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本文通过对善本内涵和外延的阐释和对清刻古籍的论述,简要探讨了清刻古籍善本的历史地位和作用.  相似文献   

清代刻书大家张海鹏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了清代刻书大家张海鹏的生平、刻书思想、过程、数量、特点、阶段及其影响。揭示了他对我国文化事业作出的卓越贡献。  相似文献   

清代杭州府的人文环境极为发达,除滋养、汇聚了一批诗人、学者外,还出现一批以藏书、校书、刻书为主要学术活动的私人藏书家,振绮堂汪氏即是其中之一.汪氏斥资筑楼,购藏、抄校古籍,择其优者刊刻行世,其刻书活动从嘉庆九年延续到宣统二年.百余年间,汪氏一门六代之善守、善读、善刻,在士林较有影响,故有深入研究的价值.  相似文献   

汴梁是北宋最大的刻书中心之一,对雕版印刷的发展、普及、创新以及外传具有不可磨灭的贡献.虽然汴粱作为刻书中心仅存于北宋一代,然而它的成就和光辉仍然可以使其立于宋代四大刻书中心之列.  相似文献   

顾之逵是乾嘉时代的著名藏书家,其广收善本,约在乾隆五十七年(1792)到嘉庆二年(1797)之间.因为对学术的虔诚谨慎,以及对宋元善本的珍爱宝重,加上英年早逝,顾氏生前虽收藏宋元善本至少数十种,却未及编纂藏书志.其所批校题跋之书,均为明清本,所藏宋元善本,不肯轻施丹黄.顾氏刻书,有《列女传》与《艺苑捃华》四十八种.  相似文献   

本文回顾唐仲友研究概况,并调查现今仍存世之唐仲友台州任职期间所刻书遗存,即辽宁省图书馆存《扬子法言》和原存日本金泽文库《荀子》,以及婺州唐宅刻《周礼》一部又半部,唐仲友去世后其门生刻唐仲友著《帝王经世图谱》之宋刻本一部.希望通过实物认识唐仲友所刻书在书籍流传中的意义.  相似文献   

本概括介绍了我国清代刻书家郭柏苍毕生勤于述,乐于刻书的事实及其编辑思想和刻书特点。  相似文献   

王先谦与刻书   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王先谦为近代著名学者,是“湖南四王”之一,著述五十余种,刻书也极其丰富,清末湖南思贤书局刻书即多由其主持,本文介绍了他的刻书活动。  相似文献   

明代官府的刻书   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁恬《书隐丛说》谓:“官刻之书,至明极盛,内而南北两京,外而道学两署,无不盛行雕造”。此外“官司至任,数卷新书与土仪并充馈品”。这说明明代官府刻书的兴盛和普遍。以中央而言,沿历代建置有国子监刻书,明朝国子监有南北两处:一为南京国子监,一为北京国子监。南京国子监,称为南监或南雍。史称“太祖洪武元年八月,大将军徐达入元都收图籍”。(《明史·太祖本纪》)把所藏宋元雕版尽入南监,故梅《南雍志·经籍考》说:“本监所藏诸梓,多自旧国子监而来。”南监就是根据这些版片,加以修补印行,即后世所称的“三朝本”,其中以《十七史》最为有名…  相似文献   

针对参考文献表中外文文献与中文文献著录时常见的一些不同情况,对外文科技期刊卷期页以及刊名中一些特别之处进行了调查分析。结果表明:多数外文科技期刊的卷期号及页码的编排方式与国内期刊相同,但有一些外文科技期刊还是有其一些特别之处,如:一年有多卷且每卷有固定期数或一年有多卷但没有期号;页码数较大或单篇文章页数较多,卷号和页码中带有英文字母;一些论文集和研究报告也是正式出版的期刊。  相似文献   

新时期中小型图书馆发展新思路   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阐述中小型图书馆在新时期中所面临的困难与挑战,如何通过更新观念,提升价值来重新确立社会地位,探讨加快发展的新思路。  相似文献   

梳理了健身气功发展脉络,提出了气功歌诀、口诀整理实施方案,在全面标引气功歌诀、口诀的基础上,构建了气功歌诀、口诀数据库,挖掘了气功歌诀、口诀的养生及文化价值。  相似文献   


With the rapid rise in distance education and online courses, the need to provide effective library services to the faculty and students involved in online courses is vitally important. Traditional services cannot always be transferred easily to the online environment and may need to be modified, or new services may need to be created to meet the needs of online users. This article examines the needs and wants of faculty involved in offering online courses. A Web-based survey was administered to faculty teaching an online course within the past 2 years at the authors’ organization. Faculty were asked a series of questions including their use of current library services, their emphasis on students using library services, and the services and resources they would like the library to provide in the future. Questions for the survey were inspired by LibQual comments received during our 2005 and 2007 surveys as well as comments received from both faculty and students while teaching and participating in online courses. Faculty who took the survey teach in a variety of disciplines and have different experience levels with teaching online courses. Results of the survey will be presented along with inferences from the current literature. The audience will be invited to share their innovative service ideas. Participants will gain ideas for updated or new services to faculty teaching online courses.  相似文献   

The Interlibrary Loan Department is authorized to make immediate purchasing decisions for inexpensive items to speed delivery of requested materials to patrons and to enhance patron satisfaction. Criteria for purchasing, rather than borrowing materials for patrons through interlibrary loan are outlined. The practices and procedures of several other institutions about buying rather than borrowing in the interlibrary loan environment are reviewed. Copyright guidelines are another factor that affects decisions about borrowing or purchasing articles.  相似文献   

Small libraries have problems with accepting gifts of older material. Older textbooks are probably worthless, while real rarities may belong elsewhere. The usefulness of the book to the collection must be considered. While textbooks age, monographs have a longer life, and history and biography last forever. Ephemeral pamphlets have historical value. Condition of the book also affects its value. A library should always keep publications about its own institution.Suggestions are given on whether to discard or sell, with warnings about pitfalls in selling.  相似文献   

图书馆积累了大量的数据为开拓新的服务提供良好的资源,但是瓶颈问题复杂,数据检索是诸多瓶颈问题之一,利用大数据量对服务器及服务器群进行测试,用测试数据来验证数据库设计的合理性,为规划和管理数据提供有力的支持,更为开展新的信息化服务项目提供保证。本文着重对数据表中字段和数据进行划分,在实际和理想环境下分时段进行测试,并得出数据表字段和数据量的关系结果。  相似文献   

含有地区概念或时间概念的先组词应区分为属概念与种概念,对属概念的研究可直接选用先组词为标引词,对先组词种概念的研究应该选用种概念对应的主题词与位置因素和时间因素组配标引。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(81):105-117

This paper considers leadership and management issues affecting libraries in general. Specific attention is devoted to academic libraries and their reference departments. It focuses on the dynamics of leadership and management of academic library reference services and what is expected of the reference department head of the 21st century. It explores the changing roles of reference librarians and those of their leaders or department heads. It examines the leadership skills, traits, and competencies and attributes expected of the department head of reference in the new millennium. The paper also examines the paradox of leadership and management and draws distinction between the two terms. It finally looks into whether it is appropriate to have a manager from outside the library profession to be the head of an academic library reference department.  相似文献   

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