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美国绩效标准本位教师教育课程理念与实践探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国绩效标准本位教师教育课程理念与实践的变革体现为四个维度:教师观,强调教师是从事复杂工作的专业者;知识观,认为教学知识是复杂的情景化知识;教学观,倡导教学要基于情境,以学生为中心展开;评价观,主张教学评价要注重个体发展和整体质量。美国教师教育相关院校和机构依据上述理念,基于自身特点选择并调适相应的教师教育标准,对教师的职责、教学理论及评价方式等进行多方面改革探索,实践中改革者在各维度所做的改变和尝试可为我国教师教育课程标准的优化和教师教育课程的构建与实施提供启示。  相似文献   

美国纽约大学儿童教育专业的课程设置,是基于教师专业教学标准的教师教育课程设置的典型代表.我国的教师教育课程改革应以此为借鉴,依据国家教师教育课程标准或教师专业教学标准设置教师教育课程,并以知识和技能为本,注重课程的实践性.  相似文献   

陈建 《物理教师》2014,(7):67-69
"明示知识"和"默会知识"是人类知识的两大类型。教师的默会知识主要表现为教师的教育观念、教育技能、教育经验等。对物理教师而言,教育观念包含物理课程观、物理教学观、物理学习观与学生观、物理教学效能感等,教育技能既包含各科教师必须具备的教学设计、沟通交往、教学评价、反思发展等方面的共性技能,也包括实验设计与操作、科技活动的组织与指导、数理结合、信息技术与物理课程整合等体现物理学科特点的特殊技能。中学物理教师的专业成长过程中既要重视显性知识的学习,更要注重默会知识的积累。外显性理论知识的内化、自身实践基础上的积累、教育同伴的知识分享是物理教师默会知识建构的基本途径。  相似文献   

美国教师教育课程经历了从知识取向、能力取向、标准取向向儿童学习结果取向的转型。前三种价值取向是以未来教师为中心,强调其基本教学知识与技能的掌握;后一种取向是以儿童的学习与发展为中心,用儿童学习结果来评价教师教育课程及未来教师的有效性,以确保教师教育的质量。这一转型对我国教师教育发展具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

按照基础教育阶段英语课程总目标的要求,《全日制义务教育英语课程标准(实验稿)》对语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面分别提出了相应的标准,其中对听、说、读、写四种语言技能提出了九个级别的目标要求。课标吸收了国内外先进理论和经验,倡导以学生为中心,尊重个体差异,推行任务型的学习模式,注重过程评价,体现了外语教学的特点。要将课标的精神落到实处,广大一线教师必须更新教育观念,树立正确的教育观、教学观、教材观、学生观。这是课程改革获得成功的前提。一、准确把握课程标准的教学理念,优化教学方式教师要改…  相似文献   

一、主体性教育的必要性(一)新课程改革需要自主性教学传统的教学观及教学模式是应试教育下的产物,已越来越不适应时代发展的需要,不适应学生发展的需要。因此,教育部颁布《基础教育课程改革(试行)》,提出改变过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调主动学习,在课程内容上关注终身学习必备的知识技能;在教学方法上反对过于强调接受学习、死记硬背和机械训练,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作的能力。(二)彻底改变政治教师教学观和学生学习观需要主体性教学…  相似文献   

知识观不仅决定了教师在课程知识面前的态度,也影响了教学活动开展的方式方法以及教师个体在教学过程中的"自我"展现。传统课程强调知识的客观性、普适性,教学目的即知识传承,教学过程即知识再现与舞台表演,教学方式注重事前预设与模式搬运,教师教学个性受到抑制。建基于新知识观上的课程改革,宣扬课程知识的个体性、情境性和生成性特征,因而教学目的转变为知识的创造,教学过程转变为知识生成与生命表现,教学方式侧重于及时行动与因地制宜,教师教学个性得以生成。  相似文献   

文章拟针对高师现代汉语课程教学脱离基础教育课程改革实际需要的突出问题,以促进语文教师专业化发展为旨归,从现代汉语课程教学的知识观、教学观、学习观、评价观等几方面具体分析了存在的弊病,提出了教师在课程实施中应积极开发课程资源、突出师生对话、激励学生学习、以评价促进学生发展等策略,以适应基础教育新课程改革对师资的需要。  相似文献   

教师教育课程实践转向表征了教师知识对于教育教学实践逻辑的积极回应,需要从知识观层面对其作出理性审视。教师教育课程转入实践、转向个体、转为能力割裂了理论性知识与实践性知识的内在联系,缺乏对知识公共性的观照,忽视了知识生成与价值辩护,具有局限性。基于实践性知识的视域,教师教育课程的实践转向要求其课程建设注重理解性、对话性和生成性,在课程建设中,重视效果历史意识、注重问题整合知识、提供实验教学的课程实施和课程开发方法的整体转变是可能的策略。  相似文献   

回顾我国教育理念的发展历程,结合新课标课程改革要求,从音乐教师角色转换,探析音乐教师树立良好的学生观、发展观、知识观和课程观的现实意义,指出音乐教师教学角色扮演的出路,从而为音乐教育教学工作进行有效指导,推动音乐课程改革科学有效的进行。  相似文献   

