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生命是一个复杂的开放系统,是在同环境进行物质交换的过程中呈现物质、能量、信息的输入和输出,实现自身物质组分的组建和破坏,使生命系统得以存在和发展的.换言之,生命系统是物质、能量、信息三位一体的运动和变化,并通过信息输入和输出维持生命系统的稳态.  相似文献   

任美珍 《天津教育》2014,(15):40-42
生命是人的载体,生命是人的根本,没有人,也就谈不上社会的组织、人类的进步、文明的昌盛、科学的发达。教育关注的是人的成长与发展,实质上是人的生命的成长和发展。关注生命,不仅意味着关注人的肉体的生命(即人的物质存在),更重要的是要关注人的精神生命(即人的尊严、人的价值存在)。  相似文献   

植物次生物质与植物保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在植物的新陈代谢过程中产生了各种各样的化学物质,其中有些化合物是维持植物生命活动所必需的,称为初生代谢产物(primary metabolites),如:蛋白质、糖类、脂类、核酸等。还有一些有机物质,如:单宁、苷类、有机酸、生物碱、香豆素、木质素、蒽醌等,这些物质与植物正常的生长发育没有直接关系,通常认为是次生代谢产物(secondary metabolites),称之为植物次生物质。其产生和分布通常有种、属、器官、组织和生长发育期的特异性,植物次生物质对植物的自我保护具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

生命是一个复杂的开放系统,是在同环境进行物质交换的过程中呈现物质、能量、信息的输入和输出,实现自身物质组分的组建和破坏,使生命系统得以存在和发展的.换言之,生命系统是物质、能量、信息三位一体的运动和变化,并通过信息输入和输出维持生命系统的稳态.  相似文献   

恩格斯的生命观是辩证唯物主义的自然观的重要内容,是恩格斯创立的自然辩证法的一个重要理论。通过考证分析恩格斯的《自然辩证法》、《反杜林论》等经典著作认为,恩格斯的生命观主要包括以下紧密相关的内容:(1)生命本质--是基础;(2)生命起源观和(3)生命进货论--是其核心;(4)人的起源和发展观--是其拓展。这四个方面的内容相互联系、相互渗秀,共同构成了恩格斯生命观的科学体系,而且随着现代科学的发展而不断地得到发展和证实。  相似文献   

一、生命的内涵 生命是什么?不同的人有不同的理解。人的生命是肉体和精神的统一,肉体是人生命的根本,是生命存在的物质载体和本能的存在方式,强健的体魄是生命的源泉,健康的心灵必须寓于健康的身体之中。精神是人之生命的升华,它赋予人以灵性,使人有了灵魂,健全的人格是精神生命的意义所在。因此,人之成为人,不仅仅是单纯的生命存在,还要使生命有意义,要不断提升、不断超越和提升生命质量。  相似文献   

今年恰逢查尔斯·达尔文发表《物种起源》150周年,科学家们在揭示生命如何起源于非生命物质方面实现了里程碑式的进步。一队英国化学家展示了温暖的有机化学物质液体中能自然地形成组成生命的基础物质。  相似文献   

赵华 《小学校长》2006,(6):29-29,28
今天的社会是一个商品经济的社会,是一个“以物的依懒性为基础的人的独立性的时代。”引导人从物质世界独立出来,过人的生活是商品经济社会赋予教育的任务。作为对这一挑战的应答。教育必须尊重儿童、尊重儿童的生命、体验和情感。这就要求我们在教育中以学生的活动为基础,关注学生生命,遵循生命发展的原则,形成学生健康的生命态度的教育。  相似文献   

生命在不同的时空都有其特殊的表现形式。生命的核心是灵魂,它是宇宙生命坐标系四个象限共同具有的东西。灵魂的本质是阳性物质的负物质“阳-”和阴性物质的正物质“阴+”的矛盾对立统一体,全息着宇宙和人类社会的信息与密码。未来的生物科学将可能沿着这个思路发展,以便在更深层次上揭示生命的奥秘。  相似文献   

生命是以系统的方式存在于自然界的。以生命系统的组成、结构、功能、运行、发展、主体与环境的关系等特点为研究方向,提炼出的生命观念有生命的物质观,物质、能量和信息观,结构与功能观,稳态与调节观,适应与进化观和生态观。  相似文献   

