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新加坡"技能创前程"计划是一项技能训练运动,以若干项目作为实施载体,旨在帮助每一位新加坡公民掌握技能。该计划的资金来源为政府投入辅以社会筹集,参与机构多元且分工明确,面向全民实施,项目设计因人而异,且特别注重扶持新兴产业,为我国实现全民终身技能学习提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对新加坡发布的《理工学院及工艺教育学院应用学习教育检讨报告书(ASPIRE)》和《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》进行阐述,分析新加坡ASPIRE委员会的组成、主要任务、目标以及对新加坡持续教育与培训的意见和建议,分析《新加坡持续教育与培训2020总蓝图》的主要内容及策略方向;分析新加坡技能创前程计划的主要内容、四个重点推动力、四大核心任务以及终身学习对新加坡高等教育注入流动性的影响。最后提出新加坡持续教育与培训体系对我国继续教育从国家层面和社会发展、以职业应用教育为特色的模块化培训以及继续教育与培训三方合作的培养机制等三点启示。  相似文献   

"技能创前程"计划是新加坡为适应经济转型而发起的一项全民培训工程。该计划着眼于未来,重视技能对塑造国民职业成功的关键作用。计划覆盖了学生、不同职业生涯阶段的公民、企业、培训机构等各类对象,开发出了系统化的培训和奖励计划。政府在计划的设计、组织和实施中扮演了推动者的角色,使各类培训和奖励计划结构化,相互支持,并注重能力至上社会文化氛围的营造。新加坡"技能创前程"计划的成功经验,能够为有效推动我国职业培训终身化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为满足产业结构高级化所带来的劳动力职业技能开发新需求,新加坡政府制定了全员劳动力终身职业能力开发框架,内容涵盖了存量劳动力终身职业技能开发、全体劳动力未来技能提升和弱势群体职业技能开发援助三个方面,为劳动力通过职业技能提升建构可持续生计提供了适切的制度.基于产业结构高级化的新加坡劳动力终身职业技能开发框架遵循了以下实践逻辑:匹配产业结构高级化需求、实施差异化职业技能开发、促进全体劳动力形成终身学习能力和帮助全体劳动力树立职业生涯规划的意识,为新加坡未来产业发展提供了可持续的劳动力供给.  相似文献   

正据新加坡教育部网站2014年11月12日报道,11月4日,未来技能委员会(Skills Future Council)在新加坡成立,委员会主席由新加坡副总理尚达曼担任。当日,尚达曼出席并主持了委员会第一次会议。未来技能委员会将致力于教育、培训和职业生涯发展之间的整合,支持个人技能发展,以及鼓励全国形成终身学习的文化氛围。尚达曼说:"无论我们从事什么工作,都要熟练掌握工作技能。让每一位新加坡公民最大程度  相似文献   

新加坡教育改革:兼顾深度和广度 新加坡教育部长王瑞杰在2013年9月底举行的教育部工作蓝图大会上表示,教育部将推出一系列新计划和调整现有政策来加强中小学教育,为年轻一代提供兼具深度和广度的学习体验,并培养他们终身学习的精神。  相似文献   

近日新加坡成立了未来技能委员会(SkillsFuture Council),主席由副总理尚达曼担任。未来技能委员会将致力于教育、培训和生涯发展之间的整合,支持个人技能发展,以及在全国形成终身学习的文化氛围。在第一次会议上,委员会决定从以下四个方面做出努力:1.在教育培训和生涯发展方面为每一位公民服务,让他们根据自身特点做出最佳职业选择;2.整合和健全一整套高质量的教育和培训体系,来满足产业发展的需求;3.以技能和技术为基础,让雇员有职业认同,并促进他们的生涯发展;4.鼓励并支持在全社会形成一种终身学习的文化。  相似文献   

作为经济腾飞、社会稳定的基石,新加坡的职业教育历经生存取向、效率取向与创新取向三个发展阶段。21世纪,为适应职业流动、技能更迭常态化的未来趋势,新加坡以职业教育融入“终身学习系统”的策略回应,深耕人才培养的三个维度:以制度融通协同职业教育与高等教育,实现发展的广度;以技能框架协同职业教育与继续教育,实现教育的长度;以无界文化融合职业教育与社会生活,实现学习的深度。  相似文献   

新加坡设立成人教育基金是成人教育发展的一个新思路和新方法,它极大地调动了公民参与成人教育学习和培训的热情和积极性.新加坡政府所建立的成人教育基金不仅包括促进技能发展和终身学习的基金,而且包括教育训练和社会关怀等方面的基金,这些都为推动我国成人教育发展,提升成人教育质量提供了经验和借鉴.  相似文献   

教育教学是一项理论传授和技能创新的技术密集型工作,这项工作的特点决定了教师必须通过终身学习来不断完善和创新自己的知识结构.因此,各校都非常重视教师的继续教育及岗位技能更新.为此我校以在岗培训为主要形式的教师校本培训计划应运而生,具体措施有七个方面:  相似文献   

