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在医患关系迫切需要破冰的形势下,结合专家访谈、文献研究了解医学职业精神现状,立足医学职业精神视角,探索、构建医学职业精神视角下医患风险管控的模型,并结合医患关系案例,剖析医患风险管控模型的价值。  相似文献   

良好的医患信任关系是保证医疗工作顺利开展的必备条件,而现有的医患信任关系则存在诸多问题。运用博弈理论,构建医患信任形成的博弈模型,对医患信任关系形成的内在机制和问题进行分析。基于此,在医患关系中引入政府监管部门,构建政府监管下的医患信任形成的博弈模型。政府监管部门作为管理者,在医患信任问题的形成上发挥着举足轻重的作用。因此,政府部门可通过一定的制度和政策,促进并构建医患信任体系,建立和谐的医患信任关系。  相似文献   

商业银行操作风险管控能力评价是风险管理的一项重要基础工作。运用可拓工程方法,构建了商业银行操作风险管控能力评价模型。结果表明,该模型计算简便,评价客观,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

阐述医患关系是健康传播研究的一个重要领域;分析医患矛盾成因;论述在线诊疗对医患关系的影响;分析在线诊疗模式存在的问题;提出从制定标准、安全保障、加强监管、加快立法等方面入手,规避在线诊疗医患矛盾风险。  相似文献   

目的调查海南医学院在校医学生对医患关系现状的认知情况,并分析其对医学生择业的影响。方法对海南医学院的646名在校医学生进行医患关系认知情况的调查,采取问卷调查法,发放并回收问卷,进行统计学分析,得出结论。结果54.02%的医学生认为当今的医患关系形势不容乐观,不同政治面貌对当前医患关系现状认知情况不同,有统计学差异(P<0.001)。有87.9%的医学生仍然坚持从医,虽然有超过一半的医学生认为当今医患关系不容乐观,但并没有影响大家选择从医的志向。高年级(68.1%)和低年级(51.9%)都有超过半数的医学生认为医生风险大、压力大、不安全。而且有更多的高年级学生认为医生这个职业不安全、风险大。高年级和低年级差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论大部分医学生对当前及未来医患关系持有悲观态度,医患关系现状对医学生的就业和择业产生了一定的负面影响,高年级医学生和女生受到的影响更大。  相似文献   

医患纠纷已成为当下社会主要热点问题,探讨借鉴利用唯物辩证法思想来指导医患纠纷防治工作,结合唯物辩证法三大规律,分析医患纠纷现状,旨在为缓和当前医患矛盾,构建和谐医患关系,推动医患纠纷防治工作取得重大进展。  相似文献   

通过分析医患关系和临床实习生医患沟通能力的现状,针对医学生在临床诊疗工作中医患沟通能力的不足,结合自身体会提出临床实习生医患沟通能力培养的一些举措.  相似文献   

高层次人才的流失及失范事件不断增多,表明主要依靠高端人力进行学术产出的大学组织面临着巨大的风险,相应地形成了对风险管理的迫切需求。大学组织须参照一般的管控模型,以应对多样化的风险类别,并由此规划并优化出切合自身所需且具备持久性的管控路径。  相似文献   

构建和谐信任的医患关系,要从以下方面入手:要提供精湛、优质的技术服务,让患者放心;要建立和完善医患沟通制度,促进医患沟通;建立医疗告知制度,增进医患之间相互了解和信任;要严格医院质量管理,确保医疗安全;分担医疗风险,化解医患矛盾;转变思想观念;要以人性化服务为中心,寻找服务创新点;要坚持社会效益准则,打造诚信医院。  相似文献   

品牌延伸在民营教育发展中起到重要作用,但也表现出品牌延伸的风险.主要存在五类现实问题;针对这些问题,提出民营教育机构应在运营方式、教育延伸品牌、品牌传播方式等方面进行创新的具体方法,在决策中引入风险管控模型、组织变革实施的具体步骤,便于品牌经营者指导实际的管控活动.  相似文献   

Perry C 《National forum》1999,79(3):22-25
The relationship between physician and patient, as generally delineated by the Hippocratic Oath and the American Medical Association's 1994 Principles of Medical Ethics, is one between a fiduciary and a principal. In such a relationship, the duties of loyalty and trust run from the fiduciary to the principal. The fiduciary (physician) is the person to whom the relevant interests of the principal (patient) are entrusted. It is the medical best interests of the patient, not the physician, that are in trust. The relationship, while usually gratifying and financially rewarding, is essentially one of professional altruism. Nevertheless, the satisfaction of this fiduciary obligation requires the performance of general duties at levels dictated by the nature and scope of medical intervention.  相似文献   

Understanding the relevance of basic science knowledge in the determination of patient assessment, diagnosis, and treatment is critical to good medical practice. One method often used to direct students in the fundamental process of integrating basic science and clinical information is problem‐based learning (PBL). The faculty facilitated small group discussion format traditionally used for PBL is a significant challenge for faculty and facilities with a large class. To provide inductive learning to a large class early in the preclerkship curriculum, a series of online, case‐based tutorials was created using the method of inquiry‐based learning. The tutorial paradigm is designed to challenge students through a guided inquiry process in which clinical skills and basic science information are seamlessly joined. The psychosocial dimension of patient care is added to the documented case presentation of the tutorials in the form of patient/physician history taking and physical examination videos. These videos augment the written case with additional information providing the student with visual exposure in methods of patient communication and appropriate professional patient/physician interactions that address competencies of patient care, communication, and professionalism. The tutorials were made available via learning management system course sites. The study tracked usage of the tutorials by 270 first‐year medical students. Anat Sci Educ 2:238–243, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

