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本文比较了机能主义心理学内部芝加哥学派和哥伦比亚学派在研究倾向上的差异,认为这种差异使心理学研究从心灵主义迈向客观主义并成为一个连续的过程,而机能主义出于这个连续过程的过渡环节。其中芝加哥学派主要是在与构造主义的斗争中确立了机能主义的基本立场和原则;而哥伦比亚学派把研究的侧重点由理论探讨转向对具体问题的研究,因此在具体研究成果的获得和研究方法的拓展方面贡献显著,为日后行为主义的产生奠定了先前基础。  相似文献   

爱丁堡学派是SSK的第一个学派,爱丁堡学派理论发展的脉络十分清晰,前期的论说核心是"强纲领",后期是"社会学有限主义",爱丁堡学派从强纲领到社会学有限主义的理论延伸,并没有使爱丁堡学派摆脱相对主义困境,反而加剧了这一困境,并最终导致爱丁堡学派的衰落。  相似文献   

永嘉学派与泰州学派都是在当时商品经济刺激下产生的带有启蒙意义的哲学学派,但由于商品经济发展的程度不同,两个学派学者代表的阶层也不同。永嘉学派与泰州学派思想既有相同之处,也有一定的差异。对永嘉学派与泰州学派思想渊源进行比较研究.可以更好地把握两个学派的学术主旨与历史影响,从而使两个学派的历史文化成果更好地为今天的建设与发展服务。  相似文献   

泰州学派与永嘉学派在创新的风格方面有其相似之处。可以说,两个学派都有注重对历史文化的研究,注重对各种研究成果的接纳,注重对客观现实的分析。但由于创新的历史文化基础不同,现实社会基础不同,因而在具体的创新过程中其创新手段也各有巧妙不同,创新的成果也有很大差异。  相似文献   

由于冯特的实验研究结果缺少验证性,始而招致对其主题、方法、理论的质疑,继而引起欧美国家的反结构主义运动。而真正掀起反结构主义浪潮的是美国本土的机能主义心理学,其目的在于研究个体适应环境时所产生的心理功能。在此理念下适应和实用成了机能主义的中心思想。而机能主义心理学却是在詹姆斯实用主义心理学思想的影响下形成的。本文就詹姆斯的实用主义心理学思想做简要述评。  相似文献   

法兰克福学派和伯明翰学派是20世纪西方新马克思主义思潮中影响最大的两个分支。过去学术界普遍认为 这两个学派有着完全不同的学术路径和理论指向。本文通过分析两者文化研究的不同路径,最终说明:无论是法兰克 福学派还是伯明翰学派,其文化研究的路径、方法虽然有着明显的差异,但坚持某些马克思主义的立场、方法却是共 同的,而这恰恰是值得我们当下借鉴的。  相似文献   

比较心理学是研究动物行为进化的基本理论和不同进化水平的动物其各种行为特点的心理学分支,它为科学心理学的发展发挥了提供佐证和实验证明的作用,也为后来的机能主义心理学、格式塔学派、行为主义心理学的兴起和发展奠定了不可动摇的实验基础。通过对比较心理学的历史渊源、研究内容、研究方法、研究意义、研究困境和转折发展这五个基本问题的探讨来进一步理清比较心理学走向科学化、客观化研究的过程,并指出其困境和转折发展的历程。  相似文献   

近年来,我国学界掀起了一股媒介文化研究的热潮.作为媒介文化研究史上的"双璧",法兰克福学派和英国文化研究学派的主要观点对于我国的媒介文化研究具有重要的借鉴意义.站在精英主义的立场,法兰克福学派强调,媒介不仅是一种文化工业,而且已经成为一种意识形态.而英国文化研究学派则站在普罗大众的角度拓展了文化的内涵,肯定了受众的能动性.但是,从我国的现实语境出发,中国的媒介文化研究不仅需要借鉴西方的相关理论,更应该立足于本土,以发展出一种全新并具有实践性的多元化视野.  相似文献   

心理学的统合与非统合问题是当代心理学研究的一个重要问题,有两种相对立的观点,一种观点认为心理学应寻求建立一种能统一,联合各个心理学学派的理论,另一种观点认为心理学不需要这样一种统合的理论,分化及多样化的理论会更有助于心理学的发展,本认为心理学在发展过程中本来就不存在统合,如果人为的寻求心理学的统合,不仅无助于心理学的发展,反而会损害心理学的发展。  相似文献   

实用主义哲学是西方哲学的一个重要流派。作为一个崇尚实际、讲求实效的哲学派别,实用主义从19世纪末到20世纪初,对美国社会各方面都产生了巨大的影响。实用主义的代表人物詹姆斯,将实用主义精神引入心理学当中,成为美国机能主义的先驱。之后,机能主义心理学继续在实用主义的引导下,沿着“实际”、“应用”的路线,战胜了构造主义心理学,并在应用心理学、儿童心理学、生理心理学、教育心理学、动物心理学等领域获得了一系列成绩。  相似文献   

