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各种运动项目由于它们的动作结构和用力性质不同,需不同部位的肌肉力量和不同性质的力量素质。为此,应首先对举重竞赛动作的结构和用力性质进行分析,明确哪些肌肉参与完成竞赛动作,从而在训练中选择相应的专项辅助动作和方法去发展这些肌肉力量和力量素质,为提高专项运动成绩奠定基础。  相似文献   

CBA篮球联赛前期力量训练方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国职业男子篮球赛期间运动员的力量水平下降问题进行了实验分析,结果表明:采用间歇力量训练法,结合速度耐力的训练,有利于运动员的最大力量、肌肉围度、肌肉抗疲劳的能力和比赛力量水平的提高和保持。在长时间连续的比赛中,间歇力量训练法较传统力量塔式训练法、强度训练法、重复训练法效果更好。  相似文献   

花样滑冰跳跃动作的解剖学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肌肉力量是花样滑冰自由滑跳跃动作中跳跃高度和旋转速度的物质基础,发展花样滑冰运动员下肢肌肉的力量主要以提高肌肉弹性力和肌肉质量为主。通过分析跳跃动作各阶段的关节运动和原动肌,从而找出完成跳跃动作的技术关键,为花样滑冰教学与训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

肌肉力量和肥大是阻力训练的两个主要目标,这两个目标是通过控制各种各样的变量来实现的.动作节奏是一个经常被忽视的训练变量,同时也是提高机体力量和肥大效益不可缺少的变量.尽管在现有的研究中已经广泛调查了不同强度、负荷和间歇时间对肌肉力量和肥大的影响,但许多肌肉的相关文献中少有考虑动作节奏的影响.在离心和向心阶段改变动作节奏...  相似文献   

<正>任何力量训练方案都无法规避大型、复合的举重动作,因为这样能募集到最多的肌肉,产生最佳效果。如果你想构建更粗的手臂围度和更鲜明的腹肌刻度,可以试试力量训练的升级版——超级组。在这套训练方案中,第一个超级组将主要靶向背部和肱二头肌,胸部、核心肌肉群和肱三头肌会得到一些追加的好处。第二个超级组相对容易一些,因为它涉及的肌肉较少,但它的目标肌群更集中在手臂部位。最后一个超级组通过完成背部伸展,  相似文献   

文章结合笔者多年培训教练的实践:从改进学员原地三级跳远动作,形成正确的姿势入手;在强化弹跳力素质训练的同时渗透协调性和柔韧性的训练;在抓腿部力量素质的同时关注腰腹部肌肉力量的发展;并按照学生技术原理和学员各自的身材条件、动作特点,区别对待的实施教学训练。使学生在历年的高考体育术科原地三级跳远测试中取得好成绩。  相似文献   

自由式滑雪空中技巧着陆动作的成功与否,不仅关系到运动成绩,同时影响安全训练,造成受伤。本文从力量练习的方式,练习的强度和肌肉力量与其收缩速度的关系方面,对着陆动作专项力量练习作出了分析。  相似文献   

基础阶段的核心力量训练更倾向于关注静力姿势的练习,特别是对核心肌群的本体感觉进行刺激,而且要加大核心肌群的肌肉力量,首先发展神经--肌肉系统的能力,为下一阶段的训练做好准备。至于训练时间,可以根据不同的运动员制定不同的训练时间,但是必须至少1-2周,在基础阶段需要持续,但在后期,很多练习也应持续。静立姿势的练习比较关注动作的规范准确,不适宜有过大的负荷量,可以随着静力姿势维持的时间长度来调整运动的负荷强度。  相似文献   

优秀男子跳远运动员起跳动作运动学与肌电的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取以快速力量为代表的跳远起跳技术动作作为研究动作,利用先进的运动生物力学设备进行同步实验,获取运动员起跳过程中的运动学和肌电学指标参数,运用生物学和生物力学理论进行分析,以探讨起跳动作神经肌肉工作的专项特征,将有助于推动跳远专项力量训练由粗犷型向集约型的转化,提高运动训练过程的科学化水平,为我国竞技体育训练实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

目的通过分析散打鞭腿技术的基本特征,为鞭腿技术在体育教学和运动训练中的应用提供依据。对象散打专业学生运动学测试数据。方法运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等研究方法对受试者实验数据进行分析。结果受试者的平均反应时间为0.3972s;腿部力量越好、爆发力越强和肌肉的控制力越好,出腿、收腿和稳定性越好。结论接触沙袋时,膝关节角度的大小对鞭腿动作技术的击打效果和击打的精准度有所影响。  相似文献   


