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目的 探究佩戴2种膝关节护具对羽毛球运动员完成蹬跨步动作时髌股关节载荷的影响。方法 选取12名羽毛球高水平运动员佩戴无护具、佩戴髌骨带和佩戴护膝模拟,正手蹬跨步、正手被动蹬跨步动作,使用4块Kistler三维测力台、8台Qualisys红外高速摄像头同步采集受试者右侧下肢动力学与运动学数据,以对比佩戴膝关节护具前后跨步足落地阶段股髌关节力、关节应力、关节力矩和关节角度等参数。结果 与无膝关节护具相比,佩戴护膝能够显著减少正手蹬跨步、正手被动蹬跨步动作落地阶段的膝关节峰值屈曲角度(p<0.05)、显著减少膝关节峰值伸膝力矩(p<0.05)、显著减少髌股关节峰值力(p<0.05)、显著减少髌股关节峰值应力(p<0.05)。结论羽毛球运动员佩戴护膝完成蹬跨步动作时,均有较低的股髌关节峰值应力、股髌关节峰值力及股四头肌峰值力,同时发现佩戴护膝可以缓冲膝关节压力,对髌骨以及膝关节韧带等组织起到保护作用。鉴于此,运动员佩戴护膝能够减少膝关节疼痛、提高膝关节稳定性、降低运动损伤风险,以预防股髌关节疼痛综合症。  相似文献   

目的探讨放置在羽毛球鞋前掌部位的楔形结构对前场蹬跨步动作产生的影响,为提高羽毛球鞋的运动表现及防护羽毛球运动损伤提供参考。方法招募20名高校羽毛球专项学生作为受试者,采用重复性测量的实验设计。实验用鞋为前掌部位放置了2种不同高度楔形结构的羽毛球鞋和作为对照鞋的普通羽毛球鞋。结果楔形结构能够增大前场蹬跨步动作触地阶段的跖趾关节最大背屈角度(P <0. 05)和跖趾关节活动范围(P <0. 05),增加跖趾关节最大蹬伸速度(P <0. 01),增加踝关节最大外翻角度(P <0. 05),降低踝关节最大内翻角度(P <0. 05),能够降低前足受到的侧向力(P <0. 05),增加踝关节的最大外翻力矩(P <0. 05),增大踝关节最大跖屈力矩(P <0. 01)。结论 (1)在运动员完成前场蹬跨步动作的着地阶段,穿着前掌具有楔形结构的羽毛球鞋没有对膝关节运动产生影响,未来研究应关注于楔形结构的高度及材料硬度对膝关节的影响。(2)前掌楔形结构降低了运动员踝关节的稳定性,建议作为训练鞋使用以增加训练效果,但在比赛中应谨慎穿着。(3) 0. 008 m楔形高度羽毛球鞋不仅能够增加前场蹬跨步着地过程中跖趾关节的蹬伸速度,帮助提升运动表现,而且能够降低前足受到的侧向力,改善鞋的缓冲效果,有助于降低羽毛球运动中前足的损伤风险。  相似文献   

目的:通过测试羽毛球运动疲劳后膝关节屈伸肌肌力的变化,探讨其疲劳对膝关节屈伸肌的影响,为提高羽毛球运动表现和预防运动损伤提供科学依据。方法:10名男性羽毛球专选学生进行羽毛球专项步法诱导其疲劳,收集疲劳前后膝关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩、屈伸肌比值、异侧同名肌比值(非优势侧/优势侧)进行统计分析。结果:疲劳前后60°/S时优势侧伸肌PT下降(P<0.01);240°/S时优势侧伸肌PT下降(P<0.05);疲劳前后的H/Q都高于正常范围。结论:羽毛球运动疲劳后膝关节优势侧伸肌肌力大幅下降,屈伸肌比值超出安全范围,这可能增加膝关节及相关肌群的受伤风险。建议:在训练中应当提高优势侧膝关节伸肌的耐力,减缓膝关节伸肌力量的下降速度,同时还要提高屈肌的最大力量,以防开始运动时因优势侧膝关节伸肌力量过大导致的屈肌损伤。  相似文献   

