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This paper identifies individuals’ accumulated history with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a replacement for the contested and outdated term ‘digital divide.’ We propose that an individual’s ability to benefit from their technological history consists of four factors: awareness, knowledge, access, and technological capacity of the user’s social collective. Together, these factors make up the individual’s level or amount of Technological Capital. The development of this construct was based on empirical research conducted in Soweto, South Africa, and through an analysis of the literature on assessing individuals’ accumulated histories. The concept of technological capital has the potential for application in fields in which ICTs are used for communication, capacity building, and identifying barriers to adoption of new technologies. The use of the concept may have implications for policy decisions, resource allocation, and future research into differences among individuals’ and communities’ ability to benefit from the introduction of new technologies.  相似文献   


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) incursion has brought a lot of changes to libraries activities. ICTs are used to manage libraries more efficiently and in meeting customers’ demands more appropriately at the right time. Despite the contribution of ICTs to library and information work, many libraries are yet to adopt these technologies especially in the acquisitions of library materials. This study was carried out in three selected university libraries in North West Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: determine the influence of performance expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; establish the influence of effort expectancy on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition; find out the extent of social influence and facilitating conditions on academic librarians’ intention to use ICT for acquisition and lastly to proffer recommendations. This study adopted a positivistic approach and used a questionnaire administered to 224 librarians to collect data in the three selected libraries. The study is guided by the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) developed by Venkatesh. Findings from the study reveals that academic librarians are supportive on the use of ICT in their work; ICTs are significantly important, trainings were organized mainly for librarians on general use of ICT not only on acquisition, but also on the general issues related to library activities; librarians also have the knowledge necessary to use ICT for acquisition in their libraries. The study recommends among others that the parent universities should increase the funding of their libraries with adequate supervision, so that such funds are well utilized for ICTs application; university libraries should continually sponsor their academic staff on modern computerized ways of using ICTs to source for materials and the acquisition of information resources in academic libraries should be given all the seriousness it deserves by enacting legislation to allocate a reasonable percentage of the university’s budget to it.  相似文献   

The digital divide is severe in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The prevailing digital divide will continue to exist and define the characteristics of the digital information environment of the sub-region as it influences, along with other concerns, the information needs of end-users in the sub-region. The model of information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment and observations and theories from the literature of Library and Information Science (LIS) show that the information needs of end-users in SSA are for information content that is relevant for day-to-day tasks and that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of the information and communications technology (ICTs) that they possess and their level of skill in manipulating the ICTs. The model of the information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment presents the nature of user tasks, the state of electronic resources in use, and user experience in using the electronic resources as factors giving rise to information needs of end-users in a digital information environment. The principles of least effort, satisficing, utility and accessibility particularly give support to the argument of the paper: that end-users need information content that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of ICTs currently in use by the end-users concerned. Recognizing the nature of the information needs of the end-users of SSA will help in meeting their needs as well as in selecting appropriate interventions in addressing the digital divide in the sub-region.  相似文献   


Citizens, including those living in poor and developing countries, need equitable access to information daily to satisfy their diverse and multiple information needs. In this information age and information economy era, easy and instant access to information and knowledge, which are inevitabilities for socio-economic development, cannot be overemphasised. With rolling out of public libraries even in disadvantaged rural communities due to the library conditional grant in South Africa, the study is aimed at investigating factors influencing the Internet access and use in public libraries in Limpopo. The study adopted a qualitative research approach. The twenty four users of three rural, semi-rural and urban public libraries were selected through convenience sampling. A well-placed government official of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture was purposively selected. All informants were interviewed face to face to collect data. The study found that, although public libraries studied have networked computers for the Internet access and use, there are many challenges. The officials of the relevant department need to study the recommendations of this study to ensure that the people have digital access in public libraries to mitigate the diverse socio-economic challenges they are facing to improve their lives.  相似文献   

