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党的“十七大”决定建设中国特色社会主义,这是指导我国一切改革开放活动的总原则,全国的物质建设、精神文明建设以及政治建设都得遵循,外语教育自难例外。因此,当前我国外语教育改革发展的焦点工作,应是研究我国外语教育的中国特色是什么,进而检查我国的外语教改哪些地方体现了中国特色,哪些地方淹没了中国特色,再据以建立中国特色的外语教育。这是一项极大的任务,须得外语教育界业内人士及关心人士携手全力推进。为此,国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心决定举办中国特色外语教育论坛,以多种方式在全国展开中国特色外语教育的研讨,提炼本国经验,把握时代发展,从理论高度为解决我国外语教育教学所面临的诸多问题奠定基础。 正当筹备论坛之际,中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会理事长向中心负责人提出就当前中国外语教学热点问题进行大会辩论的建议。建议得到了积极回应。于是中国教育学会外语专业委员会第十四届学术年会以《我国当前外语教学热点问题纵横谈》为题,安排了专门时间,举行了以探究中国外语教学基本理念为内容,并有500多位专家和一线教师、外语教研员参加的辩论大会。辩论在2007年11月1日晚七点半在广州华泰宾馆举行。辩论以两方出席的专家各二位为主发言人,与会者积极参与。在主持人的协调下共进行了近三个小时,取得了一定共识和澄清了一些认识。就其内容和学风说,都可看作今后开展《中国特色外语教育论坛》的一个序言。所以本刊根据会议录音,将会议的发言整理为文字,向同行通报,希望激发共鸣。此通报的标题系编辑部一再讨论后草拟,所通报的文字稿,曾送请辩论主持人审阅并转告辩论双方。现在作为《中国特色外语教育论坛》专栏的启动序言,全文刊出,供同行了解、研讨。我们更希望同行读后抒发自己的见解,推动这个论坛的发展。 抒发自己的见解必须深入了解辩论发言之袁里含义的结合,此次辩论为了突出和谐互补的精神,把辩论都改称讨论。专家的辩论发言也极力以“协商式”地解释去表达自己的观点,而力避“PK”色彩。这种精神是值得推崇和发扬的。但编者认为,辩论是维护参辩者既有观点,讨论则是共同剖析尚未明确的问题,参加会议的听众则在筛选自己需要的信息并作品评。所以本次“讨论”仍以称“辩论”为宜,而且了解辩论的发言就必须洞悉发言者的既有观点、主张,分析发言的涉及面以及没有说出来的“潜台词”,还要分析是否紧扫主题而未有意或无意地“偷换概念”。所以辩论比讨论深刻得多。辩论是我国优秀的文化传统,早在战国时期,齐桓公的孙子齐宣王经营的稷下学宫就规范了中国学术辩论的三条文明规则,此次辩论主持人所订的四条讨论规则也与稷下三规则极为接近,因此编者把本次的讨论仍视为辩论,并于每位专家某些发言之后,仿古人读经后作注疏的办法,写上一点“读后感”,供读者思考时参考。“读后感”在相应发言之后另起一段单排,以示不敢与专家发言平起平坐;同时用*号及不同字体加以标示,以便区别,这是编者以读者身份所写的“读后札记”,读者也可不读。[编者按]  相似文献   

王弋 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(2):101-102,113
昭帝时期,为了明确未来国家经济的发展方向,中央召开了盐铁会议。以桑弘羊为代表的政府官员与以贤良文学为代表的民间才俊展开了激烈的辩论。辩论的实质是究竞该采用“放任”与“干预”哪种经济管理模式。双方据理力争,畅所欲言,均充分表达了自己的经济观念。  相似文献   

英国议会制作为一种新型的英语辩论制度引入中国,近年来在中国掀起了新一轮竞赛辩论之风。本文拟从国内相关辩论赛事入手,通过介绍竞赛辩论、英国议会制的特点规则,结合国内竞赛辩手的现实情况,制定从竞赛准备阶段到总结阶段的新型辩论教学模式。  相似文献   

本文基于儿童哲学视角,针对当下幼儿园辩论活动中存在的片面注重活动形式、过于强调语言的功能性学习、忽视对幼儿的逻辑与思维能力培养等问题进行分析与反思。从把握幼儿园辩论环节与规则中隐含的幼儿哲学教育价值,兼顾辩论活动的语言功能与哲学价值,选取具有争议性、经验性、适宜性、多样性的辩题三个方面对幼儿园辩论活动提出建议。  相似文献   

