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Considerable research has been undertaken involving the student experience and depicting undergraduate students as consumers of education. This construction of the relationship between students and universities is based primarily on notions of economic exchange. In this paper, using the construct of the psychological contract, we show that social exchanges can also occur. In a study sponsored by the leaders of a university's science faculty, 10 student-researchers recorded their experience of being a science undergraduate student using an innovative video data collection method called VideoVoices. We present a case study using the data recorded by one student-researcher that shows that students can have more complex conceptions of their relationships than that of passive consumer with respect to their reciprocal obligations to their university and lecturers. Psychological contract theory has been widely used in management and organisation studies literature, but the use of this theory in the context of higher education is much sparser. We argue that psychological contract theory, besides encouraging a more useful and complex view of students at university, has the potential to suggest future research directions and strategies to improve relationships between students and universities.  相似文献   

诚信教育在推动时代发展和创新人才培养过程中发挥着巨大作用。剑桥大学诚信教育继承英国高等教育的道德教育传统,其诚信教育的目标是规训学生诚信意识和规避学生失信行为。为此,剑桥大学构建了一套横纵交融的学生诚信教育体系,即"行为诚信教育-考试诚信教育-学术诚信教育"横向的诚信教育内容体系和"入学登记-学业过程-离校教育"纵向的诚信教育管理体系。剑桥大学诚信教育对于推进我国高校学生诚信教育具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高师学生的人格发展现状剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文为探讨社会情境变迁中高等师范大学生的人格发展及有效的人格教育策略,用EPQ-REC人格问卷调查460名师范大学生.结果显示:男生的精神质和稳定性显著高于常模,女生的掩饰性极显著高于全国女生常模.学业较差的学生精神性、掩饰性高于一般及较好的学生;男生在精神性高于女生;城市生源稳定性高于乡村生源;经常上网掩饰性低于偶尔上网学生;是否学生干部在精神性、外向性都有显著性差异.调查结果提示教育管理者要密切关注社会情境的变化作针对性的教育,同时在职业教育中渗透人格教育,发挥人格的能动力量塑造健全新型的人格模式.  相似文献   

Education is a human right and Fiji’s tertiary education board recently declared that all tertiary institutions in Fiji must abide by the framework in order to meet student–customers’ needs. The Fiji National University’s (FNU’s) destiny to be Fiji’s leading higher education provider could be a reality if students and staff’s expectations are considered in all decision-making processes and at all levels of management. Preliminary research was conducted on a newly proclaimed government university: the FNU. The results revealed negative quality gaps whereupon there is a high intensity of student dissatisfaction with the services provided by the FNU. FNU as a community of social and education providers needs an atmosphere to provide social and educational development at all levels to meet the social and education needs of every staff and student in order to protect the basic human rights of its staff and students, and to qualify as an education provider that is internationally acceptable.  相似文献   

As schools and HEIs have become partners in initial teacher education, the roles of personnel from both institutions have experienced radical change. Whilst the role of the university tutor as a student support and assessor has diminished, the teacher's role has been extended, to that of the student's subject‐specific mentor. Considering the importance of mentorship in the teacher education process and the lack of evidence on mentoring from the student's perspective, the present study sought to expand on current knowledge and increase understanding of the student's perspective through exploration of postgraduate PE and Dance students’ perceptions of the mentor role and the mentorship relationship at the University of Brighton. This study forms part of a larger, collaborative project between the University of Brighton and Liverpool John Moore's University which is investigating the development and impact of School Based Teacher Education Partnerships. In semi‐structured interviews, 25 students were asked to discuss: ideal qualities for mentoring and the student/mentor relationship; the mentor's role and their influence on the student. Students generally valued a supportive, professional relationship with their mentor which allowed mutual input and a mentor who is approachable and has a depth of subject expertise. These findings indicated the need, in the course of future research, to consider interaction and information exchange in the student/mentor relationship and the perceived and actual role which student and mentor play in this relationship.

