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汉语社交称谓语"先生"在历史演变过程中,指称对象发生转移,使用范围不断扩大,形式多样、灵活性增强,呈泛化现象.本文将历时的考察与共时的分析结合起来,探讨社交称谓语的实际使用状况,说明"先生"称谓语的泛化决非偶然,而是与它的高频使用和人们在交际中求新求异性原则及汉语称谓系统自身不自足性直接相关.  相似文献   

社会称谓语是在社交场合应用的称谓语,反映人们的社会关系,是一个开放的系统,具有泛化现象。"领导"一词属于称谓语范畴,由于社会文化、语言系统演变及其自身特点等因素的影响,"领导"发生泛化,成为一个流行于大众之间的普通称谓语。本文主要分析了"领导"称谓泛化的具体表现和泛化现象产生的主要原因。  相似文献   

亲属称谓语是一种特殊的语言符号,反映着一个民族的社会生活、民族心理、文化传统等特点。随着社会的发展,亲属称谓语也发生相应的变化。现在汉语亲属称谓语同时向两个不同的方向发展:一方面系统内部称谓语逐渐减少,关系日趋简化;另一方面某些亲属称谓语向系统外部扩张,泛化为社会称谓语。  相似文献   

甘国芳 《学语文》2014,(1):74-75
一、亲属称谓语的泛化及文化内涵1.亲属称谓语的泛化亲属称谓语的泛化,是指用亲属称谓语称呼没有亲属关系的人的现象。也有学者把它叫做“拟亲属称谓语”。这种称呼方式常常在非正式场合使用,交际双方多为偶尔相逢的陌生人,运用亲属称谓语只是向对方表示敬意。从日常生活中的一些例子看,我们一起探讨亲属称谓语泛化的特点。  相似文献   

卢慧 《成都教育学院学报》2005,19(4):105-107,110
文章简要描写了现代汉语和标准俄语两种不同语言中亲属称谓语泛化时的表现,分析了泛化的原因及其使用特点.俄语和汉语中用于泛化的亲属称谓从数量上来说都是丰富的,但在实际使用时却存在着很大的差异.汉语的泛化亲属称谓变体丰富,从结构上来说大都带有标记成分,而俄语的泛化亲属称谓的变体稍显单调.亲属称谓的泛化与两个国家的文化传统和文化背景是分不开的.  相似文献   

正一、亲属称谓语的泛化及文化内涵1.亲属称谓语的泛化亲属称谓语的泛化,是指用亲属称谓语称呼没有亲属关系的人的现象。也有学者把它叫做"拟亲属称谓语"。这种称呼方式常常在非正式场合使用,交际双方多为偶尔相逢的陌生人,运用亲属称谓语只是向对方表  相似文献   

当前女性社会称谓缺位现象探微   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汉语称谓语在中国社会中具有不同于其他民族的极其重要的作用,它的发展演变与中国社会、文化、历史都有密切关系。随着社会的发展,汉语社会称谓语在日常交际中出现缺位现象,而由于诸多原因造成的女性社会称谓语缺位问题更显突出。文章就此现象加以概述,分析其原因,并提出相应弥补方法。  相似文献   

语言现象和语义内涵,往往直接或间接地与特定的文化背景相联系。透过汉语词汇层面,可以窥见汉民族的文化状况和词汇的文化渊源。如何称呼他人,体现出家族亲属关系和社会交际关系,也体现了民族文化的色彩。总体上讲,汉语的称谓语可以分为两个系统,一个是亲属称谓语系统,另一个是社会称谓语系统,本文主要从亲属称谓语和社会称谓语两个方面来论述汉语称谓语的民族文化色彩义。  相似文献   

称谓语:对外汉语教学中的一个难点温象羽一、问题的提出汉语称谓系统极其复杂,与英语相比,它具有社会化、虚拟化、情感化几个显著特点。专家学者在描写现代汉语称谓系统、研究称谓语的使用条件和方法、对比中西称谓语的异同等领域进行了卓有成效的研究,论著颇丰。由于...  相似文献   

贺萍 《文教资料》2008,(25):46-47
任何一种社会文化现象的产生和形成,都有着深厚的历史渊源和背景.每一种语言的称谓系统中都沉淀着一个民族的生活习惯、文化传统,有着丰富的文化内涵.汉语称谓语的泛化与汉民族的社会结构、文化传统密不可分.这一现象深刻地反映了不同社会时期人们的价值观念和思想观念的变化,真实地折射出了语言与社会文化和政治历史背景之间的密切关系.  相似文献   

随着IP地址日益缺乏,如何有效合理地使用有限的IP地址是网络应用中首先要解决的问题。在IP地址的规划中,需要高效合理地进行IP地址的分配,既要符合预期要求,又不能造成IP地址的浪费。利用可变子网掩码和无类别域间路由两项技术可以很好地解决IP地址分配问题。  相似文献   

修辞与演讲素有渊源,演讲者会使用一些修辞手段使得演讲有强烈说服力、表现力、感染力。马丁.路德.金的著名演说《我有一个梦想》使用了比喻、平行结构、反复、对比等修辞手法,显示出其杰出的语言驾驭能力,多种修辞的灵活运用,使文章形象生动,富有极强的感染力。  相似文献   


