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台湾地区的国立中央图书馆台湾分馆、台北市立图书馆、台北县立图书馆、林口乡立图书馆均制定了馆藏发展政策。这些馆藏发展政策的内容包括政策说明、本馆简介、馆藏概述、馆藏资料选择、馆藏资料采访、馆藏维护、对外活动7个方面。我国大陆地区公共图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策时,应借鉴台湾地区的实践经验,研究并拟定政策编制指南,并在具体政策文件中突出电子资源建设和馆际合作等问题。  相似文献   

浅谈图书馆视听资料的服务与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆应发挥视听资料的优势特点,并结合馆藏特色,为读者建立多极化的服务空间、提供多元化的服务方式,以提高馆藏视听资料的利用率,使其物尽其用。  相似文献   

数字馆藏及其发展政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
馆藏发展政策一向是图书馆采访作业的准则,在数字馆藏日益增多之际,也应明确其发展目标,使数字馆藏能配合读者的需求和图书馆的整体发展目标相一致,朝着合理、均衡的方向发展。  相似文献   

馆藏发展政策是图书馆采访作业的准则,在数字馆藏日益增多的时代也应将数字馆藏一并纳入,以便建立一个完善的、结构合理的馆藏发展体系。  相似文献   

传统馆藏与数字馆藏发展政策浅议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
馆藏发展政策一向是图书馆采访作业的准则,在数字馆藏日益增多之际,也应将数字馆藏一并纳入,以便建立一个完善的、结构合理的馆藏发展体系。  相似文献   

论高校图书馆数字馆藏发展政策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在阐述我国高校图书馆数字馆藏建设现状和数字馆藏与传统馆藏的本质区别的基础上,指出制定数字馆藏发展政策的必要性与紧迫性,以期引起对数字馆藏发展政策理论研究与实践的重视,并对数字馆藏发展政策进行了探讨:论述了数字馆藏发展政策的含义,数字馆藏发展的原则与目标,数字馆藏的评价与评估以及高校图书馆数字馆藏发展应采取的策略。  相似文献   

尚小辉 《图书馆建设》2011,(3):29-31,35
随着现代信息技术的发展,外文图书采访的内外部环境发生了巨大变化,国家图书馆外文图书采访工作应对各种变化采取了多种载体形式复合采选、多种采访渠道互为补充、多种选书辅助工具综合利用的策略。国家图书馆外文图书馆藏建设还应优化馆藏体系,加强特色化馆藏建设,制定富有弹性的采访政策并与其他图书馆协调采访,共建外文图书资源保障体系。  相似文献   

高校特色馆藏的采访工作需要以特色性与系统性为原则。针对不同的特色馆藏类型,高校图书馆特色馆藏的采访工作应采用不同的采访方式与策略,紧紧围绕图书馆资源建设政策与原则,结合学校传统,紧扣时代特点,建立特色馆藏体系;需要制订采访细则和评价制度;从源头把关,遴选特色图书;做好拾零补遗、查漏补缺工作;加强与专家学者的沟通。  相似文献   

馆藏纲要是进行馆藏分析、馆藏描述的工具。利用馆藏纲要开展合作馆藏评估工作应首先建立馆藏纲要评估数据库;其次,进行馆藏强度总体评估,包含现有馆藏强度评估、采访任务强度评估、收藏目标强度评估;再次,比较相同主题下不同图书馆馆藏强度及同一图书馆不同主题的馆藏强度。我国图书馆界应重视馆藏纲要在评估工作中的应用,并结合馆藏政策,对重点学科文献进行突破性尝试,同时选用高素质的评估人员。  相似文献   

试论电子图书馆的采访工作   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
馆藏资源的电子化是未来电子图书馆的重要特征之一,当前图书馆的采访政策不适应电子图书馆馆藏资源建设的需要.本文对电子图书馆的馆藏资源构成、电子文献采访的运作机理和政策进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The need for written collection development policies for libraries is being recognized and increasingly as budgets and space continue to shrink. A regularly updated policy provides a valuable tool for collection planning, development, and evaluation. Purposes and types of policies are discussed, and a recommendation is made concerning the most useful type of document for academic libraries. Guides and models are suggested, and a step-by-step methodology is provided, including selection of the person or group responsible for the project, content, and format of the document, and gathering use of information. Levels of collecting are discussed and a sample selection policy is appended.  相似文献   

