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Because entrepreneurial activity is a key source of economic growth, promoting youth entrepreneurship has become a priority for policymakers. School choice programs force administrators and teachers to be more entrepreneurial in their jobs by encouraging innovation and by creating competition and a more business-like environment in K-12 education. Does going to school in this climate make students more likely to become entrepreneurs? In this paper we test whether youth entrepreneurship rates are higher in counties with school choice programs. We find that voucher programs create higher rates of youth entrepreneurship, while charter schools do not, relative to traditional public schools.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship education is a growing field of research within vocational education. During the last decade, an increasing number of empirical studies have been conducted on the impact of entrepreneurship education courses (EECs). Yet studies on entrepreneurship education still lack evidence on how to prepare entrepreneurs to handle dynamism and risks appropriately as well as how to identify and address entrepreneurial challenges and upcoming crises. This paper presents an EEC that intends to step into these gaps using a case-oriented learning environment that concentrates on critical incidents in the postformation phase. Preliminary studies identified these incidents as entrepreneurial challenges that typically emerge in young start-ups and threaten to lead to severe financial crises. The design of the EEC is systematically based on educational research. The EEC offers future entrepreneurs opportunities to develop entrepreneurial competence by experiencing the critical incidents that occur in the everyday working life of a young entrepreneur of a fictional model company. The participants are encouraged to slip into the entrepreneur’s shoes, to identify emerging problems, and to reflect on solutions. The evaluation shows that the seminar was perceived as fruitful and supportive. Based on self-ratings this EEC is an intervention that women in particular seem to benefit from. The paper provides fruitful ideas to specify aims and to design EECs in the realm of risk management in the postformation phase.  相似文献   

潘涌  茅宁 《江苏高教》2020,(3):86-91
大学生在创业意愿和行为之间存在着一个看不见的"鸿沟",不确定性可能是造成具有创业意愿的大学生不进行创业活动的重要因素。创业加速器为初创企业提供必要的启动资金、密集的导师指导,以实验的方式帮助大学生开展创业活动,从根本上解决了大学生创业者的后顾之忧。文章从创业的逻辑入手,通过阐述和分析加速器的成功经验,为中国创业教育和扶持工作提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

创业效能感是制约大学生创业成功的关键因素,是提升大学生创业教育实效性的重要途径之一。科学地界定创业效能感的内在结构,有助于剖析创业效能感的形成机制,探索提升创业效能感的教育手段,制定有针对性的创业教育策略。基于扎根理论,运用深度访谈的方法,经过定性与定量的分析和总结,验证了辽宁省大学生创业者的创业效能感由营销能力效能感、创新能力效能感、风险承担效能感、抗压能力效能感、关系协调效能感、责任使命效能感、管理能力效能感和学习能力效能感8个维度构成。在创业教育过程中针对每个维度进行的教育干预都能够有效提升大学生的创业效能感。这一研究成果对于推动辽宁省高校的创业教育,甄别和培养机会型创业者,提高大学生创业成功率,都具有较强的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

创业技能提升机理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业者要取得成功,必须具备包括自控能力和学习能力等9项基础能力。创业型人才的成长一般经历三个阶段。促进创业技能提升应当采用三种学习方式。高校、政府和创业者个人要在提升创业技能的四个环节上发挥好各自的作用,使创业技能的提升符合成长机理,为社会做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

连续创业已成为高校毕业生的常态,对创业认知偏差与高校毕业生连续创业的关系进行探讨,有助于提升高校毕业生创业指导成效。基于创业认知理论,课题组以浙江金华、杭州地区350名连续创业者的调研数据为依托,探索创业者认知偏差对高校毕业生连续创业行为的作用关系。  相似文献   

The Constitution of India ensures equal treatment to all its citizens without any discrimination. On the contrary, the patriarchal roots of the Indian society have subjected women to experience severe inequalities. This has resulted in a wide gender gap, which has been perceived to affect all the facets of a woman’s life. The field of entrepreneurship is also witnessing an intensified gender gap due to the lack of adequate education/appropriate training among budding women entrepreneurs. To bring out more successful entrepreneurs, an empowering learning system is an indispensable need. Hence, the present experimental study aims to build and analyse the effectiveness of an innovative learning environment incorporating feminist pedagogy and the social web. Feminist pedagogy – a democratic system that facilitates active, collaborative and communal learning – was adopted for offering entrepreneurial training. For reaching the socially oppressed and geographically diverse Indian women, Facebook was used as a virtual learning system.  相似文献   