Of current interest is the postgraduate student's experience of mentoring, which is highlighted and discussed in the present article. The data discussed here derive from work in the project's early stages at the University of Brighton, and the article is the first in a series which will be presented as the project continues. Future publications will discuss investigations which expand on the present findings and which result from either collaborative inquiry between the two institutions or replication studies to enable cross‐comparison between findings.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,大学生思想政治教育所处的时代、可利用的条件、面对的对象都发生了深刻变化,要实现长远发展,有必要明晰发展理路。一是准确把握社会历史方位谋求大学生思想政治教育的科学发展;二是针对当代大学生的思想特点着力于思想政治教育的服务性价值和发展性价值;三是依据时代的变化拓展大学生思想政治教育的内容体系;四是顺应现代科技的迅猛发展开发大学生思想政治教育新载体;五是适应高等教育大众化推进大学生思想政治教育特色化发展。  相似文献   

随着知识经济社会的发展以及我国高等教育体制改革的深化和毕业生就业方式的转变,大学生职业生涯规划的重要性日益彰显,而在实际操作层面上普遍存在着高校注重形式大于内容、指导不力,学生认知感性大于理性、实施不力的现象。要全面提升大学生职业生涯规划效果,实现规划的科学化、系统化、个性化,高校应当坚持理论与实践并重,并提供全方位的支持;学生应明确自身条件与外部环境的异同,综合各方面因素,在实践中将理想与实际相结合,从而实现个人目标。  相似文献   

素质教育是我国高等教育改革的方向,是培养跨世纪人才的唯一教育手段。近年来,我国高等院校大力推行素质教育战略,取得了良好的成绩,对大学生素质能力的提高起到了积极的推动作用。通过对我国高等院校大学生素质教育实践的翔实调查,运用结构方程模型,可以对高等院校的大学生素质教育活动在大学生素质能力提升上的微观传导机制进行经验性的解析,揭示了我国高等院校素质教育战略的成效与不足,为高等院校进一步开展素质教育、大幅度地提升大学生的素质能力提供了有效的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

留学生教育与高校国际化进程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
留学生教育是高校国际化进程的必然产物。近几年来,我国留学生教育发展迅速,但也存在一些问题和不足。发展留学生教育,必须扩大国际知名度,提高教学质量,扩大留学生生源,建立高素质的留学生师资队伍和管理人员队伍。同时,重视留学生教育发展战略、国际留学生市场、国际人才培养、国际教育资源开发的研究,鼓励地方政府、企业资助留学生教育的发展,设立奖学金,吸引外国留学生来学习。  相似文献   

牛津大学的学生事务管理工作在学校的“学院制”、“导师制”及自由教育、培养精英人才、科学与人文教育融合、国际化的教育理念影响下,形成具有其自身特点的学生事务管理工作理念与做法,并随着时代的变化不断创新与发展。以学生为中心的工作理念、独具特色的综合化与专业化学生服务体系、重视学生会在学生事务中的参与作用的学生事务管理工作的实施,对我国高校的学生管理工作有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

现代高等教育效益是个人发展效益与社会发展效益的统一,其主要体现于培养和谐发展的人、提高学生的创新能力和学习效益及优化社会人才整体结构。传统的以合格人才为标准的补短教育模式容易忽视对学生创新能力的培养,导致学生人格不健全、影响学生的学习效益及造成人才结构上的浪费。促进学生扬长发展,提倡学生在创新中扬长,在扬长中发展,有利于学生的人格和谐发展、增强自信心,提高学习效益和创新能力,提升学生在社会中的独立作用力,更好地满足社会需要,实现教育效益的提高。  相似文献   

通过用韩国杰文ZEUS9.9身体成分分析仪测定和分析体育与非体育专业大学生的身体成分现状,为增强大学生的健康水平提供研究依据.研究对象为体育专业学生251人,非体育对照组256人.结果表明:体育专业男生的体脂重量、肌肉量、去脂肪体重明显高于非体育专业男生;体育专业女生的肌肉量、去脂肪体重明显高于非体育专业女生;体育专业男女生的细胞总水分含量明显高于非体育专业男女生;体育专业男女生的基础代谢率明显高于非体育专业男女生.  相似文献   

高等教育的质量和大学生综合素质的提升,影响到全社会的和谐与否。以大学生为主体的和谐校园建设已成为人们关注的课题之一。随着高等教育的发展和高校招生规模的扩大,贫困大学生群体的数量也不断扩大,关注贫困大学生的精神贫困,注意满足他们的精神需要,从心理和精神上帮助贫困大学生是高校义不容辞的职责,也是高校学生教育和管理工作面临的一个重要课题。本文对贫困生心理健康方面存在的主要问题进行了分析,剖析其中的原因,找出解决的对策和教育方法,使贫困生心理能健康发展。  相似文献   

