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微格教学存在的主要问题及改进策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对微格教学现况进行了系统的分析,指出了现行微格教学中的主要问题,从加强微格教学研究、加强对教师微格教学素养的培训、增加教育投资,完善微格教学设备、加强微格教学课程资源建设、改革微格教学,增强操作性和实效性、建立科学的微格教学评价标准等方面,提出了改进对策。  相似文献   

微格教学作为教师教育类专业课程体系中重要的实践课程却一直存在课程安排课时少、实践目的不明确、课程实施无序、缺少有效指导等诸多问题,这就直接导致了微格课程的教学目的难以达成,产生实践实效差的结果。因此应遵循微格课程模块化的改革理念,明确教学目标,不断构建符合学生需求和社会需要的微格模块课程,提高学生实践教学水平,加速我国卓越教师的培养。  相似文献   

本文首先阐释了微格教学课程资源的涵义及其建设与运用的理念,在此基础上分析了微格教学课程资源建设与教师教学技能可持续发展的相互关系,最后探讨了在教师教学技能可持续发展的背景下加强微格教学课程资源建设的基本路径。  相似文献   

目前师范院校微格教学有训练学生教学技能的功能、教师进行教学设计的功能、提高在职教师教学技能的功能、教师进行教学测评和教学研究的功能等。同时,微格教学在新课程、新课标和教学改革中的功,能作用也不容忽视。  相似文献   

微格教学在师范类高校中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程改革对教师素质提出了新的要求,师范类高校应该运用微格教学方法为课程改革提供合格的教师。针对不同的培训对象,微格教学的特点、方法、步骤也要相应不同。  相似文献   

微格教学是以现代化的视听设备为手段的一种系统培训教师教学技能技巧的方法,是沟通教学理论与教学实践的桥梁与纽带。分析微格教学在语文教学论课程改革中重要意义,重点探讨微格教学在语文教学论课程教学实践中的应用,有利于提高语文教学论课程教学效率。  相似文献   

微格教学管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于网络环境的微格教学实施过程是在传统微格教学的基础上,以学生为主体,指导教师为主导,以训练学生掌握信息技术与课程整合的教学技能为目标的教学技能训练过程。现代微格教学活动对微格教学管理系统提出了新的要求。本文以华南师范大学教师教育技能实训中心的实践为例,探讨现代微格教学管理系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

基于网络环境的微格教学实施过程是在传统微格教学的基础上,以学生为主体,指导教师为主导,以训练学生掌握信息技术与课程整合的教学技能为目标的教学技能训练过程。现代微格教学活动对微格教学管理系统提出了新的要求。本文以华南师范大学教师教育技能实训中心的实践为例,探讨现代微格教学管理系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

微格教学是国内外对师范生或在职教师进行教学技能培训的一种重要手段,也是师范院校中的一门重要的实践性课程,但是在微格教学实施的过程中存在各个层面的问题,针对这些问题,本文对微格教学创新发展提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

微格教学是利用现代化教学手段培训检验在职教师教学技能的方法,它能够在短时间内明确体现教师的教学思路和教学水平。把微格教学实践案例分析纳入"国培"计划的培训课程也是检验一线教师教学能力的重要方法。本文就"国培"计划课程中通过微格教学体现出的问题进行了探讨,供广大美术教师参考借鉴。  相似文献   

网络课程在高校教育教学中发挥着不可替代的作用。本文以《中药药剂学实验》网络课程建设与教学为例,从网络课程素材内容的设计、网络课程平台在教学中发挥的作用、实施效果和存在的问题,对网络平台在实验课程教学中的应用进行分析和探讨。结果证明,网络平台有利于教师和学生点对点教学,激发学生学习动机;让学生提交多媒体电子版实验报告,能提高师生和学生间的交流互动;借助网络平台有利于学生总结与回顾知识。通过调研学生使用网络平台的情况可知,网络课程在实验教学中应用,对学生学习兴趣及技能训练具有促进作用。  相似文献   

This study assessed the relationships of student attributes, course characteristics and course outcomes to college students’ ratings of course quality in three types of settings. The analysis utilised data from online surveys of samples of college students conducted in 2011 and 2012 at the Pennsylvania State University. Included in the analysis were: (1) 1805 students at the main campus; (2) 1453 students at 19 smaller satellite campus locations of the university scattered across the state; and (3) 522 students participating in online degree programmes through Penn State’s World Campus. Students were asked to rate the quality of instruction they received in a randomly selected course in which they had been enrolled during the previous semester, and to respond to a number of questions about the course, the instructor’s behaviour and themselves. The relationships of these factors to how students rated the course were assessed for subjects in the three study settings. In all three settings, student and course characteristics, course difficulty and amount of required work had little effect on course ratings. Grade received was modestly related to course rating. However, instructor’s use of selected recommended pedagogical practices and students’ perceptions of how much they felt they learned were by far the strongest correlates of students’ course evaluations. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

课程体系的完善与学分制发展关系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索课程体系的发展与学分制之间的内在规律,本文通过分析选课制与学分制之间的关系,提出学分制条件下,学生对课程的选择促进了课程体系的完善,学分制在人才培养过程中,通过学分结构分值和课程分值调控学生的知识结构和学生选课的倾向,促进了学分制的发展.  相似文献   

