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从1995年起至今,国内的家暴定量研究已走过十余年,大致可分为两个时期。2000年以前,国内没有专门的家暴定量研究,对家暴的相关定量研究以社会学为主,散见于婚姻家庭研究之中。2000年之后,国内开始出现专门的家暴定量研究,以医学尤其是流行病学为主,社会学对家暴的专门定量研究极少。尽管国内家暴定量研究取得了一些成果,如获得了最基本的数据,但无论是从对家暴的描述、解释,还是方法论上,都有巨大的提高空间。  相似文献   

《简易个别智力量表》简体版的试用和修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究是对台湾师范大学特殊教育系王振德教授编制的《简易个别智力量表》进行试用和修订,主要包括:对该量表在上海地区进行试用,探讨其在上海地区使用的可行性和有效性;在此基础上又进行了两次修改和试用;并制定了上海市区参考性常模,这使该量表成为一套能够在上海市区心理测量和特殊教育领域中实际使用的智力测量工具。《简易个别智力量表》简体版的各种心理测量学指标表明,它是一个具有推广应用价值的优秀量表。  相似文献   

本文导出了同心环形光栅莫尔条纹在测量折射率方面的定量表达式,并给出了测量结果,提供了同心环形光栅莫尔条纹测量折射率的即简洁又精确的方法。  相似文献   

关于教学大纲的建设 国家教委中小学教材编审委员会办公室副主任游铭钧同志,在去年底谈到教学大纲问题。他透露,大纲建设要分两步走:第一步,1990年以前,使用修改大纲。经国家教委审定委员会审定后,由教委主任批准公布。修改大纲较之现行大纲,主要改进有:1.对偏高、偏难、偏深的要求,将适当降低;2.教学要求将进一步明确、具体,以便使用时减少随意性和摆动幅度。对人为编造的脱离实际的应用题,要坚决砍掉。修改大纲公布后,教学、复习、考试等都要服从大纲,  相似文献   

通过对2010年度贵阳市南明区法院离婚诉讼案件案卷进行整理分析,对贵阳市南明区家庭暴力现状进行了总结,归纳了南明区法院处断涉家庭暴力案件(特别是对证据的认定)的规律与特征,提出了构建"二元"家暴证明标准、部分案件法院对家暴行为进行积极认定、法院与公安机关反家暴联动机制构建三个设想。  相似文献   

TEIN2连接了欧洲与亚洲之间的学术网,对学术交流与新技术的创新发挥着重大的作用。提高TEIN2链路的TCP性能因此有着重大的意义。在之前的使用过程中,用户发现文件传输速率不高,简单地修改主机上的系统参数,效果不理想。作为TEIN2的NOC,清华大学在近期对TEIN2进行了网络性能的测量,使用专门的TCP协议分析工具对两主机之间的传输速率进行了诊断,提出了提高TCP性能的几点具体措施。  相似文献   

张志中 《甘肃教育》2002,(12):39-39
新编高中生物教材即将使用,与老教材相比,新教材充分体现了先进性和超前意识,做到了改革创新。尤其在培养学生实践能力和创新精神,提高科学素质等方面得到了加强。教材的修改主要体现在四个方面:一是充实了现代生物科学新进展的内容;二是加强了高初中生物教材的衔接和与其它学科教材的横向联系;  相似文献   

最震惊疯狂李阳家暴惹争议9月初,自称疯狂英语创始人李阳妻子的人通过微博控诉李阳家暴,她陆续发出了耳朵出血额头起包等图片,披露了多处家暴细节,并称为了孩子的未来,打算与李阳离婚。其声泪俱下的描述引起了网友们对此事的关注,  相似文献   

<正>2014年度计量测试学会科技进步奖揭晓在5月20日世界计量日,2014年度中国计量测试学会科学技术进步奖揭晓,共有29个项目获奖。其中,一等奖7项、二等奖8项、三等奖14项。1999年,第二十一届国际计量大会把每年的5月20日确定为"世界计量日"。从2000年5月20日起,世界各国开始了宣传"世界计量日"一系列活动。"世界计量日"的确定,使人类对计量的认识跃上一个新的高度,也使计量对社会的影响进入一个新的阶  相似文献   

当前计算机绘图的普及和推广应用发展很快。在教学生初步入门,学会了一些基本命令的使用之后,大家所关心的,是怎样尽快地提高绘图速度,现介绍Auto CAD12.0版本中几个命令的使用,会从中得到启示。 一、用图形修改命令CHANGE修改线型、颜色  相似文献   

Domestic violence (DV) in adult and young people's intimate partner relationships is a social and public health problem across the globe. Education can play an important and unique role in addressing DV; however, it remains relatively under-investigated. The aim of this qualitative study set in Northern Ireland, the first of its kind, was to explore young people's views and experiences of DV education. Focus groups were conducted with 188 pupils (97 males and 91 females) aged 16 to 18 attending post-primary school. The data were analysed using thematic analysis and reveal five barriers to DV education: (1) absence of DV teaching and learning; (2) DV is a taboo topic; (3) lack of teacher training and expertise on DV; (4) religious influence; (5) prioritisation of academic achievement over pupil wellbeing. The results demonstrate that changes are needed in schools to improve the role of schools in addressing DV. From this qualitative study, we make recommendations for how school-based DV education may help prevent and protect young people against intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