This article examines the promotion of lifelong learning (LLL) in Singapore through a new national initiative known as the SkillsFuture movement. It is argued that the attainment of LLL is confronted with three key challenges, the first being the sociocultural preference for academic rather than vocational education in Singapore. Secondly, there is an absence of a strong local culture that underscores the habits of mind needed for LLL. The final challenge is the dominant ideology of pragmatism that potentially conflicts with the goal of the SkillsFuture movement for individuals to enjoy learning and pursue their passion. The article further recommends a reconceptualisation of the notion of LLL in Singapore by supplementing the skills growth model with the individual development and social learning models. The Singapore example illustrates the difficulties and prospects of advocating LLL due to historical and socialcultural conditions and practices.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济的时代,终身学习成为人们生存和发展的第一需要。本文分析了新加坡应对新时代的要求,建立终身学习体系的措施和经验,如构建完善的延续教育,设立终身学习基金等。新加坡的经验可供我国在发展终身学习体系时参考。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning is now a recurring topic in national human resource, employment, entrepreneurship and educational reform discourse. In Singapore, the government urges citizens to be lifelong learners to enhance their employability and reminds them that lifelong learning is a survival strategy for the country. This paper presents and analyses Singapore’s rhetoric and initiatives on lifelong learning using an adaptation of Power and Maclean’s framework of lifelong learning, consisting of the following aspects: a basic human right for individual development and empowerment; a means to better employment prospects and higher income; a strategy for poverty alleviation or closing income gaps; an enabler for social benefits such as higher productivity and social capital; and a ‘master key’ for the achievement of national vision. The paper argues that while there are a considerable number of lifelong learning activities in the country, there is also a degree of eclecticism in its rhetoric and practice.  相似文献   

The term lifelong learning has been used in different contexts and in policy application for a wide variety of purposes and initiatives. Singapore’s approach to lifelong learning is pragmatic and rational. It is one of the economic drivers used by policy makers to enhance Singapore’s competitiveness and is viewed as an antidote against unemployment. With the emergence of a more integrated and interdependent global economy, the premium placed on ideas and continuous learning becomes critical to an individual, organization and the country. This paper offers a snapshot of some of the current responses to the challenges and the perceived issues from the perspective of the government, organizations and individuals. The discussion would also cover a number of policy implications that may overlap and interconnect in practice.  相似文献   

上世纪70年代初,原法国总理埃德加·富尔(EdgarFaure)及其同事,最早提出了“终身学习”的概念,认为每一个人必须终身不断地学习。多年来,欧盟的终身学习计划一直努力践行着这一理念,从上世纪90年代初起,欧盟陆续地推出了一系列以各自独立的方式加以实施和运行的教育计划。2007年,欧盟实施终身学习计划,该教育计划框架有四项支柱计划,分剐是夸关组斯计划、伊拉斯莫斯计划、达·芬奇计划、格龙维计划,以及两项辅助计划:横向计划、让·莫内计划。欧盟的终身学习计划展现了终身学习思想在欧洲付诸实践的比较先进的模式,其模式的思路与做法有许多值得借鉴,一是目标设置,导向目标和政策目标结构层层递进,目标内容贴近现实;二是人群覆盖,欧盟的终身学习计划人群覆盖的纵向考虑,尊重了人的发展与学习之终身性特征,而横向覆盖面又顾及了人们社会角色扮演与任务担当及其发展需求的多样性和差异性特征;三是内容设计,欧盟终身学习计划各分项计划在其内容要目“求同”的设计,使终身学习计划的整个内容结构更为规范,各教育板块间可以进行交流与合作,而具体教育内容“求异”的设计,有助于各教育板块保留自身特点,可以反映和满足不同学习者的不同学习需求。  相似文献   

新加坡的学校领导培训实践不断发展与完善,自1984年至今,新加坡主要有两大校长培训项目,即教育管理文凭(DEA)和教育领导者计划(LEP)。新加坡校长培训项目的主要特色及其对我国校长培训的启示为:强调合作学习,共同创造知识;重视构建愿景、规划未来以及构建完善的保障机制。  相似文献   

Information Technology brings about rapid changes in working environment, quickly rendering skills and knowledge gained in formal learning institutions obsolete. Even as they prepare students for their first career, institutions also need to equip students with skills necessary for lifelong learning. The Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore has accordingly structured its curricula into Academic Studies and General Studies where the former focuses on core subjects (broad based knowledge-specific studies), and the latter on general knowledge (multi-disciplines catering to various interests for lifelong benefits). A 12-week course, ‘Introduction to Tao for Effective Action Learning’ which focuses on learning processes was developed and has been taught by the author, for undergraduates at NTU since July 2001. The course materials were derived from the author's Ph.D. thesis ‘The Tao of Action Learning’ (Sam, 2000). This paper explains the nature of the action learning programme at NTU and includes one account from participant students.  相似文献   

Professional learning communities (PLCs) have been recognised as having the potential to raise the quality of teachers, teaching and student learning through structured teacher collaboration, and have been featured prominently in Singapore and Shanghai – both considered top-performing Asian societies in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Although embedded in education systems that are considered centralised, there are still significant differences. Drawing out key implications from the experiences of Singapore and Shanghai, this paper highlights the potential challenges in implementing PLCs. These challenges include heavy teacher workload, ambiguities in the understanding and implementation of PLCs, and hierarchical work structures. The discussions emanating from the comparison between Singapore and Shanghai PLCs seek to contribute towards the international literature on fostering teacher collaboration through PLCs, which has been predominantly Western-centric.  相似文献   

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