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This paper aims to interrogate the key policy factors behind South Korea’s archery success. Based on our review on the history of Korean archery, two additional key elements in terms of organization and administration were also included to form the analytical framework of this research, aside from Green and Houlihan’s four key policy elements. Our analytical framework is thus comprised of two background elements for elite sport development – the organizational structure and administration, and four areas of elite sport policy. According to our analytical framework, this paper highlights four key policy dimensions that have influenced South Korea’s archery success, as follows: (i) establishment of the Korean Archery Association (KAA) and the involvement of business elites; (ii) emergence of potential full-time archers by the identification of, and the support for, young talented athletes; (iii) developments in sport science, coaching, and facilities/equipment; and (iv) the provision of more systematic competition opportunities for elite-level archers. In summary, the success of Korean archers might be closely linked to the result of the KAA’s staunch strategy and policy initiatives encouraged by the government for international sporting success and the way in which the organization has paid more salient attention to the policy commitments as noted above.  相似文献   

射箭是以命中环数为比赛目的技能主导类表现准确性项目。在技术中,撒放技术是最重要的一个环节,它是整个射箭技术的精髓,撒放动作的正确与否直接影响着命中率。本文以专家访谈、问卷调查、实地观察为主要研究方法,通过对64名国家射箭优秀运动员的注意方式、撒放时机和勾弦方式等几个方面进行调查,并分析了撒放技术中几个主要要素指标与成绩的关系,最后得出以下结论:(1)轻松、稳固的勾弦;适宜的撒放时机,是创造良好成绩的重要因素;(2)在无意识状态下完成撒放动作,能减少心理的干扰;(3)自然快捷的脱弦,一般拉弓靠位到撒放在三秒左右最佳。  相似文献   

射箭项目的特.a-和训练规律,一直是我国射箭教练员长期关注的热点问题通过对墨西哥蒙特雷射箭队八年执教成功经验的总结和分析,从中探讨射箭训练的效益与调控,进一步认识射箭项目训练规律,大胆提出一些见解,促进射箭训练效果的提高.  相似文献   

中华射艺的当代传承面临概念纷争、文化缺失、定位局限等困境。为深入挖掘中华射艺的文化价值,明确未来发展定位,以德国哲学家奥根·赫里格尔关于日本弓道的著作《学箭悟禅录》为经验借鉴,在文化碰撞中以“它山之石”反思中华射艺的传承与发展。认为:射之术在中国哲学“身心一统”认识论的影响下具有内外兼修的特点,其“无艺之艺”的炼心价值追求将射引入“道”的精神层面。术与道的兼容并重使得中华射艺成为人悟道的生活实践。“术道并进”的发展定位将使人们在中华射艺中发现价值理性,从而为中华传统体育超越工具理性的认知提供一种精神向度。  相似文献   

在广州亚运会上,韩国队再一次包揽全部射箭项目4枚金牌,霸主地位不可动摇。为什么韩国射箭运动长盛不衰,一代又一代神箭手将荣誉保持多少年?通过综合文献资料数据以及同专家和教练员的访谈等,详解中、韩两国射箭青少年培养体系,从后备人才的数量、培养途径、梯队建设、成材率、训练和竞赛体制以及相关的信息等方面进行分析和总结,从中提炼出不同的特点以及我们可以借鉴的经验,希望将来对我国射箭运动的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand the discourse on/and legitimisation of ‘change’ in Korean football. The paper asks the following questions: how has the South Korean post-colonial project for development and nation-state building shaped the discourse on football development in South Korea? How this change has been defined, diffused, imposed, debated and/or resisted in South Korean football? To respond to these questions, the paper examines the debates on modernity and modernisation in Korean society and in football. To this end, we trace some of the ways that colonial and post-colonial discourses have been appropriated in relation to South Korea's construction of ‘self’ and ‘otherness’, and in defining meanings about change – in the sense of reform, modernisation, rationalisation and professionalisation – of South Korean football.  相似文献   

韩国和美国射箭运动科学化训练特点的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用文献资料法,对近年来韩国和美国的射箭运动科学化训练的特点进行了初步研究,结果显示遵循射箭运动发展的规律,不断地进行技术革新,坚持快速发射的技术风格,有效地使用背肌发力与持续加力等新技术,从小开始早期训练,加强后备力量的培养,开发独特的心理训练方法,实行一套行之有效的训练管理制度,加强射箭训练科研工作,是韩国和美国在射箭运动上取得成功的主要原因,也是两国射箭运动科学化训练的主要特点。  相似文献   