“酿酒概论”课程是学院生物技术专业本科三年级专业课程之一,课程实践性、实验性、应用性较强,而传统教学方式中,学生对理论知识的理解较为机械刻板,学生在应试状态中学习,这既影响学生分析问题、解决问题能力的提升,也限制了学生创新能力和工程能力的培养。因此,拟对“酿酒概论”课程从课程教学目的与内容安排、理论课教学、实验课教学以及课程考核评价四方面进行改革,旨在提升应用型本科院校大学生的综合创新能力和分析问题解决问题的能力,提升“酿酒概论”课程教学质量,进行有益教学改革探索。  相似文献   

Post-secondary educational attainment is an increasingly important prerequisite to many valued outcomes. This paper examines the association of racially-specific high school course of study with student’s postsecondary educational attainment using ELS 2002–2012 and a comprehensive measure of course intensity derived from students’ patterns of course-taking. Results support a partial presence of racially-specific association of high school course of study. We also find that only Asian-American and American Indian/Alaskan Native students in the middle course intensity and Asian-American students in high course intensity ranges are more likely to obtain at least a 4-year college degree than same-race students in the low course intensity group. However, the same pattern is not evident for White, African-American, multi-racial, and Hispanic students, indicating that they do not experience the same benefit from academically rigorous courses of study. Also, educational expectations do not mediate the relationships among race, course of study, and postsecondary educational trajectory differently for students of different racial groups, i.e., they do not play a larger role in mediating the relationship between course of study and postsecondary educational trajectory for White students.  相似文献   

艺术课程是一种不同于传统的音乐单科课程和美术单科课程的全新的课程模式。高中实施艺术课程对造就学生的综合素质具有独特的作用。它可以唤醒、开发高中学生的感受能力,拓展、发掘高中学生的创造能力,激发、丰富高中学生的情感,培养、健全高中学生的人格,形成、造就高中学生的智慧,适应、和谐外部环境世界。高中实施艺术课程存在着广泛的学术争议。我国高考制度的弊端、学生艺术基础的贫乏、教师艺术修养不全面等因素对高中实施艺术课程存在影响。  相似文献   

Collaborative learning strategies are widely used in higher education to deepen learning, promote team-building skills and achieve course learning objectives. Using peer evaluation is an important strategy to ensure that engaged and active students are rewarded for their efforts, and to discourage loafing within groups. However, less is known about what biases may influence students’ peer evaluations. In this paper, we investigate what variables students may (consciously or unconsciously) use to evaluate their peers. We explore the role of sex, race, course performance and group leadership on peer evaluation. We also investigate whether these variables correlate with students’ final course grade. We found that students who reported being leaders in groups were evaluated higher than peers who reported being followers, and that course performance positively correlated with peer evaluations. White students received higher peer evaluations than students of colour. This difference reflects trends in group leadership and course performance, with more white students than students of colour reporting being leaders in groups and receiving higher grades.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is becoming more popular as a means to support student learning in higher education by requiring students to prepare before lectures and actively engaging students during lectures. While some research has been conducted into student performance in the flipped classroom, students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped course has not been investigated. This study explored students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped and a regular course by means of bi-weekly diaries. Furthermore, student references to their learning regulation were explored in course evaluations. Results from the diaries showed that students’ study behaviour in the flipped course did not appear to be very different from that of students in a regular course. Furthermore, study behaviour did not appear strongly related to student performance in both the flipped and the regular course. Exploration of student references to their learning regulation in the course evaluations showed that some students experienced the flipped course design as intended to support their learning process. Other students, however, demonstrated resistance to changing their study behaviour even though changing study behaviour is expected in order to benefit from the flipped classroom. Further research on the relationship between students’ learning regulation and actual study behaviour and course results is necessary to understand when and why implementing the flipped classroom is successful. Recommendations that may help more effective flipped classroom implementation include considering the prior history between students and instructor(s), the broader curriculum context, and frequent expectation communication especially with large numbers of students and non-mandatory lecture attendance.  相似文献   

Academic underpreparedness is an issue for many first-time-in-college students, particularly those entering community colleges. Whereas many underprepared students enroll in developmental education, research has indicated that traditional remediation may not increase students’ chances for success. Therefore, states and colleges have begun to implement new course placement strategies to increase the accuracy of initial course placement and new instructional approaches to better serve their developmental students. Specifically, in 2013, the state of Florida passed Senate Bill 1720 which redesigned developmental coursework and placement policies across the Florida College System. The reform lifted developmental education placement exam testing and course enrollment requirements for certain exempt students, irrespective of prior academic preparation or achievement. The current study focuses on these exempt students—those who had the option to bypass developmental education—who were also underprepared, and their initial course selection and subsequent success in their gateway (introductory college-level) English course. Using statewide student-level data and logistic regression techniques, the results indicated that level of preparation was related to students’ course enrollment and gateway English course success. Students slightly underprepared in reading or writing were more likely than severely underprepared students to enroll in the gateway English class, relative to a developmental reading or writing course. In reading and writing, slightly underprepared students were more likely to pass English, relative to severely underprepared students. The authors consider the findings in light of recent national changes to developmental education and offer recommendations for policy and practice.  相似文献   

“概论课”在大学生思想政治课中居于最重要的地位,是各个层次大学生的必修课。为增强“概论课”对大学生的吸引力、感染力、凝聚力,使“概论课”成为大学生真心喜欢、终身受益的课程,有必要对大学生有关该课学习的实际情况进行调研。通过对调研资料的统计分析,选择专题教学模式,经过周密设计该模式的运行过程来达到教学目标。  相似文献   

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