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《中国档案》2006年第2期汪孔德的文章,认为档案保管期限表在目前的档案鉴定工作中并没有发挥预期的作用。表现在三个方面:一是档案工作人员在鉴定工作中主观随意性大,保管期限表对鉴定者没有多大的规定和约束作用,从保管期限表的制定到具体的鉴定依据都带有不全面性和阶段性、  相似文献   

档案统计既是基层档案部门总结工作的一种形式 ,也是各级档案行政管理部门掌握、分析情况 ,制定政策必不可少的程序。它较全面地反映各单位档案工作的规模、质量、水平和现状。从我多年来搞档案统计工作的实践 ,我认为目前的档案统计与鉴定工作之间有一种必然的联系 ,同时 ,还发现档案统计报表(基层三)缺少一项不可忽视的栏目———鉴定销毁(项)。设立鉴定销毁项 ,一来可以统计和了解各基层单位每年鉴定、销毁无保存价值档案的数量 ;二来可以使国家以往的档案价值鉴定理论和目前所执行的《文书档案保管期限表》落到实处 ;三是有利于对各…  相似文献   

彭玉 《中国档案》2022,(10):58-60
2022年5月,国家档案局印发了《关于全面推行机关档案分类方案、文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限表三合一制度的通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求在全国全面推行机关档案分类方案、文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限表三合一制度,到“十四五”末期在机关全面实行三合一制度。三合一制度是规范和指导档案形成与收集、整理与归档、鉴定与销毁等工作的一项基本档案制度。  相似文献   

从价值鉴定看档案保管期限表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本通过对档案鉴定进行分析指出,档案保管期限表是影响档案鉴定工作质量的决定性因素,由此,论述了档案保管期限表应具有的特点以及制定档案保管期限表的策略。  相似文献   

上海港务局目前正在全局范围内普遍开展档案鉴定工作。开展这项工作主要迫于以下三方面的压力:一是优化档案库藏,减轻档案工作负担的迫切需要。上海港建港已有150年历史,在长期的港务活动中形成了大量珍贵的档案,目前全局已保存各类档案近40万卷。过去由于各种原因,我局除财会凭证档案每年作正常销毁外,其它科技和文书档案几乎未作过鉴定销毁。许多已经超过保管期限或失去保管价值的档案无限期地占据有限的档案库房,不但增加了企业的负担,也不利于档案的快捷查找。二是港口开发和体制改革的迫切需要。当前我局正面临一系列重大改革…  相似文献   

修改会计档案保管期限势在必行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计档案作为一种重要的专业档案,其保管期限的长短,直接决定着会计档案的作用能否得到充分发挥。本文从工作实践及档案规章应与法制建设相协调统一的角度出发,论述了修改、会计档案保管期限表的必要性,并提出了凭证类会计档案的合理保管期限,以充分开发会计档案信息资源,发挥会计档案在社会主义建设中的作用。  相似文献   

艾茗 《中国档案》2007,(6):44-45
根据国家档案局第8号令《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定》(以下简称《规定》),各机关应结合本机关职能和各部门工作实际,编制本机关的文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表,经同级档案行政管理部门审查同意后执行。有垂直领导关系的中央、国家机关应结合本系统工作实际,编制本系统的文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表.并经国家档案局审查同意后执行。编制机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表是贯彻实施《规定》的核心内容。  相似文献   

档案保管期限表应实行审批制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、基层档案室保管期限表普遍缺乏科学性、可操作性和权威性是尽快实行审批制的背景 档案保管期限表是开展档案鉴定工作的标准和依据。但是在目前档案鉴定工作实践中它并没有发挥预期的作用。表现在三个方面:一是档案工作人员在鉴定工作中主观随意性大。其对鉴定者没有多大的规定和约束作用,从档案保管期限表的制定到具体的鉴定依据都带有不全面性和阶段性、主观性。二是档案鉴定人员对档案鉴定存在畏难情绪,不敢轻易决断,怕承担责任,  相似文献   