This study aimed to analyse whether increasing the eccentric overload (EO) during resistance training, in terms of range of motion and/or velocity using an electric-motor device, would induce different muscle adaptations than conventional flywheel-EO resistance training. Forty physically active university students (21.7?±?3.4 years) were randomly placed into one of the three training groups (EX1, EX2, FW) and a control group without training (n?=?10 per group). Participants in the training groups completed 12 sessions (4 sets of 7 repetitions) of iso-inertial single-leg squat training over 6 weeks for the dominant leg. Resistance was generated either by an electric-motor device at two different velocities for the eccentric phase; 100% (EX1) or 150% (EX2) of concentric speed, or by a conventional flywheel device (FW). Thigh lean tissue mass, unilateral leg press one-repetition maximum (1-RM), unilateral muscle power at different percentages of the 1-RM and bilateral/unilateral vertical jump were assessed before and after the 6-week training. There were significant (p?<?0.05–0.001) main effects of time in the 3 training groups, indicating increased thigh lean tissue mass (2.5–5.8%), 1-RM load (22.4–30.2%), vertical jump performance (9.1–32.9%) and muscle power (8.8–21.7%), without differences across experimental groups. Participants in the control group did not improve any of the variables measured. In addition, EX2 showed greater gains in eccentric average peak power during training than EX1 and FW (p?<?0.001). Despite the different EO offered, 6 weeks of resistance training using flywheel or electric-motor devices induced similar significant gains in muscle mass, strength, muscle power and vertical jump.  相似文献   

为探讨不同强度训练对运动员肌肉围度的影响,以安徽省优秀男子皮艇运动员为研究对象,进行为期4周的10次重复80%1RM训练。结果表明,在通过4周10次重复80%1RM强度长时间的力量训练后,队员在完成规定的运动强度和运动量,被训练肌群肌肉围度有显著的增长。结论:10次重复80%1RM的强度和1min30s~2min30s的间歇训练可有效的发展肌肉围度,可作为发展肌纤维肥大有效手段。旨在通过可靠地训练强度负荷,探索发展肌纤肥大的有效训练方法。  相似文献   

为了探索神经肌肉电刺激技术在赛艇运动训练中的实际应用,我们对浙江女子赛艇队的6名队员进行了为期6周的实验研究,其中3人以治疗腰肌劳损为主要目的,另3人以发展背阔肌力量为目的。经与同期进行正常训练不接受电刺激的对照组8人比较,发现实验组的力量训练效果皆优于对照组,且腰肌劳损组的平均最大卧拉力增长大于背阔肌组。  相似文献   

马维平 《体育科研》2010,31(5):91-94
用每周一次的肌肉力量训练频率的方法,对高校从未受过常规定期的肌肉力量训练普通大学生,进行在每周一次的体育课上进行了为期10周的肌肉力量训练实验,以观察肌肉力量训练产生的效果。训练前后为他们测试了卧推杠铃和直立杠铃弯举的成绩(1RM),还分别测量了练习前后大腿围和上臂围等。训练周期以后1RM比开始前增加了10%以上,不管是卧推杠铃还是直立杠铃弯举等项目都有明显的进步。结果表明,每周一次频率的肌肉力量练习确实能增加大学生的肌肉力量,但这种形式的锻炼并未能使身体形态发生明显的变化。  相似文献   

功能训练的理念来源于康复领域,现已逐步应用到运动训练中。由于乒乓球运动的项目特征,乒乓球运动员肩关节、腰椎关节、膝关节、踝关节、腕关节等部位容易出现运动损伤。通过对乒乓球运动员常出现的功能问题进行分析,寻找存在的常见问题,进而提出相应的功能训练建议。乒乓球运动员可根据情况,增加改善肩关节、胸椎关节、髋关节、踝关节的活动范围的训练,提高肩胛骨、核心和下肢稳定性的训练,以及改善肩袖、躯干肌力不平衡的训练,通过针对性的功能训练有效减少乒乓球运动员损伤的发生。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of concentric warm-up exercise on eccentrically induced changes in muscle strength, range of motion, and soreness of the elbow flexors. Ten resistance-exercise naïve participants performed intermittent incremental eccentric actions (42 in total) of the elbow flexor muscles of each arm to induce muscle damage. The arms of each participant were randomly assigned either to a pre-eccentric exercise warm-up involving intermittent concentric exercise (warm-up) or no prior exercise (control). Strength, range of motion, and ratings of soreness were recorded before and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 days after exercise. Strength, range of motion, and soreness during muscular movements changed over time (P at most 0.01; Cohen's d at least 0.51, medium). There was an interaction (P < 0.001) for strength, showing a smaller reduction after exercise for warm-up than control (P < 0.001, d = 2.44, large effect). The decreased range of motion was less for warm-up than control for the arm while extended (P < 0.001), flexed (P = 0.002), and relaxed (P = 0.004). Muscle soreness was reduced for the warm-up group, while the muscle was flexed, extended, and relaxed compared with control (P < 0.001). The results demonstrate that a concentric warm-up exercise attenuates the reduction in loss of strength, range of motion, and muscle soreness after eccentric-exercise-induced muscle damage and might allow higher intensities of training to be performed.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to assess changes in muscle architecture, isometric and dynamic strength of the leg extensor muscles, resulting from dynamic resistance training, and the relationships between strength and muscle architecture variables. The participants (n = 30) were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The training group (n = 16; age 21.8 +/- 2.3 years, body mass 74.8 +/- 9.2 kg, height 1.75 +/- 0.08 m) performed dynamic resistance training for 13 weeks. The control group (n = 14; age 19.9 +/- 1.5 years, body mass 74.0 +/- 8.5 kg, height 1.76 +/- 0.05 m) did not perform any resistance training. Maximal dynamic and isometric strength were tested in both groups, before and after the training period. The members of the training group used the free-weight squat lift (90 degrees ) as their training exercise. The concentric phase of the squat was performed explosively. Skeletal muscle architecture of the vastus lateralis was visualized using ultrasonography. At the end of the study, significant increases in vastus lateralis muscle thickness (+6.9%, P < 0.001), fascicle length (+10.3%, P < 0.05), one-repetition maximum (+8.2%, P < 0.05), rate of force development (+23.8%, P < 0.05) and average force produced in the first 500 ms (+11.7%, P < 0.05) were seen only in the training group. Adaptations to the muscle architecture in the training group limited the loss of fibre force, and improved the capacity for developing higher velocities of contraction. The architectural changes in the training group were similar to those seen in studies where high-speed training was performed. In conclusion, dynamic resistance training with light loads leads to increases in muscle thickness and fascicle length, which might be related to a more efficient transmission of fibre force to the tendon.  相似文献   

