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为了解南非世界杯国籍问题球员的流动特征,运用文献法、调查法和统计法对108名有国籍问题的球员进行分析。结果表明:南非世界杯国籍问题球员绝大多数有移民背景,选用国籍问题球员在当今的国际足坛已经是一种普遍现象;国籍问题球员在流动趋向方面体现了输入与回流双向交替的特征;输入与回流球员不仅要考虑技术需要,更要考虑国家或民族认同问题;欧洲足球体系发达国家输入球员是有目的、有计划的,足球发展中国家回流球员最大化地利用了国际足联的国籍新规定。怎样合理地应对国际足联的国籍新规定从而促进我国足球事业的不断发展是本研究的出发点。  相似文献   

球鞋对于NBA球员的重要程度,无异于猎枪之于猎人。你究竟能跳多高、跑多快,在很大程度上,需要仰赖脚下这双球鞋是否足够争气。尽管在整个联盟的400多号球员中.拥有自己专属球鞋的人.毕竟还是少数。可他们中的大多数都会依据自己的喜好和脚感.选择一双真正适合自己的球鞋。而对于凯尔特人队的后卫肯扬·杜林来说.更似乎是"别人家的饭菜总是香的"。本赛季.杜林将穿着他的队友拉简·朗多的球鞋征战赛场。杜林自认进入联盟这些年以来,这还是他第一次找到完全符合自己心意的完美战靴。  相似文献   

沙克还玩……沙克爱玩球鞋……两年了,奥尼尔还在摆弄他那双SHAQ球鞋,没有新的全明星球鞋,只能自己玩出点花样了。在当惯了球员、过足了警察瘾之后,他还想成为球鞋设计师。在去年全明星赛上,奥尼尔将他的球鞋改装成一部超大电话,时不时拿出来和别人炫耀一番。今年他又别出心裁将心爱的球鞋改装成一架摄像机,在赛场边拍这拍那。让人想不到的是他竟然在更衣室里又拿出一支SHAQ牌遥控汽车球鞋,逗得大家合不拢嘴。  相似文献   

每到全明星周末,球星们的衣着就是众人关注的焦点之一,尤其是在正赛时所穿的球鞋,更是球迷们可以在茶余饭后谈论很久的话题。而最近几年有些令人失望的是,全明星赛场上的球鞋战争已经变得没那么具有火药昧了,也让球鞋失去了些许的创新和光彩。多数球员脚上的球鞋只不过是在原来球鞋的基础上把颜色稍加改动,让它变得鲜艳一些。今年的全明星赛中,那些没有签名鞋的球员几乎都穿着Nike ZoomHyperdunk 2011 Supreme"Galaxy"PE和Nike Zoom Hyperenforcer"Galaxy"PE.比如布雷克·格里芬和安  相似文献   

第—位以球员名字为球鞋命名朱丽叶斯·欧文,匡威,1976年在飞人乔丹之前,J博士就已经开创了运动品牌代言人的先河,成为第一位拥有以他名字命名的运动装备的职业篮球明星。这双出品于1976年的球鞋,尽管只是简单地在白色球鞋上印有一个蓝色星星的匡威标志以及J博士的签名,但也足以在当时掀起一股疯狂的抢购热潮,这款球鞋分为低帮和高帮两种款式,乍一面世就迅速成为篮球迷们必备的一款热卖球鞋。  相似文献   

五月的吉隆坡,骄阳似火。汤姆斯杯和尤伯杯争夺战的体育馆里,热浪滚滚。赛场边,几个不太相称的身影,时而与教练员窃窃私语,时而与运动员交头接耳。他们常常蹲在运动员的身边,议论着他的脚上的球鞋。有时他们又安坐凝思,与一般观众不同的是,他们的目光总是紧盯着运动员腿脚的动作。这是为中国球员生产专用球鞋的北京橡胶一厂领导,随队来到吉隆坡,听取运动员对最新推出的百杰羽球鞋的意见。北京橡胶一厂,为羽毛球员生产专用球鞋,已有二十多年历史。尽管这鞋适应了球员竞技的需要,但  相似文献   