A study of medical illustration through the centuries reveals a distinct pattern, the idiom of diagnosis, present in scenes showing physician‐patient relationships. This pattern is derived from the physician's shamanic origins, and expresses his continuing need to maintain a physical contact with the patient, directly or through a surrogate. Motifs like urinoscopy and pulse‐taking exemplify the persistence of the idiom of diagnosis over long periods of time, under many different conditions.  相似文献   

护患关系是指在医疗过程中护士与患者之间的关系,它不仅影响护患双方的心理需要和行为,而且直接影响着患者疾病的治疗效果与康复状况。文章结合护士在护患关系中的主导地位,主要从护患关系的社会背景、人力配置、护士自身素质、患者因素及医院管理因素等方面就护患美系现状及原因进行论述。  相似文献   

This study examined physician‐patient communication as it relates to expectations that patients and physicians hold for themselves and each other. Dimensions of mutual role expectation were determined to be physician as humanistic practitioner, physician authority, patient in the sick role, and patient as consumer. The study tested five hypotheses. Results showed patients had significantly higher expectations for patients in the sick role than had physicians. Other role expectations varied significantly by age within physician and patient groups. The implications of these differences for physician‐patient communication are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact that patients' perceptions of a physician's humor orientation, credibility, and compliance‐gaining strategies had on their satisfaction and compliance. Perceived physician humor orientation positively related to perceived physician credibility, physician compliance‐gaining strategies, and patient satisfaction. Other positive relationships among perceived physician credibility, physician compliance gaining strategies, and patient satisfaction emerged. Compliance did relate significantly to physician humor orientation and perceived credibility. Aspects of patient satisfaction and physician use of compliance‐gaining strategies affected compliance. Additionally, this study revealed minimal differences among data collection methods (undergraduate (N = 44), graduate (N = 48), general public (N = 66), and online participation (N = 26)).  相似文献   

This study used the eye‐tracking method to explore how the level of expertise influences reading, and solving, two written patient cases on cardiac failure and pulmonary embolus. Eye‐tracking is a fairly commonly used method in medical education research, but it has been primarily applied to studies analyzing the processing of visualizations, such as medical images or patient video cases. Third‐year medical students (n = 39) and residents (n = 13) read two patient case texts in an eye‐tracking laboratory. The analysis focused on the diagnosis made, the total visit duration per text slide, and eye‐movement indicators regarding task‐relevant and task‐redundant areas of the patient case text. The results showed that almost all participants (48/52) made the correct diagnosis of the first patient case, whereas all the residents, but only 17 students, correctly diagnosed the second case. The residents were efficient patient‐case‐solvers: they reached the correct diagnoses, and processed the cases faster and with a lower number of fixations than did the students. Further, the students and residents demonstrated different reading patterns with regard to which slides they proportionally paid most attention. The observed differences could be utilized in medical education to model expert reasoning and to teach the manner in which a good medical text is constructed. Eye‐tracking methodology appears to have a great deal of potential in evaluating performance and growing diagnostic expertise in reading medical texts. However, further research using medical texts as stimuli is required. Anat Sci Educ 10: 23–33. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This qualitative study of 29 physician mentors reports their perspectives on mentoring medical students in a well‐respected medical school’s formal, assigned, longitudinal mentoring program that has a curricular component in the second year. Using a phenomenologic inductive approach, common themes identified centered on mentors’ relationships with their students and the characteristics of the relationships. Most mentors said their relationships solidified in the second year, where curricular responsibilities included teaching and evaluation. Mentors saw their roles change, yet relationships continued to develop as mentees advanced through medical school. They were surprised when students sought contact, support, and advice in years three and four of their programs. Mentors worried whether they “did enough” for their students, yet described their experiences and relationships as rewarding. Mentors subsequently found satisfaction in the continuing relationship during the clinical training years. The researchers note the importance of the curricular component for providing a purpose and structure for relationship development and in facilitating relationship development in this assigned mentoring program.  相似文献   

The role of the teaching hospital in medical education may be a useful model to describe the potential role of the Professional Development School (PDS) for teacher education. For most of the past century, teaching hospitals have been the key clinical training site for medical students. These hospitals offer students exposure to a broad mix of medical conditions, patient care services, and practicing physicians as teachers. The relationships between medical schools and teaching hospitals have been well defined and recognized by accrediting bodies. This model contributes substantially to the status of the U.S. medical education system as one of the best in the world, emulated by many other countries. In this article we describe the evolution of this model, including recent calls for modifications to better match current concepts on physician training and societal health care needs. Lessons from the medical education experience that are relevant to the PDS model and the education of teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years it has been estimated that from 30 percent to 50 percent of the medical complaints brought to the family or general practice physician are functional in nature and may be psychosocial in origin (Harmon, Masuda & Holmes 1970). While chemotherapy may be appropriate for the patient with acute situational anxiety and psychiatric consultation may be appropriate for the severely neurotic or psychotic patient, the family practice physician has few remedies for the patient with chronic aches and pains, housewife syndrome, middle-age depression, businessman's fatigue, and a host of other quasimedical complaints.  相似文献   

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