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全国广播影视工作会议1月10日-12日在北京召开。会议的主要任务是认真贯彻落实江泽民总书记关于广播影视工作的重要批示,研究部署今后5—10年广播影视的改革和发展工作。中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李岚清致信会议,充分肯定去年全国广播影视系统的工作,对搞好今年广播影视工作提出了希望和要求。  相似文献   

本刊讯新年伊始,国家广播电影电视总局召开全国广播影视局长会议。学习中央领导同志的讲话,贯彻中央经济工作会议和全国宣传部长会议精神,落实科学发展观,总结“十五”特别是去年工作,分析广播电影电视面临的形势和任务,研究“十一五”发展思路,部署今年工作。 1月5日,国家广播电影电视总局局长王太华,发表了题为《继承、改革、创新,努力开创广播影视工作新局面》的讲话。讲话分三个层次展开。一、关于“十五”和2005年的广播影视工作王太华充分肯定了“十五”期间的广播影视工作,指出舆论引导能力和水平不断提高,确保了广播电视的安全播  相似文献   

这次科技委年会是总局党组决定召开的一次重要会议,会议的主要任务是:总结“十五”期间广播影视科技和事业发展,讨论审议“十一五”规划,研究部署广播影视科技和事业发展重点工作,推进我国广播影视全面协调可持续发展。刚才,王太华同志代表总局党组作了重要讲话,提出广播影视科技战线有四项重要任务:一要确保安全播出和安全传输,二要服务社会主义新农村建设,三要提升广播影视现代化管理水平,四要推动广播影视事业产业发展并要求切实把数字化作为推动广播影视发展的强大动力和工作的重中之重加以落实。  相似文献   

按照总局2002年广播影视重点工作部署,2003年为中国广播发展年,总局《关于开展中国广播发展年工作的通知》要求“要进一步加强广播覆盖工作,积极发展城市有线广播和调频广播,不断提高广播节目传输质量。”徐光春同志在2002年的全国广播影视工作会议上的报告也明确指出“要积极开办有线广播,使有线调频成为广播覆盖的新亮点。”因此电台在继续办好有线调频背景音乐频道的基础上,2003年又开办了古典音乐和戏曲两个频道,2003年5月20日开播至今,各项性能指标良好,受到听众的好评,收到良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

全国广播影视局长座谈会,8月14日在兰州闭幕。会议认真分析了当前我国广播影视工作面临的形势,着重研究了我国广播影视“十五”规划和跨世纪发展思路,提出了今后5至10年广播影视工作总的指导思想和任务,明确了总的工作目标、要求和对策,并提出要以一流的水平、一流的队伍、一流的技术、一流的管理,建立起中国广播影视的“航空母舰”和“联合舰队”,努力把我们的事业搞强搞大。从当前我国广播影视工作面临的形势来看,深化广播影视系统内部改革是贯彻落实兰州会议精神的关键所在。改革是广播影视事业发展的根本出路。广播影视系…  相似文献   

2004年是实现“十五”计划的关键一年,也是落实十六大和十六届三中全会精神,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展的重要一年。做好2004年的广播影视工作,不仅对广播影视自身,而且对整个宣传思想工作乃至全党全国工作大局,都具有十分重要的  相似文献   

2006年全国广播影视局长会议1月5-6门在北京召开。王太华代表总局党组作的题为《继承、改革、创新,努力开创广播影视工作新局面》的讲话指出,“十一五”时期我国广播影视发展的总体要求是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以科学发展观为统领,以满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求为目的,  相似文献   

2006年全国广播电视工作会议提出,广播影视工作要勇抓机遇,迎接挑战、加快发展,要做到七个适应。其中一个适应就是“要适应广播影视自身客观规律的要求”。电台广播要适应自身客观规律,关键是要以科学发展观为统领.坚持“以人为本”理念,把握广播的发展趋势,挖掘发挥广播的自身优势,继续推进频率频道和节目栏目的专业化、品牌化,打造深受人民喜爱的名牌频率频道和节目栏目。  相似文献   

