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正阳光下,它很大,它的石壁,它的褶皱,它的沟壑,它的覆盖着易碎的泥土的缓坡,它的雪崩似的滚滚尘埃。它在光的中心,它像盐像玻璃一样闪亮,它岿然不动,独立于高空之中。它身上一切都是那么坚硬,那么真实。人们可以谈论它,讲述它的故事,探索它的起源,说说住在它上面的人。人们可以计算它的体积,研究它的构成,它的演变。然而这一切又能如何呢?它还是它,不动,不听,不应。人们可以在它身上取一小块石头,带往很远的地方,几千公里吧,或者扔进大海。之后,山依然如故。山是持久的,强大的,它的基石扎根在大地深处,随着人的远离,它始终赫然立于地平线上,继而变得越来越  相似文献   

有一种美,是徜徉山水,沐浴四季风光,感受春日的和风,夏日的凉阴,秋日的落霞,冬日的暖阳;有一种美,是畅游书海,领略异域风情,一览撒哈拉沙漠的浩瀚,黄土高原的空旷,伦敦大都市的繁华,俄罗斯苹果园的宁静。有一种美,是放飞心灵,洗尽世俗铅华,享受诗人的浪漫,文人的豁达,哲人的思辨,智者的从容。在经济飞速发展的今天,高压力、快节奏的生活,使人难得闲  相似文献   

邻居家的小亮,初中毕业没多久,就开始了打工生涯.那天,我在一家网吧门口碰到他,原本那样一个清秀的小男孩,如今把头发染成了金黄色,烫了很夸张的发型.围在他身边的几个男孩,也都叼着香烟,戴着耳环,穿磨破了很多洞的牛仔裤,在女生面前极力摆酷. 小亮偶一回头,目光和我相遇,立刻涨红着脸,叫了声“阿姨”.那一刻的他,刹那间还原了纯真的面目.这些大人眼里所谓的“坏孩子”,正处在青春的叛逆期,为了向世界宣告他们的成长,于是夸张,于是另类,我在心里感叹着,也原谅着,因为,谁的青春不曾叛逆呢?  相似文献   

正春悄悄地来了,你知道春天的颜色吗?阳台上,红红的郁金香开了,火红火红的,啊,春天是红色的。果园里,梨花开了,雪白雪白的,啊,春天是白色的。田野里,油菜花开了,金黄金黄的,啊,春天是金色的。  相似文献   

<正>在偏远的乡下,随便的一块地里,拔起一根葱,或者挖出一棵荠菜,不用洗,简单收拾一下,就可放在嘴里生吃掉。是的,上面什么也没有。除了一些干透的雨渍,一些风的印痕,一些阳光的温度,最多,有一只不合时宜的虫子。但,都是香的。雨渍是香的,风是香的,阳光是香的,虫子的不合时宜也是香的。那是一种干净的香。偏远的乡村,靠天吃饭,坏的东西是进不来的。包括,那些坏掉了的良心。有一个人跋山涉水,在村子里,终于找到了要找的人。他来赎罪。在那个特殊的年代,他说了不该说的  相似文献   

中国古代,对于人的排泄问题,其实很看重,庄稼一枝花,全靠粪当家,农村的人,一粪一溺,都浪费不得,要肥自家的田。因此,无论马桶也罢,厕所也罢,总而言之最后都要沤了肥田,所谓肥水不落外人田,就是这个意思,如果出门来不及回家方便,粪便掉在别人家地里,无论如何都会有点懊悔,特别敬业的,往往会找个家什捧回来。南方大一点的集镇,也有人建公厕,这种公厕,跟公益无关,属于私人的赢利事业,用来专门收集赶集人的粪便,然后卖给农民。当然,对于赶集的农民,一般都指望不上,但是对于那些走街串巷的艺人、手艺人和商人,却也是个便利。一些坐商,在买卖商品之余,卖点白拣的粪便,也是小补。  相似文献   

携一身久坐斗室的疲惫,他,走了出去,从喧嚣的城市,朝着黄昏中的原野走了出去,仿佛一只快乐的小鸟逃出牢笼。空气,空气是那么的清新,就像雨水洗过,洗过的森林。春泥散发出迷人的体味。植物吐纳出可人的馨香。农家屋顶炊烟袅袅,像一个扭着腰肢走秀的模特。田间小路,劳作一天归家的形影匆匆。屋檐下,夜归的燕子展翅,划出丽影。一路走去,风景,越来越美。一幅偌大的画卷,大自然巧夺天工的画卷,徐徐,在他面前,打开,展开,铺开。他,是幸运的,他破卷而入。美丽的风景让他疲惫渐消。脚步轻快,他踏歌而去。  相似文献   

