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短道速滑比赛过程中,运动员的犯规或有意或无意,但犯规的后果具有严重的危害性,轻者干扰比赛,影响运动员获得好的比赛成绩;重者会给运动员造成人身伤害,甚至使运动员过早地结束运动生命。通过对18次国际比赛中各种干扰关犯规的统计、分析,试图为我国短道速滑队参加世界比赛及抗干扰训练提供理论依据。研究发现,每次比赛平均发生12例干扰犯规,占总例数(包括犯规和非犯规性的干扰)的46.4%;比赛中犯规干的性质、数量扰具有项目、赛场区域、滑行位置等不同的特征。  相似文献   

我国女子冰球运动员减少比赛犯规行为的对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹凯  李庆明 《冰雪运动》2010,32(1):30-34
正确认识比赛中运动员犯规带来的危害,对加强和规范技术动作合理性,强化合理阻截意识,减少比赛中运动员犯规行为,提高比赛的胜出率具有重要作用。分析世界女子冰球运动员犯规的特征,我国运动员犯规与失分的关系,提出采用强化针对性技战术训练、加强心理训练、学习现代冰球理论、提高抗裁判员失误判罚的能力等措施减少与预防比赛中运动员的犯规行为。  相似文献   

以2006-2007赛季全国短道速滑部分比赛中的犯规行为为研究对象,通过阅读大量文献资料和对专家的调查访问,运用观察统计法、数理统计法及逻辑分析法对比赛中的甲乙两组运动员犯规行为进行比较分析,得出了短道速滑比赛中运动员犯规的一般规律性特征及甲乙两组运动员之间犯规的一些差异,犯规区域主要集中于弯道,特别是出弯道。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和数理统计法,对参加第五届全国大学生田径锦标赛跳远项目获得前八名运动员的比赛结果及获得男子跳远运动员和女子跳远运动员在比赛过程的犯规率;第一轮犯规率与全部比赛过程的犯规率是否不同;在全部比赛中每个轮次出现犯规次数的规律;前三次比赛与后三次比赛的犯规率有无差异;个人最优成绩出现的轮次规律等方面是否具有一定的特点进行分析研究。  相似文献   

冰球比赛中运动员行为犯规原因的探讨   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0  
李美霞 《冰雪运动》2007,29(1):34-36
探究冰球运动员在比赛中行为犯规的原因,对提高教练员、运动员对其重要性的认识,使他们在比赛中合理运用规则,减少行为犯规和获取比赛的最终胜利,以及促进冰球运动健康发展都具有重要的意义和作用。采用文献调研的方法,论述了冰球运动员在比赛中行为犯规的消极作用与危害性,从运动员行为的主动性与被动性寻找产生犯规的原因,试图能够更客观地认识和解决比赛中的犯规问题。认为冰球运动员在比赛中行为犯规,通过训练、教练员的严格要求和运动员自身的努力是可以避免和减少的。  相似文献   

第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段运动员的犯规特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对第18届世界杯足球决赛阶段的64场比赛的犯规情况特征统计分析,结果表明各类犯规情况都高于上届。全部比赛运动员共犯规2 349次,越位386次,红牌28张,黄牌345张。平均2.45min有1次犯规,14.93min有1次越位,16.7min有1张黄牌。淘汰赛场均犯规率高于小组赛。  相似文献   

对欧洲高水平足球运动员犯规特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2004年欧洲杯足球赛16支球队31场比赛中犯规动作进行技术统计研究,对欧洲高水平足球运动员的犯规特征及规律进行统计研究,结果发现,在2004年欧洲杯足球赛全部比赛中上、下半场犯规次数相差不大,但下半场裁判员出示的红、黄牌数量远远高于上半场,上、下半场最后15 m in是犯规最多的时间段;现代足球比赛中利用犯规来破坏对方的进攻逐渐发展成为一种重要的战术手段。  相似文献   

