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There are six houses in the forest.Six kinds of animals live there.The bear’s house number is No.13.The monkey’s num-ber is No.16.The sheep’shouse is not next to ther abbit’s and the monkey’s.The the elephant’shou seplus(加上)2is the cat’s.There are two houses between the rabbits and the elephant’s.Which numbers do they live in?请帮助小动物们找家(英文)@文苑…  相似文献   

My Jacket     
谢婉欣 《阅读》2013,(10):44
I have a jacket. It’s new and smart. It’s red and yellow. There’s a picture of a park on it. There are many flowers in the park. They’re colorful. On the jacket, we can see some English words, too.  相似文献   

Planting Trees     
黄沈橙 《阅读》2011,(5):42
It’s spring.It’s time to plant trees.We plant the trees in our school.All the students are very happy.We like green.Miss Gu helps us plant the trees.  相似文献   

My Home     
白天 《阅读》2015,(14):46
Look!This is my home.This is the living room.It’s nice and clean.You can see a sofa,a fridge,a TV.There are all kinds of foods in the fridge.There are five toy dogs on the TV.This is my bedroom.It’s nice and clean too.You can see a window,a desk,a bed and a map of the world.On the desk,there are some books,because I like reading books.Under the bed,there is a basketball and a football,because I like sports.On the bed,there’s a toy dog.It’s very cute.  相似文献   

任何一种语言都是在人类的长期社会实践中产生、并不断地随着人类社会实践的需要而发展、变化的.为了适应当代生活工作的需要,当代英语的发展逐渐趋于用尽可能简单的形式来表达复杂的概念.在含义相同的情况下,’s属格(’s-Genitive)逐渐取代of属格(of-Genitive)便是当代英语名词属格的发展趋势.依据传统的语法规则,’s属格主要用于表示有生命东西的名词,用于表示时间、团体、距离等名词;而of属格则主要用于表示无生命东西的名词以及主低级动物等名词。例如:the girl’s hand(表有生命的名词)an hour’drive(表时间的名词)the dog’s bark(表较高级动物的名词)within a stone’s throw(表距离的名词)the country’s name(表团体的名词)the hand of the clock(表无生命名词)the law of the game(表无生命名词)在现代英语中’s属格几乎可与任何名词相搭配,在含义相同时,’s属格正在迅速取代of属格,这种情况不但出现在一般非正式的口语和书面文体中,而且在正式的文件和书籍中也屡见不鲜,以下是从近期出版的英美书刊中摘录的例子:the train’s departurethe earth’s gravitytomorrow’s businessyouth’s problemsmy family’s storythe company’s profits ’s属格取代of属格,有下列四点优越性:1. 简单  相似文献   

施燕 《阅读》2006,(12)
All Are BusyAre you busy, Peter? -Yes, I’m reading a newspaper. Are the girls playing chess? -No, they’re making a dress. Is Tom playing with a yo-yo? -Oh, no. He’s cleaning the window.难度系数: ☆☆☆w. Square, square, Here’s a square. Its four sides are the same. Turn it round, it doesn’t care. Circle, circle, Here’s a circle. It goes round and round. No end can be found. ShapesWe are going camping, Alice! Would you please come with us? When the stars twinkle in the sky, We’ll cook on the open fire. We Are Going...  相似文献   

What’s the spring like?It’s like a pretty girl.She can sing and dance.She has a big basket.  相似文献   

柚子 《阅读》2023,(68):34-37
<正>What can you see in the sky in the daytime? The Sun!It’s one part of the solar system.The solar system is a family. It includes the sun and everything orbits around it. They are the eight planets,their moons and so on. Let’s have an amazing adventure through our solar system.  相似文献   

foe theory of conversational lmpllcatlon Is one of the lmprotant parts Ofpragmatics.So,first,1’d like to explain something about pragmatics· 且卜e term“pragmatics’washrst Introduced Into the htcrature bythc Amcrl-can philosopher Charles William Moms In 1937.It’s first major theory,SpeechAct Theory,did not take shape until the 50s.Although pragmatics Is a newly ans-ing dlsclpllnc,It has been developing rapidly.By the early 80s,pragmatics hadbeen generally accepted as one of*theed ba…  相似文献   

蒋泽龙  马巧英 《阅读》2006,(10):48-48
The big tree is the birds’ home.The clean river is the fish’s home.The green forest is the animals’ home.The blue sky is the clouds’ home.The colourful flowers are the bees’ home.The upright pine tree is the spuirrels’ home.The white bookcase is the books’ home.The beautiful earth is the people's home.难度系数:☆☆Home$如东县河口镇吴埝小学三年级@蒋泽龙 $如东县河口镇吴埝小学@马巧英…  相似文献   