跳远起跳肌肉专项能力生物力学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王琨  魏文仪 《体育科学》2005,25(1):42-45
运用生物力学理论和实验研究方法 ,对跳远运动员起跳过程中起跳腿肌肉群表现出的专项能力特点进行研究。结果表明 ,髋关节伸肌群离心收缩能力对起跳十分重要 ;起跳表现出“前支撑蹬伸”特征 ;起跳过程中膝关节伸肌群的主动向心收缩能力对人体产生必要制动和适宜的腾起垂直速度具有重要意义 ;起跳初始阶段 (起跳过程 8%的时间里 )膝关节产生较大的屈肌力矩 ,即表现出膝关节屈肌群的主动收缩。  相似文献   

目的探讨传统力量训练结合Stat.-Coord模式训练对陕西省跆拳道运动员膝、踝关节的力量及踝关节本体感受器感觉特征的影响。方法以陕西省跆拳道运动员16名为研究对象,随机分为实验组和对照组,对照组8名运动员进行传统的肌肉力量训练,实验组8名运动员除进行传统的肌肉力量训练外,还采用ISDMED2000等速测试系统的Stat.-Coord模式训练进行力量训练。在实验前后分别在60°/s以及240°/s条件下测试2组运动员膝、踝关节的屈/伸肌群的向心/离心峰值力矩、平均功率、做功值以及实验前后踝关节的本体感觉,并对训练效果进行分析比较。结果两种力量训练方法对于受试运动员的膝关节屈伸肌群的向心力量均有显著地增加,实验组的力量训练模式对于提高其膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量具有显著性差异,对照组膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量有一定的提高,但是不具有显著差异;实验组的力量训练方法对于提高运动员踝关节跖/背屈的向心/离心力量具有显著效果,对照组虽有一定的提高,但是不具有显著性差异;实验前后实验组踝关节背屈和跖屈的回复角度差值之间有显著性差异。结论传统的训练方法对陕西省优秀跆拳道队员的膝关节屈伸肌群的向心力量有显著性的提高,对踝关节跖/背屈的向心力量有所提高,但是不具有显著性差异;传统力量训练结合Stat.-Coord模式训练对陕西省优秀跆拳道运动员膝关节屈/伸肌群的离心力量、踝关节的向心/离心力量以及踝关节本体感受能力的提高具有显著的效果。Stat.-Coord模式训练最大区别在于该模式增加了解决膝关节屈伸肌群离心力量训练手段不足、踝关节训练负荷不足以及关节活动范围不足的问题,并通过该模式的训练有效改善了膝关节屈伸肌群的离心力量,踝关节跖/背屈肌群的力量,以及踝关节本体感受器的敏感程度。  相似文献   

为了探讨男子400m栏运动员下肢力量和无氧能力特征,为针对性力量训练和伤病预防提供依据。采用Wingate方案及多关节等速测力系统,对8名优秀男子400m栏运动员进行无氧能力和膝关节肌力进行测试,分析400m栏运动员膝关节屈伸肌相对峰值力矩和相对功的关系,屈伸肌群力矩比、膝关节肌群力量与无氧功能力在不同角速度时的关系。研究结果表明:400m栏运动员膝关节屈伸肌相对峰值力矩和相对功随测试速度的增加呈减小趋势,作为评价肌肉力量指标,相对功比相对峰值力矩更具实践意义;屈伸肌群力矩比指标低于专家推荐值,运动员应加强屈肌群力量训练,以保持关节的平衡和协调;膝关节肌群力量与无氧功能力之间存在密切相关,不同角速度时,膝关节肌群峰值力矩之间呈显著相关关系。  相似文献   