为落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,国际图联与一些国际组织共同发起“图书馆致力数字包容”的共同承诺和“行动呼吁”,国内外图书馆界领导及知名专家学者就“图书馆与数字包容”进行了讨论。饶权指出,随着现代技术的发展,数字鸿沟问题日益突显。中国国家图书馆研究提出建设“全国智慧图书馆体系”的工作思路,以期引领带动各级公共图书馆全面实现智慧转型,在促进数字包容方面发挥更加积极的作用;克里斯汀·麦肯齐阐述了国际图联在支持联合国2030年议程和可持续发展目标方面的工作,特别是目标第16条:“构建和平与包容的社会,使人人享有公正,提高政府机构效率和能力,强调政府和图书馆必须成为数字包容的积极推动者”;杰拉德·莱特纳指出,促进数字包容的任何努力都需要考虑三个方面——互联、内容和能力。缺乏任何一个方面,都不可能完全实现数字包容。图书馆作为社区中心的公共空间、内容的储存空间和门户,以及经验丰富的信息素养教育者,在更广泛的政府战略中都可以发挥自己独特的作用;陈超指出,历史和现实、理论和实践早就告诉我们,公共图书馆肩负着促进人类社会包容性发展的义不容辞的使命。为此公共图书馆必须承担起“弥合数字鸿沟,促进数字包容”的社会责任,让每一个人有机会上网、为每一个人赋能、让每一个人能平等获取信息知识;吴建中认为,我国图书馆界应积极配合国际图联的呼吁与倡议,并发出我国图书馆界强有力的声音。第一,大力宣传我国在保障公民获取基本公共文化服务权益方面的政策及举措。第二,积极推广互联网和数字技术在图书馆的应用。第三,继续提升媒介和信息素养服务的质量;于良芝从个人信息世界的概念出发思考数字鸿沟现象及图书馆的作用,揭示了数字鸿沟的复杂性及社会包容与数字包容的互为条件性,认为这为公共图书馆参与数字包容建设开辟了更广阔的空间;肖珑表示,支持国际图联(IFLA)关于数字包容声明的提出,中国高校图书馆应清醒地认识到信息贫富分化问题的存在,并努力缩小地区差距,保护不同群体利益,促进高等教育的内涵式发展;阿曼达·里德与金·汤普森认为,当危机、变革和挑战来临之际,也是我们努力前行之时,并以一所美国图书馆为例,显示了在新冠疫情这样的危机面前,公共图书馆如何满足当地居民需要,支持社区朝着更加数字包容的社会可持续地发展;金武刚认为,图书馆应当加强科普功能,开发新媒体产品,融入公共传播平台,帮助社会民众辨别网络信息真伪,查询获取正确信息,解决数字包容深层次问题;吴丹与刘静基于技术环境变化的背景,以人与技术的交互为焦点,从“技术→人”与“人→技术”两条路径对数字包容内涵进行扩展并提出了图情领域工作的发展策略。  相似文献   

The digital divide is severe in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The prevailing digital divide will continue to exist and define the characteristics of the digital information environment of the sub-region as it influences, along with other concerns, the information needs of end-users in the sub-region. The model of information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment and observations and theories from the literature of Library and Information Science (LIS) show that the information needs of end-users in SSA are for information content that is relevant for day-to-day tasks and that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of the information and communications technology (ICTs) that they possess and their level of skill in manipulating the ICTs. The model of the information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment presents the nature of user tasks, the state of electronic resources in use, and user experience in using the electronic resources as factors giving rise to information needs of end-users in a digital information environment. The principles of least effort, satisficing, utility and accessibility particularly give support to the argument of the paper: that end-users need information content that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of ICTs currently in use by the end-users concerned. Recognizing the nature of the information needs of the end-users of SSA will help in meeting their needs as well as in selecting appropriate interventions in addressing the digital divide in the sub-region.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to gain an understanding of the current and potential impact of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the Small Island Sates of the Caribbean, in particular those populations living in rural communities. The introduction briefly examines the impact of ICTs on society and calls for alternative channels for government to serve rural communities through the use of Multi-Community Access Centres (MCACs) or information kiosks available at libraries, police stations, tourist information centres and post offices, as an e-governance initiative in the creation of “smart communities” and as a grassroots effort. No analysis of ICTs on government's functions would be complete if we did not address the growing debate on the digital divide. In this paper a section is devoted to this and it summarily addresses the growing divide between the developed and the developing world and the potential of these islands to leap–frog barriers to information flows and access. The heart of the paper examines the impact of the Internet on small island economies and the growing use of the Internet in key sectors of each economy. Since this paper is about governments’ use of ICTs to transfer business transactions onto the Internet to service their populace, some discussion is undertaken and considers ways in which innovation has impacted on governments’ services and the early attempts by some Caribbean administrations to implement e-governance. E-Voices illustrates how certain government measures affect some vulnerable groups in society and ways in which they can broker power to participate in the process. Some key policy directions are proposed for Caribbean states and other developing countries to pursue.  相似文献   

