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播客是一种网络传播的技术和方式,它以其直观、便捷、共享及个性化等特点,对全世界学校教育和远程教育的发展有着重要影响。本文重点探讨在高职学生听力教学中,如何运用"播客"信息技术成为一种教学辅助手段,以及其运用取得的成效,以期为高职学生的听力教学方法提供科学有效的借鉴,从而最大限度的激发高职学生的学习兴趣,充分调动其学习积极性,使得教学活动能够顺利有效的进行。  相似文献   

基于播客技术的移动学习在大学外语教学中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了基于播客技术的移动学习在大学本科外语教学中的应用。通过播客技术,学生在学习过程中可以使用便携式数码播放器或者计算机获取一系列可听或可视的外语教学播客节目,并能够随时随地进行视听学习。在调查研究中126名外语学院本科学生参与了实验,学生在订阅教学播客后,完成多个关于个人学习体验的在线问卷。通过分析,发现学生乐于使用播客作为一种学习工具,认为播客比笔记和课本更有效地帮助他们学习,同时学生还认为播客的学习资料比传统的授课或课本更易于接受。研究结果表明,在外语教学过程中,使用播客作为一种学习工具能够改善大学生的学习时间长度和学习意愿。  相似文献   

不同语言文化的交流,是人类社会发展的普遍现象和必然要求。影响借词发生的原因和条件主要有:文化接触导致语汇互渗、经济贸易加速语汇"出口"、传媒互动促进借词加速、优势理论促成语汇互借。在这一过程中,不同语言之间可能发生语汇"出口"、"进口"和"转进口"的现象。英语中汉语借词的拼写规则和含义形成方式不尽相同,对ESL教学可能发生正向或负向迁移作用。实际教学中,教师应该首先充分把握借词的途径和演变背景,结合学习者的知识背景和生活经验,巧妙运用学习迁移扬长避短,使借词对ESL教学发挥更多的正面促进作用,提升学生的学习兴趣和效率。  相似文献   

播客在高等教育中的应用(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
播客已经成为高等教育领域一种流行的教学形式,然而,目前关于播客有效性的经验研究却很少。本研究的目的在于考查,对于高校学生来说,播客是否是一种有效的学习工具。研究关注教学播客所呈现内容的类型,以及这些播客所使用的教学方法。此外,我们还调查了学生所认为的有效的教学播客的特征,以及他们认为应该将播客用于哪些内容。我们分析了内容分析的结果,以及对学生的问卷调查结果,了解到教学播客作为高等教育学习工具的有效性,并明确了播客的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

段雨欣 《时代教育》2012,(15):208-209
本文通过介绍播客的特征,具体解释说明播客对教师的教学和学生的学习起到的积极高效的作用,并深入分析播客和广播电视编导教学存在着密切的联系,以及播客在广播电视的编导领域存在着的广阔的应用范围和高远的应用的背景。  相似文献   

张迅 《考试周刊》2009,(2):121-122
ESL语言培训课程作为一种有着丰富实践经验和成功教学案例的英语教学课程体系在提高学生英语口语能力上有着一系列口语合作学习的课堂组织策略。本文主要阐述了我国英语口语教学的主要障碍以及ESL口语教学的主要策略。  相似文献   

过程写作法是由传统的重篇章结构、语法、词汇,转向重写作内容及写作过程的一种教学法,笔者将"过程写作法"引入了高三英语写作教学中。在研究中,对照班采用传统的写作法教学,而实验班运用"过程写作法"进行教学。运用the ESL composition profile来检测对照班和实验班学生的写作能力的各个方面。结果表明:过程写作法能够显著提高高三不同基础学生的英语写作水平和能力。  相似文献   

在高职英语教学中,英语口语被视为最难教好的一门课。随着Web2.0的快速发展,特别是基于音频技术的"播客"的发展为高职学生带来了新的学习体验。本文立足于输入输出理论和建构主义理论,阐述了播客应用于英语口语教学中的潜力,并基于多年教学实践总结出三种常见的移动学习模式,有效地提高了高职学生的英语口语水平。  相似文献   

在ESL写作教学中实施结果法或者过程法都有其弊端,考虑到非英语专业学生的语言水平和教学环境,文章探讨了在写作教学中纳入翻译法的合理性以及母语在ESL中的积极作用,最后总结出翻译法在非英语专业的ESL写作教学中拥有优势,应该合理加以利用和发挥。  相似文献   

ESL与EFL从教学对象,教学对象的学习条件、学习动机到教学内容、教学方法及教学效果都存在着诸多差异。教师借鉴ESL的优势,认清当前大学英语教学中存在的问题,有助于其更好地把握教学对象,选择合适的教学方法,培养学生的交际能力,从而提高我国的大学英语教学水平。  相似文献   

加拿大ESL阅读教学着力培养学生的英语综合技能,促进学生自主学习能力的发展,并通过学用结合的多样化互动教学活动推动学生的语言发展和提高他们的英语应用能力。因此,探究加拿大ESL阅读教学的教学思路、活动方式以及主要特色,对我们的大学英语教学是有一定裨益的。  相似文献   

由于电脑功能快捷且实用性强,创新性的使用电脑和因特网已变得非常重要,即使在教育领域也是如此。如今我们所说的网络课程,犹如一股新鲜的血液,已迅速的加入到了教学素材之中。本文通过介绍一项以提高初级ESL英语学习者语言能力为目的的电子教学教程,主要明确阐述了提高基本技能的重要性,尤其是提高英语听力的重要性,以及在这方面需要考虑的问题和其局限性。  相似文献   

