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宋毅宁 《大学教育》2023,(18):52-55
在人工智能和信息通信技术重塑外语教学的新时期,课题组将积极心理学中的心流理论引入大学英语听说线上教学过程,以推动学生在线上实现沉浸式体验和深度学习。在对心流理论和相关研究进行深入探讨的基础上,课题组构建了基于心流理论的沉浸式大学英语听说线上教学模式,并以教学案例详细阐述了该教学模式在线上教学三阶段的应用过程。问卷调查结果表明该教学模式有效促进了学生心流的产生,尤其是在“明确的反馈”“清晰的目标”和“享受的体验”三个维度上的效果最为显著。  相似文献   

在教育游戏设计之初,就要考虑学生的“心流体验”对教育游戏设计具有重要意义。从教育游戏以及“心流理论”的研究现状出发,参考“用户—工具—任务”模型分析总结心流体验激发要素,构建激发心流体验的教育游戏设计框架,从而为广大教育工作者以及游戏开发者提供一个切实可行的教育游戏设计思路。  相似文献   

基于心流理论构建研究模型,考察学习者在虚拟现实环境中获得心流体验的影响因素,以及心流对持续学习意愿的作用机制,为深入探索虚拟现实学习提供新方向。选择在基于HTC VIVE配套设备的虚拟现实学习环境中,实施大学生思政课程的实践教学,搜集相关数据对模型进行实证检验。结果表明,在虚拟现实环境中,心流发生的前因包括多目标取向、交互性、自我效能和临场感,其中的自我效能是促进心流体验的最重要因素;心流体验通过影响价值认同感和感知有用性间接影响持续意愿;感知有用性在心流对继续意愿的影响中起着最重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

心流理论由心理学家Mihály Csíkszentmihályi于1975年提出。心流是一种将个人精神完全投注在某种活动上的感觉。它的9个主要因素可以对学习者提高学习效果有所启发。文章以唐苏黎老师的教学实践为例,介绍了心流理论在数学后进班转化历程的体现。  相似文献   

"心流"理论强调,教师教学应积极探寻学生的学习心理,力求找到更合适高职学生的教学模式、教学方法和教学策略,努力提高课堂教学的有效性,不断激发学生的学习潜能。因此,有必要深入研究"心流"理论对高职教学的意义,并探寻利用"心流"理论提高教学效率的方法。  相似文献   

构建有效的教育游戏设计模型是当前亟待研究的课题。在国内外心流理论和教育游戏设计相关成果的基础上,使用基于设计的研究方法,构建了基于心流理论的教育游戏设计框架。继而分析了该设计框架的构成要素及其设计方法,并基于该研究框架研发了特殊儿童言语学习游戏案例且进行了实证研究。研究发现,学习者在教育游戏中产生心流体验的前提条件有三个:清晰的任务目标、及时的反馈和任务与技能的平衡。为生成以上前提条件,教育游戏设计应分为四个阶段:游戏目标分析、游戏情境创设、游戏玩法设计和游戏元素设计,每个阶段应采取对应的设计任务使阶段性设计成果具备心流体验产生的条件。  相似文献   

基于体验式教学和心流理论之间的关系及体验式教学环节中心流产生的机理,结果表明,情境体验、教学参与、学用交互等体验式教学方式使学生产生了思维过滤、自我肯定、高峰体验和深度喜悦等心流体验,这些心流对学生的知识建构和能力提升起着重要作用。  相似文献   

心流是一种高度投入某项活动时全神贯注的积极情绪体验,也是工匠精神所追求的巅峰体验的理想心理状态。米哈里提出的八区间心流模型将个体的情绪、工作的挑战性以及所需掌握的技能确立了对应关系并解释了其作用机制。正向、负向及无感的心流体验与激发工匠精神之间存在着耦合的相关关系,并通过追求"坚毅与目标"的心流体验、找到"秩序与专注"的心流通道、设计"技能与挑战"心理机制以及工作任务结构化等路径和策略,提出心流体验和工匠精神的介入,主张从积极心理学心流理论的角度激发个体的工匠精神。  相似文献   

在量子理论和相对论的成就使得物理学从经典物理学发展到现代物理学之后,量子心理学应运而生。基于量子理论而展开的对意识本质的讨论,引发了对传统的唯心主义与唯物主义哲学问题的思考,为意识与物质的关系问题的研究打开了新的突破口。量子心理学基于量子论对意识问题的研究,提出了独特的心-脑理论:心、脑活动可能均受控于量子域;意识活动在心-脑系统中起主导作用;心理活动的产生具有复杂的统计性质;意识、记忆等心理现象的产生过程亦存在遵循量子规律的可能。基于量子心理学的心-脑理论,可以对无意识、问题解决等心理活动过程加以推测,并可能提出精神疾病划分的新依据。  相似文献   

