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黄恩  李世豪  金琼  闫金 《当代体育科技》2020,(9):199-200,202
本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法对电子竞技的定义和未来发展趋势进行了讨论。研究发现:由于消费者对电子竞技的需求及有组织的视频游戏竞赛的增长引起了体育活动和娱乐行业的广泛关注。因此,电子体育是一个体育管理学者进行研究,教育学生和服务业的新颖和受欢迎的领域。尽管消费者和从业者的成长和接受度不断提高,但学者们争论电子竞技在体育管理领域的地位,他们的争论主要集中在电子竞技能否被归类为体育的问题上。建议在体育管理中包含有组织的电子体育赛事和比赛,而不是体育运动的一般定义标准。  相似文献   

Yiyong Liang 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1835-1853

This article examines the concept of corporate governance, in particular the stakeholder context to analysis the relationship between football clubs in China and their local supporter groups for the purpose of gaining insight of its transitional football industry. This mainly qualitative interview-based study focuses upon the process of football marketization in China, with particular emphasis upon the research question: How has marketization impacted the relationship between supporters and football clubs? Along with an examination of the country’s wider social background, cultural influences to illustrate the impact of football marketization on the development pattern of the Chinese game and the specific characteristics of China’s fan culture under its so called socialist market economy.  相似文献   

Guangxin Tan 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1883-1897

What is embarrassing for Chinese sports is that the supply of the sports cannot meet the needs of people with the rapid development in almost every field of sport in China. Furthermore, teenage sport has deteriorated year on year and is very short of backup talents in competitive sports. Faced with China’s devastated football, the appropriate attitude is neither seeking quick success and instant benefits nor ignoring it; the urgent thing for this moment is to establish a feasible and sustainable football system. An analysis of the history of Chinese football, the strategy of football development by the country’s leaders, and the policy of Youth Campus Football in 2009, coupled with sports humanism, suggests that the future lies in instilling a sharing sports concept, promoting the joint efforts of school, society, and family.  相似文献   

中国在体育竞技中的发展成果,已经达到了一定的高度,并依旧在发展前进,体育竞技的种类多样,其中健美操是结合了形体艺术和体育知识的竞技形势,本文即针对当前国内外的健美操竞技比赛中,男单项目的动作难度进行对比分析,通过影像资料、数据整合、结论分析等方式,来解析不同国家男单健美操中的难度水平,并以此来总结出我国在当前和未来应该进行的调整,以促进整体男单健美操成绩在世界比赛中能够取得更高的成绩。  相似文献   

以第29届北京奥运会为切入点,对近20年来国际重大赛事成绩进行对比、分析,以竞技游泳成绩的变化特点对我国竞技游泳发展现状进行描绘;同时,针对现阶段我国竞技游泳存在的问题提出参考建议。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和国民经济的进步,竞技游泳作为竞技体育的重要组成部分正蓬勃发展起来,其发展水平直接关系中国体育事业的发展。历年来,中国的竞技游泳在逐渐取得优异的成绩与突破,但与西方欧美国家相比,中国竞技游泳的水平还存在相当大的差距。文章将主要分析中国竞技游泳的发展现状及存在的问题,并给予相应的解决对策。  相似文献   


Competitive balance is important because it enhances outcome uncertainty and therefore it promotes spectator interest, and encourages government investment in a sport. This article analyses the distribution of gold medals, medals, medal points and top eight points amongst nations in table tennis from 1988 to 2016 at the Olympic Games and the World Championships respectively. A normalised version of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index and a coefficient of variation are calculated for each nation’s share of these performance indicators. The key findings are that China dominates both events, with successful female players being more dominant than their male counterparts. The competitive balance for gold medals has declined, whilst there is a trend towards improved competitive balance for top eight points for women, suggesting that more teams are featuring in the top eight (but not necessarily the top three) placings. This research has implications for the development of table tennis competitions. Compared to other racket sports, the issue of competitive imbalance in table tennis is particularly thorny, which threatens the long-term development of this sport. Accordingly, some measures are recommended for the International Olympic Committee and the International Table Tennis Federation to propel a more balanced development of international table tennis.  相似文献   

我国竞技游泳运动可持续发展的战略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法、比较分析法、面访调查法等,分析第28届雅典奥运会和近年亚洲、世界游泳大赛中、日两国男女优秀游泳运动员参赛水平,并针对我国竞技游泳运动的发展态势及存在的问题,提出可持续发展的战略思路。如:建设高水平的奥运攻关队伍,强化创新意识,加强后备人才培养,坚持“三从一大”训练原则,深化竞赛改革等。  相似文献   

