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The aim of the present study was to compare kinetically the roles of the lower extremities in generating trunk rotation in the tennis one-handed and two-handed backhand strokes. Fourteen male collegiate tennis players, seven with a preference for the one- and seven with a preference for the two-handed technique, were recruited as participants. The motion of each backhand stroke was filmed using two high-speed cine-cameras, and the ground reaction forces on the feet were measured separately using two force platforms to determine the joint moments and joint reaction forces at the hip, knee and ankle joints. A significant difference in hip joint moments between the two types of stroke was found in the phase from the start of forward rotation of the pelvis to the start of racket forward movement. For trunk rotation, the one-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the front leg, whereas the two-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the back leg. The exertion of a large hip joint moment in the latter stroke was comparable with the exertion in a forehand stroke reported previously.  相似文献   

借助表面肌电图技术、三维高速摄像技术对高校优秀网球运动员双手反拍击球时躯干肌肉放电情况进行研究,运用生物力学理论分析得出:弧线式引拍方式有利于躯干的充分扭转,积累更多躯干的弹性势能,高校网球优秀选手躯干左右两侧旋转肌肉群收缩协调性较差.  相似文献   

Recreational tennis players tend to have higher incidence of tennis elbow, and this has been hypothesised to be related to one-handed backhand technique and off-centre ball impacts on the racket face. This study aimed to investigate for a range of participants the effect of off-longitudinal axis and off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations on racket and forearm joint angle changes immediately following impact in one-handed tennis backhand groundstrokes. Three-dimensional racket and wrist angular kinematic data were recorded for 14 university tennis players each performing 30 “flat” one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Off-longitudinal axis ball–racket impact locations explained over 70% of the variation in racket rotation about the longitudinal axis and wrist flexion/extension angles during the 30 ms immediately following impact. Off-lateral axis ball–racket impact locations had a less clear cut influence on racket and forearm rotations. Specifically off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis forced the wrist into flexion for all participants with there being between 11° and 32° of forced wrist flexion for an off-longitudinal axis impact that was 1 ball diameter away from the midline. This study has confirmed that off-longitudinal impacts below the longitudinal axis contribute to forced wrist flexion and eccentric stretch of the wrist extensors and there can be large differences in the amount of forced wrist flexion from individual to individual and between strokes with different impact locations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine hip joint kinetics during a table tennis topspin forehand, and to investigate the relationship between the relevant kinematic and kinetic variables and the racket horizontal and vertical velocities at ball impact. Eighteen male advanced table tennis players hit cross-court topspin forehands against backspin balls. The hip joint torque and force components around the pelvis coordinate system were determined using inverse dynamics. Furthermore, the work done on the pelvis by these components was also determined. The peak pelvis axial rotation velocity and the work done by the playing side hip pelvis axial rotation torque were positively related to the racket horizontal velocity at impact. The sum of the work done on the pelvis by the backward tilt torques and the upward joint forces was positively related to the racket vertical velocity at impact. The results suggest that the playing side hip pelvis axial rotation torque exertion is important for acquiring a high racket horizontal velocity at impact. The pelvis backward tilt torques and upward joint forces at both hip joints collectively contribute to the generation of the racket vertical velocity, and the mechanism for acquiring the vertical velocity may vary among players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the significance of mechanical energy generation and transfer in the upper limb in generating the racket speed during table tennis topspin forehands. Nine advanced and eight intermediate table tennis players performed the forehand stroke at maximum effort against light and heavy backspin balls. Five high-speed video cameras operating at 200 fps were used to record the motions of the upper body of the players. The joint forces and torques of the racket arm were determined with inverse dynamics, and the amount of mechanical energy generated and transferred in the arm was determined. The shoulder internal rotation torque exerted by advanced players was significantly larger than that exerted by the intermediate players. Owing to a larger shoulder internal rotation torque, the advanced players transferred mechanical energy from the trunk of the body to the upper arm at a higher rate than the intermediate players could. Regression of the racket speed at ball impact on the energy transfer to the upper arm suggests that increase in the energy transfer may be an important factor for enabling intermediate players to generate a higher racket speed at impact in topspin forehands.  相似文献   


We aimed to illustrate support leg dynamics during instep kicking to evaluate the role of the support leg action in performance. Twelve male soccer players performed maximal instep kicks. Their motions and ground reaction forces were recorded by a motion capture system and a force platform. Moments and angular velocities of the support leg and pelvis were computed using inverse dynamics. In most joints of the support leg, the moments were not associated with or counteracting the joint motions except for the knee joint. It can be interpreted that the initial knee flexion motion counteracting the extension joint moment has a role to attenuate the shock of landing and the following knee extension motion associated with the extension joint moment indirectly contributes to accelerate the swing of kicking leg. Also, appreciable horizontal rotation of the pelvis coincided with increase of the interaction moment due to the hip joint reaction force on the support leg side. It can be assumed that the interaction moment was the main factor causing the pelvis counter-clockwise rotation within the horizontal plane from the overhead view that precedes a proximal-to-distal sequence of segmental action of the swing leg.  相似文献   