运动鞋对羽毛球典型步法中跖趾关节和后足稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以优秀男子羽毛球运动员为研究对象,以最常用的前场蹬跨步法为例,重点运用现代生物力学技术分析了蹬伸(前足屈曲)和着地(稳定)动作的生物力学特性,就不同运动鞋与裸足运动时的生物力学特征进行了对比,探讨了运动鞋对羽毛球运动员下肢生物力学特征的影响及其可能机制.研究发现,对羽毛球运动而言,跖趾关节在足部功能具有一定的重要性;着鞋相对于裸足而言应该更有利于跖趾关节背屈,进而提高蹬地效果;羽毛球运动蹬跨步法着地时不同着鞋状态均呈现一定程度的后足外翻;利用鞋可以有效控制足后部的外翻,进而降低因过度外翻而造成的肌腱、肌肉、韧带的过度负荷,保护下肢免于受到伤害;判断鞋是否确实存在提高后足运动活动度以足够缓冲地面冲击负荷的关键就在于外翻过度的"度"确切为多少.在上述研究基础上,从前足屈曲和后足稳定等几个角度探讨了羽毛球运动下肢生物力学特征对运动鞋研发的启示,认为羽毛球专用鞋应具有适当屈曲刚度,既不会改变足的易屈曲性,也不会额外增加足部负担以克服鞋刚度进行屈曲,又能够辅助提高蹬地效率,增强足部"扒地"效果;羽毛球专用鞋应能有效控制足后部的外翻运动,进而降低因过度外翻而造成的肌腱、肌肉、韧带的过度负荷,保护下肢免于受到伤害.  相似文献   

目的:测试不同负重超等长训练髋、膝、踝关节角冲量及做功,分析负重对下肢各关节角冲量及关节做功贡献度的影响。方法:对16名健康男性篮球运动员进行不同负重下肢超等长训练,采用VICON和三维测力台采集每个动作的运动学和动力学数据,经逆向动力学方法计算下肢净关节力矩,并由此推导下肢各关节角冲量及做功。结果:离心阶段下肢各关节角冲量与负重均呈正相关;向心阶段髋关节角冲量与负重正相关,膝、踝关节角冲量与负重不相关。无负重及小强度负重超等长训练动作膝关节贡献度最大;大强度负重时髋关节贡献度最大。结论:下肢三个关节中髋关节肌受负重影响最大,是大强度超等长训练的主要目标肌。膝关节肌是无负重及小强度超等长训练的主要目标肌。实践中应根据下肢各关节贡献度确定目标肌,采取相应强度的超等长训练。  相似文献   

羽毛球运动步法分类及使用频率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料、专家访谈、录像观察等研究方法,对中国羽毛球队队员参加的17场单打比赛录像进行步法种类和频率分析。发现:男女运动员使用频率排在前4位的均为左后场蹬转(一步)起跳、左前场蹬跨步、右前场蹬跨步和右前场垫步。提示:羽毛球训练中应强化该几种步法的训练并加强其生物力学研究,进一步防治羽毛球运动员足踝部位运动损伤,提高竞技运动训练水平。  相似文献   

<正> 股后群肌是由股二头肌、半腱肌和半膜肌组成的双关节肌.在短跑训练过程中,运动员常常由于股后群肌力量较弱,而影响其掌握正确的技术,甚至造成肌肉损伤,阻碍运动成绩的提高。从短跑的技术结构看,后蹬阶段,股后群肌参与伸髋:折叠前摆阶段.股后群肌使大、小腿充分折叠,能起到缩小摆动半径、加快摆动速度、节省屈髋  相似文献   

Repeated movement (RM) lunge that frequently executed in badminton might be used for footwear evaluation. This study examined the influence of single movement (SM) and RM lunges on the ground reaction forces (GRFs) and knee kinetics during the braking phase of a badminton lunge step. Thirteen male university badminton players performed left-forward lunges in both SM and RM sessions. Force platform and motion capturing system were used to measure GRFs and knee kinetics variables. Paired t-test was performed to determine any significant differences between SM and RM lunges regarding mean and coefficient of variation (CV) in each variable. The kinetics results indicated that compared to SM lunges, the RM lunges had shorter contact time and generated smaller maximum loading rate of impact force, peak knee anterior-posterior force, and peak knee sagittal moment but generated larger peak horizontal resultant forces (Ps < 0.05). Additionally, the RM lunges had lower CV for peak knee medial-lateral and vertical forces (Ps < 0.05). These results suggested that the RM testing protocols had a distinct loading response and adaptation pattern during lunge and that the RM protocol showed higher within-trial reliability, which may be beneficial for the knee joint loading evaluation under different interventions.  相似文献   


