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"卷"和"部"是《艺文类聚》结构的重要组成部分。全书100卷,按内容分为天、岁时、地、山、帝王、乐、居处等若干部。《艺文类聚》的分卷依据,首先是各卷内容的相对独立,其次是各卷篇幅长短的平衡。关于《艺文类聚》的部类数量,历来有四十六部、四十七部和四十八部之说。分部数量上的分歧,均是由对原书卷八十一药香草部上和卷八十二草部下的计算方法不同所致。经过对这两部的辨析,《艺文类聚》的部类数量应为四十六部。  相似文献   

论文以《艺文类聚》为切人点,探讨类书与索引的关系,分析《艺文类聚》的索引功能和现代价值。  相似文献   

孙麒 《图书馆杂志》2015,(2):101-107
王元贞本《艺文类聚》刊印于明万历年间,学界历来颇存非议,认为其妄删"臆改"之处甚多。研究发现其底本为胡序本,刊印时曾参校过该书其他早期版本,又利用四部常见典籍及唐宋类书进行校勘,且自问世后屡经翻刻。是其底本可考,校勘有据,流传有序,在《艺文类聚》版本研究中具有一定价值。  相似文献   

令狐德棻为唐代大史学家、出色的文献资料工作者及文献编撰家。他主编《周书》,参加编撰《晋书》《艺文类聚》《唐律令》《高宗实录》《大唐仪礼》等多部文献。  相似文献   

《艺文类聚》,是我国最早的一部大型类书。唐武德时(公元七世纪二十年代)欧阳询主编,共一百卷。它的内容、体例,是把各种典籍中有关自然知识、社会情况的记载,以及学术论著和文学艺术的创作,都加以分门别类,摘录汇编,以便于读者寻检资料,探索前代文献知识。它的性质和现代的百科全书相似《艺文类聚》编录时根据的典籍,共一千四百多种。这些典籍,经过千余年,大半都散失掉了。但由于这部类书的存在,就保存了很多古籍里的零章断篇、逸事遗文,对探索、研究古代文化就成为珍贵的资料,作用和价值颇大。  相似文献   

《语文建设》1998年第9期刊登了蔡永贵先生《一则引文的出处》一文,读后深受启发。特别是蔡先生那一丝不苟、严谨认真,为求真理,不辞万难的精神,尤其值得我们学习。蔡先生是在对勘沈兼士先生《右文说在训诂学上之沿革及其推阐》与洪诚先生《训诂学》引用晋杨泉《物理论》的文字时发现问题的。沈先生的引文是:“《艺文类聚·人部》引杨泉《物理论》‘在金曰坚,在草木曰紧,在人曰贤。’”洪先生则将首句引作“在金石曰坚”,并在脚注中注明:“是杨泉《物理论》佚文,见《艺文类聚》人部。”究竟是作“在金曰坚”还是“在金石曰坚…  相似文献   

孟睿 《兰台世界》2014,(5):136-137
《鲁国先贤传》其佚文今散见诸书征引,主要集中于《太平御览》、《艺文类聚》和《北堂书钞》之中,本文据此辑录其佚文,为文学史研究传奇的发展轨迹做基础性工作。  相似文献   

《鲁国先贤传》其佚文今散见诸书征引,主要集中于《太平御览》、《艺文类聚》和《北堂书钞》之中,本文据此辑录其佚文,为文学史研究传奇的发展轨迹做基础性工作。  相似文献   

一我国的类书起源很早,《三国志·文帝纪》中记有“……使诸儒撰集经传,随类相从,几千余篇,号曰《皇览》。”这当是其发端。南北朝时已有发展,隋代的《北堂书钞》,唐代的《艺文类聚》已有较高水平。宋代目录学家郑樵在《通志·艺文略》中已有“类书类”。可见宋代时已有较多的类书撰成。宋代类书,数量多、类型全,《册府元龟》是其中重要的一种。《册府元龟》一千卷,字数达940万。宋真宗(赵恒)因他父亲宋太宗时编有《太平御览》等类书,于是在景德二年(公元1005年)九月命王钦若、杨亿等人负责新编一部类书,初名《历代君臣事迹》。  相似文献   

所谓天梯,乃神话故事中神灵、人类或动物赖以登天之工具。据袁珂先生介绍,《艺文类聚》卷六二引刘歆《甘泉宫赋》中"缘石阙之天梯"乃天梯一名之始。东汉王逸的《九思》中也有"缘天梯兮北上,登太一兮玉台"的句子。天梯是神话传说中常见的想象,不惟在我国古代神话中,就是在我国各少数民族至今犹存的神话及域外各民族神话中,都不难寻到它的踪影。  相似文献   

