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本文针对目前高校收费管理体系的现状和存在的一些主要问题,阐述了高校收费改革的现实意义,提出了解决高校收费管理存在问题的对策措施。  相似文献   

高校学费管理若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校收费管理过程中普遍存在的管理手段滞后、措施乏力、制度缺失等现象,提出了重构收费管理系统,完善高校收费制度及开展全方位、协同管理收费工作的一系列设想。  相似文献   

高校收费标准的测定方法扬州大学师范学院吉桂华高校收费项目和标准是相互联系的统一体,笔者主张收费项目精简,收费标准测定方法科学合理。为了探索科学的收费标准测定方法,本文仅就高校收费中最主要的“培养费”标准测定方法问题开展重点研究。高校收取培养费属于成本...  相似文献   

高校收费已经大大超过居民的承受能力,而且缺乏收费依据。高校收费过高会给社会和经济发展带来消极影响,应该合理调整高校收费制度,同时提高财政中的教育支出,完善就学资助等配套制度。  相似文献   

针对目前我国高校收费混乱的状况,本文提出了规范和完善,以及高校收费管理工作的几点建议。  相似文献   

以银行代扣学费为主的缴费方式,是现在大多数高校使用的收费方式,本文对高校目前使用的委托批量扣款、实时扣费、网上银行缴费方式进行了介绍,并对各种方式进行比较分析,试图为高校进一步优化收费管理结构、提高收费效率提供参考依据。  相似文献   

论我国高等教育财政体制的模式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界高等教育财政体制的三大模式为:低收费公高校与和主高校并重的美国模式;低收费公立高校为主的欧洲模式;和立高校为主加低收费公立高校的东亚南美模式,而我国现行高教财政模式却表现为高收费公立高校为主加少量民办高校,这种模式所引发的问题表现在政府财政投入不足及学费过高,需要构建成一种新的高等教育财政模式,即低收费公立高校与适当高收费民办高校并重的模式,为了此种模式的切实可行,需加快民办教育的立法工作和完善以助学贷款为主的贫困大学生资助体系。  相似文献   

高校学生收费系统数据的安全管理措施探微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前高校普遍使用学生收费系统软件后,给高校的学生收费工作带来了很大的便利,但同时也带来了潜在的风险,如何加强收费系统数据安全管理成了一个不容忽视的问题.为此对加强收费系统数据安全管理提出了可行性建议.  相似文献   

从2007级研究生入学开始,我国17所高校开始试点实行研究生培养机制改革,收费制度改革是其中的重要方面。研究生收费改革能否全面顺利推进,关键在于学校能否提供完善的、强大的资助体系。文章介绍了近年来美国高校研究生的收费情况以及美国高校对研究生的资助,并得出对我国高校研究生资助的一些启示。  相似文献   

加强高校收费管理,谨慎预防恶意欠费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前高校收费管理过程中存在收费管理制度漏洞,执行乏力,收费管理与学籍管理脱节,收费渠道单一,信息不畅等现象,提出三点预防恶意欠费的措施和方法:一是加强制度建设,规范收费管理;二是建立合理的、有效的高校收费管理体系;三是加强道德建设,开展诚信教育等观点。  相似文献   

Several German states recently introduced tuition fees for university education. We investigate whether these tuition fees influence the mobility of university applicants. Based on administrative data of applicants for medical schools in Germany, we estimate the effect of tuition fees on the probability of applying for a university in the home state. We find a small but significant reaction: The probability of applying for a university in the home state falls by 2 percentage points (baseline: 69%) for high-school graduates who come from a state with tuition fees. Moreover, we find that students with better high-school grades react more strongly to tuition fees. This might have important effects on the composition of students across states.  相似文献   

关于加强高校学生收费管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐波 《哈尔滨学院学报》2008,29(12):135-137
高校学生收费管理工作是高校财务管理工作的一项重要内容,如何加强高校学生收费管理工作是当前的一个重要研究课题。文章对目前学生收费管理中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了加强高校学生收费管理的措施。  相似文献   

高职院校教育成本是指在培养学生过程中发生的,以货币形式表现的各种能耗,其核算能够为学校进行内部成本控制、业绩考核提供成本信息,为教育消费者提供参考,为筹资、投资决策提供依据。在具体操作中,应遵循权责发生制、成本与收入配比、合理划分教育成本项目和教育事业支出等原则,并解决好为学生提供教育教学服务、支出方向、费用分配等问题。  相似文献   