2006年,国家档案局8号令《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定》(以下简称《规定》)颁布实施。按照要求,海口市档案局2007年起在全市直属单位中全面实施《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表》(以下简称《表》)的编制工作,成立海口市机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表审批委员会,对编制工作做了具体部署。本人作为指导科工作人员,谈谈自己在近两年指导编制工作中的几点粗浅体会。  相似文献   

根据国家档案局第8号令的规定,各机关应"结合本机关职能和各部门工作实际,编制本机关的文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表,经同级档案行政管理部门审查同意后执行"。依据这一规定,编制《文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表》(以下简称《期限表》)将成为各机关和档案行政管理部门的一项重要工作,这是机关档案工作的一次重大改革。那么,怎样才能做好编制工作呢?金华市金东区开展《期限表》编制工作的尝试值得借鉴。  相似文献   

It is only a few decades ago that archivists befan to redefine their discipline in terms of a science. This redefinition of archives and records management was the consequence of a growing need for an adequate expression referring to a comprehensive new body of knowledge on records and archives. Consensus on how to adequately define archival science has not been achieved yet, however. As information society evolves, records and archives are changing in nature and status. It is an emerging discipline that has to be defined, which is still bears the impress of the mindset and practices of the industrial society. Bruno Delmas shows the archivist some clues to find a way out of this ambiguity and keep communicating human heritage to unknown generations.  相似文献   

It is only a few decades ago that archivists befan to redefine theirdiscipline in terms of a science. This redefinition of archives and records management was the consequence of a growing need for an adequate expression referring to a comprehensive new body of knowledge on records and archives. Consensus on how to adequately define archival sciencehas not been achieved yet, however. As information society evolves,records and archives are changing in nature and status. It is anemerging discipline that has to be defined, which is still bearsthe impress of the mindset and practices of the industrial society.Bruno Delmas shows the archivist some clues to find a way out of thisambiguity and keep communicating human heritage to unknown generations.  相似文献   

The educational institutions that train archivists and records managers in Europe and North America have not engaged with the challenges of orality until very recently. As their counterparts in Africa are modelled on the earlier version of European and North American practice, they do not address the relationship between oral cultures and written records either. This article attempts to address this significant omission. It is grounded on evidence gathered during a fellowship at Chancellor College in Malawi and arises from the author??s work in preparing courses on archives and records management for a planned postgraduate degree. The methodological limitations imposed by the author??s lack of the appropriate African language skills are acknowledged. It is observed that the colonial archive has been subjected to vociferous criticism and that oral history programs have been advocated to fill perceived gaps. Yet, paradoxically the colonial archive is itself largely the product of a process of turning oral communications into written records. The nature of the processes and of the products is discussed. It is argued that these archives, like all archives, need to be interpreted as products of their historical and cultural setting. If users can read them ??with the grain??, then they may be able to utilise them for a range of purposes never envisaged by the creators of the records.  相似文献   

Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

The profession of digital archivist is crystallising, fundamentally challenging traditional archival roles. The very nature of digital records also challenges the sustainability of archival systems and collections. Records that used to stay stable for decades in an analogue world now risk being lost or damaged within moments of creation. How should archivists react to these changes? Archivists have to lift ourselves out of our analogue environment and focus more effort on forging a new path, to reposition archives, archival institutions and archival practitioners more strategically for the future. To do this, archivists must resist the temptation to think that we and we alone – as people, as archivists or as today’s archivists as opposed to yesterday’s archivists – can come up with the ultimate solution to the world’s recordkeeping problems. Archivists must keep innovating, absolutely. But we also need to be agile and flexible, remembering that anything we come up with today will be superseded at some point in the future – increasingly, in the very near future. Archivists need to forge links with archives, systems and people in order to come up with approaches to records and archives care that remain usable now and flexible well into the future.  相似文献   