底线是辩论中证明己方观点成立的简要话语,通常以公理、常识为前提。辩论的逻辑底线指用演绎推理方式表现出的辩论底线,目的是保证底线符合思维的正确形式和规律。构建辩论逻辑底线的关键在于通过演绎推理实现公理或常识与观点之间的联接,方式有直接联接和间接联接两种。逻辑底线是辩论的灵魂和基石,在辩论中发挥着进攻突破点、防守阻击线的作用。有关逻辑底线的常见失误有:违反充足理由律,逻辑底线不坚实;违反矛盾律,逻辑底线前后不一;违反同一律,辩论没有围绕逻辑底线展开。  相似文献   

在古希腊哲学中,语言具有本体论的地位。逻各斯是语言的本质,人受逻各斯的支配,遵循辩证法的要求言说真理。但当前法科学生辩论能力的培养背离了辩论的本质要求。表现为选题失当、指导老师指引方向错误、辩论规则的违背及背离正义道路。因此,法科学生辩论能力的培养,必须回归辩论的本质,从而合乎正义地解决法律争端。  相似文献   

19世纪上半叶英国教育大辩论是一场高等教育领域内的思想解放运动。这场辩论在苏格兰大学与英格兰大学之间展开.是新兴的功利主义与传统的保守主义之间的一场交锋,是功利教育与自由教育之间的一场激辩。辩论主要集中在教育目标、教学内容与改革动力等方面。在辩论过程中.功利主义教育思想得以广泛传播,为英格兰古典大学改革奠定了坚实的思想和舆论基础。  相似文献   

19世纪下半叶出现的英格兰教育大辩论,是一场英国高等教育领域内的思想解放运动。这场辩论深入到英格兰古典大学内部,是科学教育与自由教育之间的论辩。辩论主要围绕科学教育、职业教育、科学研究而展开。在辩论过程中,科学教育构想日臻完善,大学改革共识不断积聚,为英格兰高等教育的改革与近代化提供了坚实有力的智识和舆论支持。  相似文献   

"量刑辩论"改革的提出,是寻找公诉权、辩护权与裁量权连接点的有益探索,公诉人在案件公开审理时发表量刑建议,而辩方则可以对这个建议发表自己的意见,可以就被告人如何量刑、量刑的具体幅度展开辩论,这实际是对法庭辩论的细化,为法官量刑提供一个参考,有利于规范法官自由裁量权、实现量刑均衡的作用。因此,为深化与完善"量刑辩论"改革,建议适当限制量刑辩论的案件范围、强化裁判文书对量刑部分的说理、明确量刑建议的内容。  相似文献   

魏崇启  凌一洲 《化学教学》2023,(3):55-59+65
实验探究和科学论证是化学教育中彼此沟通与转化的重要目标,但是在现阶段,论证在国内化学教学中严重缺失,且论证与探究相割裂。基于探究和论证的辩论式教学是以学生为主体,由学生小组从探究实验中获得证据,使用论证的方法,围绕特定辩题展开辩驳、问难、磋商,主动获取知识的教学模式。这样的辩论式教学能够同步发展学生的探究和论证能力,促进知识的迁移应用,激发批判性思维。设计公平开放且有目的性的辩题、应用图尔敏论证模型、提供辩论结构图等策略可以支持学生辩论的有效实施。  相似文献   

In this second article on the theory of ‘ground rules for talk’ I extend a debate between myself and Professor Neil Mercer over the introduction of ‘ground rules’ into classrooms. I critique ground rules through the use of sociological theory and argue that advocates of the ground rules perspective need to recognise the ideological nature of their theoretical position. In making this article a clear extension of my previous argument I introduce the work of Bernstein and Fairclough to support my new arguments. I use Bernstein's theory of pedagogy as cultural relay and Fairclough's appropriateness model of language variation to critique ‘ground rules perspectives’. In doing so, I draw out the political nature of educational theory and curriculum within the context of a specific socio-economic society.  相似文献   

“诉讼标的”概念可分解为“当事人希望法院对此作出判决而将其作为申请事项”的诉讼标的与“为了使作出的判决被赋予判决效力”的诉讼标的,诉讼标的具有两面性。在诉讼标的两面性的框架下,处分原则与约束性辩论原则各自作用范围中的法官释明适用领域各有不同,进而产生对新旧诉讼标的理论的影响。因此,诉讼标的理论的新视角下探讨其法官释明问题之间背后的逻辑联系和价值指向,可以为诉讼标的理论的争论提供新的视角。  相似文献   

