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培养本科生的科研能力成为各个高校本科教学的一个重要方面,本科生科研作为一种新型的培养方式,也成为本科生成材的一个重要途径。本文从情境认知与学习理论的角度来阐述电气工程专业本科生参与科研任务所经历的四个步骤。并且在文章中结合一些实际情况对每一个步骤进行详细的展开说明。情境认知与学习理论强调学习者的主体性、知识的情境建构性、学习的文化适应性以及在构建中的实践。情境中的学习为制定培养本科生科研能力的教学实践活动提供了良好的理论依据。  相似文献   

研究型大学的知识产权教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
一、研究型大学知识产权教育的必要性1.从研究型大学的社会功能看知识产权教育的必要性据美国卡内基教育促进基金会统计 ,全美现有125所研究型大学 ,约占高校总数的3%。但全美33%的硕士生和56%的科学与工程类博士生的本科教育阶段是在研究型大学完成的。近年来 ,美国研究型大学根据其教学与科研紧密结合 ,本科生教育与研究生教育有机衔接的特点 ,将学生的创新精神和实践能力培养作为美国本科教育改革的重要方向之一。实际上 ,学生的创新精神和实践能力培养既具有极为丰富的内涵又是一项复杂的系统工程 ,但从知识经济发展要求与研究型大学自…  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科生科研的理念与制度创新^①   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国研究型大学形成了组织管理、项目设置、成果交流、经费支持、奖励评价等方面的本科生科研制度。内涵的扩展和地位的提升,使得本科生科研成为美国研究型大学本科教育的重要部分。美国研究型大学本科生科研存在一些不足,并不十分完善。  相似文献   

中美研究型大学本科生科研能力培养比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究型大学的教育优势不仅体现在充足的教育经费、高质量的师资、生源等教育基本设施或储备方面,更重要的还在于它能够将本科生课程学习与探究、发现过程以及教师工作联系起来。美国研究型大学自成体系开始就注重本科生科研训练,在培养模式和具体操作层面都有可鉴之处,研究课程的设置、研究项目的确定及本科生研究基金会的创立等都为我国研究型大学开展本科生科研工作提供了榜样。  相似文献   

本科生科研是研究型大学本科教育的重要组成部分。本文从比较的角度出发,借鉴美国研究型大学本科生科研的成功经验,从观念的革新、组织体系的完善、加强本科生科研的具体建议和举措等方面探讨了我国研究型大学中的本科生科研活动。  相似文献   

研究型大学本科生科研的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本科生科研是研究型大学本科教育的重要组成部分。本文从比较的角度出发,借鉴美国研究型大学本科生科研的成功经验,从观念的革新、组织体系的完善、加强本科生科研的具体建议和举措等方面探讨了我团研究型大学中的本科生科研活动。  相似文献   

研究性学习课程建设的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究型大学的建设不仅要求高质量的研究梯队、研究课题和研究成果,同时衡量研究型大学的一个非常重要的依据是学校对研究性人才的培养,特别是对本科生的培养;而在本科生的培养过程中,研究性学习课程的设置与研究性课程的教学方式不仅是培养学生研究性学习习惯的基础,也是构建研究型大学的基石。1984年10月美国高等教育研究小组提出了《投身学习,发挥美国高等教育的潜力》的报告。“要求学生不但要成为知识的接受者,还要成为知识的探索者、创造者”。[1]1988年,博耶研究型大学本科生教育委员会发表了题为《重建本科生教育:美国研究型大学发展…  相似文献   

高师小学教育专业本科生科研实践活动的初步探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尊重和适应国际视野下对大学实践教育的关注,借鉴国内外研究型大学对本科生科研的探索与实践经验,基于教师专业发展对培养研究型、反思型教师的时代需求和对我国传统教师教育中现实问题的反思,首都师范大学初等教育学院进行了小学教育专业本科生科研实践活动的探索。我们认为,本科生科研实践活动与一般科研实践活动存在区别,小学教育专业本科生科研实践应具有自己的专业特点。我们的实践也表明,本科生科研实践活动在培养大学生科研素质、职后专业化发展,促进高师教师科研水平及教学科研相结合等方面具有重要作用。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学本科生科研保障制度及启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,本科教学质量问题越来越受到重视。尤其是“985工程”进入第二期后,对研究型大学教学质量问题更是倍加重视。根据美国经验,研究型大学本科教学改革的根本举措在于教学与研究的融合,而实施本科生科研,既有助于本科教育质量的提高,又可以促进教师的科研。但与美国著名研究型大学本科生科研相比,我国本科生科研更多的是停留在形式上,难以取得实效。因此,本文主要从介绍美国研究型大学本科生科研的保障制度人手,以期借鉴美国研究型大学本科生科研的经验,为我国研究型大学本科生科研的顺利开展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

