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地方对外传播与和地方形象、经济发展之间关系紧密。加大投入力度,搭建对外传播平台;提升地方媒体品质,提高舆论影响力;地方报道国际表达;加强与其他省市、中央、国外媒体的互动;重视网络媒体传播;建立完善对外传播工作机制,设立对外传播奖项是当前促进地方媒体对外传播力的重要对策。  相似文献   

电视媒体是我国对外传播的重要手段,中央电视台的三个多语频道是我国电视媒体对外传播的主要窗口。正视我国电视媒体的发展现状,搭建一个健康、良好的对外传播环境,使之早日与国际接轨成为国际媒介的主导力量是时代赋予我们的要求。  相似文献   

电视媒体是国家文化软实力的重要组成部分,同时也是国家提升软实力的重要方式。电视媒体对外传播能力具有内部性、能动性、运动性、互动性和系统性的特点。电视媒体对外传播能力的发挥和提升受到外因和内因两个方面的影响。其中外因包括:传媒环境、基础设施、覆盖范围、国外媒体与国外受众,内因则包括媒体的公信力、媒体传者素质、媒体信息传播艺术四个方面。  相似文献   

韩军 《新闻通讯》2014,(9):53-54
本文主要通过案例分析的方式探索适合国情省情的地方电视媒体对外传播工作的方式方法,主要观点为怎样讲好中国梦、怎样向境外介绍自已、怎样以走出去的方式开展对外合作。  相似文献   

对外传播是指一国跨越国界、信息流向由内到外的传播,或在一国针对境内外国受众的传播。电视对外传播就是通过电视频道(如中央电视台中文国际频道CCTV-4)、电视节目产品(如音像制品)或其他渠道(如互联网)等方式开展的对外传播。在全球化时代,中国电视媒体以提升国际传播力为主旨,以锻造国家软实力、塑造国家形象为诉求,近年来,积极实施"走出去"的国际传播策略,推进跨文化传播并主动参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

本文拟通过对西部电视媒体开展的对外传播实践进行研究,探讨西部电视节目在承栽对外传播功能时所面临的环境和存在的问题,旨在促进提高西部地区电视媒体对外传播水平服务.  相似文献   

在我国华语电视对外传播中,传播体制是关系传播能否致效的关键所在.而无论是国有还是商营体制在现实传播生态中都会产生较多的符号噪音.本文借鉴国际上经过实践验证、较为成熟、适合跨文化传播特点的公共服务电视体制和国家或电视台合作体制,从传播主体、运营机制等方面探讨了中国华语电视对外传播的体制创新路径:即要拓展国内具有公共或民间性质的团体和由国家或电视台出资与外国、境外媒体组成专业的跨文化电视频道,综合运用国内电视机构的税收转移支付以及建立社会团体、公众的公共资助基金、国家基金、跨国基金等资源补偿方式,为中国华语电视国际传播注入了制度活力.  相似文献   

严卫宏 《今传媒》2011,(8):82-83
本文通过对电视娱乐节目网络传播的长期观察,归纳出了以下五个特点:多渠道和多形式的立体化传播;网络受众规模日益增大;网络互动日益深入;网络平台将各娱乐节目集中展示;电视媒体和网络媒体在内容合作上日趋紧密。这些结论有助于揭示媒介融合背景下电视媒体进军网络媒体的规律,为电视媒体的相关改革与发展提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

对外传播中华优秀传统文化与价值观,是电视媒体人的职责所在.本文试从正视中西方文化背景差异、重视我国传统文化资源发掘、加强与国外资深媒体交流合作等方面论述,以期能够探索出传播我国优秀传统文化的最佳路径.  相似文献   

<正>2005年10月1日,海峡卫视正式开播的卫星信号通过长城平台传播覆盖至海外地区,自此开始了这个全新电视媒体矢志不渝的特殊使命——携手两岸赢世界。与国内其他外宣媒体一样,海峡卫视身处对台对外有效传播的各种困境当中——一方面,传播内容与形态设计在传与受之间存在供求误差与缺位,传统精品陷入孤芳自赏的尴尬困境,亟须导入  相似文献   

This article explores communication conglomerates and argues that communication empires must be understood within the context of the growth and development and decline and fall of political and other business empires. I argue that media empires are not permanent and omnipotent but rather are subject to the internal needs of organizations and bureaucracies, as well as external economic, financial, and regulatory forces. I assert that those who wish to control or reduce the harmful effect of empires must understand the capitalist environment, as well as the forces driving empires and their leaders. This article explores how empires develop from leaders' egos, needs to acquire resources and promote internal stability, and through unanticipated opportunities. It reveals how communication empires decline due to limitations on growth, bureaucratic problems, loss of leadership, external disruption, corruption, and errors in judgment.  相似文献   

