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<正>马克思主义哲学在阐述物质和意识关系时认为物质第一性,意识第二性,物质决定意识.政治家的决策行为这一非常重要的社会心理现象,无疑与他们的大脑活动密切相关.大脑是思维的器官,我们的大脑活动是我们外在言语和行为的内在根据.故要全面理解人类社会行为,如政治家的决策行为,除了考虑当时的经济、文化、政治等因素外,一个不能忽视的方面是行为者大脑活动的水平和状态.下面我们从四个方面来阐述这种关系.  相似文献   

一、思维规律和思维形式的规律人类大脑是生物进化过程中创造出的最高产物。在人类知晓的诸般物质结构中,人脑是最为精密、最为复杂的。大脑约有着100亿个神经元,在活动过程中,还能分泌出多种化学物质,这些物质已被证实的就有37种之多。大脑是思维的物质基础,思维是人脑的机制。人类思维是由物质的、精神的、社会的各种因素相互作用构成的大系统。因而,在思维领域中起作用的思维规律,也是一个多层次、多侧面的复杂体系。思维着的人类还远没有弄清思维的本质。对于思维规律的认识,当然也只是初步的。但就一般情况来说,思维规律应涵有下列各层次。  相似文献   

语言进化要回答的三个核心问题是语言的本质、语言的主人以及语言的进化方式。乔姆斯基提出合并能力说,试图用最简单的递归性操作"合并"(merge)来解释人类语言的本质和进化过程。文章详述了乔姆斯基的合并理论、其他学者对该理论的质疑以及乔姆斯基的回应。合并能力说将语言进化从复杂的现象中剥离出来,具有很强的解释力,但仍需更多实证证据的验证。此外,对语言进化的研究应区分研究的层面,同时吸纳不同的视角和方法,进而推动对语言、大脑和心灵的进一步探索。  相似文献   

中外科技奖励制度的文化背景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中外科技奖励制度的不同是由其文化差异决定的。文化泛指由人类所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,可分为价值观、制度和物质三个层面。价值观是文化的核心,起看决定性作用,制度、物质是其载体和物化形式。对中外科技奖励制度的文化背景分析也可从文化的这三个层面来进行。  相似文献   

矿冶文化和人类其他文化一样,也是人类在改造自然和改造自身世界过程中的制度、物质和精神层面产物。研究这些产物的共性、功能和发展变迁,也就是真正的弄清了矿冶文化的内涵。而研究这些产物的对人类社会发展的作用,也就是研究矿冶文化的重要意义之所在。文章立足矿冶活动,从人类社会发展的本质出发,来探究构成矿冶文化的制度、精神和物质层面的内容,以及这些内容的特征和功能,以此来揭开矿冶文化的神秘面纱。  相似文献   

科学与艺术关系的层次论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学与艺术是人类创造性地把握世界的两种方式,两者之间经历了一个一体—分化—再融合的过程。科学与艺术在物质、心理和本质层面存在互动关系,这种互动关系是三位一体的,在三个层面之间层层递进,彼此渗透。幼儿园科学教育与艺术教育的整合应该实现科学与艺术在物质、心理和本质层面的融合。  相似文献   

比喻是人类表达、思维、认知的诗性方式,它是通过同甲对象本质不同而又有相似之处的乙象来婉转曲折地认识甲对象的,认知功能是其本质属性。比喻的产生,有其必要性和可能性以及各种各样的基础。对于比喻,可从——定义、构成、基础、逻辑分析、结构分类、显和潜、零度和偏离、功能、运用等多方解析,从修辞方式、思维方式和认知方式三个层面观照,方能识其"庐山"真面目。  相似文献   