本文通过对世界网坛职业运动员,及对黑龙江省第六届高校网球公开赛所有参赛选手的调查,发现单手反拍打法在国际网坛已被越来越多的球员所运用,尤其在男子球员中占据着重要地位,但在黑龙江省却被较少的运用。而网球专业教师中采用单手反拍打法的仅有2人,且专门院校的教学大纲中也无明确学时规定,这都严重的制约了单手反拍技术在黑龙江省的发展。本文针对此现状进行研究得出结论,提出了相应的建议,为提高单手反拍打法在黑龙江省网球界的地位提供了借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The ability to generate a high racket speed and a large amount of racket kinetic energy on impact is important for table tennis players. The purpose of this study was to understand how mechanical energy is generated and transferred in the racket arm during table tennis backhands. Ten male advanced right-handed table tennis players hit topspin backhands against pre-impact topspin and backspin balls. The joint kinetics at the shoulder, elbow and wrist of the racket arm was determined using inverse dynamics. A majority of the mechanical energy of the racket arm acquired during forward swing (65 and 77% against topspin and backspin, respectively) was due to energy transfer from the trunk. Energy transfer by the shoulder joint force in the vertical direction was the largest contributor to the mechanical energy of the racket arm against both spins and was greater against backspin than against topspin (34 and 28%, respectively). The shoulder joint force directed to the right, which peaked just before impact, transferred additional energy to the racket. Our results suggest that the upward thrust of the shoulder and the late timing of the axial rotation of the upper trunk are important for an effective topspin backhand.  相似文献   


The knee is a common site of injury in netball players. In this study, 10 high-performance netball players underwent a biomechanical assessment of their single leg landing technique whilst receiving a pass. Three-dimensional video and ground reaction force data were recorded using a motion analysis system. Net internal knee joint moments were calculated using a rigid body analysis and inverse dynamics. The kinematics of the support leg and front-on video footage was used to investigate whether players adhered to guidelines on safe and effective landing strategies. Results indicated that for most players the internal valgus moment was the largest frontal plane knee moment during the landing phase. This may reflect a relatively greater need to resist varus knee excursion or may be related to the kinematics of the hip. For 6 of the 10 players the rapid change to an internal knee valgus moment coincided with hip adduction. Since an increase in the magnitude of the internal valgus moment may increase the compressive forces in the medial compartment of the knee, further work should be undertaken to determine if a neuromuscular training intervention to improve the strength of the hip musculature may be beneficial for these players. A large relative excursion of the knee compared to the hip may indicate that these players had a greater reliance on the more distal segments of the lower extremity for the attenuation of the ground reaction forces. This information may be used to better understand potential knee injury mechanisms in netball players.  相似文献   

为了探寻女子羽毛球运动员后场击球后单脚落地对膝关节前十字韧带损伤的影响,通过比较正手、反手场区头顶击球单脚落地时躯干加速度及运动变量的差异,寻求运动风险的变量因素。10名优秀女子羽毛球运动员穿戴三维加速计进行单打比赛,使用同步摄像机记录产生超过4g加速度的时刻,分析了加速度>4g时着陆点躯干倾斜角和髋关节外展角。结果显示:在头顶击球过程中,正手场区和反手场区的躯干侧弯及躯干加速度存在差异,反手区头顶击球时横向加速度大于正手区(P<0.05,es=0.706);反手场区单脚落地时躯干倾斜角(24°±7°)大于正手侧(17°±13°);正反手两侧躯干倾斜角均大于先前报道的受伤角度,反手侧的髋外展角(23°±11°)大于正手侧的髋外展角(-1°±8°);反手场区的3个轴的加速度与躯干侧弯、髋外展角度均呈显著相关性。反手场区头顶击球后,单脚落地姿势与前交叉韧带损伤的落地姿势相似,反手侧躯干过度侧弯和高风险落地姿势可能与羽毛球比赛中膝关节前十字韧带损伤有关。  相似文献   