针对高校数字图书馆信息资源建设质量的问题,运用项目管理的思想,将项目分成调查与分析、制定标准与方案、实施、提供服务与总结评价四个阶段,具体阐述每个阶段应该实施的质量管理内容,并提供华南理工大学数字图书馆信息资源建设项目质量管理的实例,得出项目管理思想在数字图书馆信息资源建设质量管理中的重要作用,并运用AHP法、Delphi法、变异系数法提供质量管理评价分析、总结,为高校数字图书馆信息资源建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate whether public archives in South Africa’s educational programs serve as an interactive tool for public engagement. The study adopted a quantitative research approach involving all 10 public archival institutions in South Africa. Data was collected using survey questionnaires, analysis of the legislation on archives, and the national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and relevant provincial departments’ annual reports from the 2012–13 to 2014–15 financial years according to the relevant themes of the study. In South Africa, public archival institutions fall under and report to the DAC. The purpose of data triangulation was to collect as much, and as diverse, data as possible to help generate the best possible insight. The study revealed that the public archives’ educational activities were not effectively designed and implemented to bring potential users to archives. The study recommends that public archives engage with educators and curriculum developers to support the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). This will enable archivists and public archival institutions to identify and incorporate developmental and topically relevant archival material into CAPS for use by educators and learners in a classroom environment.  相似文献   

数字鸿沟与网络时代公共图书馆的职能   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
论文介绍了数字鸿沟研究中的图书馆。因特网发展导致的“数字鸿沟”使公共图书馆的保障信息公平的作用被重新认识。数字鸿沟问题使人们对公共图书馆职能有了新的认识,公共图书馆在消除数字鸿沟方面的特殊作用有:提供公共计算机因特网接入、进行基本信息技能教育、提供合适的网络信息资源。  相似文献   

Public libraries have been seen to have an important role in providing digital services to potentially excluded groups in order to help meet government targets regarding the delivery of digital services. Geographical information systems (GIS) have been used to investigate library service areas, to aid initial location decisions, and to model the implications of the opening and closure of library services. Recent studies have promoted the use of GIS-based techniques to investigate spatial variations in accessibility to public and private services in relation to socio-economic characteristics of population groups. One such technique, based on floating catchment area (FCA) approaches, has been primarily used to investigate potential inequalities in health services, access to employment and leisure opportunities, as well as planning public transport. In this study, FCA techniques are used to research variations in accessibility to public library facilities using bespoke application tools developed within a commercial GIS package. Drawing on a preliminary analysis of variations in accessibility to library services in a local authority area in south Wales, UK, a case study is presented whereby GIS-based models can be used to investigate spatial variations in digital services provision. As a result, provision gaps of such services can be identified. This study's findings help guide national government delivery programs to promote digital inclusion.  相似文献   

公共图书馆作为一种社会存在,在获取政府经费及政策支持的同时,也应当履行一定的社会责任。论文提出新时期公共图书馆可通过以下方式履行社会责任:开展延伸服务、缩小数字鸿沟、提供阅读指导、主动开展社会教育、丰富民众精神生活、履行公共社会责任等。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of ICTs, the Internet, and the Web on the life and work of people and mentions new services available through the convergence of computer and communication technologies. Also discussed are “digital determinism” in general and India's growing “digital divide” in particular. The paper discusses the promises and perils of the digital revolution. Comments are made on the library and information infrastructure, superstructure, and digitization initiatives in India. The paper concludes with the observation that only a suitable national policy for library and information systems can contain the emerging “digital divide” in India. Otherwise, networked information and library networks will have no meaning for the 47·79% Indians who are totally illiterate.  相似文献   

The provision of public Internet access and related networked services by public libraries is affected by a number of information policy issues. This article analyzes the policy dimensions of Internet connectivity in public libraries in light of the data and findings from a national survey of public libraries conducted by the authors of this article. After providing a summary of the study methodology and findings, this article examines key policy issues that include the nature of sufficient bandwidth and broadband, the perpetuation of the digital divide of Internet access in libraries, the role of libraries as e-government access points, the complexities of funding Internet access, the impacts and contradictions of filtering, and the chilling effect of homeland security legislation in public libraries. This article concludes with a discussion of how examining these policy issues can lead to a better understanding of public libraries and the Internet access they offer within the context of public policy.  相似文献   

