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Adding contents notes to a bibliographic record enhances the accessibility of the record beyond the usual title, author, and subject headings. Does increased accessibility necessarily mean increased circulation? This article summarizes the results of a 22-month study at Stetson University in Florida, a small liberal arts university. The study tracked circulation statistics for over 2,500 titles enhanced by the addition of contents notes in their catalog records. Contents notes were added locally through the OCLC Bibliographic Notification Service and were added manually upon a librarian's recommendation. The results include the number of titles which saw increased circulation, and the amount of staff time taken and costs incurred to add contents notes.  相似文献   

佛山市图书馆邻里图书馆项目运营两年多的经验表明,家庭藏书是公共图书馆文献资源的重要补充,将家庭藏书纳入公共图书馆同一平台流通是一个新课题。为了探究家藏图书在流通管理中信任不足的问题,文章设计了基于区块链技术的家藏图书流通平台。平台兼具资源整合、个性化推荐、信用构建及实时监控等功能,旨在盘活社会文献资源,构建多元共建、协同共治的高可靠性自动管理和生态运作服务模式,形成公共图书馆服务模式的全新生态。  相似文献   

A desire to learn more about how library resources were being used led to an analysis of the circulation records of books added to a psychiatric library collection from July, 1983 through May, 1985. The total number of books that circulated was counted, as well as the number and percentage circulated in specific subject areas. Missing titles were also tallied. Borrowers were categorized as in-house or off-site and their usage of the collection noted. The results of this study provided useful information for future collection development.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of quality management issues for electronic resource metadata to assess the support of user tasks (find, select, and obtain library resources) and potential for increased efficiencies in acquisitions and cataloging workflows. The authors evaluated the quality of existing bibliographic records (mostly vendor supplied) for e-resource collections as compared with records for the same collections in OCLC's WorldShare Collection Manager (WCM). Findings are that WCM records better support user tasks by containing more summaries and tables of contents; other checkpoints are largely comparable between the two source record groups. The transition to WCM records is discussed.  相似文献   

高校图书馆流通管理模式的改革与思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在简要回顾我国高等院校图书馆流通管理模式改革的基础上,提出进一步的改革思路:以文献的学科内容区分借阅空间,实行藏、借、阅合一,并向全体读者开放,是当前高等院校图书馆流通管理比较科学合理的管理模式.阐述推行此管理模式的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

Collaboration is a necessity in the current library environment where time, money, and resources are limited. This is particularly noticeable for institutions housing federal government documents. In addition to keeping up with the influx of current publications, federal depository libraries must address historical documents for which bibliographic records are not readily available. This report discusses how the United States Government Printing Office and the University of Montana Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library are working together to increase access to pre-1976 United States Forest Service publications and gray literature within the same subject area.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书流通服务是图书馆的基础工作之一,随着数字化阅读的发展,纸质图书借阅量逐年下降,同时受限于场地、资金问题,图书复本数减少,导致图书流通过程中读者体验感降低。本研究旨在通过简化图书流通过程中的部分环节,缩短读者借阅的等待时间,提高图书流通率。[方法/过程] 在调研国内外相关研究与实践的基础上,提出C2C(Consumer to Consumer)视角下馆外图书流通服务,通过该服务读者间可以不通过图书馆的流通系统和工作人员,在实体图书馆之外完成图书的转借。本研究从具体实践出发,并结合问卷调查,了解该服务存在的问题并提出相应解决措施。[结果/结论] 实践表明,C2C视角下馆外图书流通服务减少了传统图书流通过程中"一还一借"流程,尤其是在馆藏资源复本有限的情况下,能节约读者时间,提高读者阅读意愿和满意度,同时可以盘活馆藏资源,提高图书流通率。在一定程度上推动了图书流通服务创新和图书流通服务模式变革。  相似文献   

图书馆RFID系统建设的成效与发展思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厦门图书馆引入RFID系统,使读者到馆数和文献借阅量大幅度增长,并带动了厦门区级图书馆自动化技术的发展。厦门图书馆在RFID系统建设的过程中发现,RFID技术需要不断的完善,并且需要建立统一的RFID技术标准,以实现厦门地区资源的共建共享。因此,厦门图书馆将以市馆为中心馆,建设厦门地区RFID系统的大流通服务体系,尝试利用智能书架系统提高工作效率,应用不停车即可还书的自助还书系统。  相似文献   