改革开放30年我国体育产业发展回顾   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
梳理和分析改革开放30年我国体育产业发展阶段及其特征,回顾影响我国体育产业发展的重大事件,即体育产业概念的探讨深化了对体育产业的认识,体育场馆改革成为体育产业发展的切入点,足球改革成为竞技体育职业化的突破口,体育健身休闲会所成为体育产业发展的生力军,商业性国际体育赛事成为体育产业发展的推进器,体育中介服务成为体育产业发展的催化剂,体育用品博览会成为体育用品业的亮点,体育彩票成为体育产业的重要组成部分。在此基础上,阐述我国体育产业发展面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

电子竞技是信息时代背景下产生的特殊运动项目,它是以网络为基础,以高科技软硬件为运动器械,按照一定的体育规则进行的人与人之间的对抗。研究探究了电子竞技的起源,认为其演变过程为:玩耍→游戏→电子游戏→电视游戏(先驱)→电脑游戏(主流)→单机版电脑游戏→网络游戏和电子竞技。在梳理电子竞技发展脉络的基础上,对其概念和特征进行了分析。与国内外赛事逐渐增加、电子竞技产业化和运动员职业化进程日益加快的现状不相适应的是,电子竞技运动员竞技能力的认知水平及损伤预防和康复相对落后。基于此,从运动训练学视角切入,探究电子竞技运动员的心理、智能、技术、战术、体能以及能量代谢系统特征,并对电子竞技运动员损伤原因及其康复路径进行探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,我国非法互联网体育博彩问题已经严重阻碍了福利事业和博彩产业的发展。基于此,采用文献综述法和专家访谈法,就美国互联网体育博彩法律规制问题进行了梳理和归纳。研究得出美国政府主要是从设备类型界定、跨境博彩问题判定、增设附加条款、设置地州独立条款四个方面,来有效规制非法互联网体彩行为。借鉴美国经验,我国相关立法机构应该在形式形态上界定其非法活动对象、从地理空间上判定其非法行为、从特殊条款上适当放宽其合法业务,进一步完善互联网体彩的法规内容。  相似文献   

付冰 《体育科研》2016,(6):40-46
基于利益相关者理论与企业社会责任金字塔模型及杜邦财务分析系统,采用时间序列数据,以2010至2014年港、沪、深市体育产业上市公司的年度报告为研究数据进行实证分析,考察我国体育产业上市公司社会责任的履行对财务绩效的影响,并对我国A股和H股进行对比性实证研究,最终根据实证分析结果结合我国当前实际对体育产业上市公司的发展提出相关的意见和建议。  相似文献   

竞技健美操是一项国际竞技体育运动项目,开展了近20年,逐步发展成为深受人们喜爱的一项竞技体育项目。近年来,国际体操联合会应时代要求对竞技体操规则做了较大调整,将编排分改成了艺术分,提高了其观赏性价值。因此,充分理解艺术分的内涵,是当下竞技健美操制胜的关键。而表现力是衡量艺术分最本质的核心要素。运用文献资料法对我国竞技健美操表现力进行梳理,发现我国竞技健美操的表现力不足。所以在新规则视域下深刻剖析竞技健美操表现力的构成要素与训练策略是十分具有现实意义的。同时为今后我国在竞技健美操的训练和竞赛中如何完美展现艺术表现力提供参考。  相似文献   

我国体育博彩发展状况研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘文董  许玲 《体育科研》2010,31(2):71-73,77
我国现代体育博彩自20世纪80年代开始起步,并一度在我国博彩业中占据重要地位。通过分析我国体育博彩的发展过程和发展特点,提出了改善体育博彩治理的建议。  相似文献   


In Taiwan, the historical development of traditional Chinese martial arts, or kuoshu and wushu as they are called today, has been quite diverse. This paper examines the development of Chinese martial arts from 1949 to 2017 in the context of Taiwan based on available historical evidence and in-depth interviews. The results show that there were three major historical periods in the development of Chinese martial arts. The foundation period was inaugurated when Chinese martial artists fled to Taiwan with the Nationalists. During this period, martial arts studios spread throughout the country and people began learning the traditional Chinese martial arts skills together with the national physical education curriculum incorporated martial arts in schools. Chinese martial arts in Taiwan then entered the competitive sports period when the Chinese government to promote competitive martial arts internationally and to standardize the practice and grading system required for competitions. During this period, standardized rules for nationwide competition were established, and sports instructors and athletes were trained to participate in international wushu competitions. Currently, the Chinese martial arts have been modernized and being practised to build confidence, mental discipline, and physical strength as well as for self-defence, recreational pursuits, and competition.  相似文献   

