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<正> 接力赛跑在学校是开展得比较普遍的一个项目,在一定程度上也反映了整个学校田径队的实力和总体水平。一、队员的选拔接力队第一棒队员应选最优秀的起跑能手,最好是让有经验的运动员担任,他(她)应反应快,弯道跑技术较好。第二棒队员有两次传接棒,一般说他(她)跑的距离是最长的。通常我们选用速度快的运动员跑第二棒,该棒运动员加速能力强,既善于接棒,又善于传棒。把速度、传接棒  相似文献   

采用文献资料、实验等方法对田径4x100m接力跑技战术训练方法进行理论与实践研究,科学探索接力训练的有效方法,进一步提高训练成绩,为田径运动教学、训练提供理论指导。在实践教学训练中发现:队员在4x100m接力跑中传接棒时机掌握不好,接棒队员难以判断接力区的起动点与传棒队员间的距离,不能正确判定标志线,传接棒时距离太远,传棒队员追不上接棒队员导致接棒队员减速或者停顿下来接棒的现象;相邻队员配合不协调,弯道跑技术掌握不好,影响接力速度。建议日常训练中加强队员弯道跑技术训练,合理搭配接力阵容配备,采用传接棒队员速率测试方法,精确计算接棒队员起动时与传棒队员两者之间的距离,确定标志线和最佳起动时机,提高队员的协调配合,以便获得比赛最佳成绩。  相似文献   

接力跑技术包括短跑技术和传接棒技术两个部分,接力跑成绩取决于各棒运动员的速度和传接棒的技术和时机。  相似文献   

罗娜  潘素平 《中华武术》2007,(10):24-24
一、最容易影响比赛的三个方面(一)在没有接到接力棒之前不要离开接力区,不好的传接棒并不是放弃比赛的主要原因。接棒运动员在接力区末端没有接到棒时,要在减速的同时及时回头寻找接力棒。(二)要坚持完成比赛。传接棒过程中掉棒,要及时捡起来。(三)把握起跑时机,起跑时要集中注意力,  相似文献   

接力赛的成绩主要取决于全体队员的速度能力以及完美的接力过程。其他影响成绩的因素还有跑的次序等战术问题和全队成员的集体责任心。基础巩固的技术质量也有明显的影响,包括适当地利用接力区、接力的方式、接捧运动员精确的加速度和接力的技术等。接棒运动员在传接棒之前须积累速度,以便“流畅”地接力。传接棒即刻的速度越快,接力的效果越好,但要在安全的限度之内,切不可掉棒。传棒运动员尽管准备传捧也要保持速度,接棒运动员在接棒前要达到高速。利用接力区根据比赛规则,必须在20米的区域内完  相似文献   

建立4×100 m接力成绩的数学模型,探究4×100 m接力项目成绩的影响因素。以2017年伦敦世界田径锦标赛男子百米前四名的成绩为基础,在各棒运动员运动水平已确定的情况下,影响4×100 m项目的因素包括:跑道位置、第2-4棒的起跑位置、接棒位置、自由距离及起跑顺序。跑道道次对项目成绩有一定影响,对交接棒策略影响较小;自由距离增大可以显著提高项目成绩;各棒起跑位置都尽量靠近起点可提高项目成绩,传接棒位置在接力区的后10 m时项目成绩更好;各棒次的安排要考虑运动员的个人素质。  相似文献   

控制传接棒的要点1、进入接力区之前,要明确自己的跑道和顺序。2、在比赛过程中,接力棒必须始终位于跑道中心。弯道跑选手(1棒或3棒),右手持棒,应该跑在跑道内侧;直道跑选手(2或4棒),左手持棒,跑在跑道外侧。这种右-左-右-左的持棒顺序,以及内-外-内-外的跑动位置对形成良好的队形非常重要。这种队形能让运动员在传接棒时防止脚踝受伤,跑动时防止被人绊倒。这种队形也可避免传接棒时伤到队友胳膊,因为接力棒有时会击中队友手以外的部位。  相似文献   

在基层学校运动会比赛中,由于学生的训练水平的限制,4×100米接力比赛往往不能充分利用预跑区和接力区全力起动加速。这是一个讲起来都明白,一做就犯错的问题,严重影响着比赛的成绩。在多年的教学训练实践中,本人针对这一问题进行了一些尝试和探索。在4×100米接力比赛中,如果仔细观察,我们不难发现,接棒运动员在接到棒之前,总是起动不坚决、加速犹豫、不敢全力加速跑,边向前跑边向后看,随时想着接棒。一旦接到接力棒,速度马上加快,全力向前。很显然,接棒人在接到棒之前不加速,一是因为怕自己起动后跑得太快,传棒的队员在接力区赶不上自己,…  相似文献   

在短距离接力赛跑的影响比赛成功程度的重要因素中,传接棒是极为重要的一方面。其它因素对比赛的结果则较为次要。 四百米接力赛 在此项接力赛中,所用的传棒技术,也适用于赛程不超过一百米的其它接力赛。 第一棒的传递: 我们高校男子接力队使用的是整个奥林匹克加速区。接棒运动员的位置恰好在此加速区内。他使用站立式起跑姿势,以便更清楚地看到他的起动标  相似文献   

