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Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah said: Where there is no Torah, there is no proper conduct; where there is no proper conduct, there is no Torah. Where there is no wisdom, there is no reverence; where there is no reverence, there is no wisdom. Where there is no knowledge, there is no understanding; where there is no understanding, there is no knowledge.  相似文献   

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge; where is the knowledge we have lost in information (Eliot 1934).  相似文献   


An attempt to clarify how learning from experience takes place and the role memory plays in the process was carried out in the frame of a study of retired teachers' accounts of their teaching, focusing on their views on the transformation of experience into professional wisdom. Forty-three retired teachers participated in the study and were asked to talk about their professional memories. The stimulus question was: 'What can you tell me about recollected events of your teaching practice?'. Further data was collected through lengthy and repeated interviews with 15 teachers. In the interviews, retired teachers were asked what the role of experience was in the development of their professional knowledge. They focused on the necessary conditions for learning from experience, as well as on the process itself. Among the necessary conditions for learning from experience, teachers in the present study mentioned time, maturity, and interaction with others. The following characteristics of the learning process were identified: the importance of narratives; the emotional aspects of learning from experience; and the role of disequilibrium and reframing. Teachers' recollections concerning their practice and insights about learning from experience represent cases of practice that can be analyzed and discussed in pre-service and in-service courses. They serve to create a sense of professional identity and continuity.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the provision of educational services and access to higher education of the Negev Bedouin Arabs in Israel, in the context of the social change this community is undergoing. The Negev Bedouin have been transformed from semi‐nomads and agriculturists to urban town dwellers. Education in general, and higher education in particular, are crucial to their adjustment and development. As members of the Arab minority in Israel, they face a number of inequities in the provision of educational services, access to higher education and access to job opportunities. The Negev Bedouin schools face additional problems related to the lack of qualified teachers and proper facilities. These schools have the highest drop‐out rates and the poorest success rates on the matriculation exams in the country. As of the 1993‐94 academic year, there were only 135 Bedouin Arab university graduates and 163 university students. Their higher education ratio is 2 per 1000, which is far below the Israeli national average of 80 per 1000. Recommendations are offered for improving the access of Negev Bedouin Arabs to higher education and their subsequent absorption into the Israeli labour market.  相似文献   

生命化教学关注知识,但知识不是唯一,不是目的,知识只有转化为智慧,才有其价值。智慧有其两面性,智慧的合理运用,必须有人文精神的引导。所以,生命化教学必须把知识授受、智慧启迪和灵魂润泽有机结合起来。  相似文献   

生命化教学关注知识,但知识不是唯一,不是目的,知识只有转化为智慧,才有其价值。智慧有其两面性,智慧的合理运用,必须有人文精神的引导。所以,生命化教学必须把知识授受、智慧启迪和灵魂润泽有机结合起来。  相似文献   

Forty invited interculturalists (both academics and non-academics) from nine countries engaged in developing a coherent culture of dialogue and collective action to address the challenge of redefining intercultural education provisions with regard to the needs of refugee children. The method of cooperative inquiry to elicit theoretical and professional expertise from the participants was adopted. This inquiry was based on four dimensions of reflective practice, drawing on experiential, presentational, propositional and practical knowledge. The intercultural experts (seen as ‘co-researchers’ and/or ‘co-subjects’) who participated engaged in a rigorous intercultural and reflexive dialogue developed in four distinct phases. The first two phases took place in their own local contexts and the final ones in a forum organised in Greece. During the forum, the participants’ diverse knowledge and experience were renegotiated to ascertain the ‘collective wisdom’ of the group and to address issues of otherness and approaches to refugee education, teachers’ training and mediation. The consensus reached by the participants included the following: the need for local communities to be supported so as to avoid and mitigate any hostility towards refugees; the urgency of a common European asylum policy; the realisation of the ‘other’ as a social construct based on hierarchical connotations and defined by diverse (meta)narratives; the urgency for providing formal/mainstream education to secure a pathway to social citizenship for refugees; the adoption of culturally responsive education practices to empower intercultural learning using refugee children’s own cultural knowledge and collaborating with parents; and the need for systemic intercultural and mediation training for teachers.  相似文献   

This research examines the purposes of education perceived by teacher education students preparing for a career in Israeli public religious schools. Participants were 164 men and 364 women in their first or final year of teacher education. They responded to questionnaires that explored educational purposes in four ways. Twenty-four students also were interviewed. Major results indicate that: 1) universal and religious purposes of education are considered highly important; 2) men attribute greater importance than women to religious- Torah purposes; 3) academic-intellectual growth is not considered an important educational purpose. Implications of these and other findings are considered for educational policy and practice in public religious schools.  相似文献   


Medical education is a domain with fast-changing knowledge and attention to knowledge application and higher order thinking; therefore, how to implement effective teaching is a crucial issue. Based on the technology-based learning model, this study provides a multi-dimensional analysis of published papers on the flipped classroom in medical education from the SCOPUS database, including the form of the learning materials, learning system or player, learning strategies, educational technology, application domains, research issues, participants, and research methods. Based on the results, the application of flipped classrooms in medical education has grown rapidly over the past decade, with the number growing dramatically from 7 papers in 2014, to 16 papers in 2015, and 22 papers in 2016. It was found that a great number of studies adopted instructional videos uploaded on online learning systems or used existing online videos to conduct before-class teaching in the before-class stage of the flipped classroom; moreover, most studies involved no online discussion in the before-class stage. As for learning strategies in the in-class stage, the most frequently adopted strategies were issue discussion, practicing or doing exercises, and problem-based learning. This implies that most studies mainly emphasized basic knowledge understanding and skills training, while little attention was paid to developing learners’ higher order thinking skills. In addition, the majority of studies explored students’ learning interest/satisfaction, learning experience, and performance on the cognitive aspect, while little research was found to investigate their preparation degree or cognitive loading. Based on the review results, this study provides the research trends and potential research issues of flipped medical education to serve as a reference for researchers, instructors, and decision makers.  相似文献   