Supervision is a distinct competency area in professional psychology with a burgeoning research base. Yet it remains unclear to what extent the broad supervision research base generalizes specifically to supervision of psychological services in schools for both preservice trainees and credentialed school psychologists. The purposes of this study were to map and review current evidence regarding supervision in school psychology; consider the evidence in the context of the broader psychology supervision literature; and reflect on next steps for training, practice, and research of supervision in school psychology. A systematic review across school psychology journals and psychological supervision journals found only 37 peer refereed articles (21 empirical and 16 conceptual) published on the topic of supervision in school psychology since the year 2000. The topical coverage of these articles is summarized, including its contributions and limitations. Implications are drawn for future research of supervision in school psychology.  相似文献   

厌学是技校生中普遍存在的现象,消除学生的消极心理,除了学校、老师和家长的教育外,引入平等竞争意识,培养终身学习的习惯,对于引导学生由消极心理向积极心理转变也是至关重要的。  相似文献   

论学校心理学的中国化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校心理学的中国化有两层含义:一是中国必须引进学校心理学;二是我国的学校心理学必须有中国特色,必须适合中国的国情和教育状况。引进西方学校心理学很必要,建立和发展具有中国特色的学校心理学更加必要,在此基础上,根据我国学校和教师的情况,在中小学逐步普及学校心理学工作。  相似文献   

Despite persistent calls for school psychologists to provide comprehensive and integrated services, school psychologists may have difficulty providing these services because of critical shortages in the profession. This practical action research study involved surveying district supervisors of school psychologists and training program directors in the state to identify the current and projected shortages in Florida. This multimethod, multi‐informant case example also focused on facilitators of and barriers to addressing the critical shortage. How the data have been used to inform recruitment, retention, and advocacy efforts to identify school psychology as a critical shortage legislatively are provided as well as recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

在学校心理服务体系建设较早,发展比较完善的国家里,学校心理服务体系分为学校辅导、学校心理学、学校咨询三个层级,每个层级有各自明确的服务人群、服务内容和专业组织,而我国的学校心理服务体系不够清晰,缺少学校心理咨询员与学校心理学家的划分,心理咨询也常与心理辅导相混淆,因此,需要明确目标,分出层次,通过政府立法完善各个层级的服务定位,同时通过培训提高教师的素质,建立健全中国学校心理服务体系。  相似文献   

Lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the school psychology workforce has been a concern since the profession's inception. One solution is to graduate more racially and ethnically diverse individuals from school psychology programs. This structured review explored the characteristics of studies published from 1994 to 2017 that investigated graduate student retention and school psychology. An electronic search that included specified databases, subject terms, and study inclusion criteria along with a manual search of 10 school psychology journals yielded two published, peer‐reviewed studies focused primarily on graduate student retention and school psychology over the 23‐year span. Two researchers coded the studies using a rigorous coding process with high inter‐rater reliability. Findings suggest that mostly Black and White individuals served as participants, undergraduate students represented the largest group sampled, and key school psychology stakeholders’ views were missing. Additionally, programs interested in retaining racially and ethnically diverse students should have a commitment to multicultural issues, expose students to diverse professional networks and mentorship, and cultivate an inclusive program environment. Implications point to a need for more studies focused on school psychology graduate student retention in general and in specific relation to retaining racial and ethnic minoritized students.  相似文献   

自卑心理是高职生常见的心理困扰之一,它产生的原因是多方面的,带来的危害是消极的.而对自卑心理的教育对策研究有助于高职生健全人格的形成。文章就自卑心理产生的原因及教育对策作简要论述。  相似文献   

Physical activity provides a myriad of well‐documented social‐emotional, behavioral, and academic benefits for youth. While research suggests that physical activity should be integrated within the school day to support the well‐being of students, an understanding of related empirical work within school psychology research and practice is unclear. School psychologists are well positioned to systematically incorporate physical activity within their intervention practices, particularly given their role and expertise in implementing and evaluating interventions. Authors engaged in a systematic review of 20 years (1998–2018) of physical activity intervention research within 10 peer‐reviewed school psychology journals and six school psychology‐related journals. Authors analyzed 22 studies to glean a comprehensive understanding of the literature base and highlight the ways in which physical activity can be incorporated to support school and student outcomes. Suggestions for research and practice in school psychology are discussed in light of the examined literature.  相似文献   

美国学校心理学的发展趋势及对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校心理学在美国中小学教育系统中发挥着越来越重要的作用.纵观美国学校心理学的发展,其发展趋势主要表现为:服务重心日趋发展性,研究取向日趋应用性,师资培养日趋职业化,服务机制日趋系统化,发展取向日趋生态化.美国学校心理学的发展趋势对我国学校心理学的发展具有许多启示.  相似文献   

School psychologists are increasingly engaged in service provisions for students eligible for special education services under the eligibility category of autism, including conducting school‐based assessments and evaluations. Evaluations occur for a variety of reasons such as special education eligibility decision‐making, treatment and intervention planning, and progress monitoring. Publications in school psychology journals emphasizing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment and evaluation are vital to quality training and practitioner utilization of quality practices. In the current study, researchers conducted a systematic review of publicaftions in 10 school psychology journals from 2007 to 2017 to assess the current state of ASD assessment and evaluation research in the field of school psychology. Implications for researchers, trainers, and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

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