第17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段运动员犯规特征分析   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
通过对第 17届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段 6 4场比赛场上运动员犯规特征统计分析 ,结果表明 :全部比赛运动员共犯规 2 2 4 2次 ,越位 35 3次 ,被判红牌 15张、黄牌 2 6 2张。平均 2 .5 7min有 1次犯规 ,16 .30 min发生 1次越位 ,2 2 .0 0 m in出示 1张黄牌  相似文献   

竞技跆拳道是一项以得分多少论胜负的竞技体育项目。在比赛中的很多场次,经常会出现一方运动员的得分领先,却由于犯规导致警告或扣分,造成最终比分战平、比赛战败等局面。也有运动员因为警告犯规累计8次或达到犯规败所扣分值(4分),致使没能打完本场比赛就被宣判犯规败而失去继续比赛的资格。所以,加强教练员、运动员对犯规问题的认识,减少比赛中的扣分,是很多关键场次决定输赢的关键.  相似文献   

傅燕玲 《游泳》2005,(4):19-19
仰泳比赛中,干净利落的转身,不仅使运动员能在速度上超过对手,而且从心理上也给对手造成压力,从而赢得比赛。但是,仰泳转身相对于其它几种泳姿的转身来说,难度大,运动员不易把握。1991年,游泳竞赛新规则允许仰泳运动员转身时手可不触壁,规则的这一改变使仰泳运动员能够更早更快地完成转身动作,而由于仰泳转身姿势的特殊性,使运动员不易判断自身与池壁间的距离,导致转身失败,造成犯规。据资料显示,大型游泳比赛中运动员仰泳转身犯规次数,要占犯  相似文献   


It is important to study how children and adolescents cope with stressors in sport because effective coping enhances sport experiences and prevents psychological and physiological problems that can lead to sport withdrawal. The purpose of this review was to summarize the existing child and adolescent coping research to establish how coping changes with development in the achievement context of sport. We reviewed and summarized relevant coping research published from 1980 to 2004 using a ‘content analysis’ approach to identify consistencies and limitations in this literature. Four content areas were examined: coping responses, gender differences, consistency of coping/coping style, and coping effectiveness. Ways in which coping changes with development from childhood to adolescence were examined within each of these content areas. Fundamental future research questions and implications for research design are presented.  相似文献   

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between biomechanical parameters of the gait cycle and race walking economy in world-class Olympic race walkers.

Methods: Twenty-One world-class race walkers possessing the Olympic qualifying standard participated in this study. Participants completed an incremental race walking test starting at 10 km·h?1, where race walking economy (ml·kg?1·km?1) and spatiotemporal gait variables were analysed at different speeds.

Results: 20-km race walking performance was related to race walking economy, being the fastest race walkers those displaying reduced oxygen cost at a given speed (R = 0.760, < 0.001). Longer ground contact times, shorter flight times, longer midstance sub-phase and shorter propulsive sub-phase during stance were related to a better race walking economy (moderate effect, p < 0.05).

Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the fastest race walkers were more economi cal than the lesser performers. Similarly, shorter flight times are associated with a more efficient race walking economy. Coaches and race walkers should avoid modifying their race walking style by increasing flight times, as it may not only impair economy, but also lead to disqualification.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the important kinematic variables in elite men's and women's 20 km race walking. Thirty men and 30 women were analysed from video data recorded during the World Race Walking Cup. Video data were also recorded at four points during the European Cup Race Walking and 12 men and 12 women analysed from these data. Two camcorders operating at 50 Hz recorded at each race for 3D analysis. The two main performance determinants of speed were step length and cadence. Men were faster than women because of their greater step lengths but there was no difference in cadence. A reduction in step length was the initial cause of slowing down with later decreases in speed caused by reductions in cadence. Shorter contact times were important in optimising both step length and cadence, and faster athletes tended to have longer flight times than slower athletes. It was less clear which other kinematic variables were critical for successful walking, particularly with regard to joint angles. Different associations were found for some key variables in men and women, suggesting that their techniques may differ due to differences in height and mass.  相似文献   

