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In 1951, Buenos Aires hosted the inaugural Pan-American Games. On February 25 of that year, a Greek athlete carried a flame flown specially from his country onto the stadium where the event’s opening ceremonies took place and lit the cauldron. The uncertain character of the Greek flame transported to Buenos Aires alarmed many in Olympic circles. Confused and concerned, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) investigated the matter, which led to a rapid succession of policy changes seeking to regulate the use of flames in regional games. The flame flown from Greece to Buenos Aires for the 1951 Pan-American Games sparked an intense debate about the status of the Olympic flame. The IOC’s recognition of the power of the Olympic flame ritual and its preoccupation with protecting it along with other Olympic symbols and terminology reveal the contours of the organization’s ideology in this era and its relations with associated entities. The flame debate also illuminates the push by Pan-American Games’ officials for autonomy. Clearly, Olympic officials recognized early in the 1950s that the globalization of the Olympic flame ritual required regulation if the IOC was to ensure control of this and its other symbolic resources.  相似文献   


In August of 1983 at the Pan-American Games in Caracas, Venezuela, a multi-faceted doping crisis occurred that overshadowed all other aspects of the games. This essay marks the first attempt to historicize the events surrounding this watershed moment in the fight against drug use in sport. Doping was revealed in three ways in Caracas: by the large number of positive tests that resulted in the first loss to doping of medals in the history of the Pan-American Games, by the exodus of the 12 American track and field athletes who flew home rather than be subject to testing in the sophisticated lab run by Dr Manfred Donike, and by a rash of ‘injuries’ and unexpectedly poor performances that kept athletes out of the medals and thus out of Donike’s lab. In the aftermath of the games, the United States Olympic Committee implemented new policies to ensure that Americans competing in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games would not run the risk of similar public embarrassment.  相似文献   

世界冠军(4月11日至5月10日)4月22日至4月25日2004年玛诺—仅升杯现代五项世界杯赛暨奥运会预选赛在北京举行,匈牙利的加博尔和俄罗斯的塔提亚娜分获个人项目男、女冠军。4月22日至4月30日在雅典举行的世界杯射击赛中,悉尼奥运会冠军、法国名将弗兰克·迪穆兰以687.5环夺得男子  相似文献   


This paper examines the confluence of global, regional, and national politics in the lead up to the 1991 Pan-American Games hosted by Cuba. Cuba’s contentious selection as host was wholly underpinned by the international politics of the time. Once selected, the preparations for the Games in Havana were surrounded by an unprecedented domestic economic crisis fueled by shifts in global politics. This paper analyzes how international politics informed the hosting of the 1991 Pan-American Games, and shaped the political challenge the Cuban government faced in hosting such an event. The Revolution’s use of sport domestically and internationally came to the forefront in its efforts as host and the results of those efforts proved to be providential given the emerging political economic contexts during and in the ensuing years after the Games.  相似文献   

The Finals     

The BEST     

The One     
这是谁的球队?《ESPN杂志》以冷笑的科比为封面人物,深层次地报道了科比奥尼尔矛盾的根源。  相似文献   

The Red Paper     
红色人丁杰拉德:受宠第一英国著名的天空博彩公司最近在英国球迷中进行了一项民意调查,评选谁是他们最希望得到的球员,结果有超过三分之一的人希望自己的球队得到利物浦队长杰拉德,他以35%的得票率力压阿森纳射手亨利和巴塞罗那巨星罗纳尔迪尼奥成为最受青睐的球员,曼联神奇小子鲁尼和切尔西铁人兰帕德分列  相似文献   

The Top大事件     
星闻联播11月15日,奇才主场以103比90力克步行者,阿伦纳斯带着30分、11次助攻和6个篮板的数据兴致勃勃地回到家中。然而阿伦纳斯随后便挂起了免战牌,一挂就是三个月,这时他的女友已经回到了位于加利福尼亚州的家中。阿伦纳斯表示自己已经给女友打过电话,以表歉意,但得不到女友的原谅,阿伦纳斯只好过上了单身生活。11月22日的感恩节,阿伦纳斯便独自呆在家中,看了第14遍由丹泽尔·华盛顿主演的《美国黑帮》。12月1日奇才队主场迎战猛龙的比赛半场休息时为球队  相似文献   

The Top大事件     
星闻联播11月15日,奇才主场以103比90力克步行者,阿伦纳斯带着30分、11次助攻和6个篮板的数据兴致勃勃地回到家中。然而阿伦纳斯随后便挂起了免战牌,一挂就是三个月,这时他的女友已经回到了位于加利福尼亚州的家中。阿伦纳斯表示自己已经给女友打过电话,以表歉意,但得不到女友的原谅,阿伦纳斯只好过上了单身生活。11月22日的感恩节,阿伦纳斯便独自呆在家中,  相似文献   