短跑运动员的股后肌群力量训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈为群 《福建体育科技》2001,20(6):20-24,28
股后肌群力量薄弱 ,造成前后侧肌群力量比例失调 ,影响了短跑成绩提高 ,也是产生大腿后侧肌群拉伤的直接原因。股后肌群力量训练手段的匮乏直接影响大腿后侧肌群力量的发展。本文根据短跑周期中股后肌用力特点 ,创造股后肌专项力量训练手段与方法 ,经实践取得了良好训练效果  相似文献   


Elite badminton requires muscular endurance combined with appropriate maximal and explosive muscle strength. The musculature of the lower extremities is especially important in this context since rapid and forceful movements with the weight of the body are performed repeatedly throughout a match. In the present study, we examined various leg-strength parameters of 35 male elite badminton players who had been performing resistance exercises as part of their physical training for several years. The badminton players were compared with an age-matched reference group, the members of whom were physically active on a recreational basis, and to the same reference group after they had performed resistance training for 14 weeks. Maximal muscle strength of the knee extensor (quadriceps) and flexor muscles (hamstrings) was determined using isokinetic dynamometry. To measure explosive muscle strength, the contractile rate of force development was determined during maximal isometric muscle contractions. In general, the badminton players showed greater maximal muscle strength and contractile rate of force development than the reference group: mean quadriceps peak torque during slow concentric contraction: 3.69 Nm · kg?1, s=0.08 vs. 3.26 Nm · kg?1, s=0.8 (P<0.001); mean hamstring peak torque during slow concentric contraction: 1.86 Nm · kg?1, s=0.04 vs. 1.63 Nm · kg?1, s=0.04 (P<0.001); mean quadriceps rate of force development at 100 ms: 24.4 Nm · s?1·kg?1, s=0.5 vs. 22.1 Nm·s?1 · kg?1, s=0.6 (P<0.05); mean hamstring rate of force development at 100 ms: 11.4 Nm · s?1·kg?1, s=0.3 vs. 8.9 Nm · s?1 · kg?1, s=0.4 (P<0.05). However, after 14 weeks of resistance training the reference group achieved similar isometric and slow concentric muscle strength as the badminton players, although the badminton players still had a higher isometric rate of force development and muscle strength during fast (240° · s?1) quadriceps contractions. Large volumes of concurrent endurance training could have attenuated the long-term development of maximal muscle strength in the badminton players. The badminton players had a higher contractile rate of force development than the reference group before and after resistance training. Greater explosive muscle strength in the badminton players might be a physiological adaptation to their badminton training.  相似文献   

目的:探索增长的规律,为科学制定体育训练和康复训练提供科学依据。方法:分为实验组和对照组,训练频率采用1天1次、2天1次,3天1次三种,对35名浙江大学正常健康男女大学生分组进行为期四周的单腿等动肌力训练,同对照组相比较,研究单侧腿伸肌在时间维度上的力量增长规律。结果:三种频率之间没有显著差异,但各组被试的膝关节髌骨内侧肌拉伤率存在显著差异,3天一次组没有出现膝关节髌骨内侧肌拉伤。结论:等动力量训练能够在短期内显著提高肌肉力量,3天1次可能是比较理想的训练频率。  相似文献   

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