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Reginald W. Revans, who is widely known as the “father” of action learning, has written numerous books and articles over the years on action learning. They are filled with insights and serve to place the concept in historical perspective. These sketches represent an assembly of such insights excerpted from Revans' writings. The opening sketches were expressly developed by Revans for this issue of Performance Improvement Quarterly. What follows is an array of sketches selectively drawn from Revans' earlier work.  相似文献   

We assessed undergraduates’ representations of the greenhouse effect, based on student-generated concept sketches, before and after a 30-min constructivist lesson. Principal component analysis of features in student sketches revealed seven distinct and coherent explanatory models including a new Molecular Details model. After the lesson, which described the invisible molecular behaviour of gases, this group (n = 164) produced significantly more expert-like representations of the greenhouse effect, and included fewer novice ideas. The key behaviour that greenhouse gases emit radiation in random directions is new to most students and directly counters common explanations involving reflection and ‘trapping’ of radiation in the atmosphere. Thus, learning molecular behaviour of greenhouse gases may help students replace non-expert explanatory models. This Molecular Details model has not been previously identified, and is unlikely to have emerged from human evaluation of student sketches alone. When teaching the greenhouse effect, we propose that interventions explicitly incorporate greenhouse gas behaviour.  相似文献   


As part of a 3-year longitudinal study, 136 sixth-grade students completed an engineering-based problem on earthquakes involving integrated STEM learning. Students employed engineering design processes and STEM disciplinary knowledge to plan, sketch, then construct a building designed to withstand earthquake damage, taking into account a number of constraints. On testing, students redesigned to build an improved structure. Using a framework of design processes, we report on the students' capabilities in planning, creating annotated sketches, and transforming these into 3D models. An understanding of core STEM concepts was apparent in their responses, including shape properties, stability, rigidity, balance, strength, and engineering techniques. Group problem solving involved moving iteratively between design phases, frequently revisiting problem scoping, being cognizant of the problem goal, boundaries and constraints, and appreciating design sketches as guiding constructions. Students were also observed to consider a number of problem components simultaneously, indicating their capabilities in handling the complexity of the task.  相似文献   

戏剧小品成为当今最流行的大众文化形式之一。黄宏小品表现出与国家主流意识形态相吻合的特征,具有引导大众价值取向的作用。同时,黄宏小品遵循了现实主义与大众文化的创作原则,又通过多种喜剧的表现手法,使其小品寓庄于谐,为小品艺术的发展做出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

We examined the effect of drawing sketches on metacomprehension accuracy of science texts for 5th grade (ages 10–11) students (Study 1: N = 60, Study 2: N = 62). Students either received instruction on drawing organizational sketches, which focused on capturing the relationships described in texts, or representational sketches, which focused on capturing details described in texts. They then read and drew sketches for texts, predicted their performance, and completed tests. They completed this procedure for five texts. Metacomprehension accuracy was greater for students instructed to draw organizational sketches than for students instructed to draw representational sketches or those in a control group who did not draw (Study 2). Performance on comprehension tests was also greater for students instructed to draw organizational sketches than for students in other groups. The superior metacomprehension accuracy was explained in terms of the cue-utilization framework of metacognitive monitoring (Koriat, 1997).  相似文献   

The aim of the Baldufa project that is presented in this article is to help both teachers and students in teaching‐learning activities in physics. A certain amount of HTML documentation is available, at this moment, to be used by students as learning aids. Teachers can propose their own pedagogical strategies via the Internet. For these reasons, the authors have programmed a server and have conceived a teaching package in HTML language.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Recent advances in neuroscience are highlighting connections between emotion, social functioning, and decision making that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the role of affect in education. In particular, the neurobiological evidence suggests that the aspects of cognition that we recruit most heavily in schools, namely learning, attention, memory, decision making, and social functioning, are both profoundly affected by and subsumed within the processes of emotion; we call these aspects emotional thought . Moreover, the evidence from brain-damaged patients suggests the hypothesis that emotion-related processes are required for skills and knowledge to be transferred from the structured school environment to real-world decision making because they provide an emotional rudder to guide judgment and action. Taken together, the evidence we present sketches an account of the neurobiological underpinnings of morality, creativity, and culture, all topics of critical importance to education. Our hope is that a better understanding of the neurobiological relationships between these constructs will provide a new basis for innovation in the design of learning environments.  相似文献   

释词方式,是语义学上训释词语的方式。传统语义学上释词方式主要有直训和义界,而笔记小说中所见之对释词现象,除了这两种之外还有探源。本文主要对笔记小说中的这部分材料进行归纳分析。  相似文献   

This paper asks “after what” and situates qualitative research in the present moment in the midst of various “deaths” and “returns.” With a focus on fleshing out post-qualitative research, it first sketches efforts to discipline qualitative research via standards and rubrics as a part of neoliberal govenmentality and then elaborates what post-qualitative might mean via four exemplars. The first is from Sweden, a focus on relational entangled data analysis in the feminist classroom; the next two exemplars are collaborative studies from Australia at the intersection of Western and Aboriginal knowledge systems; the final exemplar is from Egypt, a feminist post-colonial study of the women’s mosque movement. The paper concludes with a call to “imagine forward” out of troubling a narrow scientificity and enacting an “after” of neoliberalism.  相似文献   