刘虹竞走技术分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过运用三维运动学分析的方法,对我国女子20km竞走运动队员刘虹的技术进行研究发现,她存在步长小、步频快、身体重心上下起伏大、前倾角偏大、着地角偏大、两大腿夹角偏小、髋关节灵活性差、摆动不积极等缺点。建议在以后的训练中主要发展以髋关节为核心的力量和柔韧,努力提高髋关节和摆动腿摆动的幅度,来增大步长。  相似文献   

高水平竞走运动训练理念探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实地考察我国部分高水平竞走运动员的训练实际情况及分析国内外有关竞走的资料,在重新认识运动训练实质的基础上,探析高水平竞走运动训练理念.提出:运动训练的实质是运动员在系统目标导向下,对训练负荷刺激的连续自组织过程;把握竞走运动的本质要求,贯彻体能训练技术化的指导思想;构建运动员个性化小周期训练负荷结构,贯彻"赛练结合、以赛促训"训练思想;训练手段应尽可能按"实战强度"要求设计,贯彻实战需要训练原则.  相似文献   

本研究选取6名现役的优秀竞走运动员,采用二维摄像并使用APAS动作解析软件和Dartdfish软件对录像进行解析,发现杨、王和李的步频较慢,建议在训练时多进行提高步幅的练习;曹、董、刘、李的速度损失率过大,尤其是董最大,可能是由于在支撑腿在蹬离地面时的用力方式不对或者动作结构错误造成的。建议在日常训练的过程中加强运动员的支撑腿在蹬离地面时用力方式和动作结构的练习;董、杨、李头顶起伏过大,建议在训练中注意控制头顶起伏。  相似文献   

李东河  申健民 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):118-119
通过极点对青少年竞走技术影响的调查分析,对竞走比赛中是否存在极点、极点反应对竞走技术有何影响等进行研究,为教练员、运动员在训练和比赛时提供参考。  相似文献   


Background: A critical race theory of education has a been a popular framework for understanding racial inequities teaching and teacher education. Furthermore, it has served as the foundation for critical race research methodologies and critical race pedagogy, which are meant to address racial inequity via research and teaching, respectively. With regard to critical race pedagogy, there has been no specific conceptualization for the preparation of physical educators.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present a critical race pedagogy of physical education teacher education (PETE).

Key Concepts: In the paper, critical race theory and critical race pedagogy are highlighted as the conceptual roots of a critical race pedagogy of PETE. In doing so it offers a critique of resource pedagogies and their conceptualization in PETE. Critical race theory has been described as a scholarly movement that seeks to uncover and dismantle systemic racism while rejecting incrementalism. Critical race pedagogy is an approach to teaching that is informed by critical race theory and womanism. A critical race pedagogy of PETE builds upon previous conceptualization of critical race pedagogy by offering the (a) recognition context; (b) the value of Black self-reliance; (c) and the value of the Black body as its foundations.

Discussion and Conclusion: A critical race pedagogy of PETE adheres to a post-White orientation. As such, this approach to teaching recognizes that Black physical education involves Black people and Black places without subordinating or comparing them to White people and White places. It is also a challenge for Black scholars and teacher educators within PETE to focus their attentions, intentions, and efforts to the sustaining of Black educational institutions and the training of Black physical educators for Black communities. Thus, I acknowledge context within the post-White orientation allowing for an appropriate reorienting of a critical race pedagogy of PETE to meet the needs racially minoritized communities globally.  相似文献   

400m跑是一项以速度为主的体能类短跑项目。在400m跑的训练中应注意以下问题:高度重视无氧能力、速度能力(绝对速度)和速度耐力水平的提高,合理安排速度训练与速度耐力训练的比例;高度重视以短促长和以长补短的训练方法;高度重视400m跑运动员的力量素质训练,特别是腰、腹肌力量训练;高度重视400m运动员的专项身体素质,不断增加负荷量及强度;高度重视恢复训练,建立多课次的训练结构。  相似文献   

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