图书馆馆藏发展政策是图书馆系统地确定本馆文献资源长期发展政策及其具体实施规范的纲领性文献。图书馆馆藏发展需要科学合理的馆藏政策的引导与监督。从馆藏政策的基本原则、文献馆藏级别和以国际公法为例的馆藏发展政策细则等方面来看,美国乔治城大学法律图书馆的馆藏发展政策有着较高的使用价值,在其图书馆建设历史中起着十分重要的作用,对我国图书馆馆藏建设策略的制订具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

以文献资源开发和利用为目的开展藏书布局工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以文献资源开发和利用为目的开展藏书布局工作萧德洪Abstract:Collectingandusingmakeuponeofthebasiccontradictions.Wewhileweconsiderdocumentresourcedevelop...  相似文献   

A collection analysis project was carried out on the Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies collection at Miami University Libraries. The collection serves a diverse population of scholars and students. These constituents vary in discipline and in reading level of Russian and other Slavic languages. The goal for collecting for this area is to reflect this diversity of disciplines and languages, as well as to follow the collection development policy. The project thus had two objectives: to determine how well the collection supports users’ needs and how well it reflects the collection development policy. A very simple process for data gathering was used to determine the number of items in each subject, the items’ language, and the number of checkouts and in-house uses. The results showed some discrepancies between the policy and the predominant language of the collection, as well as a lack of use among materials in languages other than English.  相似文献   

多媒体技术和网络通信技术的飞速发展使图书馆在收集、利用信息的手段和方式上都发生了重大的变化,对图书馆馆员提出了更高的要求。因此,提升图书馆馆员的素质和能力,加强图书馆馆员的继续教育和培训以适应数字时代图书馆事业发展的需要成为本世纪的重要课题。文章以同济大学图书馆为例,论述了对数字时代图书馆馆员进行分层次培训的思路和操作方式。  相似文献   

图书馆经济现象、经济活动研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆的经济现象和经济活动属于图书馆经济学的范畴。图书馆的经济活动主要有 :信息咨询、收集 ;多次文献加工 ;多媒体文献服务 ;各类型辅导班 ;办公文具、图书馆设备制造 ;开办书店等。图书馆的经济活动在某种程度上为图书馆增加了一些收入 ,有利于图书馆职工队伍的稳定 ,从而保证或促进图书馆事业的健康发展。参考文献 2。  相似文献   

This study focuses on collection development in the library of the University of Agriculture from 1983 through 1993. The metamorphosis through which the university has passed is highlighted to show the effects of policy instability on collection development efforts. Methods used for gathering facts and figures for the study included a questionnaire distributed to staff and students, interviews, and official records searches. The study showed that over the years, resources for collection development have been declining in real terms leading to a reduction in the student-book ratio from 1:40 in 1983 to 1:9 in 1993. Problems confronting collection development such as escalating costs of foreign currency, import restrictions, and the politics of resource allocation are also highlighted. Strict compliance with the National Universities Commission's (NUC) funding standard for university libraries is recommended.  相似文献   


This study focuses on collection development in the library of the University of Agriculture from 1983 through 1993. The metamorphosis through which the university has passed is highlighted to show the effects of policy instability on collection development efforts. Methods used for gathering facts and figures for the study included a questionnaire distributed to staff and students, interviews, and official records searches. The study showed that over the years, resources for collection development have been declining in real terms leading to a reduction in the student-book ratio from 1:40 in 1983 to 1:9 in 1993. Problems confronting collection development such as escalating costs of foreign currency, import restrictions, and the politics of resource allocation are also highlighted. Strict compliance with the National Universities Commission's (NUC) funding standard for university libraries is recommended.  相似文献   

当代文献资源结构的变化导致了编目著录规则的变更。多载体文献资源的出现,使得CNMARC的著录又面临新的课题。以更方便读者检索为目的,根据语言教学的非音乐性录音资料配套教材、音乐性录音资料配套图文书、多媒体课程包等不同类型的多载体文献资源的集中著录进行了探讨,并辅以实例分析,旨在提请同行的关注,以完善编目著录规则,最大限度的发挥文献资源的利用率。  相似文献   


The literature indicates most academic libraries do not have formal reference collection policies, or that if they do, such documents are not up-to-date. Kansas provides an optimum setting to examine college and undergraduate libraries as most institutions of higher learning in the state are small to medium in size. Kansas is consistent with the trends indicated in the literature. All academic libraries in the state were asked to submit a copy of their policy. Each document was examined in light of: rationale for having a policy, defining the nature of the collection, criteria on inclusion and exclusion, input from stakeholders, managing budget costs, electronic resources, and weeding. Selection criteria and sample polices provide a practical guide for the development of a policy. All formats are considered.  相似文献   

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