During the past several decades, South Korea has gained tremendous international recognition by achieving an excellent performance in a variety of international sport competitions and hosting numerous mega-sporting events. Although success in elite sport (i.e. Development of Sport approach) has contributed to making South Korea one of the sport powerhouses in the world, South Korea has paid very little attention to the role that sport can play as a tool for social and personal development (i.e. Development through Sport approach). Similarly, scholars also paid little attention to the ‘development through sport’ approach in South Korea while predominantly focusing their attention in taking the ‘development of sport’ approach. In recent years, however, the South Korean government has begun to show interest in the ‘development through sport’ approach to become a truly advanced sporting nation. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore how South Korea's paradigm in sport has historically shifted from ‘development of sport’ to ‘development through sport’ in its socio-political context.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

先秦时期的射箭运动,在中国古代体育史上有着非常独特的地位。它是体育,它是文化,它还是社会管理的重要手段与措施。在此背景下,弓箭制作亦从国家的层面形成一整套的技术和管理规范,以不断满足社会需求,推动射箭运动的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

射箭文化是蒙古族传统体育文化中的一个重要组成部分和特色文化项目,构成了蒙古民族战胜困难、顽强拼搏的精神支柱,对于民族历史的发展产生了较大的影响。直至今日挖掘和弘扬这一文化对于蒙古民族的发展和社会主义精神文明的建设也都具有积极的影响。对蒙古族射箭的历史发展与现状分析的研究,从而对完善现有的蒙古族射箭项目的发展提出建议。为中国少数民族传统体育项目更好的传播提供一些理论和实践的依据。  相似文献   

主要运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,解读韩国文化遗产保护经验,探讨韩国跆拳道文化的起源与推广轨迹,借鉴韩国文化遗产保护的相关经验,构建我国民族传统体育文化的保护策略:完善法律保护制度,增强法律践行力度;宣传民族传统体育文化,培养民众自觉保护意识;发展民族传统体育产业,提高自身创新发展能力;重视民族传统体育文化的渊源研究,取得国际话语主动权;规范民族传统体育项目竞赛规则,注重国际宣传;扶持民族传统体育文化传承人,鼓励民族、民间传播。  相似文献   

Sport and politics have a close relationship. Political conflicts are re-enacted, reflected and reinforced on international sports stages. In East Asia, the past casts a long shadow! It darkened the London 2012 stage. Controversy followed a South Korean football player's celebration at the London Olympics semi-final match between South Korea and Japan. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned the player, Park, Jong-woo, from participating in the bronze medal ceremony. He was accused by the IOC of a political act that violated IOC and FIFA regulations. Park's celebration included holding up and carrying around a sign which was interpreted by the IOC as a political message about a South Korean territorial dispute with Japan. The incident became a lead story in the South Korean media. The IOC's decision caused intense nationwide indignation and an outpouring of anti-Japanese sentiment. It was not a unique incident. This essay examines media representations of the incident and how political controversies between South Korea and Japan are reproduced, intensified and exacerbated by media reporting of international sports events. In South Korea, insult was added to injury by the fact that IOC's disapproval of Park's behaviour was contrasted in the South Korean media and by the public with the IOC's silence regarding the Japanese gymnastics team's uniform emblazoned with the ‘Rising Sun’ flag. The evidence from the incident is clear. Mega-sports events can be inflammatory occasions for the expression of hostile and heated political expression. Nowhere is this more the case than in East Asia with its long history of fierce national animosities and memories of national hostilities and humiliations. Throughout East Asia, international sport has become a potent medium for perpetuating painful memories!  相似文献   

Recurve bows that are used in competitions like the Olympic Games are high-technology products. Good risers are lightweight but retain a high stiffness. The aim of this study was to design a riser with a stiffness comparable to that of the lightest riser currently used by the archers of the German National Archery Team, but with a considerably reduced weight. We computed the loads that are applied to a riser of a drawn recurve bow (the RADIAN model used by the German team) and created a 3-D solid CAD model of a riser with 24 variable parameters. We used evolutionary computing to optimize the 24 parameters of the model according to these criteria. We selected the most optimal riser out of the 1650 CAD models generated, manufactured it, and had it tested by three archers of the German National Archery Team. The mass of our manufactured riser is 871g, which is 243g or 22% less mass than the RADIAN riser.  相似文献   