The lunge is regularly used in badminton and is recognized for the high physical demands it places on the lower limbs. Despite its common occurrence, little information is available on the biomechanics of lunging in the singles game. A video-based pilot study confirmed the relatively high frequency of lunging, ~15% of all movements, in competitive singles games. The biomechanics and performance characteristics of three badminton-specific lunge tasks (kick, step-in, and hop lunge) were investigated in the laboratory with nine experienced male badminton players. Ground reaction forces and kinematic data were collected and lower limb joint kinetics calculated using an inverse dynamics approach. The step-in lunge was characterized by significantly lower mean horizontal reaction force at drive-off and lower mean peak hip joint power than the kick lunge. The hop lunge resulted in significantly larger mean reaction forces during loading and drive-off phases, as well as significantly larger mean peak ankle joint moments and knee and ankle joint powers than the kick or step-in lunges. These findings indicate that, within the setting of this investigation, the step-in lunge may be beneficial for reducing the muscular demands of lunge recovery and that the hop lunge allows for higher positive power output, thereby presenting an efficient lunging method.  相似文献   

For fencing, speed of the lunge is considered critical to success. The aim of this study is to investigate determinants of lunge speed based on biomechanics. Ground reaction force (GRF) and three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 7 elite fencers and 12 intermediate-level fencers performing maximum-effort lunges. The results showed that elite fencers acquired a higher horizontal peak velocity of the centre of gravity (HPV) and concomitantly a higher horizontal peak GRF exerted by rear leg (PGRF) than intermediate-level fencers (P?P?P?P?≤?.05). Our findings suggest that training aimed at enhancing strength and power of rear knee extensors is important for fencers to improve speed of the lunge. Also, increasing the extension of rear knee during the lunge, at the same time decreasing the flexion of the forward knee before extension are positive for lunge performance.  相似文献   

The contribution of core neuromuscular control to the dynamic stability of badminton players with and without knee pain during backhand lunges has not been investigated. Accordingly, this study compared the kinematics of the lower extremity, the trunk movement, the muscle activation and the balance performance of knee-injured and knee-uninjured badminton players when performing backhand stroke diagonal lunges. Seventeen participants with chronic knee pain (injured group) and 17 healthy participants (control group) randomly performed two diagonal backhand lunges in the forward and backward directions, respectively. This study showed that the injured group had lower frontal and horizontal motions of the knee joint, a smaller hip–shoulder separation angle and a reduced trunk tilt angle. In addition, the injured group exhibited a greater left paraspinal muscle activity, while the control group demonstrated a greater activation of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and medial gastrocnemius muscle groups. Finally, the injured group showed a smaller distance between centre of mass (COM) and centre of pressure, and a lower peak COM velocity when performing the backhand backward lunge tasks. In conclusion, the injured group used reduced knee and trunk motions to complete the backhand lunge tasks. Furthermore, the paraspinal muscles contributed to the lunge performance of the individuals with knee pain, whereas the knee extensors and ankle plantar flexor played a greater role for those without knee pain.  相似文献   

高文强 《体育科技》2011,32(2):139-142
结合国内体育教学动态,设计并做实验研究了从“1”字形、“一”字形组合形式步法的教学方法,并将此方法与“十”字形步法的教学方法进行对比实验,以期摸索出一套在普通高校的羽毛球教学中行之有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

通过对13名高水平女子羽毛球运动员进行下肢等速肌力测试,以及静态、行走、跑步、起跳、正反手跨弓步共5种运动状态的足底压力分析,发现:女子羽毛球运动员下肢肌群力量双侧较为均衡,髋部内收肌群、屈膝肌群、膝部内旋肌群、踝内旋肌群随运动速度加快而贡献程度不断增加;常速行走时左侧下肢用力自动化过程较敏感,双腿反向纵跳(CMJ)落地时右侧下肢承担了主要的缓冲负荷,单腿CMJ落地时左侧下肢离心负荷较右侧更大;反手区域步法受力高于正手区域,反手区域步法更多是足跟部受力,正手区域步法更多是足前部受力,限制下肢旋内运动的肌群均能影响常见步法的足内侧足底受力。  相似文献   