"心流"是一种理想的体验状态,当"心流"出现时,身心会高度集中,行动与回馈将不断互流,乐趣则油然而生。"心流"体验对于学习者有积极的影响,可以全方位提升学习绩效。通过研究"心流"的含义、构成要素及模型,掌握"心流"产生的内在规律,对于现代课堂教学具有重要的意义。在设计大学英语课堂时,把这种"心流"状态考虑进去,构建适用于大学英语课堂的"心流"模型,便可以使教学效果达到最优化,打造理想的大学英语课堂:"心流"体验课堂。  相似文献   

Well-designed game-based learning can provide students with an innovative environment that may enhance students' motivation and engagement in learning and thus improve their learning performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among elementary school students' flow experience and learning performances. We also investigated the gender and grade differences as well as the types of potential clusters of flow experiences and performance. Thirty-four elementary school students participated in this study. This study conducted correction analysis, difference analysis and a two-stage cluster analysis. The findings suggested that the students with higher flow experiences tended to have higher learning performances. The results of gender differences showed that female students had high performance scores and great flow experiences in the mini-educational game in this study. Moreover, the results revealed that the students of higher grade had significantly higher scores in both performance and flow experience than the students of lower grade. The result of cluster analysis fell into three categories: low performance/low flow experience students, high flow experience students and high performance/high flow experience students. On the basis of our findings, we also proposed suggestions for future game-based learning research.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in digital game-based learning (DGBL), there has been a lack of attention paid to the effects of individual differences, such as gaming flow experience and gender differences, in a reward-based achievement system. To this end, this study developed an achievement system with a reward mechanism to facilitate English learning. This study investigated how individuals’ gaming flow experience levels affected their levels of learning motivation, and whether any gender differences existed in gaming flow experience and learning motivation while engaging in the achievement system. The results showed that gaming flow experience significantly predicted learning motivation, whereby the students with high gaming flow experience were six times more likely to have high learning motivation than those with low gaming flow experience. Subsequent analysis showed that the female students had significantly higher gaming flow than the male students, but the male and female students showed similar learning motivation. Furthermore, the results indicated that the male students achieved more interactive rewards than the female students, but no significant differences were found in the male and female students’ achievement of other types of rewards. Based on these findings, the authors contribute to the literature by developing a framework which can be applied to support designers to accommodate individual differences in DGBL.  相似文献   


This article reports a preliminary study of high school students making sense of the behavior displayed by a Lorenzian Water Wheel. The Lorenzian Water Wheel is a rotating disk driven by the flow of water whose motion may be periodic or not, depending on different parameters (e.g., tilt of the wheel, flow rate of the water, and amount of friction). The study aims to contribute toward new basis for the learning of dissipative dynamics through the analysis and experimentation with common phenomena. The study also aims to support the design of learning environments that focus on fundamental aspects of dissipative dynamics‐such as the origins of turbulence, the relationships between periodicity and predictability, or the notion of an attractor—by refining intuitions that emerge from the daily experience with the surrounding world.  相似文献   

Motivating learners to continue to study and enjoy learning is one of the critical factors in distance education. Flow theory is a useful framework for studying the individual experience of learning through using computers. In this study, I examine students’ emotional and cognitive responses to distance learning systems by constructing two models to test the students’ flow states. The first model examines the cause and effect of the flow experience when students use distance learning systems. The second model considers the impact of three types of interaction on the flow experience. A questionnaire‐based field survey is used to test the two models. Data from 253 distance learning students are examined under each of the two models. The results from Model 1 indicate that flow theory works well in a distance learning environment. The results from Model 2 point out that learner–instructor and learner–interface have a positive relationship with flow experience, whereas learner–learner interaction has not shown a significant relationship with flow experience.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the flow experience in business education. Flow experience, characterized by concentration, control, and enjoyment, can lead to better learning outcomes. Leading preconditions of flow include the balance of challenge and skill, feedback, and goal clarity. Other situational factors affect the flow experience through the mediating effects of these three factors. In this article, we extend an existing framework linking flow and learning. Using the model as a guide, we start our research effort of flow in business education by conducting a field survey of student learning experience in terms of flow and influential factors. Data were collected using business students taking an introductory Operations Management course. The analysis reveals that flow does exist in classroom learning. Its key dimensions are concentration, sense of control, and enjoyment. The more important leading factor is having clear feedback. Characteristics of both the instructor and students play a role in the flow experience of students during lecture. It is evident that flow theory offers a useful framework for business education research. Suggestions for future research are made.  相似文献   