A proficient serve is critical to successful tennis performance, and consequently coaches and players devote considerable time refining this stroke. In so doing, a wide variety of interventions are used or trialled, generally with very little empirical support. This study examined the efficacy of a commonly used service intervention, where players focus on exaggerating their finish (arabesque) position to promote specific changes in lower limb and trunk kinematics. The kinematics of eight high-performance junior players hitting flat serves were compared to the acute changes in kinematics elicited by the arabesque follow through position on serves using a 10-camera VICON MX motion analysis system. The significantly greater front (landing leg) hip flexion (p < 0.05) and forward trunk flexion (p < 0.05) confirmed the more exaggerated arabesque landing position following the arabesque instruction. The arabesque instruction resulted in increased frontal plane trunk range of motion and peak angular velocity in the forward swing, and increased leg drive during the drive phase. Practically, the results support the use of the arabesque instruction, effectively promoting the desired acute changes in trunk kinematics (i.e. increased frontal plane trunk rotation angular velocity) and leg drive (i.e. increased back knee extension angular velocity and front/back vertical hip velocity).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of the ground reaction forces on the rotation of the body as a whole and on the joint torques of the lower limbs associated with trunk and pelvic rotation in baseball tee batting. A total of 22 male collegiate baseball players participated in this study. Three-dimensional coordinate data were acquired by a motion capture system (250 Hz), and ground reaction forces of both legs were measured with three force platforms (1,000 Hz). Kinetic data were used to calculate the moment about the vertical axis through the body’s centre of mass resulting from ground reaction forces, as well as to calculate the torque and mechanical work in the lower limb joints. The lateral/medial ground reaction force generated by both legs resulted in the large whole body moment about its vertical axis. The joint torques of flexion/extension of both hips, adduction of the stride hip and extension of the stride knee produced significantly larger mechanical work than did the other joint torques. To obtain high bat-head speed, the batter should push both legs in the lateral/medial direction by utilising both hips and stride knee torques so as to increase the whole body rotation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of lumbosacral kinetics on sprinting. Twelve male sprinters performed 50 m sprints at maximal effort. Kinematic and ground reaction force data were recorded at approximately 40 m from sprint commencement. A whole-body inverse dynamics approach was applied to calculate joint forces and torques at the hip and lumbosacral joints. The contribution of the hips and lumbosacral joint torques to pelvic rotation was subsequently calculated, with joint force powers indicating the rate of mechanical energy transfer between segments across joint centres calculated for both hip joints. The kinetic analysis indicated that the lumbosacral torsional torque contributed significantly to pelvic rotation. Additionally, the pelvic rotation exerted anterior–posterior joint forces on the hips, contributing to the large positive joint force power at the hip of the stance leg. These hip joint force powers assisted in motion recovery during sprinting. In conclusion, the lumbosacral torsional torque might contribute to the recovery motion in sprinting through application of the anterior–posterior joint forces at the hip joints via pelvic rotation.  相似文献   

在一定时间内,通过求异思维与首因效应在网球双手反拍教学中的应用,其效果与传统教学进行对比分析,来探讨两者双手反拍击球效果的优劣。从而改变人们的传统行为意识和传统的教学思想,进一步完善网球技术的教学方法。  相似文献   

The contribution of core neuromuscular control to the dynamic stability of badminton players with and without knee pain during backhand lunges has not been investigated. Accordingly, this study compared the kinematics of the lower extremity, the trunk movement, the muscle activation and the balance performance of knee-injured and knee-uninjured badminton players when performing backhand stroke diagonal lunges. Seventeen participants with chronic knee pain (injured group) and 17 healthy participants (control group) randomly performed two diagonal backhand lunges in the forward and backward directions, respectively. This study showed that the injured group had lower frontal and horizontal motions of the knee joint, a smaller hip–shoulder separation angle and a reduced trunk tilt angle. In addition, the injured group exhibited a greater left paraspinal muscle activity, while the control group demonstrated a greater activation of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and medial gastrocnemius muscle groups. Finally, the injured group showed a smaller distance between centre of mass (COM) and centre of pressure, and a lower peak COM velocity when performing the backhand backward lunge tasks. In conclusion, the injured group used reduced knee and trunk motions to complete the backhand lunge tasks. Furthermore, the paraspinal muscles contributed to the lunge performance of the individuals with knee pain, whereas the knee extensors and ankle plantar flexor played a greater role for those without knee pain.  相似文献   

