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以西班牙男子足球甲级联赛380场比赛中5 288人次的技战术表现数据为研究对象。对高水平足球运动员的技战术比赛表现特征进行量化分析,旨在直观了解足球比赛技战术需求和发展趋势。采取方差分析的研究方法,按照场上位置将运动员分成边后卫、中后卫、边前卫、中前卫、前锋,对不同位置运动员和对来自不同实力球队的相同位置的运动员的比赛技战术表现进行对比。结果显示:不同位置足球运动员在24项比赛技战术指标上都表现出非常显著性差异(P<0.001);不同实力的参赛球队各位置运动员比赛技战术需求差异则体现在不同的技战术指标中。研究还在技战术数据分析的基础上探讨足球"大数据"挖掘的理论和分析层次,最后提出相关研究对于足球教练员、运动员、俱乐部管理人员和媒体从业人员的意义与价值。  相似文献   

目的:通过对上海女足2012年联赛中比赛活动特征的分析,了解上海女足比赛中的跑动特点及体能状况;通过与国内最高水平比赛、国家队及其他世界强队的对比分析,了解与高水平运动队之间的差距,寻找到上海女足训练的突破点,为上海女足在第12届全运会中夺取金牌提供有效的科技支撑.方法:通过已取得专利的自主研发的足球训练负荷监控系统对上海女足2012年联赛上海赛区上海—大连、上海—长春的两场比赛进行跑动负荷的测试.结果:(1) 2012年联赛期间上海赛区的比赛与国外高水平运动队相比,上海女足运动员高速跑和冲刺跑的距离及所比重偏少.(2)上海女足在2012年联赛中不同位置运动员在比赛中整体跑动能力存在差异,边后卫和中场球员总跑动距离最多,而边前卫和边后卫的高强度及以上跑动距离最多,前锋高强度以上跑动距离最少.(3)上海女足在2012年联赛前准备期高强度的有氧间歇训练不足,导致联赛期间体能贮备不足.结论:我国女足联赛水平较低、对抗性不强,上海女足运动员联赛期间的跑动能力与国内最高水平比赛及世界强队相比存在一定的差距,今后的训练必须加强高强度的有氧间歇训练.  相似文献   

研究目的:根据现行中超联赛球员引入规则,对引援结构提出新设想。方法:采用文献资料法、归纳法以欧洲联赛引援规则为背景,对2013赛季中超联赛中外球员表现进行定量处理分析。结论:国内球员在相关技术指标上与外籍球员存在差距,提出改革中超引援模式的必要性;建议:通过分析现阶段中超联赛引援结构,提出:外籍球员引进"6+5"模式及国内球员"6+4"模式。仅希望从改革联赛引援角度提高国内足球水平。  相似文献   

通过对2006-2007赛季欧洲四大联赛足球运动员的体格和年龄特征进行统计.分析比较表明:德甲球员的体格指标明显高于其它联赛球员,德甲球员的年龄也明显大于其它联赛的球员;守门员位置上球员的体格指标高于其它位置上的球员,中场球员的体格指标最低.从守门员到前锋位置上球员的年龄呈递减趋势,上场时间多的球员的体格和年龄指标均高于其它球员.  相似文献   

在划分世界足球竞技区域与评估各竞技区域实力的基础上,运用文献资料法与数理统计法就职业足球运动员区域性流动的地缘性特征、时段性特征以及球员特征进行研究.结果表明:在地缘特征方面,职业足球运动员主要由东欧区、南美区及非洲区向西欧区流动,南美区是向外输出足球运动员最多的竞技区域;在时段特征方面,在1995年之前,职业足球运动员区域性流动速度较慢、流量也较小;1995年之后,流动速度突然加快、流量加大且东欧区向西欧区流动的球员流量增加;而在2005年之后职业足球运动员区域流动的整体流量持续增加,但向西欧区的流量呈现了较稳定的趋势;在球员特征方面,来自南美区与西欧区外籍球员的联赛分布比例与联赛水平成一定正相关,而来自东欧区与非洲区的球员联赛分布比例与联赛水平成一定负相关,另外不同竞技区域来源的外籍球员在球场司职位置的比例有所差异.  相似文献   

男子曲棍球运动员比赛跑动能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SIMI°Scout技、战术分析系统对63名参加第11届全运会曲棍球比赛的男子曲棍球运动员的比赛跑动能力进行分析,在不划分位置情况下,曲棍球运动员上半场多数速度段跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段跑动距离,表明下半场由于体能下降导致多数速度段的跑动距离有所下降。经过t检验发现,曲棍球的第1速度段跑动距离上、下半场有显著性差异,说明曲棍球第1速度段的跑动距离在下半场下降更明显。在划分运动员位置情况下,量化了曲棍球前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员不同时间段的不同速度段的跑动距离。通过对比发现,曲棍球比赛中,运动员跑动距离存在显著的位置特征,前锋运动员和前卫运动员无氧高强度和无氧有氧混合中等强度跑动和跑动总距离要高于后卫运动员。前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员上半场多数速度段的跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段的跑动距离,通过t检验没有发现更进一步的差异性。  相似文献   