Flow is a state of total absorption and concentration in an activity that is desirable for students, as it enhances the learning experience. Due to the importance of flow for learning, this research investigates the influence of three flow preconditions—namely balance of skill and challenge, feedback and goal clarity—on students' flow, operationalized as heightened concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience, while using clickers—a type of polling device. The study also explores the impact of concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience on students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Based on a survey of 204 undergraduate students who use clickers in the classroom, the findings show that balance of skill and challenge has a positive influence on students' concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience. Both feedback provided by clickers and goal clarity have a positive influence on concentration and sense of control, but do not influence the autotelic experience. Findings also corroborate the positive impact of concentration and sense of control experienced by students on perceived learning. Finally, autotelic experience predicts both perceived learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The current study examined how teachers’ perfectionism (personal standards [PS] and concern over mistakes [COM]) relates to their achievement goals for teaching, instructional practices (creation of mastery vs. performance classroom goal structures), job satisfaction, and flow experience during teaching. The data were collected from teachers (N = 143; mean age = 43.5; 70% female; 100% European American) practicing in the Midwestern U.S. Path analyses indicated that teachers’ high personal standards predicted endorsement of mastery goals for teaching, creation of mastery goal structure emphasizing personal progress and learning, high job satisfaction, and frequent flow experience during teaching. On the contrary, teachers’ high concern over mistakes predicted endorsement of performance-approach and -avoidance goals, creation of classroom performance goal structure emphasizing competition among students, low job satisfaction, and infrequent flow experience during teaching. A significant interaction between PS and COM was found for fluency (subscale of flow) experience, indicating that PS can buffer the harmful effects of COM. Therefore, the study evidenced the benefits of PS and the drawbacks of COM.  相似文献   

在近几年的《红楼梦》校勘中存在两个突出问题。一是单向思维与孤立印证,二是“存在就是合理的”与以讹证讹。所以,研究《红楼梦》中的方言构成,首先要把这部小说的诞生放在18世纪中叶这个特定的时间点上,并在空间上把当时北京的语言文化发展大背景纳入到我们考察的视野之内;其次是要把《红楼梦》作者家世环境和个人经历考虑在其中;再次。在考虑到方言形成的地域性同时,必须注意到方言也有“流动”性的事实。这其中包括移民在方言的传播方面所起的重要作用。只有这样。才能在《红楼梦》校订注释上更臻完善。超越过去。为加强中国文化与世界文化的交流,为《红楼梦》在世界的传播。为国际汉学的发展略尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

A phenomenology of the bodily experience of interactive flow adds to Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory. Whereas Csikszentmihalyi attended to teachers' and students' experiences of flow separately, this inquiry explores flow through three water-inspired layers of physical interaction between fitness professionals and their clients. Teaching fitness is likened to the emotive experience of surfing the ocean peaks, swimming in the shallows, and diving deep beneath the surface. As a producer of high, immersed, and deep flow, this teaching moves actively from an elevated stage of one-sided instruction to motions of deep, other-directed absorption. Learning to teach in this flow-producing way is portrayed through first-person accounts of the intensification of closeness, connection, reciprocity, and mutuality between fitness professionals and their clients. This study, with its reference to the postures, positions, gestures, and expressions of fitness instruction, indicates a kinaesthetic register of flow consciousness that serves as a guide to effective exercise pedagogy.  相似文献   

Human behavior is directed by an implicit and an explicit motivational system. The intrinsic form of the implicit achievement motive has been demonstrated to predict the experience of flow. Thus, this achievement flow motive can be considered an integral component of the autotelic personality, posited in Flow Theory as dispositional difference in the propensity to experience flow. As implicit motivation predicts long-term behavioral trends and flow predicts quality of performance, the achievement flow motive should be predictive of a long-term goal pursuit such as educational attainment. This hypothesis is tested cross-culturally to shed some light on the universality of flow: Participants from Cameroon, Costa Rica, and Germany were asked about the level of education they attained. To assess their achievement flow motive, the Operant Motive Test was employed. After measurement equivalence was established, analyses revealed that, across all three cultures, the achievement flow motive explained variance in educational attainment independent of achievement values as measured by a scale of the Schwartz Value Survey. Consequently, as would be expected of an element of the autotelic personality, the achievement flow motive predicts long-term academic success.  相似文献   

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