接力跑技术包括短跑技术和传接棒技术两个部分,接力跑成绩取决于各棒运动员的速度和传接棒的技术和时机。  相似文献   

通过对影响4×100m接力整体水平和成绩诸因素的分析,结合指导4×100m接力队训练的实践体会,笔者认为,必须重视和加强对4×100m接力的训练,特别是整体能力的训练,大胆实践,敢于革新训练方法,努力使4×100m接力的整体能力和运动成绩得到提高。  相似文献   

本文总结了4100m成功的经验和失败的原因,并具体分析了影响交接棒的因素,提出了科学训练的方法,旨在为4100m接力的训练提供可借鉴的指导。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined aspects of the 4 2 100 m relay that are amenable to mathematical analysis. We looked at factors that affect the time required to complete the relay, focusing on the performance of elite male athletes. Factors over which the individual athletes, and the team coach, can exercise some control are: the starting positions of the runners on legs 2, 3 and 4, the positions at which baton exchanges occur, the free distances at the baton exchanges and the running order of the athletes. The lane draw is shown to have an important influence on the relay time, although it is outside the control of the team coach. Teams drawn in the outside lanes benefit from the inverse relation between bend radius of curvature and running speed. For teams composed of athletes with different times over 100 m, we show that the fastest relay times are achieved with the fastest athlete taking the first leg, with the slowest two runners allocated to the final two legs.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined aspects of the 4 x 100 m relay that are amenable to mathematical analysis. We looked at factors that affect the time required to complete the relay, focusing on the performance of elite male athletes. Factors over which the individual athletes, and the team coach, can exercise some control are: the starting positions of the runners on legs 2, 3 and 4, the positions at which baton exchanges occur, the free distances at the baton exchanges and the running order of the athletes. The lane draw is shown to have an important influence on the relay time, although it is outside the control of the team coach. Teams drawn in the outside lanes benefit from the inverse relation between bend radius of curvature and running speed. For teams composed of athletes with different times over 100 m, we show that the fastest relay times are achieved with the fastest athlete taking the first leg, with the slowest two runners allocated to the final two legs.  相似文献   

4x10 0m接力是一项技术含量较高的项目 ,比赛中的制胜因素很多。从交接棒的方式 ,预跑距离的测算 ,起跑时口令的设置等方面进行研究与实践 ,并结合实际情况 ,对比赛中的一些随机事件的发生也提出了相应解决办法 ,为 4x10 0m接力的教学、训练与比赛提供了实效性的参考。  相似文献   

Using mathematical analysis, we examined the three baton exchanges that occur during a 4 x 100 m relay. Identical representative 100 m running performances were assumed for each of four elite male athletes, and the calculations were made for optimal or near-optimal positions of the baton exchanges and starting positions of the athletes running the second, third and fourth legs as determined by Ward-Smith and Radford (2002). In this paper, we focus on the calculation of the checkmark position and demonstrate the complexity of the baton exchange process. The results of the mathematical analysis show that, for optimal performance, the checkmark should be located differently for each of the three exchanges in a single race, and is further affected bylane draw and free distance (the distance between the runners at the baton exchange). For a representative free distance of 1 m at each exchange, the checkmark distance ranges from a minimum of 11.04 m at the third exchange in Lane 1 to 12.20 m for the first exchange in Lane 8. Failure by teams and their coaches to consider adequately the complexities of the baton exchanges may help explain why 25.5% of teams in recent World Championships were disqualified or did not finish.  相似文献   

Using mathematical analysis, we examined the three baton exchanges that occur during a 4×100 m relay. Identical representative 100 m running performances were assumed for each of four elite male athletes, and the calculations were made for optimal or near-optimal positions of the baton exchanges and starting positions of the athletes running the second, third and fourth legs as determined by Ward-Smith and Radford (2002). In this paper, we focus on the calculation of the checkmark position and demonstrate the complexity of the baton exchange process. The results of the mathematical analysis show that, for optimal performance, the checkmark should be located differently for each of the three exchanges in a single race, and is further affected by lane draw and free distance (the distance between the runners at the baton exchange). For a representative free distance of 1 m at each exchange, the checkmark distance ranges from a minimum of 11.04 m at the third exchange in Lane 1 to 12.20 m for the first exchange in Lane 8. Failure by teams and their coaches to consider adequately the complexities of the baton exchanges may help explain why 25.5% of teams in recent World Championships were disqualified or did not finish.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、逻辑思辨法,对《田径运动高级教程》中4×100 m接力跑这一章节的几个观点提出自己不同的看法,指出"下压式"优于"上挑式";教材中关于传、接棒最佳时机的观点针对的群体过于局限,不具普适价值;在仅就跑的实力而论的前提下,第一实力的运动员必须安排在第二棒,第二实力的运动员必须安排在第四棒。  相似文献   

通过对2008年全国游泳冠军赛接力项目全部参赛队的预、决赛反应时间、接跳时间的统计分析,发现参赛运动队总体接跳时间较2001年时有明显进步。各队之间反应时间没有差异,提示不同代表队之间接跳水平时间的差异源于对接跳技术的科研重视及专项训练。建议运动队训练运动员采用出发动量较大的后环绕摆臂或后倾蹲踞式接力出发技术,并进行充分的接跳配合训练。  相似文献   

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