Namibians often find themselves in situations of litigation where they need person-related records to defend their rights and privileges. Such person-related records include birth, adoption, marriage, or divorce or deceased estates. It has been observed that the institution where such records should be expected, the National Archives of Namibia often cannot retrieve person-related records of persons previously classified as non-whites under colonial and apartheid laws. Many native Namibians end up losing property or have problems claiming their constitutional rights due to lack of evidence. The purpose of this paper was to explore whether the existing archival literature can guide National Archives of new and emerging African nations on how to handle challenges brought about by gaps in inherited colonial archives. Using a literature survey to explore the state of what is written on the content and usage of colonial archives in post-colonial era, this article argues that the content and use of colonial archives in Africa do not feature prominently in the literature of archival science. Although there has been a rising interest on the subject during the last decade, none of this emerging literature has systematically studied archives in depth with a view on what these archives contain for the non-academic user, what they neglect and what they lack altogether in serving the needs of all citizens in post-colonial states. It recommends that archival scholars as well as archival institutions increase research into this neglected area. Raising awareness may produce academic discourse to help archivists in newly decolonised countries to competently support users whose inquiries currently cannot be answered by the inherited colonial archives collections.  相似文献   


In 2014, as part of their centenary celebrations, the Australian Red Cross initiated a project in which it transferred archives to various national, state and territory institutions across Australia including the University of Melbourne Archives and the State Library of New South Wales. The transfer of this voluminous (but not complete) collection built on earlier transfers of archives to the State Library of South Australia and the Australian War Memorial. This paper charts the origins of the plan to donate the records to public repositories. It interrogates the societal provenance of those collections, recognising that the pluralising of records is an historical process, in which the agency of archivists, historians and administrators must be understood. An investigation of Red Cross records in Australia exposes that process in its contingency, inertia and, ultimately, enthusiasm. The paper also reveals the challenges faced by voluntary organisations in preserving their records, and how historians and archivists both can benefit from assisting such organisations. Finally, this paper argues that the ‘Gift to the Nation’ project, with its national and international significance, reflects a shift in our understanding of the First World War to a transnational paradigm that recognises the important role of voluntary organisations.  相似文献   

The quantity of government records has grown dramatically since the rapid development of information technology starting in the mid-twentieth century. This ever-expanding body of records has challenged the limited resources of government archives. Though U.S. government archivists constantly try to identify valuable government records among the geometrically increasing total, in order to justify spending public money on their preservation, little is known about how U.S. state archives and records management programs go about the process. The study discussed in this paper is the first to empirically investigate nationwide archival appraisal practice in U.S. state archives and records management programs. The study answered two research questions: How do U.S. state archivists and records managers conceptually define archival appraisal? How do U.S. state archivists and records managers practice archival appraisal of state government records? The study used an online survey and interviews for data collection and SPSS software and NVivo8 software for data analysis. This paper discusses the research topic and concludes with recommendations for practitioners and further studies.  相似文献   

A discussion of the archival profession in Namibia cannot be done in isolation from the records management profession. This paper discusses training for the records and archives management professions in Namibia and the extent to which it is meeting the needs of the job market. The National Archives of Namibia, as the largest employer of archivists, and the institution charged with the responsibility of providing a records management service to Government, is mostly referred to, but where appropriate, references to other institutions are made. It outlines the factors which have shaped the current formal training in records and archives management being offered. Some suggestions as to how the job market can be satisfied are provided.  相似文献   

谭雪 《北京档案》2015,(2):13-16
不同时代背景下,档案真实性具有不同的内涵,也面临着各种挑战。本文通过对20世纪90年代末的档案真实性、信息技术时代电子文件的真实性、记忆理念下的档案真实性及其面临的挑战进行论述,提出在考察档案真实性的过程中需要加以思考的一些问题,希望学者和档案工作者不要囿于某种情况档案的真实性问题,而是结合文物、遗迹等其他形象化物体来追溯历史,从而最大程度地发挥档案的价值。  相似文献   

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