Everyday professional discussion often refers to the idea that community development is essentially a learning process. This article sketches a comprehensive theory of community development as citizen education by following the different traditions in community development and by defining the educational aspect of each tradition. Among the traditions described here are traditional community organizations as a social work method, the radical community organization of Alinsky, the neo‐Marxist approach of community action, and the settlement movement. The resulting theoretical framework defines community development as an alternative route for the education of citizens with low levels of formal education in the same way as labour unions and churches often are alternative routes towards active citizenship for low‐income groups. Next, three forms of education are singled out within community development: first, education as training of local leadership; as an action‐oriented and on the job learning process supported informally by the community worker. This form of education resembles the informal vocational education in which an experienced craftsman trains his pupils on the shop floor. Second, education as consciousness raising, which reverses the sequence of learning processes: in this case it is not action which leads to education but education that hopefully leads to action by citizens. There is a whole range of providers of such consciousness raising activities, such as community development organizations, local centres for adult education, churches through their celebrations and adult education classes. A recent development is the ‘new localism’ in social movements, such as the environmental movement, emphasizing consciousness‐raising activities in the local community. Third, education as service delivery: here education is a service for the community in the same way as community development can deliver other services to a community such as affordable housing and health centres. Partly these educational services are ‘survival education’, such as job readiness training programmes and literacy programmes; partly they are ‘leisure education’, typically blurring the borders between ‘pure’ education and recreational and social opportunities for residents.  相似文献   

随着服装设计数字化时代的来临,服装效果图也从手工绘制逐渐向电脑应用方面转换。PHOTOSHOP服装效果图作为服装设计数字化中的重要一环,正日益受到服装界的应用和推广,现就PHOTOSHOP服装效果图中色彩的绘制处理进行阐述。  相似文献   

过去的二十几年,我国环境建设不断升温,各类环境小品越来越多地出现在公众视野。该文以两个引发争议的环境小品案例分析了目前环境小品设计存在的创意和表达问题.并分别就这两方面做出一些思考探讨。  相似文献   

In the process of problematizing what intellectual work looks like, poststructuralist discourses have opened up new spaces through which to examine the processes of knowledge production. Our purpose is to engage with these processes of knowledge production as they attempt to tell particular truths about good pedagogy in Physical Education (PE). Indeed, there has been a long running debate between various forms of expertise claiming to tell the truth about what constitutes good pedagogy in PE. In this paper, we revisit this debate via a mobilization of Hall's (1985) theorization of articulation, and the reflexive modernization thesis of Beck, Giddens and Lash (1994). These lenses lead us to argue that a more reflexive modernity profoundly problematizes all forms of truth telling in Education.  相似文献   

In this essay David Black claims that, if one pieces together the many sketches of educational decorum found in the Confucian Analects, one will discover three types of misguided student; that is, one will come to recognize that Confucius admonishes three types of insensitive learners who, due to the lure of personal advantage and social rhetoric, begin to mismanage the exchanges of respect particular to the educational process. These students misappropriate key rituals of decorum and dialogue, and consequently create a degree of disorder that, for Confucius, actually threatens the existence of civil society.  相似文献   

传统中国文化作品充满了对农民负面形象的构建,而1995—2000年问赵本山在中央电视台春节联欢晚会上连续推出的六个以农民生活为题材的喜剧小品却从正面入手,充分展示了中国农民形象的阳光面,重塑了一系列正面的农民形象,在中国文化作品中独树一帜。这些小品中突出的语言和文化策略——幽默、依附性、颠覆性和对农民生活的美化也使我们对中国农民有了新的认识。  相似文献   

根据景观小品设计的市场需要,有必要对景观小品设计表现进行研究,通过分析景观小品设计的必要性、要求、设计内容及各种表现形式,以提高人们对景观小品设计及表现的认识和理解,扩大该行业的社会影响。  相似文献   

写作学界将“白描”与“细描”对举有失妥当,“白描”与“细描”两术语既有区别,又有联系和交叉,二的区别在于:细描一定要细,白描则可粗可细;白描要质朴无华,不大事渲染,细描则可质朴,可华丽,崇尚大量渲染,二的联系和统一在于:不事渲染的细描与描写细腻的白描是一回事,分别叫做白描工笔或工笔白描,通常情况下,白描与细描不能对举。  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute to our understanding of how moral aspects of parents’ choices of preschool play a part in the processes of marketisation and privatisation of childcare in Sweden. The paper explores parents’ narratives of preschool choice as moral claims of parental identities. The analysed data are based on a study of how parents make sense of their preschool choice during life-story interviews. Our results point out good parenting as having to do with making distinctions between what is ‘good and bad’ and ‘right and wrong’ regardless of whether the choices concern preschools or the behaviour of preschool teachers and parents. Culturally available discourses become visible through the making of these distinctions in ways that ultimately point to the subject position of parents as particular choosers as related to a prevailing discourse of parental responsibility.  相似文献   

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