研究型大学本科生科研训练模式和机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本科生参与科研训练(SRT)是研究型大学的重要任务之一,是培养创新型人才的有效途径。基于国内外高校对人才培养模式的大胆改革,文章对本科生科研训练模式和机制进行了尝试,将它们融入一种综合的、能动的和创新的教育体系之中,搭建本科生创新精神和实践能力培养新平台,为培养本科生创新科研能力开拓了新天地,加强了大学生的科研实践,提升了大学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

Among science educators, current interest in undergraduate research (UR) is influenced both by the traditional role of the research apprenticeship in scientists’ preparation and by concerns about replacing the current scientific workforce. Recent research has begun to demonstrate the range of personal, professional, and intellectual benefits for STEM students from participating in UR, yet the processes by which student-advisor interactions contribute to these benefits are little understood. We employ situated learning theory (Lave and Wenger, Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge in 1991) to examine the role of student-advisor interactions in apprenticing undergraduate researchers, particularly in terms of acculturating students to the norms, values, and professional practice of science. This qualitative study examines interviews with a diverse sample of 73 undergraduate research students from two research-extensive institutions. From these interviews, we articulate a continuum of practices that research mentors employed in three domains to support undergraduate scientists-in-training: professional socialization, intellectual support, and personal/emotional support. The needs of novice students differed from those of experienced students in each of these areas. Novice students needed clear expectations, guidelines, and orientation to their specific research project, while experienced students needed broader socialization in adopting the traits, habits, and temperament of scientific researchers. Underrepresented minority students, and to a lesser extent, women, gained confidence from their interactions with their research mentors and broadened their future career and educational possibilities. Undergraduate research at research-extensive universities exemplifies a cycle of scientific learning and practice where undergraduate researchers are mentored by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, who are themselves apprentices to faculty members. As such, research mentors of undergraduate students should be aware of the dual scientific and educational aspects of their advising role and its significance in shaping students’ identities and career trajectories.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed survey data from 386 third year undergraduate students on 14 programmes within three UK universities. The universities are characterised as teaching-focused or research-intensive: a ‘plate-glass’ and ‘red-brick’ research-intensive; and a ‘new’ teaching-intensive university. We used the Assessment Experience Questionnaire Version 4.0 (AEQ 4.0), designed to understand students’ perceptions of programme assessment environments. The AEQ contains scales constructed from theories about assessment, feedback and deep learning. We performed exploratory factor analysis on AEQ 4.0 and identified five salient domains: how students learn; quality of feedback; internalisation of standards; student effort; and formative assessment. These domains were compared across the three universities. Formative assessment was the weakest domain in all three university assessment environments, followed closely by students’ internalising standards. Students at the new teaching-focused university had significantly higher scores on scales about deep learning, student effort and the quality of feedback than students in the two research-intensives. Findings show that theories about the virtue of formative assessment have yet to play out in practice; and that the teaching-focused university seemed to be encouraging deeper approaches to learning through its feedback and assessment tasks.  相似文献   

Communication skills are one of five nationally recognised learning outcomes for an Australian Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Previous evidence indicates that communication skills taught in Australian undergraduate science degrees are not developed sufficiently to meet the requirements of the modern-day workplace—a problem faced in the UK and USA also. Curriculum development in this area, however, hinges on first evaluating how communication skills are taught currently as a base from which to make effective changes. This study aimed to quantify the current standard of communication education within BSc degrees at Australian research-intensive universities. A detailed evidential baseline for not only what but also how communication skills are being taught was established. We quantified which communication skills were taught and assessed explicitly, implicitly, or were absent in a range of undergraduate science assessment tasks (n?=?35) from four research-intensive Australian universities. Results indicate that 10 of the 12 core science communication skills used for evaluation were absent from more than 50% of assessment tasks and 77.14% of all assessment tasks taught less than 5 core communication skills explicitly. The design of assessment tasks significantly affected whether communication skills were taught explicitly. Prominent trends were that communication skills in tasks aimed at non-scientific audiences were taught more explicitly than in tasks aimed at scientific audiences, and the majority of group and multimedia tasks taught communication elements more explicitly than individual, or written and oral tasks. Implications for science communication in the BSc and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