Today libraries are at a transition phase where twin processes of paper-based environment and changing information-seeking patterns in the electronic/digital environment go hand-in-hand. Hence, all components of the information chain are in a state of flux. The rapid growth in computer and communication technologies have greatly benefited the advanced countries, while the developing countries have not adequately reaped the benefits of such facilities to the desired extent. The application of information technology (IT) in India started on a very modest scale. During the past decade or so several Indian libraries have initiated activities to create, acquire, and provide access to electronic resources. The establishment of networks has had a great impact on libraries and information centers (LICs) in the country, and have further buttressed the IT applications in the LICs to a certain extent. The emergence of the Internet, especially the World Wide Web (www), added a new dimension to information creation and delivery, which also globally triggered digitization programs. Buying access or acquiring digital resources started taking root. The digitization of records (document management) crept in, which attracted librarians and people from other professional backgrounds into records management. This was followed by content management, (currently a popular phrase in this part of the world), also known as digitization. The digitization of documents is now becoming a major activity in libraries and archives. The Indian National Science Academy (INSA) is a premier scientific body engaged in the dissemination of information to the scientific community at large, publishing and promoting scientific endeavors, besides having other multifaceted human welfare-oriented activities. The growing acceptance of digital media has resulted in libraries buying and providing access to Internet resources, acquiring CD-ROM-based data-sets, and providing services for stand alone or networked CD-ROM environments, and digitizing documents. The Academy library facilitates all three. The Academy has initiated several digitization initiatives for content development and management by way of the scanning of publications, image management, and conversion from digital documents to web-enabled resources. The Academy has adopted a three-pronged approach of providing access to digital resources, and acquiring and creating digital resources, for which INSA suitably augments with IT infrastructures and takes initiatives to provide links to requisite data sets for the benefit of its users. INSA developed and provided IT facilities at a modest scale to its users at a time when only a limited few had developed such facilities in the country. The facilities developed at INSA augur well with the initiation of pilot and sponsored projects pertaining to digitization of records and making provision for creating digital resource bases, thereby contributing to the national digital repository on the one hand and providing access and visibility to national resources on the other. The article dwells upon various elements that have contributed to providing services in the changing information seeking patterns of users in the electronic environment, and the building of digital resource bases, while facilitating others to get involved in digital content creation activities. It is hoped that such endeavors shall help in the building up of a national digital knowledge resource base for the country, and INSA would in the process act as a facilitator.  相似文献   

Digital libraries aim at unhindered access to content over computer and communication networks, and digitization may be taken as a visible proposition to enhance the shelf life of non-digital content by preservation apart from the virtue of increased and easy access, thereby furthering usage. As a fresh, lively and dynamic area with a lot of enthusiasm and activity by researchers from different disciplines, institutions and countries, digital libraries are viewed in different perspectives and the single most development that has brought about sweeping changes in the library and information discipline currently in the developed world is that of digital libraries. Advancements in computer and information technology with breakthroughs in memory technology has not only reduced the cost of infrastructure required for hosting digital libraries, but the demonstrated success of a wide variety of projects in USA and Europe also endorsed the chances of their survival even in a developing country. Though the professionals and libraries in developing countries are also experiencing the virtues of Internet, and electronic information highways, many of these libraries have not gone much farther than the computerization of in-house operations, availing databases in electronic media such as CD-ROMs, and web access of subscribed journals and various free resources. Digital library development should be taken up as an additional task to populate the web sites with valuable in-house content like the research reports, publications of in-house researchers, and so on. Digital library projects and developments in the country are so many, though a large number of them are only at an aggressively enthusiastic preliminary stage. In a country such as India so rich in content of indigenous research and development in disciplines varied from science and technology to social science, humanities and spirituality, there is tremendous need for hosting full fledged digital libraries by appropriately tagging the content with affordable information technology. However, what is lacking, especially in developing countries, is a coordinated collaborative approach to bring in institutions and identifying content valuable for digitization with sufficient monetary and infrastructure support. The digital library development in the country needs a two-pronged strategy (i) to digitize local content, and (ii) to devise options for accessing external resources. Channels for internal content include journals and serials for research, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations and preprints, research and status reports, textbooks and learning materials, government publications, spiritual/heritage sources, tourism information, traditional knowledge, etc. As far as external resources are concerned, there are electronic options from publishers and information provides such as, online access through Web of subscribed journals, CDs and floppies containing supplementary material of printed books, bibliographic/full-text databases, which can be hosted on library servers or intranet along with local content. The problems for digital library development are manifold in India such as lack of interest, non-availability of computer and IT infrastructure for library activities, copyright problems, ensuring secure access, properly selecting content from the mass available, internet bandwidth, absence of sufficient financial support, over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage over concentration of professional time on administrative routines, acute shortage of competent manpower, etc. The software boom engulfing the country, as a result of the big leap in computer penetration, sudden rise in proficient manpower, and sizable improvement in communication infrastructure should also be treated as an asset and taken advantage of by authorities and information professionals to create and maintain digital information facilities to usher in the new information age.  相似文献   