近年来我国某些高校就学生管理工作制定了很多颇受争议的校规。但这些校园规则和学生行为之间却频频发生冲突。我国相关法律法规仅原则性地规定高校对学生有管理权,但法律对高校应该管学生哪些方面、怎么管等问题却规定的比较模糊。研究高校与学生之间的法律关系的类型化,从纷繁复杂的高校校规中找出高校学生管理问题的症结,为高校学生管理提出重构设想。  相似文献   

规则的意义与儿童规则教育新思维   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
规则的意义不同导致儿童规则教育原则及方法的差异。在分析已有的规则意义的基础上,从儿童主体角度出发,将规则看成是基于儿童内在需要的一种主体品质,实现儿童规则教育从利他到互惠、从被动接受到主动建构、从限制到指引的转变。  相似文献   

The unprecedented geopolitical and economic shifts across the world have triggered much debate over the re-thinking of internationalisation of higher education (IoHE). This article discusses how a deeper understanding of the knowledge economy paradigm contributes to re-thinking IoHE, and how it reshapes the relations between the west and the rest in the international education industry. In the global knowledge race, the rules are set by the knowledge economy agenda, but these rules could be changed through appropriate IoHE strategies. The knowledge economy promotes a predominantly western-oriented knowledge paradigm, and IoHE contributes to its dissemination. For this reason, it is important to consider how the western theoretical underpinnings of IoHE and the knowledge economy are transformed and integrated in a given local context and if this game is worth playing.  相似文献   

We examine classroom situations which allow the learning of rules of mathematical reasoning. Drawing on an epistemological analysis and G. Brousseau's theory of situations, we define a priori theoretical characteristics which such situations must possess. We then use this analysis, and hypotheses about the cognitive functioning of pupils of this age, to establish learning situations for the rule of the excluded middle, and for the use of the figure in geometry. We report the results of experimentation with two of thses situations and show that, through the study of a mathematical problem, debate about these rules can be generated amongst students aged twelve to thirteen. We explain why, in our opinion, for epistemological reasons linked to the two particular rules concerned, it is necessary for the teacher to conclude the debate, and we examine our cognitive hypotheses against the actual results of experimentation.  相似文献   

In this essay, I use the rhetorical approach of generic criticism to analyze issues management campaigns: instances of public relations discourse in which an organization makes explicit efforts to influence public policy. There are striking similarities among contemporary organizations’ issues management campaigns in terms of their organizing principle, situational requirements, and substantive and stylistic characteristics. Using a structurational perspective, I illustrate the genre rules (Yates &; Orlikowski, 1992) that serve as the medium and outcome of this discourse. Throughout the essay, I employ the University of Minnesota's recent attempt to increase its public funding during a period of institutional transition to explicate the genre rules.

This article outlines a framework for the analysis of issues management campaigns and provides a first step toward the development of a structuational theory of their genre rules. Moreover, it argues that a rhetorical approach to the study of such organizational communication creates fresh insights and understandings in an area traditionally dominated by a focus on effects.  相似文献   

According to the design principle of progressive schematization, learning trajectories towards procedural rules can be organized as independent discoveries when the learning arrangement invites the students first to develop models for mathematical concepts and model-based informal strategies; then to explore the strategies and to discover pattern for progressively developing procedural rules. This article contributes to the theoretical and empirical foundation of the design principle of progressive schematization by empirically investigating students’ individual schematization pathways on the micro-level for the specific case of part-of-part determination of fractions. In design experiments series in laboratory settings, nine pairs of sixth graders explored the part-of-part determination and progressively schematized their graphical strategies before discovering the procedural rule. The qualitative in-depth analysis of 760 min of video shows that progressive schematization is a multi-facetted process that cannot be described by internalization of graphical procedures alone. Instead, the compaction of concepts- and theorems-in-action is crucial, especially for the goal of justifiable procedural rules.  相似文献   


From September 1999 all schools in England and Wales will be expected to have a 'home-school' agreement in place. The home-school agreement initiative has provoked considerable debate amongst and between politicians, educationalists, professional associations and parents' organisations. This article provides an analysis of this controversy . The first part places home-school agreements within the historical context of home-school relations. The second part discusses two key issues of 'enforceability' and 'partnership' that have informed much of the debate . The article concludes by suggesting that models of parents as 'problems', as 'partners' and as 'consumers' are all implicit within this recent initiative and it questions whether an acceptable balance between these models can be incorporated in the process of implementation.  相似文献   

本文根据自旋平行的两个电子泡利排斥原理,按照洪特定则,运用角动量合成投影规律.对原子基态是等效电子时基态光谱项的研究.并提出原子基态是等效电子时基态光谱项确定的一种简易方法.  相似文献   

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