采用SIMI°Scout技、战术分析软件,从比赛攻防和纯比赛时间的角度对2007年女子足球世界杯赛最佳阵容与相同位置其他运动员的比赛活动特征进行分析比较。结果表明:最佳阵容前锋运动员在攻守中的冲刺跑距离均显著多于其他前锋运动员;最佳阵容前卫运动员与其他前卫运动员活动特征的差别主要体现在低强度的活动距离上;最佳阵容中后卫运动员比其他中后卫运动员具有更好的快速进攻能力;最佳阵容边后卫运动员中、高强度的活动距离显著多于其他边后卫运动员。  相似文献   

何谓中前卫 顾名思义,中前卫(Middle Center,简称MC)指的是球队中出现在中场中路位置的球员,多见于平行站位的阵型中.中前卫主要负责前后场进攻防守的串联,更多的工作在于组织进攻方面.中前卫的技术和短传能力一般稍逊于前腰,防守和力量一般稍逊于后腰,盘带能力和长传能力、跑动速度一般稍逊于边锋和边前卫.由于中前卫所在的位置,使他拥有最开阔地视野,最为宽广的传球路线,现在的中前卫更像是一支球队的大脑:他们是由攻转守或由守转攻的枢纽,身怀组织进攻,协调防守,接应传球,无球跑动拉开空当等多项绝技,这需要球员开阔的视野,灵活的头脑和大局观.  相似文献   

我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛高强度跑动变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在评估我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度活动体能的变化特征。运用SIMIScout比赛分析系统对21名国奥队员和25名国青队员在 一个赛季里的比赛体能表现,及YoYo测试成绩进行了分析研究。研究结果显示:(1)比赛中的高强度跑动距离可以作为评价优秀青年足球运动员 比赛体能状态的敏感指标;(2)描述了优秀青年足球运动员比赛中的活动距离,尤其是高强度跑动距离的变化趋势;(3)国奥队运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显多于国青队运动员,国奥队运动员的YoYo测试成绩明显好于国青队运动员;(4)优秀青年足球队的中后卫运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显少于边后卫、前卫和前锋运动员;(5)构建了我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度跑动距离的评价标准,可应用于运动员比赛 中体能状态的评价与诊断。  相似文献   

探究足球比赛中控球率不同时,对球员体能和技术表现的需要及影响,对球队制定训练计划有着积极的参考意义。数据的获得是借助多台 高速摄像机、计算机追踪系统。研究表明:在不同控球率的比赛中,体能类指标中的跑动总距离和高强度跑距离没有明显区别;高控球率球队有球 高强度跑动要高于低控球率31%,而低控球率球队无球高强度跑动距离则要超出高控球率22%;高控球率队球员传球次数比低控球率队多44%,这 种优势同样体现在成功传球次数、接球次数、触球次数、射门、运球和攻入对方最后1/3防守区域次数等;中后卫在低控球率时的高强度有球跑动距 离要少于高控球率33%,而边后卫、前锋和中场队员在低控球率时,高强度无球跑动要多于高控球率同位置的队员,有球高强度跑则要低于高控球 率同样位置的球员。技术指标数据统计结果表明,在采用高控球率打法时,场上所有位置球员传球和接球的总次数要明显高于低控球率的打法。 结果表明:控球率对球队的整体跑动没有明显的影响,但对高强度跑动数据和一些技术因素的运动表现有较明显的影响;球队控球率不同时,特定 位置球员的跑动和技术指标会产生明显的变化。  相似文献   