During the Peronist regime (1946–1955), the Argentine government encouraged and financed a wide variety of sports activities. This investment bore fruit internationally and Juan Perón tried to make political capital out of the achievements of Argentine individual athletes or national teams in international competitions. Such achievements were presented as a collective victory of Argentine society, transcending the divisions of social class, ethnic origins, place of residence, or political affiliation. Argentine participation in the London Olympics in 1948, the hosting of the world basketball championship in Buenos Aires in 1950, and above all the organization of the first Pan-American games in the Argentine in March 1951, all, served to promote patriotism and national unity at home and improve the country’s image in the international scene. This paper focuses on an analysis of a 250-page book published by the sports magazine Mundo Deportivo, sponsored by the Peronist government, on the eve of the games. Both the text and the images attest to its populist character, its quest for modernity, emphasis on social mobility, and an authoritarian way of imposing national unity. The initiative to hold such games in Argentina dated back to 1940 but it had to be postponed twice: first to 1948 because of the Second World War, and then to 1951 because of the London Olympic Games. Perón’s government wanted these games to serve as a proof of the regime’s success. To that end, the president urged the organizers to ‘spur no effort’, promising them any financial assistance they might need. A year and a half before the inaugural ceremony, held at the Racing stadium (officially named the President Perón Stadium), the organizational effort moved into high gear, and Perón supervized it personally. Argentina was indeed the big winner in this event, its athletes capturing a total of 153 medals.  相似文献   

随着经验的增加,接棒运动员应该很少看标记而是通过估计队友的速度来培养自己加速强度的感觉。一进入接力区,接棒运动员继续加速,而交棒运动员则尽可能保持最大速度,一直往前看,接棒运动员听到同伴约定的信号后向后伸手(手指并拢,再拇指伸开)。然后交棒运动员负责把接力棒交到接棒运动员的手里,这样就完成了交接棒的动作。理想情况下,接力棒的交接位置最好是在接力区的中部或后半部分,并最多用3步完成交接棒。  相似文献   

交接棒技术的选择和优缺点如下:上挑式接棒运动员保持手型成倒“V”字型并靠近臂部。接力棒向上挑交给接棒者,接棒者注意用手抓住靠近交棒者持棒的一端。  相似文献   

混合交接棒是内侧交接棒和外侧交接棒的 结合。第一个运动员用右手持棒,沿跑道内侧跑 向第一交接棒区(内侧交接棒)。第二个运动员用 左手接棒后并保持用左手持棒直到交给第三名  相似文献   

荡漾 《当代体育》2011,(19):40-42
在埃里克·戈登的人生字典里,表里如一就是他的做人信条。这位已在联盟里度过了三个春秋的洛杉矶快艇队后卫,一直都是这样要求自己的,不管是在万众瞩目的闪光灯下,还是在顾影自怜的暗影下。  相似文献   

在埃里克·戈登的人生字典里,表里如一就是他的做人信条。这位已在联盟里度过了三个春秋的洛杉矶快艇队后卫,一直都是这样要求自己的,不管是在万众瞩目的闪光灯下,还是在顾影自怜的暗影下。毫无疑问,他是又一名被格里芬光芒掩盖的超级新星。上赛季埃里克·戈登场均能得到22.3分和4.4助攻,这个数据绝对够全明星级别,但在快艇队,甚至全联盟,人们都陶醉在格里芬对篮筐的肆虐之中,对这个只有22岁、爆发力惊人的摇摆人没有给予过多的关注。你要记住,戈登是目前联盟中最被低估的球员之一,成为全明星也是水到渠成的事情。  相似文献   

The Boys’Club     
“我爱阿根廷,我希望人们能更加关注我,并从我这里得到快乐。” 许多人都认为,本年度的温网公开赛是过去十年中最为精彩的赛事之一,虽然,这场比赛的结果赛前许多人都已经料到,但看过比赛的人都同意,第116届温布尔顿公开赛的真正英雄是阿根廷的年轻小将。今年刚满20岁的纳尔班迪安正凭借着他的出色表现引起越来越多的关注。  相似文献   

DOOM:The Movie     
片名:毁灭战士导演:安德列·巴柯维亚\Andrzej Bartkowiak编剧:韦斯利·斯特里克Wesley Strick\戴夫·卡拉汉Dave Callaham主演:卡尔·厄班Karl Urban\巨石强森Dwayne Johnson\罗莎蒙德·派克Rosamund Pike迪奥比亚·奥派雷Deobia Oparei\本·丹尼尔斯Ben Daniels类型:动作\冒险也许谁都没想到,从终典FPS游戏《Doom》系列脱胎而来的电影《Doom》,能在10月第三周占据北美电影票房top10排行榜第一的位置,虽然秋季是北美电影的萧条期,虽然《Doom》甚至没能在榜上呆上一周,但是上映3天1500万美元的成绩也算差强人意,尤其是在《最终幻想》、《生化危机》等游戏改编电影纷纷惨败的背景下史更显难得  相似文献   

1975-76赛季,密尔沃基雄鹿队在常规赛中仅仅取得了38胜44负的成绩,这直接导致的上一位常规赛MVP贾巴尔强迫球队交易自己。最终,贾巴尔如愿去了洛杉矶。45年之后,雄鹿队再一次面临这样的情况,扬尼斯·阿德托昆博比贾巴尔更想证明自己的价值,但不同的是,雄鹿队有机会用亲情把他留下。  相似文献   

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