College-level biology courses contain many complex processes that are often taught and learned as detailed narratives. These processes can be better understood by perceiving them as dynamic systems that are governed by common fundamental principles. Conservation of matter is such a principle, and thus tracing matter is an essential step in learning to reason about biological processes. We present here multiple-choice questions that measure students' ability and inclination to trace matter through photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Data associated with each question come from students in a large undergraduate biology course that was undergoing a shift in instructional strategy toward making fundamental principles (such as tracing matter) a central theme. We also present findings from interviews with students in the course. Our data indicate that 1) many students are not using tracing matter as a tool to reason about biological processes, 2) students have particular difficulties tracing matter between systems and have a persistent tendency to interconvert matter and energy, and 3) instructional changes seem to be effective in promoting application of the tracing matter principle. Using these items as diagnostic tools allows instructors to be proactive in addressing students' misconceptions and ineffective reasoning.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated young children's (ages 7–10) spontaneously constructed or naive understanding of the particulate nature of matter prior to any formal instruction in the domain. Fifteen students were interviewed concerning their understanding of the macroscopic and microscopic properties of the states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas), as well as their macro/microscopic understanding of phase changes and dissolving. Children expressed ideas about states of matter which were categorized as macrocontinuous, macroparticulate, or microparticulate. Nine children (60%) stated beliefs about matter which were macroparticulate in nature, and three (20%) expressed microparticulate beliefs about matter. The three remaining children (20%) held macrocontinuous beliefs about matter. Furthermore, a substantial number of the children provided explanations of properties and processes which were consistent with those beliefs. These children's beliefs about matter were not fully and consistently developed across the spectrum of substances from continuous solids to particulate solids to liquids to gases. We speculate that children first develop local frameworks particular to different classes of substances and then slowly expand these frameworks to include a wide range of substances and their properties, as well as such processes as melting and freezing. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 777–805, 1999  相似文献   

This study investigated Jamaican 9th graders' attitudes towards science and if there were statistically significant differences in their conceptual knowledge of matter linked to their gender, attitudes towards science, school-type, and socio-economic background (SEB). The 216 participating students comprised 109 males and 107 females; 65, 98 and 53 (25%) students had highly favourable, moderate and low attitudes towards science respectively; 73 boys were from two all-boys' schools, 71 girls from two all-girls' schools, 36 boys and 36 girls were from two coeducational schools; 108 students each were from a high and a low SEB, all in Kingston. Attitudes to science questionnaire and the knowledge of matter test were used to collect data. The results showed that most of the students exhibited favourable attitudes to science; there were statistically significant differences in the students' knowledge of matter linked to attitudes to science, and school-type in favour of the boys, students with highly favourable attitudes to science, and students in all-boys' schools respectively. There was a positive, statistically significant but weak relationship between the students' (a) attitudes to science, and (b) school-type and their knowledge of matter, while there was no relationship between their (c) gender, and (d) SEB and their knowledge of matter.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in white matter anatomy of the human brain. With advances in brain imaging techniques, the significance of white matter integrity for brain function has been demonstrated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders. As the demand for interpretation of clinical and imaging data on white matter increases, the needs for white matter anatomy education are changing. Because cross‐sectional images and formalin‐fixed brain specimens are often insufficient in visualizing the complexity of three‐dimensional (3D) white matter anatomy, obtaining a comprehensible conception of fiber tract morphology can be difficult. Fiber dissection is a technique that allows isolation of whole fiber pathways, revealing 3D structural and functional relationships of white matter in the human brain. In this study, we describe the use of fiber dissection in combination with plastination to obtain durable and easy to use 3D white matter specimens that do not require special care or conditions. The specimens can be used as a tool in teaching white matter anatomy and structural connectivity. We included four human brains and show a series of white matter specimens of both cerebrum and cerebellum focusing on the cerebellar nuclei and associated white matter tracts, as these are especially difficult to visualize in two‐dimensional specimens and demonstrate preservation of detailed human anatomy. Finally, we describe how the integration of white matter specimens with radiological information of new brain imaging techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging tractography can be used in teaching modern neuroanatomy with emphasis on structural connectivity. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 47–55. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The explanations of thirty primary pupils for changes in matter were recorded through individual, semi-structured interviews. The analysis of data pointed to the construction of a system for classifying pupils' explanations of changes in matter. A parallel analysis of data focused on the identification and interpretation of associations between the explanatory categories resulting from the classification, and certain variables of the context, that is (a) category of change to be explained, and (b) familiarity with the system about which they were being questioned. The results of the two phases of the analysis were combined with the findings of a previous study, to produce the formation of a limited number of pupils' models concerning matter, changes in matter and their explanations. Pupils' models involve a variety of conceptions which could be attributed to the presence of a conceptual obstacle: that is the “continuous and static conception of matter.” The definition of teaching objectives in relation to obstacles (“obstacles as objectives”) can bring together pupils' conceptions with concepts to be built and consequently to contribute to the design and evaluation of constructivist teaching and appropriate material.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of chemical bonding requires familiarity with the particulate nature of matter. In this study, a two‐tier multiple‐choice diagnostic instrument consisting of ten items (five items involving each of the two concepts) was developed to assess students’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter and chemical bonding so as to identify possible associations between students’ understandings of the two concepts. The instrument was administered to 260 Grades 9 and 10 students (15–16 years old) from a secondary school in Singapore. Analysis of students’ responses revealed several alternative conceptions about the two concepts. In addition, analysis of six pairs of items suggested that students’ limited understanding of the particulate nature of matter influenced their understanding of chemical bonding. The findings provide useful information for challenging students’ alternative conceptions about the particulate nature of matter during classroom instruction in order to enable them to achieve better understanding of chemical bonding.  相似文献   