Twelve elite players from an English Super League club consented to participate in the present study using portable global positioning system (GPS) devices to assess position-specific demands. Distances covered at low-intensity running, moderate-intensity running, high-intensity running, very high-intensity running, and total distance were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in forwards compared with outside backs and adjustables. Metres per minute was higher in adjustables and forwards, owing to higher values for relative distance in medium-intensity running and a rise in high-intensity running from previous absolute values. Sprint distance, sprint frequency, and peak speed were higher in outside backs than both adjustables and forwards. A moderate, significant correlation (r = 0.62, P = 0.001) was apparent between session ratings of perceived exertion and summated heart rate. Results support the requirement for position-specific conditioning and provide preliminary evidence for the use of session ratings of perceived exertion as a measure of match load.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that assessment of high-intensity activities during a match is a valid measure of physical performance in elite soccer. Recently, sprinting activities have been analysed in more depth. The aim of this study was to develop a detailed analysis of the sprinting activities of different playing positions during European Champions League and UEFA Cup competitions. Altogether, 717 elite outfield soccer players were evaluated throughout 2002-2006 using ProZone? (Leeds, UK). Sprinting (explosive and leading) was analysed for each playing position. To compare positional differences, a Kruskal-Wallis analysis was performed. Differences were found among positions for total number of sprints and total sprint distance covered: wide midfielders > (attackers = wide defenders) > central midfielders > central defenders (P < 0.001), as well as for explosive sprints: (wide midfielders = attackers = wide defenders) > central defenders, wide midfielders > central midfielders > central defenders and attackers = wide defenders = central midfielders (P < 0.001), and leading sprints: wide midfielders > (attackers = wide defenders) > central midfielders > central defenders (P < 0.001). For each group, there were no differences in ratio of explosive to leading sprints. Wide midfielders performed a higher number of sprints in all five distance categories than all other positions. This study showed that sprinting characteristics are influenced by position. Wide midfielders have to complete additional high-intensity activities during training sessions compared with the other positions to achieve the performance level required during the match.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess physical fitness, match performance and development of fatigue during competitive matches at two high standards of professional soccer. Computerized time-motion analyses were performed 2-7 times during the competitive season on 18 top-class and 24 moderate professional soccer players. In addition, the players performed the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test. The top-class players performed 28 and 58% more (P < 0.05) high-intensity running and sprinting, respectively, than the moderate players (2.43 +/- 0.14 vs 1.90 +/- 0.12 km and 0.65 +/- 0.06 vs 0.41 +/- 0.03 km, respectively). The top-class players were better (11%; P < 0.05) on the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test than the moderate players (2.26 +/- 0.08 vs 2.04 +/- 0.06 km, respectively). The amount of high-intensity running, independent of competitive standard and playing position, was lower (35-45%; P < 0.05) in the last than in the first 15 min of the game. After the 5-min period during which the amount of high-intensity running peaked, performance was reduced (P < 0.05) by 12% in the following 5 min compared with the game average. Substitute players (n = 13) covered 25% more (P < 0.05) ground during the final 15 min of high-intensity running than the other players. The coefficient of variation in high-intensity running was 9.2% between successive matches, whereas it was 24.8% between different stages of the season. Total distance covered and the distance covered in high-intensity running were higher (P < 0.05) for midfield players, full-backs and attackers than for defenders. Attackers and full-backs covered a greater (P < 0.05) distance in sprinting than midfield players and defenders. The midfield players and full-backs covered a greater (P < 0.05) distance than attackers and defenders in the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (2.23 +/- 0.10 and 2.21 +/- 0.04 vs 1.99 +/- 0.11 and 1.91 +/- 0.12 km, respectively). The results show that: (1) top-class soccer players performed more high-intensity running during a game and were better at the Yo-Yo test than moderate professional players; (2) fatigue occurred towards the end of matches as well as temporarily during the game, independently of competitive standard and of team position; (3) defenders covered a shorter distance in high-intensity running than players in other playing positions; (4) defenders and attackers had a poorer Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test performance than midfielders and full-backs; and (5) large seasonal changes were observed in physical performance during matches.  相似文献   

比较中国甲A足球联赛与意大利甲级足球联赛、德国甲级足球联赛、英格兰超级足球联赛、阿根廷秋季足球联赛4大联赛在取胜率和进球数上的状况表明:中国甲A足球联赛的取胜率和进球数明显不及4大联赛,其差异显。导致这种状况的重要原因是我国球员的进攻意识与技巧欠佳。  相似文献   