人种志研究与教师智慧的生成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师智慧是教师基于自己独特的个性,并在特定的教育情景中形成的、对教育活动的批判性认识和创造性解决问题的能力。教育研究是教师生成智慧的源泉,而人种志研究在帮助教师生成智慧方面有着一定的优势:它所强调的整体性视角,所奉行的参与观察和深度访谈,所推崇的反思精神和反思技术,都对教师智慧的生成具有重要的作用。教师要想借助人种志研究来提升智慧,需要了解社会与文化人类学的相关理论,并在学校教育的真实场景中做人种志研究,以及尝试运用人种志研究的一些要求来看待教育教学中的问题。  相似文献   

语言既具有显性知识的特征,同时又具有隐性知识的特征.民族文化对语言的影响,有些是外在的,但更多是作为隐性因素,在无形中发挥着深刻的作用.内外有别、上下之分、共同认识的语言基础、主语缺省、敬畏自然等等这些都是影响日语理解和翻译的背景知识,能否更深程度地把握语言后面的隐性背景知识,是正确理解和翻译日语的关键.  相似文献   


Field education is essential to the development of professional social workers. Despite the significant overlap in social work’s and higher education’s missions and values, there is a scarcity of social work internships specifically in higher education settings. The placement of social work interns in institutions of higher education provides a setting where they can develop new knowledge and skills and increase their capacity to support college students toward academic success. This conceptual article discusses the role of social work in higher education and provides a model social work internship in an opportunity program, including its creation, development, challenges, outcomes, and future direction.  相似文献   


The Conservative congregational school represents an attempt to fashion an educational program based on a particular understanding of the nature of Judaism and the meaning of Jewish experience and existence. The conceptual framework for the programs and purposes of these schools draws from three complementary matrices— the People of Israel, Torah and God—and their delicate interplay. The cognitive and behavioral concomitants of these central ideas form the foundations of curricular development for the schools of Conservative congregations.  相似文献   


Can teacher education promote cultural understanding? In the Norwegian context, culture is discussed as a tool to promote change: a crucial theme for teacher educators as a basis for their double role as bearers and communicators of a culture. Among actions undertaken to promote understanding, there are possibilities for cultural exchange in teacher education. A comparative study on INSET in the technical and vocational area in 11 European countries exemplifies a learning process where the individual cultural background had to face interesting challenges to all the participants. Among the proposals: ‘Introduction to cultural knowledge’ as a specific subject matter; reinforcement of foreign language learning and a deeper knowledge in history; research on teacher education as a cultural element; development of competencies among teacher educators to promote knowledge about culture at a national and at an international level; a network of persons and institutions promoting and enhancing the cultural qualifications among teachers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

针对德育课程的“知识化”困境,21世纪的德育课程改革提出了“品德培养回归生活”的基本理念。虽然这一理念并未彻底否定知识学习的作用,但亟须基于此理念重新定位知识学习。在德育课程中,知识学习最终要为儿童的生活服务,应以“生活逻辑”组织不同类型的知识,知识学习的关键在于对接生活、通达意义。基于这些定位,具体的教学策略包括:在现实生活的需求中学习生活的智慧,从感性认识通达一定普遍性的“体认之知”,在体验、讨论和探究中通达“体认之知”,发掘不同类型知识的不同生活价值。  相似文献   

教育者在教育现场的一切作为,即使有意识地通向受教育者终极的美好生活,也必然具有一种更强烈的实用追求。它的顺利和完满,不可能与教学、训育任务的完成和受教育者的合理感受相脱离,否则其智慧的可能性也基本为零。沿着这一思路,我们从教育创造的领域入手,可以发现教师在学校教育现场必然要做如下的工作:一是对作为教育内容的知识和经验的处理与挖掘;二是对作为教育资源的时间、空间的配置;三是对作为教学活动载体的教学过程的建构;四是对作为教育对象的学生的意志的组织。从这四种工作中,可以提取出"处理"、"挖掘"、"配置"、"建构"、"组织",教育之行因此而不再模糊,教育智慧也因此而不再只可意会而不可言传。  相似文献   


Using an experiential case approach, this study explores the conventional wisdom that distance education courses require greater faculty work effort and time commitment than traditionally taught courses. The study's basis for analysis is an instructor's time and effort in developing and delivering a graduate‐level course in public administration, for both a distance course (a modality with which he had no previous experience) and his traditional classroom courses. The study finds support for the conventional wisdom. But it also suggests hypotheses for future comparative analysis that development and delivery time and effort may partially depend on the accumulation of instructor experience and the level of institutional support. This article also identifies some implications for future research and faculty participation in distance education.  相似文献   

In this paper, I report on an examination of the rhetoric and implementation of peer education in Myanmar. I demonstrate that while there was widespread consistency on interviewees' views of what peer education should involve, there was a significant gap between this rhetoric and the ways in which peer education was implemented, particularly in relation to the training of peer educators. It is my argument that this gap occurred because of failure to utilise, or even recognise, a particular form of knowledge: knowledge as phronesis, which is most commonly translated as ‘practical wisdom’ and incorporates factual, emotional and experiential knowledge. Instead, as I show, the pedagogic processes in use in peer education practice in Myanmar drew on an (unexpressed) understanding of knowledge as episteme: a form of knowledge that is facts-based, technical and presumed objective.  相似文献   

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