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Outreach is now a prevailing activity in health sciences libraries. As an introduction to a series of papers on current library outreach to rural communities, this paper traces the evolution of such activities by proponents in health sciences libraries from 1924 to 1992. Definitions of rural and outreach are followed by a consideration of the expanding audience groups. The evolution in approaches covers the package library and enhancements in extension service, library development, circuit librarianship, and self-service arrangements made possible by such programs as the Georgia Interactive Network (GaIN) and Grateful Med.  相似文献   

关于美国图书馆事业研究文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着美国图书馆事业的快速发展,近几年来对它的研究引起我国图书馆员和图书馆的高度重视。文章描述了主要类型图书馆的研究概貌,并概述了关于藏书发展、参考服务、数字图书馆、图书馆管理等方面的主要观点。  相似文献   

Interest in subject specialists in academic libraries has recently been increasing. After being a trend in the West in the 1960s, interest declined in this method of service provision in academic libraries until its recent return to prominence in the last decade. The purpose of this article is to introduce the current movement of Korean librarianship toward subject specialization in academic libraries, and the efforts that are being undertaken to support that movement. The findings are taken from a large project report funded by The National Library of Korea during 2008. When the project was underway it was very difficult to find articles about trends in non-English speaking countries. With this in mind, we authors decided to publish and share our experiences. This article is expected to be a helpful source for similar research or projects in other countries, and to provide an opportunity to share experiences and communicate.  相似文献   

基于文献调查法与内容分析法,解析构成美国图书馆法律制度体系的图书馆专门法、图书馆相关法、图书馆行业标准与规范的作用。美国图书馆专门法包括:①联邦图书馆法(如《图书馆服务与技术法》和各州图书馆法),在规范与指导美国图书馆事业发展中起到了核心作用;②图书馆相关法(如《美国版权法》、《高等教育法》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系的重要组成部分,可以支持与规范图书馆事业的发展;③图书馆行业标准与规范(如《图书馆权利宣言》),是美国图书馆法律制度体系不可或缺的组成部分和指导图书馆运营与管理的准绳。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]准确把握2014年的图书馆发展态势,有效了解英美等发达国家2014年的图书馆发展政策方向、指导思想、战略规划以及实践策略,梳理分析图书馆事业未来的发展趋势,以为我国的图书馆发展提供借鉴参考.[方法/过程]对2014年前后英美等英语世界发达国家及相关国际组织所发布的关于图书馆发展战略与环境的政策文件、研究报告、战略规划及重要报道等动态信息进行持续跟踪与整理,在这些文本基础上进行文献综述.[结果/结论]发现"平衡"一词更加频繁地出现在有关图书馆发展的表述中,认为在变化的知识环境中,图书馆趋向从环境、资源、空间、内容和角色等多个维度寻求一种新的平衡.  相似文献   


This study examines reasons for the shortage of qualified academic librarians in China and recommends ways to position Chinese academic libraries to move into the modern era.

Interviews were conducted with 20 academic librarians in China and 20 in the United States, in one library in each country, to collect data for a comparative study. This paper compares Chinese and US academic librarianship in terms of reasons for entering this profession, academic education in library and information science, and requirements for knowledge and information skills.

Chinese librarianship faces great challenges in the recruitment and education of librarians and with the library system itself. It is time for the government, university officials, libraries and society as a whole to learn to promote librarianship and build a powerful librarian workforce, to meet the needs of China's social and economic development.  相似文献   

中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会闭幕词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会是一次具有里程碑意义的盛会。新一届理事会要以开放态度、务实精神去开拓我们的事业。要做到图书馆事业的和谐发展,一是要缩小东西及城乡差别,争取均衡发展;二是要发挥高校和科学系统图书馆的优势,缓解公共馆压力, 扩大事业影响;三是发挥专家学者作用,促进图书馆学和图书馆事业发展。为共谋发展,必须达成如下共识:学会理事,必须“理事”,学会领导必须向全体会员和图书馆同仁负责;要加强学会秘书处的建设,使学会工作运转灵活。  相似文献   