英语 ESL(English Studyas Second Language)是上海中学国际部以英语为非母语的学生为教育对象,关注学生基础英语素养在最快的时间内夯实与培育,旨在帮助来自不同国家与地区的学生,英语学习背景有巨大差异的学生提升基础的英语素养。通过长期的教育教学实践,英语ESL差异教学行动策略有:创设富有层次性的情境,提高学生英语学习兴趣;加强语言教学比较研究,关注英语教导多样性;习题安排突出开放性,注重对学生及时分类指导;促进英语教学评价多元,对学生进行针对性辅导反馈。其差异教学的行动策略对于我国的英语差异教学能提供借鉴与启迪。  相似文献   

In Canada, all regular K-12 teachers face the challenge of teaching both native and non-native English speaking students. Consequently, working with students who use English as a second language (ESL) has become everybody's business, irrespective of whether they are teaching language or mathematics, at elementary or secondary levels. As a result, it is essential for in-service teachers to gain knowledge and develop skills in working with ESL students. Teaching English as a second language (TESL) courses have been delivered traditionally at the Faculty of Education at Queen's University through on-site training and with opportunities for working with ESL students. These courses, however, are now delivered online to teachers in different locations across the province and even in other parts of the world. This paper addresses the challenges of converting the on-site courses to an online format.  相似文献   

The current educational context in many English speaking countries is one where literacy is understood to be essentially monolingual in orientation; that is, an understanding of literacy around a single common language, with the emphasis on identifying universal, normative ‘standards’ and ‘benchmarks’, such as the National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy in Australia, the Primary National Strategy in the United Kingdom, and No Child Left Behind in the United States. This paper aims to problematise such assumptions by examining how teachers, themselves, understand “teaching literacy” when their students come to the teaching/learning relationship with a first language other than English. With a focus on teachers working with bilingual and multilingual students in their early stages of acquiring English as a second language (ESL), the study thus acknowledges the increasingly diverse sociolinguistic profile of students in Australia and elsewhere in the varying degrees of communicative competence they bring to the mainstream in their use of ESL. Moreover, it draws on ESL teacher knowledge and expertise which has been identified as increasingly marginalised within mainstream educational discourse. Through case studies of three ESL teachers in the middle years, salient themes around the interrelated notions of literacy as learning, language for literacy and language as literacy were identified with respect to the literacy needs of second language learners.  相似文献   

This article examines an ESL English language arts teacher’s conceptions of linguistic diversity, literacy learning and her role as teacher in a culturally and linguistically complex classroom. It further examines her processes of learning about, and developing curricular and pedagogical innovations to meet, her students’ learning needs. The successes and paradoxes of, as well as constraints to, those efforts are explored. The paper uses Ball’s theory of generativity and recent research on effective English language arts instruction in culturally and linguistically complex classrooms to facilitate analysis. It offers some implications for teachers’ development of generativity for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a global learning partnership using the Café: the collaborative application for education as an e-learning environment within the Facebook framework, for first-year animation students at the University of South Australia (USA) in Australia and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. “The Café” has been designed based on five principles of user interface design – visibility, usability, relevance, accessibility, and interactivity – and aims to provide institutions with an established, structured, and dedicated e-learning environment that meets the needs of modern-day tertiary students and teaching staff. From July to November in 2013, 71 students participated within the e-learning environment. Students submitted work-in-progress imagery related to major assignments, and provided feedback and critiques to their local and global peers. A post-semester survey provided students with the opportunity to critically reflect on the learning experience. The results are discussed in light of the use of peer feedback as a formative assessment tool.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the capacity of an e-learning tool (blog) to facilitate reflection among students as part of collaborative group learning. The paper provides insights into student attitudes towards blogs as an interactive and reflective learning tool. Additionally, the study highlights the differences between domestic and international student attitudes towards reflection as part of collaborative learning in groups. The results indicate that international students consistently viewed the use of e-learning tools more positively than domestic students. For educators, the results provide direction in terms of enhancements to assessment tasks incorporating e-learning, including the professional development of staff to address the rapidly changing learning environment.  相似文献   

As university administrators respond to increasing demands of the educational market to offer greater opportunities for online learning, their capacity to create an economically stable, sustainable, yet rich teaching and learning environment deserves immediate and continued attention. A university-wide study involving 130 participants examined the e-learning perceptions and needs of faculty, students, and staff as part of a needs assessment of the e-learning unit. Results suggest that faculty recognize the importance of e-learning, that students covet it for its convenience, and that real-time technology support was the top priority. Both the school and university resources, however, are not well aligned to meet these needs and remain largely separate and unintegrated. Implications suggest a need to increase the overall ease of use for the adoption of e-learning as a new technology for teaching and learning of both faculty and students and more closely aligned department and university resources.  相似文献   

混合式教学是传统教学与网络化教学相结合的一种教学模式,是目前高校教学改革的一个重要研究方向。文章借鉴混合式教学理念,设计了英语演讲课程“讲练分离”的课堂教学改革思路,提出以实践为主要特征的英语演讲课程应在学生在线自学的基础上,给予学生充分的课堂操练机会。阐述该课程的线上、线下活动设计、课程实施及课程评价方法。教学实践和问卷调查结果表明,讲练分离的混合式教学模式得到了学生的认可,也有助于推动传统课堂教学改革。  相似文献   

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