我国滑雪产业发展环境分析与创新战略选择   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
唐云松 《冰雪运动》2009,31(1):83-87
我国滑雪产业近年得到快速发展,如何培育滑雪企业的核心竞争力和滑雪区域竞争力是政府急需解决的问题。通过对我国滑雪产业发展环境的分析,认为高速发展的中国经济,国家把体育产业确定为国民经济新的增长点,传统价值观念的转变,系列的大型国内外比赛将在我国举办等是滑雪产业发展的有利条件;来自国外滑雪胜地的竞争,国外品牌滑雪用品及滑雪装备在市场中的垄断是滑雪产业发展的不利因素。提出实施滑雪产业发展整体优化整合,建设一流的大型滑雪场度假区,发展自主知识产权的滑雪器材装备业,加强滑雪产业人才培养,与滑雪产业区域合作等措施,以期为有关部门提供必要的参考。  相似文献   

This article explores the growth of Chinese baseball since the early 1970s. The sport was very popular in the 1940s and 1950s as the semi-official pastime of the People's Liberation Army, but it disappeared from the country in the 1960s due to economic woes stemming from the Great Leap Forward and the anti-western fervour of the Cultural Revolution. Richard Nixon's historic meeting with Chairman Mao in 1972 ushered in a thaw in Sino–American relations that enabled veterans of 1950s competitions to take up baseball once again and teach the game to a new generation. Over the 1970s, baseball began to slowly grow in China with some modest Japanese encouragement and China began competing internationally the following decade. Over the past decade, Major League Baseball has made such a large investment in China that baseball has become the fastest growing sport in the country. At present, the country's only professional league is currently in the early stages of its development, but American talent evaluators believe that the skill of Chinese players is steadily improving and that it is not impossible to foresee a day when China produces baseball's Yao Ming from a massive pool of millions of internationally competitive athletes.  相似文献   

Liu Li 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1898-1914

This article aims to understand the current policies, practices, and challenges in the sphere of football training in schools of China by investigating campus football development in Anhui province. From 2009 to 2016, China has formulated policies to improve the popularity of football at the school level. With the Chinese government’s investment, the number of primary and secondary schools with specialized football training facilities has increased to 13,382 by 2016. These schools with football as a specialty (SFS) enjoy policy support in teaching, training, competitions, and in many other fields. By employing semistructured interviews, participatory observations as well as an analysis of various policy documents, this article provides an insight into the implementation of China’s school football policies by local government. It shows that these SFS have demonstrated desires and capacities to develop football performance in response to demands from the Chinese government. However, a number of developing issues exist in both SFS and non-SFS, such as lack of football fields for training and shortage of professionally qualified coaches as well as tensions between football training and other subjects learning. China still needs more time to fulfil her task for the promotion of grassroots football on campus and to achieve elite football dreams.  相似文献   

电子竞技在互联网高速发展、软硬件更新换代、大量直播平台崛起的时代吸引了大量的观赏者和参与者,其主体是青少年人群。在诸多因素作用下,这一体育文化形态正在风靡全世界。在2018年雅加达亚运会电子竞技比赛中,我国电竞团队勇夺金牌,其影响力在电竞界可谓深远。当前,既要认识到电子竞技对经济、科技、体育带来的全新机遇,更要遵循各个方面的客观规律,处理好电子竞技和体育产业发展中出现的多种潜在矛盾。本文通过运用文献资料法、调查法、归纳法着重探讨了雅加达亚运会后电子竞技运动的发展。  相似文献   

健美运动是一项惠及个人和国家的很好的运动项目,经过30多年在我国的恢复和发展,已有了广泛的群众基础,为了促进健美竞技水平的进一步提高,通过对我国竞技健美裁判员的现状分析,增进了对我国健美运动的全面了解,以期促使我国竞技健美裁判员水平的提高,促进竞技健美裁判员队伍更好地发展壮大,进一步普及健美运动,整体提高我国健美运动水平。  相似文献   

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