以创业带动就业,是国家扩大就业,促进经济发展的有效途径之一。现实中,由于存在着大学生创业者创业意识缺乏、创业心理准备不足;创业教育缺失、指导虚化;缺乏创业技能和创业经验;创业项目选择不当;创业融资渠道狭窄、创业资金筹集困难;创业人才、核心技术缺乏;国家创业扶持政策没有充分利用;法律维权意识不强,受骗情况较多等原因,造成...  相似文献   

在分析产业集群与创业活动的知识属性基础上,认为产业集群与创业互动机制表现在创业知识溢出有助于产业集群的早期成长、竞争优势增强与后期转型升级以及政府更好地制定产业集群发展政策。同时,产业集群内的知识资源及其便捷传播有助于创业者的孵化、创业机会的识别、获取与开发以及新创企业的早期成长。  相似文献   

This paper concerns agricultural entrepreneurs involved in organizing their learning towards developing innovative and learning enterprises. In high-tech sectors, such as Dutch agriculture, this learning and innovative capacity is particularly essential for economic survival. Reviewing the literature we concluded that innovation can be seen as informal learning processes, in which social networks play an important role. Workers learn by sharing knowledge in the working team, and employers learn by creating networks of colleagues and advisors. The results of three research projects teach us that interactive learning and innovation should be analyzed from a perspective of uncertainty. Learning skills for interactive innovation, as part of the entrepreneurial craft, should comprise the capability of selecting impulses and combining newly selected impulses with existing skills and routines. Paradoxically, entrepreneurs need new impulses from weak, unknown networks to be continuously innovative. Innovative learning involves balancing the chaos of uncertainty and the old grooves of experience. Knowing how to escape this paradox forms the core competence of innovative entrepreneurship. In short, we conclude that agricultural entrepreneurs have to develop flexible expertise, based on a complex worldview to meet the demands of innovation in a changing world. Entrepreneurs should particularly be able to detect the irregularities in the world around them and to balance stability and flexibility.  相似文献   

Developing entrepreneurial graduates is essential to the future of higher education and supply of quality human resources in developing countries. To address this issue in the agriculture sector, which is dominant in economic terms in most developing countries, an exploratory combined qualitative and quantitative research was conducted to understand entrepreneurial learning of agricultural graduate entrepreneurs. For the phenomenological study, 14 agricultural graduate entrepreneurs were purposely selected, and for the quantitative study, 92 entrepreneurs were selected through simple random sampling method. The phenomenological study revealed 12 themes on how graduates experienced entrepreneurial learning. Our study finds support for “experiential learning,” “learning by doing,” and “social learning” theories. Nine themes including previous business experience, risk-taking propensity, entrepreneurial persistence, use of various information sources, tendency to be self-employed, concerns about job or career, interest in practical courses and activities, passion for agriculture, and thinking outside the box are internal to the entrepreneur and could be seen as learner identity. The theme of “support from family and friends” could be seen as a significant external influence. The survey showed that entrepreneurial learning themes were generalizable to the studied population. Although different students can take different learning paths to become the best they can be, our findings suggest that the overall student learning experience can be designed to ensure that graduates are more likely to become entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Success and failure in entrepreneurship affects not only entrepreneurs but also many participants in their entrepreneurial relationships. Studies have led us to consider the social and moral dimensions within entrepreneurship education. Doubts arise, however, when one asks how moral principles can be included in entrepreneurship education in order to produce more socially responsible graduates. In the current debate, the role that religions may play in providing moral teachings for entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important, and religious narratives as educational tools are growing in significance. In this article we present an integrative proposal using as an example Christian narratives taken from the Epistle of St James.  相似文献   

创业文化是创业的深层动因,它影响着创业者的创业心态、创业行为、创业能力,弘扬创业文化、培育创业精神是推动创业、实现中国梦的突破口。要着力培育勇闯市场的重商意识、吃苦耐劳的拼博精神、诚信至上的经商理念、和谐公平的竞争环境;创业文化可从开展创业主题教育活动、培养宣传创业典型、加大对创业者的培训力度、对大学生的创业教育、引导农民外出务工经商等五个方面具体培育。  相似文献   