The study investigated differences in the one- (SH) and two-handed (DH) backhands when hit flat, across-court (AC) and down-the-line (DL), and with heavy topspin DL (TDL). The ability to disguise each of these backhands when hitting the above strokes was also assessed. Eighteen college-level male tennis players, identified as having a high performance topspin SH (n = 6) or DH (n = 12) backhand drive, participated in the study. Players were required to hit three AC, DL and TDL backhands from the baseline with their preferred technique, while being filmed with two high-speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. The highest horizontal velocity backhand for each stroke was analysed. Results indicated that the sequential coordination of five body segments (hips, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand/racquet rotations) was required for the execution of the SH stroke. The same number of segments were generally coordinated in the DH stroke (hips, shoulders, and varying degrees of upper arm and forearm rotations followed by hand/racquet movement). Mature players produced comparable racquet horizontal velocities 0.005 s prior to impact using either the SH or DH backhand technique. The SH backhand was characterised by a more rotated shoulder alignment than the DH stroke (SH: 119.1 degrees; DH: 83.4 degrees) at the completion of the backswing. At impact the ball was impacted further in front (SH: 0.59 m: DH: 0.40 m) and a similar distance to the side of the body (SH: 0.75 m: DH: 0.70 m). Players using the DH backhand technique delayed the horizontal acceleration of the racquet towards the ball (SH: 0.13 s: DH: 0.08 s prior to impact) and thus were capable of displaying a similar hitting motion closer to impact than players with a SH technique.  相似文献   

3种最新网球双手反拍抽球技术分析与训练研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当今网球比赛正流行双手反拍的打法,与20年前相比,有更多的人使用了双手反拍抽球技术。这种打法给没有经验和较弱的运动员增添了信心和力量。对当今网坛3种最新双手反拍抽球技术的握拍方法、发力方式、技术特点、适宜人群及现代化训练方法进行了分析,不同的网球选手应根据自身的特点选择适合自己的双手反拍抽球技术。  相似文献   

A subject-specific angle-driven computer model of a tennis player, combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts, was developed to determine the effect of ball-racket impacts on loading at the elbow for one-handed backhand groundstrokes. Matching subject-specific computer simulations of a typical topspin/slice one-handed backhand groundstroke performed by an elite tennis player were done with root mean square differences between performance and matching simulations of < 0.5 degrees over a 50 ms period starting from ball impact. Simulation results suggest that for similar ball-racket impact conditions, the difference in elbow loading for a topspin and slice one-handed backhand groundstroke is relatively small. In this study, the relatively small differences in elbow loading may be due to comparable angle-time histories at the wrist and elbow joints with the major kinematic differences occurring at the shoulder. Using a subject-specific angle-driven computer model combined with a forward dynamics, equipment-specific computer model of tennis ball-racket impacts allows peak internal loading, net impulse, and shock due to ball-racket impact to be calculated which would not otherwise be possible without impractical invasive techniques. This study provides a basis for further investigation of the factors that may increase elbow loading during tennis strokes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the racket mass and the rate of strokes on the kinematics and kinetics of the trunk and the racket arm in the table tennis topspin backhand. Eight male Division I collegiate table tennis players hit topspin backhands against topspin balls projected at 75 balls · min?1 and 35 balls · min?1 using three rackets varying in mass of 153.5, 176 and 201.5 g. A motion capture system was used to obtain trunk and racket arm motion data. The joint torques of the racket arm were determined using inverse dynamics. The racket mass did not significantly affect all the trunk and racket arm kinematics and kinetics examined except for the wrist dorsiflexion torque, which was significantly larger for the large mass racket than for the small mass racket. The racket speed at impact was significantly lower for the high ball frequency than for the low ball frequency. This was probably because pelvis and upper trunk axial rotations tended to be more restricted for the high ball frequency. The result highlights one of the advantages of playing close to the table and making the rally speed fast.  相似文献   


The main aim of this study was to identify and compare ball speed and hitting accuracy of forehand and backhand groundstrokes between ATP professionals (elite) and high-performance youth players when shots were played cross-court and down the line to a target square. Six elite and seven high-performance tennis players volunteered to participate in the study. A Doppler-radar device and a digital video camera, operating at 120 frames per second, were used to measure ball speed and accuracy of forehand and backhand groundstrokes in the respective situation (cross-court and down the line). The results of 1040 measured groundstrokes indicate that the ball speed of the forehand and the backhand ground stroke was higher in the elite group when analysing (1) all valid shots, (2) the six fastest shots, and (3) the six most accurate shots (all P < 0.05). In addition, all players achieved a higher forehand speed compared with their backhand when balls were directed cross-court (P < 0.01). The participants demonstrated similar ability when considering accuracy of their groundstrokes (P > 0.05). However, a group difference for accuracy was identified when considering the six fastest forehand shots (P<0.05), and the forehand cross-court stroke was played more accurately than the backhand cross-court stroke by both groups (valid shots and six most accurate shots, P<0.05). Moreover, there was no evidence that players who impacted the ball faster were any less accurate than those who impacted the ball more slowly. Analyses for participants actually revealed a negative correlation between ball speed and mean radial error (accuracy) for the backhand down the line (r= ? 0.77, P<0.01). According to the results of this study, ball speed seems to be the determining factor that separates elite from sub-elite tennis players.  相似文献   

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