Information inequity is a central concern of the digital age. Many recognize the role of public libraries in bridging such inequities. Unfortunately, however, public libraries are often limited by the funding available to them. This study used a geographic information system (GIS), inequality measures, and multiple regressions to analyze statistics from the Public Libraries Survey (PLS) collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and from census tract data. It evaluated the levels of public library funding and services and tested how these resources vary with neighborhood income and urbanization levels. This is one of the few nationwide multivariate studies of neighborhood-level variations. The study revealed significant funding and service variations across the nation's 9000 library systems. Distributions of digital materials, full-time staff with a master's degree in library and information science, and library programs were especially disparate. Library systems in lower-income or rural neighborhoods were relatively less funded and offered fewer information resources. Interestingly, the only variable that was not significantly associated with neighborhood income was the number of public Internet terminals. This suggests that recent funding and research efforts may have made a difference. Similar funding efforts are encouraged for other types of library resources such as staff education and training. In light of the prevalent disparities in resource levels across neighborhoods, the study calls for a fundamental evaluation of the funding mechanisms for libraries. Also, information behavior research should investigate how this structural information inequity affects individuals’ information use decisions.  相似文献   

Some public entities in South Africa have implemented digital records systems over a period of 20 years. In terms of the South African archival legal framework, there is a need for such entities to transfer the records into archival custody. However, there is consensus among researchers that there is no infrastructure to ingest digital records into archival custody in South Africa. Furthermore, some public entities have migrated from one system to another since implementation and there is a possibility that records might have been lost during migration. This study demonstrates through literature review the unconscious archival orthodoxy of post-custodial realities in South Africa. The study recommends that public entities should apply for exemption from archival legislation in order to develop an interim solution for the preservation of digital records. The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) is also encouraged to develop a policy on distributed custody to allow government entities to create interim solutions for preserving digital records. Both public entities and NARSSA should invest in capacity development, including training and provision of sustainable infrastructure required to preserve digital records. It is hoped that this study will influence policy-making with regard to custody of digital records.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of ICTs, the Internet, and the Web on the life and work of people and mentions new services available through the convergence of computer and communication technologies. Also discussed are “digital determinism” in general and India's growing “digital divide” in particular. The paper discusses the promises and perils of the digital revolution. Comments are made on the library and information infrastructure, superstructure, and digitization initiatives in India. The paper concludes with the observation that only a suitable national policy for library and information systems can contain the emerging “digital divide” in India. Otherwise, networked information and library networks will have no meaning for the 47·79% Indians who are totally illiterate.  相似文献   

An attempt is made in this paper to gain an understanding of the current and potential impact of the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the Small Island Sates of the Caribbean, in particular those populations living in rural communities. The introduction briefly examines the impact of ICTs on society and calls for alternative channels for government to serve rural communities through the use of Multi-Community Access Centres (MCACs) or information kiosks available at libraries, police stations, tourist information centres and post offices, as an e-governance initiative in the creation of “smart communities” and as a grassroots effort. No analysis of ICTs on government's functions would be complete if we did not address the growing debate on the digital divide. In this paper a section is devoted to this and it summarily addresses the growing divide between the developed and the developing world and the potential of these islands to leap–frog barriers to information flows and access. The heart of the paper examines the impact of the Internet on small island economies and the growing use of the Internet in key sectors of each economy. Since this paper is about governments’ use of ICTs to transfer business transactions onto the Internet to service their populace, some discussion is undertaken and considers ways in which innovation has impacted on governments’ services and the early attempts by some Caribbean administrations to implement e-governance. E-Voices illustrates how certain government measures affect some vulnerable groups in society and ways in which they can broker power to participate in the process. Some key policy directions are proposed for Caribbean states and other developing countries to pursue.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):119-137

Despite well-publicized advances in the development of antiretroviral therapies, HIV infection remains an incurable condition. Worldwide, the disease threatens to gravely impact a wide range of developing nations, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia and South America. In the United States, the poor and particularly women of color are at great, and increasing, risk for infection. Public libraries, as trusted public institutions for the dissemination of information, can continue to play an important role in promoting public health information surrounding HIV/AIDS prevention and education. Public libraries are not immune, however, to the political and value-driven public discourse surrounding HIV infection. Through carefully identifying the issues, taking a nonjudgmental service approach, and building collaborations with community based organizations, public libraries can become common ground for providing proactive prevention-focused information services. This article examines the current state of epidemic HIV/AIDS infection, reviews the literature on public library responses, and identifies highly select consumer health and biomedical monographic, serial, audio-visual and Web-based HIV/AIDS information tools.  相似文献   

公共图书馆缩小数字鸿沟的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
构建和谐社会是当今中国的主要任务,而营建一个和谐的信息社会,解决信息需求与供给的基本矛盾,是公共图书馆在和谐社会构建中担负的不可推卸的责任。数字鸿沟已成为构建和谐信息社会的重大障碍。本文剖析了数字鸿沟产生的原因、我国数字鸿沟的状况及其对和谐信息社会的危害,提出了公共图书馆缩小数字鸿沟、构建和谐信息社会的措施。  相似文献   

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