逻辑学以思维为对象,它研究思维的逻辑形式和逻辑规律;语言学以语言为对象,它研究语言的结构、运用和社会功能。这是两门完全不同的学科,但由于思维是人的大脑这种特殊物质的运动形式,它借助语言作为自己的载体或物质的外在表现形式,所以,作为思维本质之一的逻辑,它的规律、思维形式和思维方法,也必然要以语言作为自己的载体或物质的外在表现形式。思维运动的结果,是人类的思想亦即精神产品的产生,表现为关于自然、社会和思维自身的各种认识的成果。既然思维要以语言作为自己的载体或物质的外在表现形式,作为思维成果的各种知识,当然也要以…  相似文献   

凼默是人类所独有的能力和交际形式。许多专家都从不同的方面对幽默做了大量的研究。本文主要关注幽默语言中的歧义现象。凼默语言中的歧义现象是相当普遍的。作者将着重从语音.词汇和句法三个层面上分析英语幽默中的歧史现象。以帮助英语学习者和读者更好地欣赏英语幽默语言。  相似文献   

脑科学是以大脑作为研究对象的各门学科的总称,它研究大脑的结构和功能,大脑与行为、大脑与思维的关系;研究大脑的演化、大脑的生化组成、神经网络及其规律.脑科学的分支学科包括大脑解剖学、大脑生化学、大脑电生理学、大脑发育学、思维生理学等.脑科学研究的目的就是要揭示这块高度复杂而有序的物质是怎样进行工作的.人脑是世界上最复杂的物质,为了搞清大脑如何产生意识的机制,许许多多科学家为此付出了辛勤的劳动.早在古希腊时代,人们就认识到理性、智慧产生于大脑.希波克拉底通过解剖,肯定了脑是思维的器官.近代科学的发展,人类开始研究大脑损伤后的功能变化,从而发现了语言区、运动区、感觉区等大脑定位区域,创立了大脑功能定位学说.现代脑科学迅速发展始于本世纪50年代和60年代之交,澳大利亚学者埃克尔斯利用微电极研究神经元的电信号,揭示了神经元的电特性,并用微电极研究突触的工作机制,创立了突触学说(synapse),从而在神经科学中立下了一个划时代的碑石.加拿大学者潘菲尔特利用电刺激法研究大脑的功能定位.美国学者斯佩里研究胼胝体切割的裂脑,发现大脑两半球不同的思维特点和相互关系,证明左半球长于逻辑思维,右半球长于形象思维,左半球长于语言和意识,右半球长于辨认和情绪反应.  相似文献   

随着社会发展对人才培养发展提出新要求,批判性思维能力这一热点问题也逐渐引起国内学者的重视。近年来,外语界针对英语学习者"思辨缺席症"进行了多方面的探讨和研究。本文以CNKI为数据库来源,精选了自2004至2013年十年间发表于国内外语专业核心刊物的30篇文章,从理论和实践层面进行综述,希望对读者了解批判性思维能力这一问题在国内近年的研究状况有所帮助。  相似文献   

回顾了PISA2021创造性思维背景、内涵与维度,分析了PISA2021创造性思维在课堂教学中的影响因素及表现,阐述了PISA2021创造性思维的评估目标、领域设计、创造力测试设计及样例。创造性思维能力是学生适应21世纪发展的必备核心能力,需要组织多领域专家开展创造性思维的理论研究,学校要秉持促进学生创造性思维发展的理念,教师要成为学生创造性思维的促进者,通过课程与课堂教学培养学生创造性思维能力。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》传入日本后,日本研究者做了大量的注释和评注工作,从哲学、文学、军事等多方面展开了广泛的研究,不仅吸取《孙子兵法》的用兵思想运用到军事领域,而且广泛运用于商业领域,对日本的军事思想、经营思想和战略文化均产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

教育学理论的开放性品质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学理论的开放性品质是教育学理论品质的核心。历史上的教育学理论都坚持了开放性的理论品质,不断丰富、发展和完善自己。教育学的研究对象决定了教育学的开放性品质,教育学的开放性理论品质随着教育学的研究对象——教育问题的变迁而发展。坚持教育学理论的开放性品质是建设具有中国特色的教育学体系的根本要求。  相似文献   