Over the years, educational psychology has been a part of teacher preparation, moving from a centerpiece in many programs, through periods when it was deemed irrelevant by some, to current concerns about its role in the reforming of teacher education and teaching. Today, psychological knowledge is used to ground reforms in teaching and schooling, particularly the call for teaching for understanding. Current standards for teacher certifications and licensure and suggestions for reform in teacher education assume that teachers will have a deep and generative understanding of learning, development, motivation, and individual differences. This article explores several themes that recur in the writing on reforms and teacher standards: the need to place learning at the center of teaching, the call for integrated studies, and the value of collaboration with the public schools. These themes have both positive and negative implications for the role of educational psychology in teacher education.  相似文献   

美国教师教育改革新趋势对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国奥巴马政府执政以来,增加联邦教育经费,招募教师和吸引人才,进一步提高学生学业标准并奖励优秀教师,出台了一系列对美国的教师教育发展产生深刻影响的教育革新计划。美国大学在通识教育、培养模式、教学实习、教师资格等方面的改革举措有:在教师教育课程方面,更加注重多学科知识基础;在培养模式上更加多元化;延长教育实习期,完善实习专业标准;严格教师资格认定标准,建立考试体系。美国教师教育改革的经验和创新措施,对我国的启示主要有以下四点:建立和完善国家教师教育课程标准,强化教师综合素质提升;完善教育实习顶层制度设计,建立国家级教师教育实习基地;健全和完善国家评定标准,把好教师准入关;完善多层级的专业发展模式,建立教师资格证书进阶制。  相似文献   

In many countries, there are no professional standards determining attributes, praxis, effectiveness and evaluation for teachers of relationships and sexuality education in schools. However, in the USA, a new set of pre-service teacher preparation standards has been developed for sexuality education and health. Australia has a set of generic teacher professional standards, but none specifically designed for teachers of relationships and sexuality education. This study aims to explore the possible development of such specific education professional standards for Australian teachers, by comparing and contrasting the knowledge, skills, and competencies exemplified in the prospective USA preparation standards with those in existing generic Australian teacher standards at graduate level. The analysis points to common areas of suitability, competencies, and effectiveness that could help pre-service/initial teachers, in-service teachers, and teacher educators find appropriate and relevant benchmarks for the teaching of timely and comprehensive relationships and sexuality education. The findings show structural similarities, content consistencies, and helpful commonalities in both standards’ sets, comprising seven USA teacher preparation standards, and seven Australian teacher professional standards. Such information may be useful for teachers and educators wishing to generate professional standards for the teaching of relationships and sexuality education in Australia.  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革中教师角色的转变   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
当前正在进行的基础教育课程改革要求教师的角色必须进行相应的转变。即由知识的传授者转向学习的参与者、促进者和指导者;由“教书匠”转向科研型、创新型教师;由单一型教师转向综合型教师;由传统教学方式转向现代教学方式;由面向全体学生的教学转为面向全体与面向个体学生相结合的教学。  相似文献   

新课改是我国现代教育根据当前社会发展情况和教学效果实施的新一轮基础教育课程改革,其主要的目的就是在教学的基础上构建以综合素质教育为基础的知识教学模式。在面临社会环境改变的情况下,通过多种科学化、科技化的教学理念和教学内容,促进学生全面、自主、个性的发展。  相似文献   

The mathematics education community has been widely recognized as a leader in the standards-based reform movement. Despite the widespread interest and attention that reform documents such as the NCTM Standards have generated, what has yet to be fully understood is the impact of these types of reform documents on the preservice teacher preparation process. This paper examines the state of the standards-based reform effort in mathematics teacher education by presenting the results of a three-year study of six cohorts of secondary mathematics student teachers (n = 63). Examined in particular are the ways in which these student teachers' professed beliefs about and knowledge of the NCTM Standards contrast with their teaching practices. Possible explanations for the mismatch between belief and knowledge statements and teaching practices are examined, along with other implications for mathematics teacher preparation.  相似文献   

Since the mid-eighties, national organizations have been working together in an effort to reform schools and, more specifically, to reform teaching. Paralleling the movement toward developing curriculum standards for students, professional standards for teachers have also been developed for the purpose of teacher education program accreditation. The objective of this national coalition is to strengthen the teaching profession and raise its standards—eventually enhancing the quality of student learning—by redesigning teacher licensing and accountability requirements for teacher education programs, and engaging teachers in on-going professional development. In this study we address three specific questions: (1) what representations of teaching and teachers are portrayed in the professional teaching standards, their related policies and assessment? (2) how are standards-based reform policies affecting teacher education programs? (3) what representations or conceptions of teaching and teachers are currently reflected in teacher education programs in the context of this reform? To address these questions two states were selected as test cases. Reform documents, policies and practices, as well as interviews with key participants in the reform (e.g., teacher educators, state-level administrators) are described and analyzed, and constitute the evidential basis for this study. The patterns emerging from the data indicate that teacher educators’ degrees of resistance or cooperation with externally imposed frameworks is influenced by their conception of teaching, education and its purpose. Further, as teacher educators uncritically participate in the standards-based movement it becomes impossible for them to entertain alternative perspectives on teaching and education outside of the framework provided to them by the standards.  相似文献   

核心素养是个体应对21世纪知识经济快速发展的必备品格和关键能力,是基础教育课程改革深化的重要内容。培育学生核心素养需要推进教学变革,即从知识本位教学走向素养本位教学,从课堂讲授走向合作探究,从单一式教学评价走向综合型教学评价,从独白式教学情境走向复合式教学情境。  相似文献   

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