这款鞋是为切入型打法的球员设计,可以保护穿用者的足部不被扭伤。通常情况下,在球员做切入动作的时候,球鞋外侧鞋帮受到的冲击力可能达到球员体重的3-4倍,这部分冲击产生的冲击力需由鞋底来吸收,但同时会使球鞋的外侧鞋帮产生形变,使脚在鞋内倒滑,所以这款鞋子增加了鞋帮的强度,形成了限抽侧滑的一面墙壁。实际上使足部和鞋体成为一体,足部相对于球鞋是固定的。在鞋底的处理上,仍使用了传统的吸冲击处理,使用了新兴材料,使冲击性和弹性得到了提高,其结果是在做完一个动作后,下一个动作能保证迅速做出,尤其在变向上更是如此…  相似文献   

徐鑫 《当代体育》2012,(12):101
近日,耐克篮球鞋推出了精英(Elite )系列,通过对篮球鞋的创新技术改革,对当下NBA最流行的几款球鞋做了细小的改动。Nike Kobe Vll Svstem、LeBron 9和Nike ZoomHyperdunk三款球鞋,全部采用高级材质和新科技,为球员的场上表现带来更卓越的性能优势。耐克公司的球鞋设计师倾心于对每一个细节的关注。通过革新的材料和设计工艺的完美结合,从而使这三款球鞋的性能上升到了一个全新  相似文献   

徐鑫 《当代体育》2012,(24):102-103
无论比赛的激烈程度和精彩程度如何引人注目,球员们的球鞋都是永远值得球迷们关注的焦点。季后赛虽然没有圣诞大战和全明星赛上的球鞋那样绚丽,但经典和实用或许更适合6月份的决战。  相似文献   

Zoom Kobe Ⅳ是一支特殊的团队为一位特殊球员所设计的一双特殊的球鞋。这双球鞋蕴含了所有参与者的努力,是集体智慧的结晶。从科比自己要求的挑战,到材料上的突破,再到Nike顶级设计师埃里克·埃瓦尔时尚而现代的设计,Zoom Kobe Ⅳ代表了当今球鞋领域中最好的一切。当然,这其中如果没有科比,那么一切都将变得不可能,是他把标准推向了一个令人吃惊的高度。作为一名球员,是科比给予了球鞋灵感,他就是这样,能用他天生的能力去让他身边的每个人都充满灵感。从最后的结果看,在很多方面,Zoom Kobe Ⅳ的表现力都是近来最棒的。科比不仅是在职业比赛中展现出自己,在球鞋的设计中,你同样可以感受到他的激情与见识。  相似文献   

The study examined the “micro-structure” of football practice and the “macro-structure” of participation history of female professional football players. Participants were 29 German 1st league (Bundesliga) players, 14 of whom played on the senior national team (Olympic Champion in 2016). A questionnaire recorded the players’ positions, proportions of physical conditioning, drill-type skill exercises and playing forms within coach-led football practice, and the volume of coach-led practice and peer-led play, in both football and other sports, from childhood to adulthood. Analyses revealed that most athletes played various attacker and defender positions during development. National team players differed from their Bundesliga peers by less physical conditioning and greater proportions of playing forms within football practice. National team players also accumulated less total football practice until age 18 years, but more peer-led football and coach-led practice in other sports compared to their Bundesliga counterparts. Based on these variables, a binary logistic regression classified 93% of the national team and Bundesliga players correctly. Conclusion: A combination of long-term coach-led football practice involving a relatively large proportion of playing forms with considerable childhood/adolescent peer-led football play and coach-led practice in other sports may have facilitated adult performance among German female world-class football players.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between use of the conventional football shoe and the epidemic of knee injuries occurring in organized football. All knee injuries in the Public High School League in 1968 and in the Catholic High School League in 1969, when players in the respective leagues wore the conventional shoe, were documented. During the 1969 and 1970 seasons, all Public League players wore “soccer type” shoes with molded soles containing fourteen ?-inch cleats. All Catholic League players wore similar shoes in 1970. In both leagues, all practices and games were conducted on natural turf. Injuries occurring with the soccer type shoe were documented. Comparison of the two groups demonstrated a marked decrease in both the incidence and severity of knee injuries in both leagues when the players wore the multi-cleated shoe. It is strongly recommended that the conventional football shoe be condemned and that only shoes meeting the following specifications be permitted: (a) synthetic molded sole, (b) minimum of 14 cleats per shoe, (c) minimum cleat tip diameter of ½ inch, (d) maximum cleat length of ? inch.  相似文献   