学习体验是高职创业课程有效性评价的重要内容。从学习沉浸体验、学习关系体验、学习获得体验与学习活动体验四个维度编制高职创业课程学习体验量表,并采用该量表对1204名高职学生进行调查,结果发现:当前高职学生创业课程学习体验总体水平处于中等偏上,仍有较大改进空间。其中,学习关系体验最佳,学习沉浸体验最差;学习体验与创业实践、创业自我效能感之间存在正向预测关系。依据研究结果,高职创业课程模式应由知识驱动转向实践驱动、学习方式由传授式变向沉浸式、评价指标由学业结果延向学习体验、课程资源由课堂支持走向社会支持。  相似文献   

Chinese higher education has gained outstanding achievement in expanding its access to the mass population since 1999. However, the mismatch between university curricula and job market requirements leads to increasing unemployment and underemployment of Chinese graduates. In recent years, the central and local governments and universities have viewed entrepreneurship as an efficient means to solve the unemployment and underemployment issues of university graduates. They issued many policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among young people. However, university graduates are still facing barriers in deciding to start their entrepreneurial journey. In this qualitative study, we interviewed 37 young entrepreneurs in Shenzen. Results show that the respondents encountered barriers from three aspects: personal traits, resources, and culture. With the empirical data collected from the interviews, we aim to enable higher education professionals and innovation policymakers to develop an advanced understanding of the experiences of the new generation of entrepreneurs while reflecting the efforts in coping with the negative effects of the massification of higher education.  相似文献   


Population aging is exacerbating the loss of competences in the workforce and simultaneously young people neither in employment nor in education and training (NEETs) are struggling to be reengaged in employment. These issues, which are deemed priorities for the European policy agenda, could be addressed by triggering active aging dimensions, valuing and exploiting older adult entrepreneurs’ knowledge for enhancing youngsters’ entrepreneurial attitudes, through mentoring. This paper reports the results of a study based on an intergenerational learning program, carried out in 2018 in Germany, Italy and Slovenia. The study was aimed at developing and testing one training on mentoring addressing 41 older adult entrepreneurs (55 and over), and two intergenerational learning trainings aiming at boosting entrepreneurial competences of 33 NEETs (aged 18–29). The impact of the program on older adult entrepreneurs and NEETs was assessed through a pre and post-evaluation using qualitative and quantitative tools. Findings at country level were treated as national case-studies and then the latter were compared by considering them as a multiple embedded case-study. Results indicated that, to different extent in the study countries, mentors learned and enhanced mentoring competences, e.g. active listening and the capability of orienting, improved well-being and self-esteem, social inclusion and active aging attitude. Moreover, NEETs acquired entrepreneurial and socio-relational competences by benefiting from the full exploitation of mentors’ know-how and the trust relationship with them. Companies, trade unions, educational and voluntary organizations should cooperate to adopt intergenerational learning programs as good practices for older adults and NEETs’ lifelong learning promotion.  相似文献   

高职学生创业意识的培养不仅是时代发展的需要,也是高职学生提高创业能力的现实需求。在对当前高职学生创业心理现状进行调查分析的基础上,针对高职学生创业意识缺乏的现状,高职院校应从创业教育、创业实践、创业宣传、创业保障四个方面来下工夫。  相似文献   

高校应在产学研纵深发展和众创的时代背景下,明确创业型人才的培养目标,探索符合高校发展方向的创业型人才培养模式.在对大学生抽样调查和创业企业家小型访谈基础之上,文章认为应该完善高校的创业教育课程,高校应关注创新创业意识和态度的培养,使学生能够正确客观地评价和认知自我的真实能力,并提出由大学生创业意识的培养阶段、创业能力的开发阶段、创业行为的引导阶段、创业活动的孵化阶段等四个阶段构成大学创新创业型人才培养新模式.  相似文献   

创业带动就业是党的十七大提出的重要举措,促进西部地区大学生创业是当前形势下的重要任务。通过对广西大学生创业现状的调查,对广西部分高校大学生进行了访谈,发现广西大学生创业者数量少,是由于大学生缺乏精神动力,高校的创业教育缺乏基础实践和创业的大环境建设和落实程度不够等原因,提出了要转变就业观念,加强创业教育,加强协作整合、完善创业服务体系等措施。  相似文献   

在全球金融危机背景下,高职院校的就业教育正在向创业教育发展。创业教育有助于树立市场意识,应对危机,培养高素质的创业者,打造高职核心竞争力,促进学校和谐创新发展。要实施创业教育需要社会全力提供创业教育政策保障。学校应强化创业教育师资队伍建设、构建创业教育特色性课程结构、突出富有创业精神的校园文化建设,借校企合作之力,实现创业者创业实践的历练。  相似文献   

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