Sport and politics have a close relationship. Political conflicts are re-enacted, reflected and reinforced on international sports stages. In East Asia, the past casts a long shadow! It darkened the London 2012 stage. Controversy followed a South Korean football player's celebration at the London Olympics semi-final match between South Korea and Japan. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) banned the player Park Jong-woo from participating in the bronze medal ceremony. He was accused by the IOC of a political act that violated IOC and FIFA regulations. Park's celebration included holding up and carrying around a sign, which was interpreted by the IOC as a political message about a South Korean territorial dispute with Japan. The incident became a lead story in the South Korean media. The IOC's decision caused intense nationwide indignation and an outpouring of anti-Japanese sentiment. It was not a unique incident. This essay examines media representations of the incident and how political controversies between South Korea and Japan are reproduced, intensified and exacerbated by media reporting of international sports events. In South Korea, insult was added to injury by the fact that IOC's disapproval of Park's behaviour was contrasted in the South Korean media and by the public with the IOC's silence regarding the Japanese gymnastics team's uniform emblazoned with the ‘Rising Sun’ flag. The evidence from the incident is clear. Mega-sports events can be inflammatory occasions for the expression of hostile and heated political expression. Nowhere is this more the case than in East Asia with its long history of fierce national animosities and memories of national hostilities and humiliations. Throughout East Asia, international sport has become a potent medium for perpetuating painful memories!  相似文献   


More than six decades after the end of the Korean War (1950–53), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) continue to face each other across the highly fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the 38th parallel on the Korean peninsula. Both Korean governments continue to maintain and reinforce a pan-Korean identity amongst its respective populations. At the same time, both states need to provide its respective citizens with distinct national identities, which obviously requires a politically difficult and highly delicate balancing act. The focus of this paper is on the dominant identity discourses in South Korea. These have been observed, interpreted and analyzed in five international events and festivals that the South hosted over the last three decades: the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 2002 Soccer World Cup (co-hosted with Japan), the Busan Asian Games in the same year, the 2011 Daegu World Athletic Championships and the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. All these events offered a distinctive nationalist flavour, celebrated tradition and modernity, and emphasized South Korea’s rapid 20th century development and achievements, but also served as a reminder of the ethnic homogeneity of the divided Korean people and the unjust political division of the Korean peninsula.  相似文献   

两晋南北朝是中华民族大融合大发展的重要时期,射箭活动是当时最具典型意义的代表性武艺项目,形成为一种独特的"武文化"现象,至今影响深远。从民族精神与传统体育视角综合概括这一历史环境条件下的射箭文化发展历程和价值取向,对于继承和弘扬民族传统体育文化,传承民族精神,完善与充实中国体育发展史,并在此基础上,为构建民族传统体育学科体系是十分重要的环节。  相似文献   

为给中国射箭世界大赛备战提供理论支撑与智力支持,运用文献资料、逻辑演绎等方法对中国射箭运动存在的问题进行细致深入的剖析,作者认为:同韩国相比,中国运动员表现为基本功不扎实、体能不足、训赛一体化程度不高、瞬时应变能力差、心理韧性不足。基此提出若干射箭世界大赛备战相应对策:体能训练方面着重提升运动员的专项力量素质、技术训练方面着重提升运动员对关键技术把握的准确性、心理训练方面着重提升运动员的强对抗能力。  相似文献   

1948 was South Korea's first ever appearance in the Olympics – a poor country, forced to adjust to division on the peninsula, with a limited athletic presence. But South Korea won its first medals and contributed to the tortuous process of securing its international standing. Sixty-four years later, by the time of its second appearance in a London Olympics South Korea had become a powerful economy with a high international profile and a strong athletic representation – coming 5th in the final medal table. This study compares and contrasts not just the two London Olympics in terms of athletic performances but also the changed roles for South Korea within both the global sporting community and broader international society. Despite the continuing division on the peninsula, the two London Olympics provide symbols and markers of the aspirations, achievements and failures of South Korean policy-makers and their people.  相似文献   


‘What an absurdity’: thus railed ‘P. Barnsby, Male Coach’ in the Letters page of Rowing magazine in August 1973, on the appointment of Penny Chuter as professional rowing coach for the Amateur Rowing Association (ARA). The flurry of responses prompted by his letter suggest that his views were not aligned with the majority of the rowing community; yet women’s role and position in the sport was still highly contested. Chuter’s appointment as an ARA National Coach, an elite level role with responsibility for the national squad as well as coach education in clubs, complicated and extended this polemic. Situated at the intersection of societal fears around female athleticism, employment and leadership – and the ideological conflict within the conservative Amateur Rowing Association about professional coaches regardless of gender – it provoked the rowing community to express some of its most profound uncertainties and anxieties about gender, and about the sport itself and the manner in which it should be undertaken. This paper explores these anxieties within the social context of second wave feminism and related shifts in gender norms, and the sporting context of British amateur rowing in the late 1960s and the early 1970s.  相似文献   

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