The paper examines how information and communication technology can be utilized for resource sharing among university libraries in Nigeria. It was based on the study and review of recent library and information science literature on both print and electronic resources. It discusses the meaning of information and communication technology, resource sharing practices, and how information and communication technology facilitates resource sharing. It traces the history of resource sharing among Nigerian libraries. The current state of information and communication technology application and utilization in Nigeria and its university libraries is revealed, with emphasis on university libraries that are located in different zones of the country. The paper examines challenges facing Nigerian University Libraries with respect to information and communication technology application and utilization for resource sharing, as well as to areas of library operations to which information and communication technology can be applied and utilized for resource sharing. It concludes by proffering solutions for viable information and communication technologies–based cooperation among university libraries in Nigeria.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]学术交流是研究工作的一个重要环节,高校图书馆有必要将学术交流服务作为科研支撑服务的重要内容。[方法/过程]以香港科技大学图书馆、香港浸会大学图书馆、香港岭南大学图书馆3所高校图书馆开展的学术交流服务为例进行分析,对香港高校图书馆的学术交流服务进行研究。[结果/结论]我国高校图书馆应厘清学术交流的概念及学术交流服务范畴,关注国内外高校图书馆开展学术交流服务的相关理论与实践,在图书馆培养和选聘有能力的馆员逐步开展学术交流服务。  相似文献   

我国各出版社每年会积压一定数量的滞销书,造纸浆、降价、赠送是其主要处理方式。而一些图书馆受经济因素制约限制了文献资源的发展建设,其馆藏资源极其匮乏,滞销书对于他们是可望而不可及。论文就如何在他们之间通过信息沟通架起桥梁,使资源得到有效利用,实现互利互惠的合作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

资源短缺是我国大部分地区的县级图书馆面临的处境.在建设新农村的大背景下,县级公共图书馆应承担文化建设、民主建设的重要使命.本研究以优化资源短缺型县级图书馆的竞争力为出发点,采用SWOT分析工具,通过对案例图书馆的深入考察,分析和判断资源短缺型图书馆所面临的内部和外部环境.所在地区公众对图书馆服务的需求程度;以此为依据,设计出案例馆目前应实现的服务功能;讨论了案例馆如何通过实现这些功能优化竞争力,向社会彰显自身的价值,争取更多的资源和发展机遇.  相似文献   

论中国传媒在世界传播格局中的崛起   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪 80年代以来 ,中国传媒在世界传播格局中的日渐崛起在于 :经济的高速发展使中国成为对全球投资者最具吸引力的国家 ;中国与世界的融合 ,为中国传媒业提供了前所未有的发展空间 ;传播科技的发展为中国媒体的全球化拓展提供了技术支撑 ;传媒产业的振兴 ,使中国媒体有可能面对更具挑战性的国际传播大环境 ,并跻身其间 ;华侨华人精英层的形成 ,使世界对华人刮目相看 ,也使他们透过华人加深了对中华民族和中华文化的了解 ;汉语成为全球最新的强势语言。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the factors influencing the integration of digital archival resources in China. The integration of digital archival resources as discussed in this article refers to the way in which information contained within dispersed digital archives within a country, or a specific area such as a province, city or county, can be successfully integrated, classified and restructured around specific topics and actual needs in order to realise optimal social sharing and utilisation of digital archival resources. There is little Chinese published research regarding what factors influence the integration of digital archival resources. This article, therefore, uses Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and draws forth the theory that archivists’ cognition on the integration of digital archival resources and the context (which consists of the organisational culture of archives, archives management systems, and the laws and regulations on archives disclosure), influence the integration of digital archival resources, and these factors interact with each other. This theory can also be illustrated by the model: cognition–context–action. This research can provide some recommendations for the promotion and sustainable development of the integration of digital archival resources in China as well as other countries.  相似文献   

主题科学传播在选题策略和传播渠道均存在其特点。选取我国新型冠状病毒肺炎学术成果交流平台2020年1月27日至7月19日网络载文作为典型案例,收集单篇论文的阅读量、题目、期刊、作者信息及网页访问量构成,定性分析论文学科属性与传播主题的关联,定量分析全球访问量的国别特征、构成及趋势。高阅读量论文的选题呈现以下3个特点:与中心事件强相关、与关键问题有结合点、研究对象较受关注,单篇阅读量较高的论文类型为论著、指南共识、述评专论。网络传播中以直接访问与外部链接引流为主要渠道,引流来源以自建网络平台、文献数据库、主流搜索产品(如百度学术)为主。随着疫情形势变化及观察时间窗延长,访问量增幅较大的渠道以微信公众平台及社交媒体为主,新增渠道包括不同出版平台资源中心外链及大众新闻媒介。除我国外,访问量较高的国家为美国、巴西、印度、日本、意大利。主题科学传播中传播迅速且较受关注的论文选题兼顾学科关联性及公众关切,传播渠道以网络为主。随着时间推移,即时通讯及社交媒体传播增速较高,更多境外网络访问、出版机构互链及国际学术组织数据库涉入,科学传播的受众角色更加丰富。中文论文的国际推广应注重传统平台及新兴渠道的均衡发力,凭借国际化资源中心及社交媒体平台主动传播。  相似文献   

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