批判性思维技能(CTS)已被证明能提高英语语言能力。教育界有关CTS如何在ESP英语教学中的运用的研究仍然是有限的。这篇论文运用定性研究方法探究5名ESP教师的和教学实践。研究显示教师在学习者中观察到缺乏对CTS的重视,几个因素导致这种状况。本研究结果旨在为教育工作者反思自己的CTS英语教学实践和整合提供一点意见。  相似文献   

网络、DV和非线性编辑技术的兴起和成熟,最终使得纪录片的生存突破重重障碍,DV纪录片迅速发展并有逐渐融入主流媒体的趋势。DV记录片除了具有纪录片真实性的本质属性外,其平民视点、个性化表达的特点也决定了DV纪录片自身的一些鲜明的创作理念和创作方法。文章以自创DV记录片《守望者——汉风》为例,探讨DV纪录片的创作理念和方法。  相似文献   

随着数字技术的发展,电视节目制作已进入了数字化时代。高校教育电视因资金限制,电视制作设备一直处于陈旧、档次低、老化等现状,DV数字视频制作产品出现,以性能优良、经济实用、方便快捷等优势,成为教育电视数字化进程首选设备。本文阐述常用数字便携DV摄像产品及非线性编辑的产品性能,高校教育电视数字视频构建平台方案。  相似文献   

BackgroundMore than one adolescent out of three will use psychological dating violence (DV) as a strategy to resolve conflict in romantic relationships, which will have major consequences on their partner’s well-being. However, over time, most adolescents will learn skills to better interact and face conflicts, suggesting that psychological DV rates should decrease over time. Yet, because of individual characteristics and experiences, evolution over time may differ across adolescents. Risk factors for psychological DV have not been examined specifically, even though it is the most common form of dating violence.ObjectiveThis study aimed to explore latent trajectories of psychological DV perpetration and examine risk factors predicting trajectory group membership.Participants and methodsA sub-sample of 449 adolescents who reported being in a dating relationship for the three waves of the Youths’ Romantic Relationships (YRR) Survey completed printed and online self-report questionnaires.ResultsResults from the group-based modeling identified 4 trajectories of psychological DV perpetration: absence of violence (30.7%), low violence (61.3%), high descending (4.2%), and moderate elevating (3.8%). Age, DV victimization, exposure to father toward mother violence, low self-esteem, marijuana use, DV victimization of peers, and antisocial behaviors of peers predicted trajectory membership. The model explained 36.7% of the variance.ConclusionsThese results support the need for a person-oriented approach to study psychological DV and for developing prevention programs adapted to the specific characteristics of vulnerable youth.  相似文献   

The South Asian community is the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, and past research suggests that South Asian domestic violence (DV) survivors may require culturally-specific resources. Similarly, South Asian children in the US exposed to DV may have unique responses and needs, but this has not been explored to date. The objective of this study was to examine the specific needs of South Asian children exposed to DV from the vantage point of staff from South Asian DV agencies across the United States. Thirty interviews were conducted, with data coded and consolidated into larger themes using thematic analysis. Participants described several factors important to understanding the impact of DV on South Asian children including the role of the extended family, identifying with two cultures, fear about what the South Asian community will think, gender differences, and the importance of projecting an image of perfection. Participants also discussed development of culturally-tailored resources. This study suggests the importance of framing South Asian children’s experiences within the context of interweaving South Asian and American cultural values, with careful attention paid to how potential culture clashes between parents and children may impact the way children process trauma. Further work should triangulate these themes with children, parents, and extended family, as well as collaborate with South Asian DV agencies to design child-focused programs.  相似文献   

在近几年发生的一些重大突发事件中,DV拍摄者第一时间第一现场捕捉的影像显得弥足珍贵。在专业媒体缺位的情况下,DV新闻在网络上、电视上的传播中发挥了举足轻重的作用。本文对重大突发性事件中DV新闻的独特价值、传播功能以及存在的问题等方面进行了探讨,并对DV新闻的发展趋势提出了看法。  相似文献   

In the pursuit of my doctoral research on the institutional history of the art department at Central Technical School (CTS) in Toronto, Canada, I amassed a collection of oral histories from 20 current and former CTS art instructors and students, recorded across the country. As an instructor in the CTS art department in addition to being its historian, I set out to produce a comprehensive and multifocal account of the history of this transgenerational community of which I am a part. The following article focuses on one research participant in particular: Sue Shintani, a former student and long-time program volunteer, whose recollections of the CTS art department helped to form an interwoven narrative of the men and women who taught at or attended this hybrid location of applied and fine art education. Sue's insights stretch over 60 years, from her experience as a high school student in the 1950s, to her time as adult student in the 1990s, to her role as a school volunteer up to the present day. In this reflective examination, I ask whether it can be claimed that the quality of oral history research correlates with the depth of the interpersonal relationship between interviewer and interviewee.  相似文献   

DV创作是一种普通大众都能参与的影视创作,近年来被当代大学生所喜爱并且创作热情空前高涨。但我们也看到大量的校园DV创作由于缺乏有效的组织和指导,也显现出作品主题不够鲜明、思想性不强、题材单一、范围狭小等弱点。笔者针对上述特点提出了加强大学生DV创作选题指导的办法,同时在客观上也创新了思想政治教育的手段,发挥了校园DV作品的德育功效。  相似文献   

校园DV活动是带动中国非职业化DV影像运动的原动力,大学生DV是最具活力和文化理念的新生力量。本文以西北民族大学校园DV大赛作品为例,从自我表现、关注社会现实及娱乐性三个方面分析了大学生DV短片在叙事主题上的特点,并从视听语言及叙事风格等方面分析了大学生DV短片的美学特征。  相似文献   

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