The impacts of technology upon traditional library resources are sometimes unexpected. The library at California's University of the Pacific discovered that usage of print materials was dwindling, even though the addition of a 50-station “Information Commons” had bolstered overall library use. At first it was anticipated that the circulation desk might, within several years, be downsized into a mere information kiosk. Nevertheless, a study of the two service points-the Information Commons and the Circulation Desk-concluded that patrons still seek library services with a personal touch and continue to demand print materials. A “user satisfaction” survey revealed no mandate from users for the abandonment of print materials. As in the past, the services of the circulation desk have adapted to fit its users.  相似文献   

论文以浙江省磐安县农村图书流通站的工作实践为例,简述了图书流通站实行图书资源的统一管理与调配、开展送知识到农民家门口、促进农民阅读与图书交流等系列服务,论述了农村图书流通站在建设学习型农村中所发挥的提供思想精神资源、知识与智力资源以及科技信息资源的重要作用。  相似文献   

针对现阶段社会力量参助图书馆事业缺乏激励和规范的状态,提出应建立人性化的激励机制,提高公民个人参助图书馆事业的意识;创新企业参与理念,大力发展非政府组织,强化和发挥企业、非政府组织在社会力量参助图书馆事业中的作用。同时强调明确政府在参助图书馆事业中的责任,建立政府扶持和资助机制;图书馆界应建立公开、透明的运行机制,以提高社会力量参助图书馆事业的公信力。  相似文献   

As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

人力资源管理理论的导入与当今图书馆员培训   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
图书馆作为知识信息的传播中心,其实力来源于图书、资源、设备、人员、技术等,而在这些资源要素中,人力资源占据着极其重要的地位。然而,现实的状况却造成了图书馆人力资源供给与需求的严重不平衡。图书馆应按照一定的程序,采取相应的方法,依据人力资源管理的基本原则,对馆员进行基本技能培训、解决实际问题能力的培训,人际交往能力的培训以及态度培训等,从而全面提高图书馆员的素质。  相似文献   

扩大读者借阅量的成功尝试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析、比较相关统计数据,认为在有充裕的馆藏及电子资源作保障的前提下,大幅度扩大读者的借阅量有利于进一步提高图书流通率和藏书利用率,满足读者更多的信息需求。  相似文献   

借阅权流转——一种值得关注的借阅制度   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
借阅权分配制度是平衡借阅机会,提高馆藏资源利用率,改善读者服务质量的重要手段。我国现行的借阅权分配制度存在明显的不合理性,造成借阅机会和文献信息资源的大量浪费。借阅权流转制度有四种主要形式。这种制度值得引起人们的高度重视。  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(2-3):143-165

The incorporation of technology into library processes has tremendously impacted staff and users alike. The University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries is no exception. Sixteen years of reference statistics are analyzed to examine the relationships between the implementation of CD-ROMs and web-based resources and the number of reference questions. Gate counts and circulation statistics for recent years are also evaluated. Overall, reference statistics have been declining over the years under review. The introduction of CD-ROMs caused a rise in reference statistics for several years before the statistics decreased again. Moving the resources to a web-based format minimally affected the number of reference question numbers, although the rate of decline slowed. Gate counts are increasing in one of the libraries examined and circulation statistics are rising. Changes in gate and circulation numbers are due to factors such as increased student enrollment and increased library instruction rather than technology changes within the Libraries.  相似文献   

叶峰 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):155-156,177
数字图书馆作为一个巨大的资源库群,其资源保障体系必不可少。文章通过与传统图书馆的比较,论述了数字图书馆资源保障体系建设的内容和步骤。  相似文献   

当前的学术研究环境需要图书馆为科研机构提供一个新型信息服务平台以满足科研人员的需求。针对传统图书馆服务的局限,文章构建了基于社会网络架构的学术研究平台,整合科研人员、研究工具与图书馆资源及网络信息资源于一体,为科研人员个人、群体和学科领域提供不同层次的应用,延伸图书馆的服务空间和内容,以期提高图书馆信息服务能力。  相似文献   

论文先简要介绍中国高校图书馆馆藏资源状况与省际分布,再说明与馆藏资源利用率算法相关的注意事项,接着探讨成本收益分析、物流与供应链管理以及人力资源管理等理论对馆藏资源管理的可借鉴之处,最后从管理实践角度来研究高校图书馆提升馆藏资源利用率的各种机制。  相似文献   

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