刘巍  刘冬森  刘峰 《冰雪运动》2011,33(1):24-26,31
通过测试我国优秀花样滑冰运动员等速状态下膝关节屈肌群与伸肌群力量,对我国优秀花样滑冰运动员膝关节力量状况进行研究,结果:在60°/s等速测试中,我国优秀花样滑冰运动员相对最大峰力矩均值左侧膝关节屈肌为1.51 N·m/kg,伸肌为2.44 N·m/kg,右侧为1.54 N·m/kg和2.70N·m/kg;左侧膝关节屈肌群与伸肌群力矩比为62.02%,右侧为57.49%;膝关节左侧屈肌群与右侧屈肌群比值的均值为99.60%;左侧伸肌群与右侧伸肌群比值的均值为91.77%;差异均未出现显著性(P〉0.5)。结论:1)总体上说我国优秀花样滑冰运动员双膝力量未存在显著性差异;2)就单个运动员而言,我国优秀花样滑冰运动员双膝力量存在一定差异;3)我国优秀花样滑冰运动员膝关节屈肌群力量有待增强。  相似文献   


This study identified the effect of badminton lunging directions on impact characteristics, joint kinetics and measurement reliability. A total of 14 badminton players performed 20 lunges in both forehand and backhand sides. Ground reaction force (GRF) and three-dimensional joint moment variables were determined for further analyses. Paired t-tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were performed to determine any differences between the two lunge directions and intra-class correlation (ICC) and sequential averaging analysis (SAA) were used to estimate the minimum number of trials. Compared to the forehand side, participants experienced significantly larger total GRF impulse (+ 3.8%, = 0.021) and transverse moment (hip + 63.5%, < 0.001; knee + 80.7%, = 0.011), but smaller hip (?7.7%), knee (?18.7%) and ankle frontal moments (?58.0%, < 0.05) in backhand lunges. The minimum number of trials was similar for both lunge directions, as the averaged absolute differences was less than one in both ICC and SAA. Furthermore, smaller minimal number of trials was determined by the ICC (7.9–8.0), compared with the SAA approach (9.5–10.3). Lunge direction would influence GRF and joint loading, but not on the measurement reliability. These results give important insights to establish performance or equipment evaluation protocols during badminton lunges.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the joint torque and the mechanical energy flow in the support legs of skilled male race walkers. Twelve race walkers were videotaped using a high-speed camera at a frame rate of 250 Hz set perpendicular to the sagittal plane of motion; their ground reaction forces were measured with two force platforms. A two-dimensional, 14-segment, linked model was used to calculate the kinetics of the support leg joints. In the initial part of the support phase, the mechanical energy flowed into the thigh and shank by the torque of the large hip extensors and knee flexors. In the middle part, the mechanical energy generated by the torque of the large plantar flexors flowed to the foot and from the foot to the shank by the ankle joint force. The mechanical energy flow by the forward joint force of the support hip was significantly related to the walking speed in the final part of the support phase. Our findings suggest that race walkers in the final part of the support phase should exert the torque of the knee extensors and hip flexors to transfer the mechanical energy more effectively to the support thigh and shank.  相似文献   

寇世雄  徐秋 《湖北体育科技》2012,(4):488-490,497
步法是羽毛球技术的基础,少年羽毛球运动员正处于打基础阶段,高质量的步法技术直接影响其它技术的发展,灵活快速的步法是运动员在比赛中能取胜的重要因素之一。步法灵活性好,在步法移动过程中表现在空间和时间上的准确方向、定时能力,表现出动作准确、变换迅速、节奏感强。通过分析少年羽毛球运动员步法灵活性的特点和作用,总结出了科学的羽毛球步法教学手段与训练方法,对如何根据羽毛球比赛的需要、步法的特点、少年的生理、心理特点及掌握技术的一般规律,有的放矢地进行步法训练提供了参考。  相似文献   

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