This article deals with the most important features of Lithuanian library history and describes specific features of the Soviet period. It also describes the current situation of librarianship in independent Lithuania. Historical analysis shows that Lithuanian libraries status, level and rate of development are influenced by particular historical conditions, social, and economical demands of the society.During the first stages of their history, Lithuanian libraries were a valuable part of the whole European library history. Their activities subsided when Lithuania lost its independence. This eliminated libraries from the national historical process. After Lithuania regained its independence, it became possible for libraries to recover. Unfortunately this process had subsided during the Soviet years. Society depreciated library activities and librarians work. Nevertheless, librarianship of this period has some achievements also. There is a rather good system of library education, several library networks and scientific research in library and information science.The last period is very hard and difficult for Lithuanian librarianship. During the years of economic crisis, libraries must struggle for their existence. So we can speak only about the possibility to ensure minimal conditions of existence, about the possibility to survive. The technical basis of libraries is especially weak: few of them use computerized technologies. This new period of the Lithuanian library development raised new problems and sharpened the old ones. The Lithuanian state has to change the library system and its functions, and rearrange library activities. The current situation in Lithuania creates new premises for libraries to develop. The most important premise of these changes is restoration of Lithuanian independence. A lot of work is already done to deideologize library activities, and to consolidate in them the principles of democracy. This work must guarantee the right of all Lithuanian citizens to use information stored in libraries. Now Lithuanian libraries strive to restore and establish new international relations, and to integrate themselves into the world's information system.  相似文献   


Special libraries exist in an ecosystem consisting of the information industry, the library world, their own organizations, and workforce demographics. Librarians need to be aware of the trends shaping all of these facets. This column takes a close look at Outsell's Information Industry Outlook report for 2016 and its implications for special libraries. The outlook for special libraries is neither the previously forecast Baby Boomer retirement crisis nor the dire end of special libraries many feared during the recent recession. Instead, the special library world is transforming, creating both challenges and opportunities for special librarians. Millennials entering both the workforce at large and the library workforce will make their presence known. Savvy information professionals will stay on top of these trends and find their niche, whether in a traditional physical library or in emerging careers outside the library.

Column Editor’s NoteSpecial libraries share concerns with their more general academic, public, and school counterparts, but they also have unique characteristics and concerns which merit separate consideration. Libraries of all types are evolving, and just as special libraries can learn from the general literature on libraries, practitioners in all types of libraries can learn from the experiences and best practices of special libraries. “The Specialist,” appearing in even-numbered issues of this journal, addresses the administrative concerns of special libraries. The column's scope is a broad umbrella of specialized librarianship and includes corporate, non-profit, government, and independent libraries as well as the specialized departments and branches of academic and public libraries. Contributions from practitioners and scholars on any aspect of special libraries are welcome. Interested authors are invited to contact the editor at tmurray@stamps.org for submission guidelines.  相似文献   

THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATION FOR MEDICAL LIBRARY PRACTICE IN THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF FOUR MAJOR COMPONENTS: graduate degree programs in library science with specialization in medical librarianship; graduate degree programs in library science with no such specialization; postgraduate internships in medical libraries; continuing education programs. Data are presented illustrating the flow of graduates along these several educational pathways into medical library practice.The relevance of these educational components to the current medical library work force is discussed with reference to manpower data compiled for Ohio. The total number of medical library personnel in Ohio in 1968 is 316. Of this total, only forty-two (approximately 14 percent) have received any formal library training. Seventy persons have only a high school education. From these figures, it is concluded that there is no standard or essential qualification which is universally accepted as educational preparation for work in medical libraries; that the comparative sophistication of the educational programs in medical librarianship has yet to be reflected widely in general medical library practice; that an increasingly large number of non-professional or ancillary personnel are being, and will continue to be, utilized in medical libraries; that large numbers of untrained persons have sole responsibility for medical libraries; and that appropriate educational programs will have to be designed specifically for this type of personnel.  相似文献   