基于国际足联颁布"艾尔顿法则"的基础上,对卡塔尔足球"归化+青训"模式的发展历程进行研究,探讨出一条适合于中国足球现状的"中国足球特色归化之路",旨在为我国归化外籍球员及青训的道路提供启示,也为我国足球事业发展提供参考。结果显示:直接归化国外实力强劲球员为本国出战,在短时间内可能会提高成绩,但由于缺少了本国民族认同感,对我国足球的长远发展并无明显促进作用;而归化阿拉伯地区的精英小球员,经本国青训培养,可增加球员的归属感以及文化认同感,在球队实力提升的基础上,还会使归化球员与本土球员之间的关系变得紧密不可分。  相似文献   

A protocol has been developed to obtain two-dimensional kinematic shoe data of football players in their training environment through high-speed video analysis. Such kinematic data can provide an understanding of how to better replicate the boundary conditions of football movements when simulated using mechanical traction and penetration test devices. As part of a pilot study, 11 youth academy players from a Premiership football club performed football-specific movements which were filmed at 1000 frames s-1. The protocol required minimal set-up time and the area of the pitch to be filmed could be positioned in any part of the playing area, causing low disruption to the players. This aimed to ensure that the movements performed were representative of those carried out during competitive play. Results in this study are concerned with the kinematics of the shoe during contact with the ground for movements identified to be important in terms of injury risk and loss of performance (slipping). Shoe velocities and orientations were measured for subjects wearing shoes of different stud types (traditional round studs versus contemporary bladed studs) on two surfaces (artificial turf, in-filled with rubber and sand, versus a natural surface). All the parameters measured from the relatively small population of subjects had high variances and therefore few significant effects of studs and surface could be found. The data does however provide insight into the appropriate boundary conditions to be used in mechanical test devices. For example, in the forefoot push-off movement it can be seen that test devices should measure the traction forces when the shoe first starts to move, as this is when the player would lose performance, as opposed to the maximum traction which can occur after significant displacement of the shoe through the surface. Analysis of the orientation and velocity path of the studs just before contact with the ground shows that the studs could be aligned to enhance their penetration into the surface and optimise the traction properties of the studs. In order to determine the orientation and velocity of the shoes at crucial phases in movements force-plate data obtained in the laboratory should be utilised in future studies.  相似文献   

This study examined the developmental sporting activities of 52 German football first Bundesliga professionals (including 18 senior national team members) and 50 fourth to sixth league amateur players. They reported their volumes of organised football practice/training, including its “microstructure” (proportions of physical conditioning, skill exercises and playing forms), non-organised leisure football play and engagement in other sports through their career, respectively. Analyses revealed that the Bundesliga professionals performed moderate amounts of organised football practice/training throughout their career. They accumulated 4264 (mean value) hours over ~16 years before debuting in 1st Bundesliga; senior National Team debut was preceded by 4532 hours (mean) over ~17 years. Within the “microstructure” of organised practice/training, the proportion of playing forms developed from ~52% (childhood) to ~45% (adolescence) and ~40% (adulthood) and physical conditioning from ~13% to ~14% and ~23%. Outside organised involvement, these players engaged in extensive non-organised leisure football play making ~68%, ~54% and ~9% of all football involvement. Subsuming organised and non-organised football, ~86% (childhood), ~73% (adolescence) and ~43% (adulthood) of all activity was game play (exclusive matchplay). National Team differed from amateurs in more non-organised leisure football in childhood, more engagement in other sports in adolescence, later specialisation, and in more organised football only at age 22+ years. Relative to numerous other studies, these players performed less organised practice, particularly less physical conditioning, but greater proportions of playing activities. The findings are discussed relative to the significance of playing forms and variable involvements and are reflected against the deliberate practice and Developmental Model of Sport Participation (DMSP) frameworks.  相似文献   