Acknowledging the complex relationships which the field of didactics of mathematics has with other research fields (e.g. mathematics, educational sciences, epistemology, history,psychology, semiotics, sociology, cognitive science), the authors analyze in this paper some cases of fruitful and some of failed dialogue between experts of the different fields. They discuss the results of these dialogues, drawing on research studies carried out by the authors, within the paradigm of the Italian research in Mathematics Education.  相似文献   

Understanding how the arts can enhance learning has long been discussed and debated among educators, students, parents, artists, art historians, and philosophers. Many anecdotal examples reference the value and benefits of the arts in a range of fields and learning domains. Emerging methodologies in the brain sciences have added new perspectives and research‐based approaches to better understand the role the arts might play in learning. Psychologists, cognitive scientists, and now neuroscientists are approaching this topic by exploring memory, sensory systems, and other biological measures. The interdisciplinary and potentially interdependence of these fields to work together to identify the neurological mechanisms involved in the arts may offer educators, parents, and child care providers with important information about how we learning takes place. By bringing together uncommon and divergent thinking from a wide range of disciplines, there is an opportunity to change the way we teach, parent, and serve children using the arts to help enhance learning. This issue of Mind, Brain, and Education celebrates the range of approaches that are emerging to shed light and insight in this field.  相似文献   

This article identifies and describes three dimensions of systemic thinking—thinking holistically, thinking dynamically, and thinking in terms of feedback loops. We contend that within the field of business a significant amount of attention has been paid to holistic thinking, but relatively little to the other two dimensions. In addition, we present evidence that managers will need to more fully develop systemic thinking skills as business systems become even more interdependent in the 21st century. Tools are presented that can be used in any area of business to help students develop their systemic thinking skills and gain better insights in their respective fields of study. Examples of how to introduce and use these tools in the classroom are also provided.  相似文献   

This study investigates the process of identifying high-quality lessons for gifted learners that integrate the arts with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. These STEAM lessons have the potential to develop deep thinking, as well as develop creativity and visual–spatial skills that are necessary in the STEM disciplines. Lessons were solicited from teachers through their involvement in national organizations, and 61 lessons were analyzed and reviewed by experts in the arts and STEM fields, as well as master teachers. High-quality lessons provided deep content knowledge in both STEM and arts fields, connections across content areas, specific criteria for assessment, and collaborations between teachers and between students. The findings from this study will be used to further define the evaluation process for STEAM lessons designed for gifted learners and to develop professional development opportunities for teachers of the gifted.  相似文献   

国际商务沟通教学设计与教学法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国涉外商务活动不断拓展和深入,对国际商务高层次人才的需求十分迫切,对国际商务沟通教学提出了新的要求。文章针对国际商务沟通课程的特点和目标,对教学内容进行了思考和设计,并对课堂教学方法进行了探究。  相似文献   

It is important for science students to develop higher order thinking (HOT) so that they can reason like scientists in the field. In this study, a HOT instructional model for secondary school science was developed with experts. The model would focus on reflective thinking (RT) and science process skills (SPS) among Grade 7 students. The Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) was employed to determine consensus among a panel of 20 experts. First, semi-structured interviews were conducted among the experts to generate the elements required for the model. Then, a questionnaire was developed using a seven-point linguistic scale based on these elements. The defuzzification value was calculated for each item, and a threshold value (d) of 0.75 was used to determine consensus for the items in the questionnaire. The alpha-cut value of >0.5 was used to select the phases and sub-phases in the model. The elements in the model were ranked to identify the sub-phases which had to be emphasised for implementation in instruction. Consensus was achieved on the phases of the HOT instructional model: engagement, investigation, explanation, conclusion and reflection. An additional 24 learning activities to encourage RT skills and SPS among students were also identified to develop HOT skills in science.  相似文献   

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