2月28—29日,江西召开全省广播电视工作会议暨全省广电系统“双先”表彰会,深入学习贯彻全国广播影视工作会议、全省宣传思想工作会议等有关精神,全面总结2003年全省广播影视工作,表彰先进,研究部署2004年工作任务。  相似文献   

国家广电总局有关负责人12月24日在此间表示,2004年被确定为广播影视工作“数字发展年”和“产业发展年”,以大力推进全国广播影视数字化和产业化。  相似文献   

Although community radio has a long history in South and North America, new models are evolving in other parts of the world from South Africa to Central Eurasia. True to its community roots, stations reflect the unique history, culture, and political climate of each country. Radio is the most democratic of media both in providing easy access to citizen participation and in being widely available. In rural areas from subsistence farmers in Mozambique to nomadic herders in Mongolia, radio is the only medium. With limited resources in new democracies, it is the most cost-effective medium. The expressive human voice and natural sound engage the imagination through story telling. Radio stations are not simply passive transmitters of information or hit music; they are a catalyst for building community, for improving health and education, for fostering a civil society. These are no longer theoretical visions; many stations now demonstrate all of these goals.  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and ensuing radio ownership consolidation are often blamed for harming radio localism and the public interest. The present research sought to determine effects of local-market radio ownership concentration on listener opinions and use of radio—potentially indicative of stations' localism and public service—by surveying listeners in markets categorized by ownership concentration. Findings suggest concentration does not strongly influence perceptions; however, overall results indicate potentially negative consequences from local and national consolidation on amounts of local music, news, and public-service programming; live-local programming; and station responsiveness.  相似文献   


When radio and television are touted as the “greatest media for education” or the “promoting of social change” that the world has ever known, the need of the developing countries of the world for these media is often cited. It is probable that most citizens of the United States think of “developing nations” as those newly‐formed countries of Asia and Africa whose political, social and economic problems often are featured in the day's news reports. However, there are more than a score of developing nations in the western hemisphere, and one of these is right at the back door of the U. S. This country, Mexico, has been using radio and television effectively for a major literacy program since 1965, and the following article describes that program. Dennis Lowry is a doctoral candidate in mass communication in the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Information for this article was gathered during a six‐week study trip to Mexico in the summer of 1968.  相似文献   

In 1973, the Board for International Broadcasting assumed responsibility for the operation of the joint corporate entity, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc. Broadcasting news, entertainment, and public affairs programs to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union since 1950 and 1953 respectively, RFE/RL, Inc. has also maintained the largest research and analysis activity on these countries in the Free World. This information has been made widely available through serial and monographic publications, notably in the two weeklies Radio Free Europe Research (Eastern Europe) and Radio Liberty Research Bulletin (Soviet Union). Contract and independent researchers make use of rich archival and current affairs library research facilities in New York and Munich. As Federal funding has been maintained and expanded in recent years, facilities and capabilities have been greatly extended.  相似文献   

The U.S. Government's role as overseer of the World War II airwaves was significant, given the government's task of establishing a supervisory mechanism for the radio industry that would serve the need of national security and, at the same time, minimize the need for bureaucratic intrusion into program decision making. A mechanism also was needed to police the domestic airwaves for unlicensed intruders and to monitor the international airwaves for enemy propaganda. To accomplish these tasks, the government enlisted the services of three agencies: the Federal Communications Commission, the Defense Communications Board, and the Office of Censorship. This paper examines the structure, operation, and contribution of each.  相似文献   

This article reports on ongoing studies of political satire in the seriocomedy genre produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and its French language counterpart, la Société Radio‐Canada (SRC). We compare and contrast examples of each network's way of imagining its respective society as well as each other's society. We situate the definition of seriocomedy in a discussion of the contrasting role of private and public broadcasting in the North American context. Then we present examples from programs produced in two historical periods. The definition of seriocomedy and the analysis of texts follows the dialogical theory of discourse developed by the Russian thinker, Mikhail Bakhtin. In the conclusion, we discuss how these examples of dialogical criticism help demonstrate the complex process in which the seriocomedy genre expands and reinstitutes the normative boundaries of what can be said or represented in public culture.  相似文献   

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