Although there is an extensive and growing literature that addresses issues related to most aspects of language-in-education policy in South Africa, one area in which the literature remains fairly sparse has been that of the implications of current government policy for South African Sign Language (SASL). This article presents an overview of the complex issues presented by the case of SASL for language-in-education policy, and offers a series of recommendations for how these issues might best be addressed. Given the relatively small research base that currently exists dealing explicitly with SASL, the article makes use of both the South African research literature and the far more substantial international research that addresses issues of sign language, education, and language policy.  相似文献   

This paper addresses current issues in deaf education including poor academic progress and employment outcomes of individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) as well as provides suggestions for improving overall academic achievement of this population. Specifically, three instructional strategies are recommended for teachers: choral responding, response cards, and peer tutoring. These three strategies have been shown to increase active student responding in classrooms for children who are typically developing and children who have disabilities. For international deaf students in countries that may rely on volunteers who lack basic requisite skills these general education teaching strategies are easy to use even by novice teachers. Recommendations are tendered for how teachers can include these simple teaching strategies in classrooms serving students who are D/HH.  相似文献   

This study aims to improve how human performance improvement (HPI) practitioners manage attributes of change. While there have been numerous studies addressing various aspects of change management, few have examined how the characteristics of the change itself contribute to adoption. This study addresses a change scenario of current importance and interest. Researchers coded applicable survey responses from a previous study and performed factor analysis to identify barriers and incentives to green building, including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, for construction industry professionals in the Pacific Northwest, and how those professionals feel about adopting “green” building practices—among them, the LEED rating system. Findings suggest that (a) the qualities of some changes have far more influence on adoption than others, such as difficulty of transition, and (b) other characteristics combine to exert their influence in concert with one another. Finally, a user's perception of the value of the change was significant. The article's conclusion addresses how HPI practitioners can integrate the findings into green building adoption specifically, as well as within the greater context of change management and implementation practices in general.  相似文献   

Current debates about educational theory are concerned with the relationship between knowledge and power and thereby issues such as who possesses a “truth” and how have they arrived at it, what questions are important to ask, and how should they best be answered. As such, these debates revolve around questions of preferred, appropriate, and useful theoretical perspectives. This paper overviews the key theoretical perspectives that are currently used in physical education pedagogy research and considers how these inform the questions we ask and shapes the conduct of research. It also addresses what is contested with respect to these perspectives. The paper concludes with some “cautions” about allegiances to and use of theories in line with concerns for the applicability of educational research to pressing social issues.  相似文献   

When students take General Chemistry there are substantially fewer molecular images than they will encounter in Organic Chemistry. The molecular images Organic Chemistry students see in their textbooks are ones that use dashes and wedges to represent 2D and semi 3D views, ball and spoke, ball and wire, and structural formulas, to name just a few. They also use physical models and may also have the opportunity to work with computer generated molecular models. They are expected to understand verbal instruction connected with the images and at the same time how the verbal explanation fits with the visual image. There has been little research that combines the use of molecular images of molecules with questions that require organic chemistry students to understand concepts. This research paper addresses students' understanding of organic chemistry concepts where ball and wire and ball and spoke visual images of molecules are combined with questions related to the areas of aromaticity, symmetry, spectroscopy, and shielding. The intention is to provide a basis for assessing students' understanding.  相似文献   

Social networking and social media have undoubtedly proliferated within the past decade, allowing widespread communication and dissemination of user‐generated content and information. Some psychology graduate programs, including school psychology, have started to embrace social networking and media for instructional and training purposes; however, there have not been any consistent ethical guidelines or standards among training programs relating to how trainers, graduate students, and practitioners should use social networking and social media professionally. This article draws on the current yet limited research on social networking and social media, and addresses the ethical challenges when managing both professional and personal online identities in school psychology. Two relevant case scenarios are discussed, along with suggested guidelines for developing technological policies for school psychologists. Future directions in research and practical implications for trainers, graduate students, and practitioners are explored.  相似文献   

The impact of collaboration on teachers’ individual data use   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Research considers collaboration to be a significant factor in terms of how teachers use data to improve their practice. Nevertheless, the effects of teacher collaboration with regard to teachers’ individual data use has remained largely underexplored. Moreover, little attention has been paid to the interplay between collaboration and the personal factors that influence teachers’ data use. This paper addresses this research gap by defining factors that affect collaboration, and by investigating the impact of collaboration on teachers’ individual data use. The resulting research questions were answered by drawing on questionnaire data from 1,472 primary and secondary school teachers in Flanders. The findings indicate that collaboration is the main explanatory factor for teachers’ individual data use compared to teachers’ self-efficacy and attitude. Therefore, this study demonstrates the value of collaboration for future research and for creating a supportive environment for teachers’ individual data use.  相似文献   

Creative intelligence is relevant to all aspects of the school curriculum, yet it is through art and design that pupils may come to experience the significance of creativity as a means of exploring innovative and original ideas which offer credence to the individual and affect approaches to learning. This article analyses creativity and the creative process and addresses the links between creativity and intelligence by examining the implications such factors may hold for the teacher when developing approaches to learning in art and design. It focuses in particular on the use of sketchbooks within the context of a number of Art and Design GCSE courses and explores how students have been provided with opportunities to develop creative responses to set tasks. In addition, it sets out to challenge the notion that the requirements of GCSE assessment criteria inevitably restrict creativity and lead to non‐creative formulaic practice.  相似文献   

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