This reply addresses three related problems in research on cognitive structure identified by Phillips: (a) the difficulty (impossibility for Phillips?) of inferring cognitive structure from observed behavior, (b) the confounding of cognitive structure with subject‐matter structure, and (c) the validity of construct interpretations of cognitive‐structure measurements. Inference from behavior to cognitive structure can be made if done carefully and cautiously under adequate constraints placed on the data. Cognitive structure is not confounded with subject‐matter structure; to the contrary, cognitive structure has been defined as the student's public understanding of the subject‐matter structure. Extensive prior research has supported cognitive‐structure interpretations of word association, similarity judgment, card sorting, and graph building measurements. Additional criticisms also are discussed.  相似文献   


Confidence in subject matter knowledge, in teaching ability and actual subject matter competence of 157 Grade 7–9 teachers, who participated in three summer inservice courses for mathematics teachers was measured. Results were consistent across courses: (1) inservice participation strengthened both mathematical competence and feelings of self‐confidence; (2) teachers lacking confidence in knowledge were those who lacked confidence in teaching ability; and (3) self‐confidence and actual subject competence were only partially interrelated.  相似文献   

小粒稻和大粒稻的生理研究,无疑对水稻育种和水稻栽培十分重要。本文采用小粒稻和大粒稻共6个品种:南泰8号、七桂早25,三黄占(小粒)、美果选、特青2号、双桂36(大粒)作为试验材料,于玻璃网室内盆栽,每盆4株,肥、水及其管理一致,播种后定期测量植株分蘖数、顶上4片的叶片、叶鞘、茎穗干物重,收割时进行常规考种。试验结果表明,~(32)P、~(14)C在小粒稻和大粒稻分蘖的分布(%)不同,大粒稻“美果选”比“特青 2号”和“双桂36”~(32)P在分蘖分布多,~(14)C在分蘖少,分蘖数也少,小粒稻“南泰8号”~(32)在分蘖分布(%)比“七桂早25”和“三黄占”多,分蘖数也多。小粒稻“南泰8号”和大粒稻“美果选”,生育后期植株干物质保留在叶片、叶鞘和茎秆节间比其余品种多,其余小粒稻和大粒稻叶片、叶鞘和茎秆干物重贡献给稻穗增重较多,“美果选”的分蘖干物重和植株地上部干物重,比其余大粒稻品种减轻。大粒稻,“美果选”和小粒稻“南泰8号”的充实粒数少,谷粒产量低。实验结果证实王永锐(1986)提出的高产水稻品种生育后期,确实存在有“两段式阶梯灌浆形式”,如大粒稻“特青2号”,“双桂36”,小粒稻“七桂早25”,“三黄占”,并认为这可作为水稻选育种和高产栽培的生理指标,以及作为水稻生理育种的指标。  相似文献   

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