The emergence of social media has radically transformed the way we create and consume information. These changes have in turn given rise to new models of librarianship centered on principles of participation, interaction, and collaboration. Over the last decade, academic libraries have eagerly adopted social media as a means of enhancing services and connecting with a new generation of users. But how exactly has this technology changed libraries? In what ways has the social web transformed library services or our relationships with users? This article attempts to assess the impact of social media on academic libraries in the United States through a review of the literature published since 2005. In particular, it looks at how academic libraries have used social media to improve or develop new services. By comparing published case studies with the theoretical literature, this article seeks to separate theory from practice and determine the extent to which the social web has transformed library practice. The author concludes that, despite several noteworthy examples, the majority of social library applications ultimately fail to live up to the transformative potential promised within the literature and that this failure may have more to do with philosophical rather than technical limitations.  相似文献   

杨昭悊早年图书馆学行考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国现代图书馆学和图书馆事业的重要奠基人,杨昭悊先生早年的图书馆学行活动是相当重要的文献史料。阐述了杨先生译介《图书馆学指南》的缘由及其撰著《图书馆学》的自觉与影响,评述杨先生赴美途中对日本图书馆的报道与推介,考察其早年图书馆学行活动,以原始史料复原这位早期图书馆事业先行者令人尊敬的图书馆精神与情怀。  相似文献   

概述世纪之交国际图书馆界变革的若干热点问题:管理思想的变革、虚拟图书馆、从员图书馆员到信息主任、图书馆的未来角色等。  相似文献   


This article deals with the most important features of Lithuanian library history and describes specific features of the Soviet period. It also describes the current situation of librarianship in independent Lithuania. Historical analysis shows that Lithuanian libraries status, level and rate of development are influenced by particular historical conditions, social, and economical demands of the society.

During the first stages of their history, Lithuanian libraries were a valuable part of the whole European library history. Their activities subsided when Lithuania lost its independence. This eliminated libraries from the national historical process. After Lithuania regained its independence, it became possible for libraries to recover. Unfortunately this process had subsided during the Soviet years. Society depreciated library activities and librarians work. Nevertheless, librarianship of this period has some achievements also. There is a rather good system of library education, several library networks and scientific research in library and information science.

The last period is very hard and difficult for Lithuanian librarianship. During the years of economic crisis, libraries must struggle for their existence. So we can speak only about the possibility to ensure minimal conditions of existence, about the possibility to survive. The technical basis of libraries is especially weak: few of them use computerized technologies. This new period of the Lithuanian library development raised new problems and sharpened the old ones. The Lithuanian state has to change the library system and its functions, and rearrange library activities. The current situation in Lithuania creates new premises for libraries to develop. The most important premise of these changes is restoration of Lithuanian independence. A lot of work is already done to deideologize library activities, and to consolidate in them the principles of democracy. This work must guarantee the right of all Lithuanian citizens to use information stored in libraries. Now Lithuanian libraries strive to restore and establish new international relations, and to integrate themselves into the world's information system.  相似文献   

晚清至民国时期私立图书馆研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对晚清至民国时期图书馆法令中有关私立图书馆条款的考察,揭示作为图书馆事业一部分的私立图书馆不断发展的原因;通过对文华公书林、东方图书馆等当时具有代表性的私立图书馆的考察,反映私立图书馆对图书馆实践和理论的贡献;最后从私立图书馆的宗旨出发,揭示其折射的时代精神。  相似文献   

再议图书馆发展的十个热门话题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2002年,本文作者在《中国图书馆学报》上发表了《中国图书馆发展的十个热点问题》一文。十五年来,社会、经济和技术环境的巨大变化深刻影响着图书馆事业的发展。本文在综合考量环境变化和转型发展的基础上,尝试对影响图书馆发展的热门话题再做一次全面梳理,提出图书馆与社会发展、识字与素养、空间再造、人工智能、数字人文、开放运动、公共数字文化与精准扶贫、图书馆改革、第三代图书馆以及“一带一路”与图书馆国际化等十个新话题。参考文献48。  相似文献   

关于中国图书馆事业未来发展走向的几个问题   总被引:70,自引:0,他引:70  
数字图书馆是我国图书馆未来的发展方向。本世纪初 ,我国图书馆的发展会呈现多维状态 ;读者阅读需求呈强劲增长态势 ;乡镇和社区图书馆会有更大发展。世纪之初 ,我国图书馆事业将面临来自各种信息机构、海量信息资源、图书馆本质特征的主体功能异化 ,以及经费短缺等诸方面的挑战。参考文献 6。  相似文献   

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