费密是明末清初的一位重要的学者和遗民诗人,但由于他的诗作在历史上散佚严重,现有诗集面世较晚,而且他的儒学思想家的名声叉大过他的诗人名声,加上费密本人无意于功名等因素,导致费密的诗歌在学术研究上成为空白,费密的诗人身份和历史地位被众多学人所忽视。  相似文献   

陶渊明笔下有大量有关飞鸟意象的作品。飞鸟意象具有丰富的象征意蕴,蕴含着诗人强烈的主观意识及情感,是作者审美意识与客观物象渗透的结果。陶渊明笔下的飞鸟形象,是其自我精神的形象写照,负载着作者的孤独与寂寞,反映了作者对自然真意的追求及回归田园的人生意趣,更集中体现了陶渊明生命与精神的永恒追求。  相似文献   

杰出的抗战诗人田间,发表了很多有关诗的精辟见解:归纳起来,可以概括为时代论、群众论、作家论、歌颂揭露论、创作论、创新论和街头诗论,这7大诗歌理论丰富了我国现代诗歌理论,值得当代诗歌界深入的思考。  相似文献   

日本五山时期著名诗僧虎关师炼在其所著《济北诗话》中,批评渊明之诗非“尽善尽美”,“不可言全才”,责备渊明之行“是为傲吏,岂大贤之举乎”。其论陶诗求全责备,已失之偏颇;论陶行“是为傲吏”、“非大贤矣”,尤为偏激之论。虎关之渊明“傲吏说”与中国儒家的出处进退观、中国传统的“傲吏”观乃至中国人的陶渊明观皆大相径庭。渊明“是为傲吏”与其自身“固穷节”的人生定位及其耿介傲然的性格特质有关。渊明诗文早在千余年前就已流传东瀛,深受日本人民爱敬,也曾给予日本汉诗以独特营养,虎关此说在日本学术史上只是偶见的一例。然而,因为民族性格、文化底蕴等方面的诸多差异,日本汉学者、汉诗人对渊明其人其诗的体悟与中国人相比有时终不免有一点儿“隔”。  相似文献   

William Carlos Williams,a poet who had animmense influence on the course of 20th centurypoetry.He wrote in varying style and technique andis often radically experimental.The simplicity of hisverse forms,the matter-of-factness of both hissubject matter and…  相似文献   

孙斯提 《职大学报》2012,(4):54-55,116
《淮海集》收秦观诗四百三十余首,仅存两首读书诗,即《抱瓮》与《读列子》。本文就少游读书诗予以解读和品鉴,企图还原一个真实的诗人秦观。  相似文献   

陆游的农村诗在他的诗歌作品中占了非常大的比重,同时其艺术成就也达到了相当高的水准。陆游的农村题材诗作不仅继承了古典田园诗清新自然的特质,而且由于他是中国古代为数不多的真正长期生活在农村的一流诗人,他的农村诗也具有了自己独到的风格和特色。  相似文献   

谢朓的山水诗,体现了与大自然一往情深的对话,时时悄然微露轩举之风姿,不仅警绝动人,而且时含灵心妙悟,实践了他的“壮思奋飞,冲情云上”的审美追求.这在他精心经营被称为“独步千古”的发端上最为显见卓出一起首便浸入境界,创出氛围,无论视点的凝聚,景情的交互渗透,时空的选择,还是上下句的布列,语言的运用,大多形成风格多样的特征,而被推许为“一大法门”,单从对唐人影响之普遍看,凌凌乎逸出魏晋六朝诸家之上.  相似文献   

罗伯特·弗罗斯特以真实描写美国的乡村生活而著称,语言平实却思想深刻。弗罗斯特诗歌的显著特征是工具意象的频繁使用,而少有对其的相关研究。以弗罗斯特数篇代表作为例,结合其家庭背景和人生经历,探讨其作品中的两类工具:劳作型工具和娱乐型工具,以期了解工具意象的象征意义和作用,促进读者全面、深刻地理解弗罗斯特诗歌的主题与内涵。  相似文献   

勃洛克是20世纪享誉世界的俄国诗人,他既是俄国古典诗歌艺术的集大成者,又是现代主义诗歌的一代宗师。他的生活和创作是在两个世纪之交,创作道路复杂而曲折,新旧两个时代的交替过程深深地映印着勃洛克的文学创作轨迹。  相似文献   

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