A focus on the interaction between cognitive schemas and context in situ has been suggested as fundamental in organizational decision making and information interpretation. Past research suggests that the situation and the social interaction that occur during learning at the cognitive level consist of factors that affect the process, but the research lacks a coherent explanation for how those factors affect it. We propose a conceptualization of learning, termed situated learning, which accounts for these factors. By drawing on situated cognition theory, social learning theory, and the theory of mental models, we identify and measure four components of situated learning, that is, thematic focus, cognitive absorption, social structure, and participation. Among the most important lessons for researchers and practitioners is the need to consider learning as a constellation of the four components instead of an indivisible phenomenon. This perspective can enhance our understanding of cognitive processes, such as information interpretation and decision making.  相似文献   

"第二人生"是2003年由林登实验室开发并推出的基于因特网的三维虚拟世界。通过让学习者在模拟现实世界的情境中完成真实的任务,"第二人生"为情境学习提供了最理想的环境。在技术上,它为将情境认知与学习理论应用于EFL(英语作为外语)教学提供了实践支持。从情境认知与学习理论的视角分析,当前国内EFL学习环境中存在社会文化语境缺失的局限性。要发挥"第二人生"应用于国内EFL教学的潜能,在施行语境化外语教学时应遵循个性化学习、同步性学习、任务型学习、过程性评价等原则。  相似文献   

Most Australian Universities offer a selection of research-intensive pathways at the graduate level, which provides opportunities for independent inquiry and intellectual autonomy. Undergraduate students, however, are somewhat short-changed in their experience in research. They are exposed to a variety of areas and disciplines, which forms a general cluster of knowledge, but students graduate without obtaining the skills associated with research and inquiry. Digital communication networks and the ways in which information is disseminated in modern society play an important role in the way people live and learn. At the same time, younger generations are emerging with greater skills in digital literacy, which bears an impact on how knowledge is produced and information is shared. This prompts to question, are undergraduate students acquiring the generic attributes that will help them to cope with the complexities of an information-driven society? The following article is based on the premise that undergraduate students need to be empowered to construct their own knowledge as potential producers rather than mere consumers of knowledge. It provides a synthesis of cross-disciplinary perspectives and educational debates that support the argument for, and benefits of, providing research-enriched learning for undergraduate students. This article adopts a framework for the dimensions of research in undergraduate learning. The different models presented in this article aim to illustrate the various ways that research can be integrated with teaching to benefit learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is twofold: to describe robust rationales for integrating inquiry-based learning into undergraduate science education, and to propose that digital libraries are potentially powerful technological tools that can support inquiry-based learning goals in undergraduate science courses. Overviews of constructivism and situated cognition are provided with regard to how these two theoretical perspectives have influenced current science education reform movements, especially those that involve inquiry-based learning. The role that digital libraries can play in inquiry-based learning environments is discussed. Finally, the importance of alignment among critical pedagogical dimensions of an inquiry-based pedagogical framework is stressed in the paper, and an example of how this can be done is presented using earth science education as a context.  相似文献   

情境认知与学习理论在指导大学英语学习方面的研究在我国还处在初步探索阶段。依据情境认知与学习理论指导下的教学模式的总的特点,可以通过小班辅导和以学生为主体的讨论式学习方式,对其在大学英语教学中的应用进行实证性研究。  相似文献   

情境认知理论和体验式学习理论强调知识在实际情境中的迁移,重视学习者在学习中的情境体验和经验对学习的重要作用。基于这一理论,可以建立面向情境体验的在线学习课程框架。该框架采用“主题一专题一体验圈”的组织形式,强调导学情境、交流研讨、多媒体呈现、拟真任务设计、反思与总结等策略。将这一设计框架应用到《多元智能教学应用》在线学习课程实例的设计与开发中,可以得出两点主要结论:一是在情境体验学习理论的指导下,学习者的整体学业成绩高于平均水平;二是学习者对该在线课程的总体框架和学习体验的满意度均较高。  相似文献   

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