schools. Information obtained from a combination of evaluation measures can be used to identify both effective and ineffective teachers, to target areas in need of improvement to increase teacher effectiveness, and to make decisions concerning the equitable distribution of effective teachers, especially for students who are most in need.  相似文献   

我国高等师范院校的课程体系由三大板块构成,即普通教育课程,学科专业课程和教育专业课程,目前,针对我国高师课程存在着设置面狭窄,师范特色淡化等弊端,课程设置改革已经启动,但尚未形成成熟模型。章通过对中外课程设置比较,具体揭示了我国高师课程设置的弊端,并提出了高师课程设置改革应遵循的原则与具体思路。  相似文献   

This paper offers ideas for graduate study in physical education teacher education (PETE). It discusses professional versus scientific degree options, and argues that pedagokinetics (the art and science of teaching movement) should be the central focus of the curriculum for both practitioners and researchers. To overcome major obstacles to academic excellence, a problem-solving agenda is outlined for the PETE professorate, with emphasis on critical issues such as (a) governance and control of teacher education, (b) the proper location of PETE units at educational institutions, (c) regional networks of research universities, undergraduate colleges, and local school districts, (d) faculty competence and differential graduate orientations, (e) the shortage of exemplary teachers and teaching in physical education, (f) recruitment of bright graduate students for PETE, and (g) cultivation of a knowledge base to support practice and research in pedagogical physical education. In addition, the paper reports on a new generation of scholars at work, for over a decade, to increase PETE'S credibility with other physical education disciplines as well as the generic teacher education enterprise.  相似文献   

Metaphors representing the practice of teacher educators were the data for this collaborative self-study by a small group of teacher educators from across the USA. Seventy-five pre-service teachers and practicing teachers enrolled in teacher education courses were asked to create metaphors to represent the teaching practices of the authors, who were their professors at the time. Qualitative analysis of these data revealed that many of these students believed that effective teaching springs from a kind of teacher magic – a mysterious force arising from the personal characteristics of the teacher rather than from any purposeful selection from a repertoire of instructional strategies – developed over time. For the researchers, these results posed a challenge for reworking their teaching to make the art of teaching more visible and accessible.  相似文献   

Reflection and reflective practice are key concepts in the educational literature as well as in research on physical education (PE) and physical education teacher education (PETE). The purpose of this article is to review the current empirical knowledge base for reflection and reflective practice in PE and PETE from 1995 to 2011. The review includes empirical research published in peer reviewed journals on the topics on reflection and reflective practice in the contexts of PE and PETE. There were 33 articles included in the review. Most of the research is conducted in the PETE context, where it was found that pre-service teachers do develop their reflective capabilities. However, the results also indicate students make little progress on critical reflections. In the PE context, it was found that teachers express a need for reflective communities. Theoretical and methodological challenges with the reviewed literature are discussed and suggestions for further research proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we advocate infusing diversity training across physical education teacher education (PETE) programs and curricula (DeSensi, 1995). Specifically, we call for PETE programs to provide curriculum content and professional socialization experiences that enhance intercultural sensitivity to better prepare novice teachers for working effectively with students of various cultures and ethnicities (DeSensi, 1995; Hodge, 2003). We discuss (a) changing demographics in society and schools with implications for preparing teachers, (b) moving from ethnocentricism to ethnorelativism of intercultural sensitivity, (c) implementing NCATE diversity initiatives, (d) infusing diversity training in PETE programs, and (e) understanding physical activity and sport participation patterns of a diversity of learners and athletes. We also provide some closing arguments for implementing diversity training in PETE programs.  相似文献   

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