正我们知道,我们的孩子,不喜欢读书,不喜欢教室,不喜欢学校的不少。学生的作文干巴巴的,没有生气,没有灵气,没有趣味,像枯萎的花朵,像生锈的铁钉。可怜的母语,可怜的语文,可怜的阅读,可怜的作文,可怜的孩子们。我们知道,孩子们没有学习语文的热情。在孩子们看来,在教室里读书,老师的语言也是干巴巴的,老师不是缺乏热情,老师不是缺乏多媒体的技术,老师缺乏的是自由的心灵,准确地说,老  相似文献   

郁达夫 《高中生》2012,(34):18-19
秋天,无论在什么地方的秋天,总是好的,可是啊,北国的秋,却来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。江南,秋当然也是有的,但草木凋得慢,空气来得润,天的颜色显得淡,并且又时常多雨而少风。一个人夹在苏州、上海、杭州,或厦门、香港、广州的市民中间,混混沌沌地过去,只能感到一点点清凉,秋的味、秋的色、秋的意境与姿态,总看不饱,尝不透,赏玩不到十足。秋并不是名花,也并不是美酒,那一种半开、半醉的状态,在领略秋的过程上,是不合适的。不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。在南方,每年到  相似文献   

秋日的午后,邀上好友,咖啡馆小憩,惬意,悠闲。喜欢这里的感觉。一幢欧式小洋楼,掩映在绿树之间,远远望去,古朴,幽雅。咖啡宣传牌,是用粉笔写的,有种怀旧的老上海的味道。几株绿萝顺着洁白的墙壁悠然垂下,静静地,好像在诉说着它永远也说不完的故事。窗外不远处,是一棵高大的古  相似文献   

听、说、读、写这个顺序是人们学习第一语言的基本顺序。读、说、听、写则是人们学习第二语言的顺序。第二语言的学习是在母语的符号思维系统已经建立起来并相当牢固之后开始的;第二语言的学习是在一种自觉状态中进行的,是一种有意识的学习。母语在第二语言的学习过程中起着极其重要的作用。双语共存的教学本质上是一种比较型教学。  相似文献   

Two experiments indicated that two approaches to serial learning are too extreme—the classical view that it consists only of interitem associations and various recent views that it involves no interitem associations. The novel assumption introduced here was that phrasing cues, normally conceptualized as merely segregating long series into smaller units or chunks, may also enter into associations with items, thereby reducing interitem interference and facilitating serial learning. It was found that one item could become a signal for another item, an interitem association, or be overshadowed by a phrasing cue, such as a brightness and temporal cue, also signaling that item. The items were .045-g pellets. Rats traversed a runway for items arranged in ordered series, 14-7-3-1-0 pellets (Experiment 1) or 10-2-0-10 (Experiment 2). Complete tracking of, for example, the 10-2-0-10 series would consist of fastest running to 10 pellets and slowest running to 0 pellets. In both investigations, the interitem association overshadowed was that between 0 pellets and the subsequent rewarded item, 0 → 14 (Experiment 1) or 0 → 10 (Experiment 2). Either repetitions of the 14-7-3-1-0 subpattern (Experiment 1) or merely the terminal 10-pellet item (Experiment 2) were phrased, both methods producing identical results. Overshadowing the 0-pellet item produced superior serial learning, more rapid extinction, and, in Experiment 1, considerable elevation of responding when the brightness phrasing cue was introduced in extinction, an effect said to be conceptually identical to spontaneous recovery and one demonstrating directly that phrasing cues are in reality overshadowing cues. It was suggested that many effects attributed to forgetting may be due to unrecognized overshadowing of memory cues by phrasing cues, giving rise to exaggerated estimates of forgetting.  相似文献   

This article examines and critiques the leadership capacity of department leaders in a high school and attempts to gain a deeper understanding of how department leaders perceive their role as teacher leaders, making a distinction between what an individual department leader does in his or her position and teacher leadership as a form of continuous learning and innovation through collaboration. How do department leaders practice leadership to improve student learning? The author provides an investigation and analysis of the current level of leadership capacity exhibited by department leaders in a high school. A close look at the role and function of department leaders in this high school reveals an absence of the teacher leadership necessary to promote the broad-based leadership capacity that results in improved student achievement.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate,monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener)in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively,while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%~102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