To quantify the peak movement and contact demands of National Rugby League (NRL) and European Super League (ESL) competition players were tracked during 10 NRL (166 files) and 10 ESL (143 files) matches using microtechnology devices. The peak 1- to 5-min periods were then calculated for average match speed (m·min?1), and acceleration (m·s?2) when 0, 1, 2, and ≥3 collisions per min occurred. Linear mixed effect models and Cohen’s effect size statistic (± 90%CI) were used to determine the differences in movement profiles when collisions occurred. Compared to no collision periods, as frequency of collisions per minute increased, there were progressive reductions in running speed for most positional groups. The addition of 1 or more collisions per min resulted in average effect size reductions in match speed of ?0.14 for NRL forwards, ?0.89 for NRL backs, ?0.48 for ESL forwards, and ?2.41 for ESL backs. ESL forwards had the highest frequency of peak periods involving 3 or more collisions per min, 22% of all periods, followed by NRL forwards (14%), NRL backs (10%) and ESL backs (8%). This study highlights the peak movement and collision demands of professional rugby league competition and allows practitioners to develop training drills that reflect worst case scenarios.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to quantify the movement patterns of various playing positions during professional rugby union match-play, such that the relative importance of aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways to performance could be estimated. Video analysis was conducted of individual players (n=29) from the Otago Highlanders during six “Super 12” representative fixtures. Each movement was coded as one of six speeds of locomotion (standing still, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, and utility), three states of non-running intensive exertion (rucking/mauling, tackling, and scrummaging), and three discrete activities (kicking, jumping, passing). The results indicated significant demands on all energy systems in all playing positions, yet implied a greater reliance on anaerobic glycolytic metabolism in forwards, due primarily to their regular involvement in non-running intense activities such as rucking, mauling, scrummaging, and tackling. Positional group comparisons indicated that while the greatest differences existed between forwards and backs, each positional group had its own unique demands. Front row forwards were mostly involved in activities involving gaining/retaining possession, back row forwards tended to play more of a pseudo back-line role, performing less rucking/mauling than front row forwards, yet being more involved in aspects of broken play such as sprinting and tackling. While outside backs tended to specialize in the running aspects of play, inside backs tended to show greater involvement in confrontational aspects of play such as rucking/mauling and tackling. These results suggest that rugby training and fitness testing should be tailored specifically to positional groups rather than simply differentiating between forwards and backs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the movement patterns of various playing positions during professional rugby union match-play, such that the relative importance of aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways to performance could be estimated. Video analysis was conducted of individual players (n=29) from the Otago Highlanders during six "Super 12" representative fixtures. Each movement was coded as one of six speeds of locomotion (standing still, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, and utility), three states of non-running intensive exertion (rucking/mauling, tackling, and scrummaging), and three discrete activities (kicking, jumping, passing). The results indicated significant demands on all energy systems in all playing positions, yet implied a greater reliance on anaerobic glycolytic metabolism in forwards, due primarily to their regular involvement in non-running intense activities such as rucking, mauling, scrummaging, and tackling. Positional group comparisons indicated that while the greatest differences existed between forwards and backs, each positional group had its own unique demands. Front row forwards were mostly involved in activities involving gaining/retaining possession, back row forwards tended to play more of a pseudo back-line role, performing less rucking/mauling than front row forwards, yet being more involved in aspects of broken play such as sprinting and tackling. While outside backs tended to specialize in the running aspects of play, inside backs tended to show greater involvement in confrontational aspects of play such as rucking/mauling and tackling. These results suggest that rugby training and fitness testing should be tailored specifically to positional groups rather than simply differentiating between forwards and backs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of obtaining information about the heart rate and physiological load imposed on soccer players during a game. The study was conducted on 27 soccer players, 9 each from semi-professional, university and recreational soccer teams. Players from all positions (attack, midfield and defence) were selected for the study. Each subject's heart rate was monitored during a match using a short-range radio telemetry (Sport Tester PE3000), and was sampled at 5-s intervals. The results indicate that it is possible to monitor successfully the heart rate of players with such equipment. The mean heart rate and standard deviation for each player during match play were: semi-professional players (172 +/- 12, 176 +/- 9 and 166 +/- 15 for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively); university players (171 +/- 13, 173 +/- 10 and 156 +/- 13 for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively); and recreational players (173 +/- 13, 170 +/- 12 and 162 +/- 13 for forwards, midfielders and defenders, respectively). Analysis by playing position revealed that midfield and forward players has a greater mean heart rate during a game than defensive players. To examine the suitability and accuracy of the two methods of obtaining objective data on heart rate, comparisons were made between the Sport Tester PE3000 and a standard electrocardiograph (ECG) telemetry technique. The results show that both techniques produce similar results; the former was the more convenient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的探究赛会制规则下中超联赛参赛球队攻防综合实力,并对队伍实力分布进行合理的档位划分,为评价赛会制下中超球队技战术水平提供参考。方法采用文献资料法、TOPSIS法、秩和比法和数理统计法对2020赛季中超联赛参赛队伍攻防技术指标表现进行分析。结果1)在进攻方面北京国安、广州恒大的进攻>0.6978,进攻实力较强。在防守方面上海上港、江苏苏宁的防守>0.6121,防守实力较强。2)在进攻指标上,进球数、控球率、关键传球、禁区内进球4项指标在不同档次球队间存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。在防守指标上,抢断、失球2项指标在不同档次球队间存在显著性差异(p<0.05)。3)根据攻防RSR值可将16支球队分为5个档次。江苏苏宁、广州恒大、北京国安、上海上港攻防RSR>0.7273,属于A档球队;天津泰达、青岛黄海攻防RSR<0.2906,属于E档球队。结论中超联赛强队与弱队在进攻指标上具有显著性差异,在部分防守指标上差异不明显。特殊赛制对本赛季中超参赛队伍排名产生一定影响。  相似文献   

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