足球比赛需要团体合作,充分配合,融为一个整体才能发挥最大的优势。因此,在学校体育足球教学中实行合作探究学习,有助于提高学生足球技能,在比赛中发挥学生主观能动性以及团体协作能力。实验后得出结果:两种教学方式都能提高学生身体素质,合作探究教学方式更能提高学生足球技术、合作意识、竞争意识和群体凝聚力,实验班学生对合作探究学习的教学方式更感兴趣,评价效果优于对照班对于传统教学法的评价。  相似文献   

Childhood sport participation is argued to be important to understand differences in self-regulation and performance level in adolescence. This study sought to investigate if football-specific activities in childhood (6–12 years of age) is related to self-regulatory skills and national under 14- and 15-team selection in Norwegian elite youth football. Data of practice histories and self-regulatory skills of 515 youth football players selected at Norwegian regional level were collected and further analysed using multilevel analyses. The results revealed that high self-regulated players were more likely to be selected for national initiatives, and increased their involvement in peer-led football practice and adult-led football practice during childhood, compared to players with lower levels of self-regulation. While national level players reported higher levels of peer-led football play in childhood, the interaction effect suggest that the regional level players increased their involvement in peer-led play during childhood compared to national level players. In conclusion, the findings indicate that childhood sport participation may contribute to later differences in self-regulation, and highlights the importance of childhood engagement in football-specific play and practice in the development of Norwegian youth football players.  相似文献   

在足球比赛中,足球运动员自身的身体素质是非常重要的。与其他体育项目一样,足球比赛对于足球运动员的身体素质同样有着独特的要求。足球比赛与其他项目相比有着极大的不同,本文以谈足球比赛中身体素质的重要性为题,从足球比赛中身体素质的重要性、足球对运动员身体素质的要求、提高足球运动员身体素质建议三方面展开论述,深度讨论足球比赛中身体素质的重要性。  相似文献   

现代足球运动朝着“高速度,强对抗”的方向飞速发展,要求运动员必须有“超强”的体能。本文结合足球比赛技、战术运用的特点和足球运动体能的主要特征,指出发展运动员的体能必须以该项目的专项需求作为依据,把无氧训练和有氧训练结合起来进行,从而使足球运动员的专项适应性训练达到最佳化。  相似文献   

归化外籍球员是诸多国家发展本国足球的重要手段。中国足球归化外籍球员既是建设体育强国、发展体育产业、构建中国特色足球文化的需要,也是适应国际足坛发展趋势、借鉴亚洲足球强国成功经验“冲出亚洲”的需要。归化球员可在短期内提升中国足球的国际竞争力,逐步补齐体育强国建设中竞技体育项目的结构性短板,推动中国联赛走向繁荣,促进体育产业发展,同时,产生一定的“鲇鱼效应”,刺激本土老球员的“求生”本能,带动本土年轻球员成长,吸引更多青少年投身足球运动,夯实中国青训体系。在归化外籍球员过程中,应维护《国籍法》的安定性,坚持“一人一籍”的基本原则不动摇,同时推动3种归化模式协同并进,注重培养归化球员的文化认同,加强顶层设计,谨慎选择归化对象。  相似文献   

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