八所高校大学生网络主体性调查及其教育对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋术学 《教育科学》2006,22(4):66-69
全球化时代的今天,一个不争的事实就是互联网的发展深刻地影响着和改变着人自身,尤其是青年大学生,在开放多元的网络信息环境中,对其主体意识、全球视野、民主观念等都将会产生强烈的碰撞和冲击。本文通过对大学生网络主体性概念的解析以及对国内八所高校大学生网络主体性的现状进行问卷调查,着重分析了大学生网络主体性迷失的表现,并提出了相应的教育对策,以期引起人们对大学生网络主体性教育的关注和思考。  相似文献   

现代远程教育学生与学校的关系,是在平等基础上经双方自由协商、自主选择而形成的,不受任何国家计划的制约和行政权力的干预,体现了当事人双方的意思自治,具有合同的本质属性。明确现代远程教育学生与学校的关系是一种合同关系,有利于在合同理论基础上对二者的关系进行理论探讨,将客观上居于弱势地位的学生一方与居于优势地位的学校摆到平等的法律地位,避免发生法律角色错位而把本应属于平等主体之间的法律关系混同于管理与被管理的关系之中;有利于将现代远程教育学生与学校之间发生的权利义务纠纷纳入合同纠纷范围,提高纠纷处理质量,切实维护学生与学校各自享有的合法权利。  相似文献   

As a result of the past decade's financial crises, the focus on students' values as an output of higher management education has increased. Simultaneously, marketing theory has become prevalent in the management of higher education institutions, such that student satisfaction represents a key output variable for their service provision. This study integrates both perspectives to investigate how values-oriented education relates to student satisfaction. A sample of 191 respondents from a German university reveals that business students expect more value influence than they believe their institution actually delivers. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the value influence delivered by their university increase their satisfaction with the institution. Finally, the value influence students expect is more closely associated with universalism values (connected to sustainability and CSR) than with power values. These results imply that universities can increase student satisfaction if they coordinate opportunities to discuss and shape values, particularly with regard to universalism ideals.  相似文献   

The paper presents the findings of a mixed-methods study investigating the perceptions of business students in the Czech Republic towards entrepreneurship education, and examining the factors influencing their level of intention to be entrepreneurs. The results indicate that family background significantly influences the student’s entrepreneurial intention, and that participation in entrepreneurship-oriented courses positively influences the student’s level of self-efficacy. The study revealed further that business education had some effect on the student’s ability to gain the necessary knowledge for entrepreneurship. Another key finding was that entrepreneurship education specifically for business students has to equip students with entrepreneurial skills, attributes and behaviours. The results also suggest that entrepreneurship education is a contextually determined concept which requires modification of content and methods to meet the specific needs of particular target groups. The study has important implications for higher education institutions in terms of designing and managing effective entrepreneurship education.  相似文献   

对学生进行科学评价是促进学生素质全面发展的重要组成部分。文章从传统学生评价体系存在的弊端、学生评价基本要素的变化、高等教育质量观的变化以及对"人"的认识走向科学和深化等方面对当前学生评价体系改革的必要性进行了深入分析。  相似文献   


In universities, as in mainstream education more widely, cognitive approaches to poetry are often dominant. Far from being irrelevant to the serious study of literature, we argue that eliciting students’ affective responses to poetry can deepen their cognitive understanding and analytical skills. Drawing on recent research in psychology on the relationship between cognition and affect, we show that poetry has particular potential to make us aware of the crucial interrelation of our cognitive and affective processes; and that bringing those responses into balance can deepen our understanding of poetry. Building on recent educational studies of typical student (and teacher) anxieties and assumptions about working with poetry, and on our observations from our own initial, exploratory seminars, we explore some of the obstacles to rebalancing the cognitive and affective dimensions of poetry in higher education, and point to the potential value of such an approach if such obstacles are overcome.  相似文献   

杜旸  王懿 《中国科教创新导刊》2013,(19):204+206-204,206
高职学生在教育管理中有其特殊性,针对群体的特点和现行的管理模式,在管理高职学生时,应使用人本主义教育理念,把学生看作能动的人而非被动的人。从学生的角度,了解学生的需求,结合学生自身的发展,认识到学生的自主性和能动性,从而充分调动学生的积极性和参与性,发挥他们的潜力。  相似文献   

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