Eating is broadly conceptualized as food choice. Food choice is a complex activity with many dimensions. Food choice is multifaceted as it involves whether, where, when, how long, how, why, with whom, for whom, and under what conditions eating occurs. Food choice is contextual as it is situated within specific conditions and settings involving both individuals and institutions. Food choice is dynamic as it unfolds and is embedded in eating episodes over lifetimes within historical eras. Food choice is multilevel as physical, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors operate simultaneously and interact. Food choice is integrated as people coordinate many considerations to construct specific eating activities. Food choice is diverse in its broad scope of distinct and unique eating activities. Food choice can be examined using both multi‐perspective and multi‐purpose approaches, and it may not be possible to integrate different perspectives into a unified approach to understanding and changing food choice.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):103-106

En este artículo, se reflexiona sobre las críticas hechas por Emilio Sánchez al Lenguaje Integrado. Estas críticas sugieren la necesidad de abrir paréntesis educativos donde se enseñe al niño a automatizar los procesos de reconocimiento de palabras, aspecto que no tiene en cuenta este movimiento. Sin embargo, veremos cómo la enseñanza aislada de estas habilidades ignora, por una parte, que la lectura y la escritura suponen adquirir conocimientos que van más allá del reconocimient o de palabras, y por otra, que dicho reconocimient o no se da sólo por vía fonológica, sino que precisa de otras vías de acceso léxico que funcionen en paralelo para que el reconocimiento sea efectivo en los procesos de comprensión de textos. Veremos cómo las actividades que propone el L.I. son las ideales para desarrollar estas habilidades.  相似文献   

Simple, reliable and sensitive analytical methods to determine anticariogenic agents, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners contained in commercial gargles are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness, safety, and quality. An ion chromatography (IC) method has been described to analyze simultaneously eight anions including fluoride, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, monofluorophosphate, glycerophosphate (anticariogenic agents), sorbate (a preservative), and saccharin (an artificial sweetener) in gargles. In this IC system, we applied a mobile phased gradient elution with KOH, separation by IonPac AS18 columns, and suppressed conductivity detection. Optimized analytical conditions were further evaluated for accuracy. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the inter-day's retention time and peak area of all species were less than 0.938% and 8.731%, respectively, while RSDs of 5-day retention time and peak area were less than 1.265% and 8.934%, respectively. The correlation coefficients for targeted analytes ranged from 0.999 7 to 1.000 0. The spiked recoveries for the anions were 90%-102.5%. We concluded that the method can be applied for comprehensive evaluation of commercial gargles.  相似文献   

Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, verschiedene Indikatoren der sozialen Herkunft bei der Quantifizierung von sozialen Disparit?ten zu vergleichen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der in PISA eingesetzte Index für den Economic, Social and Cultural Status (ESCS). Dieser umfasst sozio?konomische und kulturelle Ressourcen des Elternhauses und deckt damit das theoretische Konstrukt umfassender ab als andere Indikatoren der sozialen Herkunft. Anhand der internationalen Schülerdaten aus PISA 2003 und aus der nationalen Erg?nzungsstudie (PISA-E) wurden Regressionsanalysen mit verschiedenen Herkunftsindikatoren gerechnet. Neben dem ESCS wurden als Pr?diktoren der sozio?konomische Status (HISEI), der h?chste Bildungsabschluss umgerechnet in Bildungsjahre (PARED) und ein Index für h?usliche Besitztümer (HOMEPOS) berücksichtigt. Es zeigt sich, dass der ESCS in allen Bildungssystemen deutlich mehr Varianz in der mathematischen Kompetenz aufkl?rt als die Einzelpr?diktoren HISEI, PARED oder HOMEPOS. Auch in einer anschlie?enden Analyse zu sozialen Disparit?ten der Bildungsbeteiligung lieferte der ESCS differenziertere Befunde als der HISEI. Insgesamt wird der ESCS als valider und theoretisch umfassender Index der sozialen Herkunft eingesch?tzt.  相似文献   

This is a study concerning the basic perceptual learning style preferences (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile) and preferences for group and individual learning of Armenian, African, Hispanic, Hmong, Korean, Mexican, and Anglo students in American secondary schools. The results of the study reveal significant ethnic group and sex differences in their learning style preferences, as well as students' achievement level differences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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