Locating notes about MeSH subheadings can be one of the most difficult aspects of MEDLINE searching. When used with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), subheadings serve to limit or define the focus of a heading. National Library of Medicine (NLM) indexers, staff members who enter the MeSH indexing into the database, use subheadings freely. They do follow indexing conventions and savy searchers need to be aware of how to obtain basic subheading information to assist in search formulation. There are a number of methods which may be used in order to view subheading use notes. This column will provide an overview of some alternatives to locating such information.  相似文献   

论文以唐代《北堂书钞》、《艺文类聚》、《初学记》等类书对屈宋辞赋作品传播流布的推动为个案,具体探析唐代类书的文学传播功能。并以此管窥类书对古代文学作品除总集、别集这一主要传播通道之外的补充传播功用,揭示类书在古代对普及文学作品的独特贡献。  相似文献   

对医学文献标引中关于副主题词使用的常见错误进行了分析,通过实例说明副主题词的修饰限制作用,并对副主题词的使用规则进行了探讨,对提高副主题词标引质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

《艺文类聚》改变了以往类书“事”和“文”分别辑录的做法,创造了事文合璧的新体制。这种新体制的创立,是对前代“专取其文”的类书和“直书其事”的类书的编纂经验的借鉴、继承和发展。  相似文献   

Indexing consistency in MEDLINE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The quality of indexing of periodicals in a bibliographic data base cannot be measured directly, as there is no one "correct" way to index an item. However, consistency can be used to measure the reliability of indexing. To measure consistency in MEDLINE, 760 twice-indexed articles from 42 periodical issues were identified in the data base, and their indexing compared. Consistency, expressed as a percentage, was measured using Hooper's equation. Overall, checktags had the highest consistency. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and subheadings were applied more consistently to central concepts than to peripheral points. When subheadings were added to a main heading, consistency was lowered. "Floating" subheadings were more consistent than were attached subheadings. Indexing consistency was not affected by journal indexing priority, language, or length of the article. Terms from MeSH Tree Structure categories A, B, and D appeared more often than expected in the high-consistency articles; whereas terms from categories E, F, H, and N appeared more often than expected in the low-consistency articles. MEDLINE, with its excellent controlled vocabulary, exemplary quality control, and highly trained indexers, probably represents the state of the art in manually indexed data bases.  相似文献   

Wayne State University Medical Library (WSUML) revised its monograph subject catalog in 1961 utilizing the 1960 edition of MeSH as an authority list. With the introduction of MEDLARS in 1963 by NLM, all topical subheadings were omitted from MeSH. Inasmuch as this omission could not accommodate the needs of WSUML, the 1960 edition of MeSH was retained as a guideline.In January 1966, when MeSH resumed the incorporation of topical subheadings, WSUML was faced with a decision whether to continue the current policy or to adopt the form as presented in the latest edition of MeSH. This report describes the methodology employed in adopting a new policy, the findings which resulted from the change, and an evaluation of this reorganization.  相似文献   

The emergence of CD-ROM (compact disc/read-only memory) versions of the MEDLINE database requires experienced MEDLINE searchers to examine assumptions about searching MEDLINE, since some expectations may not be fulfilled by this new technology. When applied to a particular CD-ROM MEDLINE product, the evaluation procedure involves testing assumptions concerning database contents; mechanics of searching; display, print, and download capabilities; and user-friendly features. The extent to which a CD-ROM product preserves and exploits important MEDLINE strengths should be assessed, e.g., the MeSH controlled vocabulary, the designation of major and minor MeSH emphasis, and the use of subheadings. Search software characteristics that affect ease of searching and quality of results also need to be examined, e.g., the ability to truncate search terms and the order of precedence in which Boolean operators are evaluated. A checklist to assist in the evaluation process is presented, including search examples for use in testing search functions.  相似文献   

崔雷  李丹  冯博 《情报学报》2005,24(6):657-662
本文尝试根据书目文献数据库中主题词/副主题词之间的语义关联规则抽取知识。以阿斯匹林这一比较常用的药物作为文献集合的主题范围,选取经过验证的关联规则,将其运用到具体的文献之中,获得具体的药物与疾病之间的知识,并对这些知识进行检验,以评价这种知识挖掘方式的可靠性。  相似文献   

通过"中国知网"检索2011年发表的主题为"土壤深度"的论文,选择其中90篇查阅并下载图的标目为"土壤深度"及其含义的41篇论文进行图形式样调查统计,以探讨此类图形的正确、规范表达模式。结果显示:有34篇用曲线图,且曲线图出现7种不同的表达形式。对各曲线图式样以及图中标目的量与单位表达的谬误辨析结果表明,有关土壤特征指标曲线图的准确、规范表达模式为:以"土壤深度"为横标目(自变量),土壤特征指标为纵标目(因变量)且纵坐标轴向上,标值均为正数,标值增量方向与坐标轴方向一致,标值线向内。  相似文献   

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