There is a limited literature on academic failure in higher education despite the fact that failure is a common experience among undergraduates. Student and course characteristics were examined in relation to proportions of fail grades assigned in a Faculty of Arts. Concerns had been expressed that combinations of two grades, F (failure to reach a satisfactory standard) and FNS (failure to submit assessment work), resulted in high fail rates. Regression analyses indicated that students assigned higher proportions of fail grades tended to be male, Indigenous, younger, had lower entry scores, had deferred fees, were not full‐time day students, lived at home, and had histories of incomplete studies. However, university entrance score was the strongest predictor of F, while being male and deferring payment of fees were the strongest predictors of FNS. Variations in awarding types and levels of fail grades were evident between schools in the faculty, indicating different grading practices. The findings suggest that personal and institutional factors interacted to increase the risk of academic failure for these students.  相似文献   

建国初期由于社会大环境的变化,私立小学失去了来自外部经济资助,仅靠学费和国家的补助无法保证长期维持。私立小学的利益相关者诸如教师、家长及校董在各自利益的驱动下,形成了一股强大的欢迎政府接收的力量。  相似文献   

Article 34. Funds for operating correspondence courses are raised from three channels: appropriations from governments at different levels that are in charge of the schools, collections from units with which the students are affiliated, and appropriate fees collected from students.  相似文献   

Before 1952 university education in Egypt was generally for the wealthier classes because the universities charged fees and only the richer families could pay those fees. For less wealthy families payment was more difficult, not only because of the direct cost of higher education, but also because of the high opportunity cost of sending children to study. After the 1952 revolution the Egyptian government introduced free education at all levels and encouraged those who wanted to further their education to enter universities. Thus elitism was eradicated from Egyptian higher education. This paper uses data from a sample of Egyptian university students and analyses the determinants of secondary school choice and the factors likely to affect secondary school certificate marks. In particular we are interested in the effect of family background, represented here by father's occupation.The results suggest that individuals with fathers in higher occupational categories tend to go to private schools rather than public schools. They also tend to choose general schools rather than technical or Koranic schools. In turn, high social background as well as attendance at a private school, have a positive and significant effect on examination marks. These findings are alarming because Egypt has a rate of increase in population of over 2% and the supply of university places will therefore have to be rationed. The most likely screening factor would be examination results and as a consequence Egyptian universities may in the future become elitist once more.  相似文献   

在全球化时代,高等院校学生的全球流动给国际学生输入国的政治、经济以及高等教育带来了重要影响。英国作为国际学生的主要接收国之一,其优质的高等教育吸引着来自世界各地的学生。在新自由主义意识形态、国际教育服务贸易理念与高等教育财政拨款投入制度的影响下,英国逐步向国际学生收取高额学费。英国高校国际学生学费的变化呈现出新的特点,影响着国际学生的来源结构、生源数量与质量,可能导致高校课程调整与师资流失。国际学生学费的变化引发了英国社会对高等教育市场化取向与国际学生公平教育权益的讨论,并实施了将国际学生学费与院校国际教育质量挂钩、以奖助学金形式平衡国际学生学费压力等具体改革举措。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between educational resources (fiscal, personnel and facilities) and school achievement within a large urban/suburban elementary school district. A sequential mixed methods approach reveals inequitable resource allocation trends and patterns between schools within a school district by producing different student outcomes. The educational resources positively correlated to higher school achievement are: higher teacher salaries, newer schools, more multi-purpose space per pupil and less portable classrooms. Without question, White students receive more of these resources than Latino students, low-income students and English Language learners. This study also conducts a multiple comparative case study analysis comparing between Title I and non-Title I schools, within Title I schools and within non-Title I schools. The study contains policy and practice implications to improve opportunity and school achievement in urban/suburban school districts.  相似文献   

Responses to questions on demography, knowledge about student fees, attitudes toward collection and distribution of fees, and utilization and satisfaction with 8 specific fee-funded programs were collected by mail survey from a sample of 1,002 University of Colorado (Boulder campus) students stratified by class year, ethnic group, and school. Only one-third paid their own fees, and less than 30% knew the amount of their fees within $5. Only graduate students advocated a cutback in services to obtain a reduction in fees; most students would accept higher fees to fund three new programs. Differences among students in attitudes toward and use of fee-funded services were definite among year subgroups and minimal among ethnic and school subgroups.  相似文献   

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